

Ghatikachala Hanuman Stotram: Powerful Hymn for Troublesome Times and Divine Blessings

Sanskrit/hindi Translation  Meaning
शङ्खचक्रधरं देवं घटिकाचलवासिनम् ।
योगारूढं ह्याञ्जनेयं वायुपुत्रं नमाम्यहम् ॥ १॥
hankhachakradharan devan ghatikaachalavaasinam .
yogaaroodhan hyaanjaneyan vaayuputran namaamyaham . 1.
I bow down to Lord Anjaneya, the one who holds the conch and the discus, who resides on the mountain, and who is seated in the yogic posture.
भक्ताभीष्टप्रदातारं चतुर्बाहुविराजितम् ।
दिवाकरद्युतिनिभं वन्देऽहं पवनात्मजम् ॥ २॥
bhaktaabheeshtapradaataaran chaturbaahuviraajitam .
divaakaradyutinibhan vandehan pavanaatmajam . 2.
I offer my salutations to Hanuman, the fulfiller of devotees’ wishes, who shines with his four mighty arms, and who resembles the radiance of the rising sun.
कौपीनमेखलासूत्रं स्वर्णकुण्डलमण्डितम् ।
लङ्घिताब्धिं रामदूतं नमामि सततं हरिम् ॥ ३॥
kaupeenamekhalaasootran svarnakundalamanditam,
langhitaabdhin raamadootan namaami satatan harim . 3.
I constantly bow down to Hanuman, the messenger of Lord Rama, who wears a loincloth and a sacred thread, and is adorned with golden earrings.
दैत्यानां नाशनार्थाय महाकायधरं विभुम् ।
गदाधरकरो यस्तं वन्देऽहं मारुतात्मजम् ॥ ४॥
Daityānāṁ nāśanārthāya mahākāyadharaṁ vibhum.
Gadādharakarō yastaṁ vandē̕haṁ mārutātmajam. 4.
I worship Hanuman, the mighty and omnipresent one, the destroyer of demons, who holds a mace in his hand.
नृसिंहाभिमुखो भूत्वा पर्वताग्रे च संस्थितम् ।
वाञ्छन्तं ब्रह्मपदवीं नमामि कपिनायकम् ॥ ५॥
Nr̥sinhābhimukhō bhūtvā parvatāgrē ca sansthitam.
Vāñchantaṁ brahmapadavīṁ namāmi kapināyakam. 5.
Assuming the form of Lord Narasimha, standing at the top of the mountain, desiring to attain the ultimate spiritual state, I bow down to the Lord of monkeys.
बालादित्यवपुष्कं च सागरोत्तारकारकम् ।
समीरवेगं देवेशं वन्दे ह्यमितविक्रमम् ॥ ६॥
Bālādityavapuṣkaṁ ca sāgarōttārakārakam.
Samīravēgaṁ dēvēśaṁ vandē hyamitavikramam. 6.
I pay homage to Hanuman, who possesses a child-like form, who leaps across the ocean, and who is the lord of the winds.
पद्मरागारुणमणिशोभितं कामरूपिणम् ।
पारिजाततरुस्थं च वन्देऽहं वनचारिणम् ॥ ७॥
Padmarāgāruṇamaṇiśōbhitaṁ kāmarūpiṇam.
Pārijātatarusthaṁ ca vandē̕haṁ vanacāriṇam. 7.
I offer my salutations to Hanuman, who shines like a ruby, who can assume any form at will, and who resides in the celestial Parijata tree.
रामदूत नमस्तुभ्यं पादपद्मार्चनं सदा ।
देहि मे वाञ्छितफलं पुत्रपौत्रप्रवर्धनम् ॥ ८॥
Rāmadūta namastubhyaṁ pādapadmārcanaṁ sadā.
Dēhi mē vāñchitaphalaṁ putrapautrapravardhanam. 8.
I offer my salutations to Hanuman, who shines like a ruby, who can assume any form at will, and who resides in the celestial Parijata tree.
इदं स्तोत्रं पठेन्नित्यं प्रातःकाले द्विजोत्तमः ।
तस्याभीष्टं ददात्याशु रामभक्तो महाबलः ॥ ९॥
Idaṁ stōtraṁ paṭhēnnityaṁ prātaḥkālē dvijōttamaḥ.
Tasyābhīṣṭaṁ dadātyāśu rāmabhaktō mahābalaḥ. 9.
If a devoted follower of Lord Rama, a person of great strength, recites this stotram daily in the morning, their desired wishes will be granted immediately.

Benefits of Ghatikachala Hanuman Stotram:

The Ghatikachala Hanuman Stotram is a powerful hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman, known for his divine qualities and abilities.

  • Removal of Troubles: The Ghatikachala Hanuman Stotram is believed to have the power to eliminate troubles and obstacles from one’s life. Emphasize how regular recitation of this stotram can bring relief from various challenges and difficulties.
  • Protection and Guidance: Lord Hanuman is revered for his role as the protector and guide. Explain how the stotram invokes his blessings and divine intervention, providing protection and guidance to devotees in their endeavors.
  • Wish Fulfillment: It is believed that by regularly reciting this stotram, Lord Hanuman fulfills the sincere wishes and desires of devotees. Highlight stories or testimonials that illustrate how the stotram has brought about the realization of devotees’ aspirations.
  • Spiritual Strength and Bliss: Lord Hanuman is known for his unparalleled strength and devotion. Discuss how the stotram invokes these qualities in the devotees, providing them with inner strength, courage, and a sense of spiritual bliss.
  • Connection with Lord Rama: Lord Hanuman’s devotion to Lord Rama is legendary. Emphasize how the recitation of this stotram strengthens the connection between the devotee and Lord Rama, fostering a deeper spiritual bond.
Shri Hanumat Prokta Mantrarajatmak RamStav Stotram: Benefits, Meaning, and Powerful Devotional Chant
Sri Mahalakshmi Hrudayam Stotram: Sanskrit Verses, English Translation, and Meaning

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