

Krishna Leela Varnana Stotram: A Devotional Hymn to Invoke Divine Grace

Sanskrit/Hindi Translation Meaning
भूपालच्छदि दुष्टदैत्यनिवहैर्भारातुरां दुःखितां,
भूमिं दृष्टवता सरोरुहभुवा संप्रार्थितः सादरं ।
देवो भक्त-दयानिधिर्यदुकुलं शेषेण साकं मुदा,
देवक्या: सुकृताङ्कुरः सुरभयन् कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः॥१॥
Bhupālacchadi duṣṭa-daitya-nivahair bhārāturāṁ duḥkhitaṁ,
Bhūmiṁ dṛṣṭavatā saroruhabhuvā saṁprārthitaḥ sādaraṁ.
Devo bhakta-dayānidhir yadukulaṁ śeṣeṇa sākaṁ mudā,
Devakyāḥ sukr̥tāṅkuraḥ surabhayan kṛṣṇo’niśaṁ pātu vaḥ.॥1॥
May Lord Krishna, the ocean of mercy, always protect you, Who, with great compassion, looked at the sorrowful Earth, Which was burdened by wicked demons like Bhupālacchad, And fervently prayed for its well-being. May Lord Krishna, the eternal refuge of devotees, Who is like a blooming vine in the Yadu dynasty, Shower his constant blessings upon you, Just as Devaki’s son, the destroyer of fear, does.॥1॥
जातः कंसभयाद् व्रजं गमितवान् पित्रा शिशु:
शौरिणा, साकं पूतनया तथैव शकटं वात्यासुरं चार्दयन्  ।
मात्रे विश्वमिदं प्रदर्श्य वदने निर्मूलयन्नर्जुनौ,
निघ्नन् वत्सबकाघनामदितिजान् कृष्णोऽनिशम् पातु वः ॥२॥
Jātaḥ kaṁsabhayād vrajaṁ gamitavān pitrā śiśuḥ:
Śauriṇā, sākaṁ pūtanayā tathaiva śakaṭaṁ vātyāsuraṁ cārdayan.
Mātre viśvamidaṁ pradarśya vadane nirmūlayannarjunaṁ,
Nighnan vatsabakāghanāmaditijān kṛṣṇo’niśam pātu vaḥ.॥2॥
Born out of fear of Kamsa, the child who went to Vraja, Oh hauri (Krishna), with babyhood, also played with Pootana, And overturned the cart of the wind demon (Shakata), Revealing the entire universe to mother Devaki and uprooting Arjuna’s doubts. May the eternal Krishna, who kills the enemies like Vatsasura and Bakasura, And who is the beloved son of Devaki, always protect you.॥2॥
ब्रह्माणं भ्रमयंश्च धेनुकरिपुर्निर्मर्दयन् काळियं,
पीत्वाग्निं स्वजनौघघस्मरशिखम् निघ्नन् प्रलम्बासुरम्  |
गोपीनां वसनं  हरन्द्विजकुलस्त्रीणां च मुक्तिप्रदो,
देवेन्द्रं दमयन्करेण गिरिधृक् कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः  ॥३॥
Brahmāṇaṁ bhramayaṁścha dhenukaripurnirmardayan kāḷiyam,
Pītvāgnim svajanaughaghasmaraśikham nighnan pralambāsuram.
Gopīnāṁ vasanaṁ harandvijakulastrīṇāṁ cha muktiprado,
Devendram damayankareṇa giridhṛk kṛṣṇo’niśam pātu vaḥ॥3॥
Krishna, the slayer of the demon Kāliya, who playfully made Brahma wander, And crushed the pride of the demon Dhenuka, Who drank the forest fire and subdued the snake Kāliya, And destroyed the wicked Pralamba. Krishna, who stole the clothes of the Gopis, And bestowed liberation upon the women of the twice-born caste, May that Lord Krishna, who subdued the king of the Devas (Indra), And lifted the Govardhana Mountain, always protect you.॥3॥
इन्द्रेणाशुकृताभिषेक उदधेर्नन्दं तथा पालयन्,
क्रीडन् गोपनितम्बिनीभिरहितो नन्दस्य मुक्तिं दिशन् ।
गोपी-हारक–शङ्खचूड मदहृन्निघ्नन्नरिष्टासुरं,
केशिव्योमनिशाचरौ  च बलिनौ कृष्णोऽनिशम् पातु वः॥४॥
Indreṇāśukṛtābhiṣeka udadher nandaṁ tathā pālayan,
Krīḍan gopanitambinībhirahito nandasya muktiṁ diśan.
Gopī-hāraka-śaṅkhacūda madahṛnnighnannariṣṭāsuram,
Keśivyomanishācharau cha balinau kṛṣṇo’niśam pātu vaḥ॥4॥
Krishna, who anointed Nanda with the water brought by Indra, And protected him, while playing without any worry, Granting liberation to Nanda, who desired it. Krishna, who defeated the snake-like demon Śaṅkhacūḍa, who stole the earrings of the Gopis, And annihilated the wicked Narishta demon. Krishna, who vanquished the powerful enemies like Keshi, Vyoma, and Nishachara, May that Lord Krishna, who is forever victorious, protect you.॥4॥
अक्रूराय निदर्शयन्निजवपुर्निर्णेजकं चूर्णयन्,
कुब्जां सुन्दर-रूपिणीं विरचयन् कोदण्डमाखण्डयन् ।
मत्तेभम् विनिपात्य दन्तयुगलीं उत्पाटयन्मुष्टिभिः,
चाणूरं सहमुष्टिकं विदलयन्कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः ॥५॥
Akrūrāya nidarśayannijavapurnirṇejakaṁ chūrṇayan,
Kubjāṁ sundara-rūpiṇīṁ viracayan koḍaṇḍamākhaṇḍayan.
Mattebham vinipātya dantayugalīṁ utpāṭayanmuṣṭibhiḥ,
Chāṇūraṁ sahamuṣṭikaṁ vidadalayankṛṣṇo’niśam pātu vaḥ॥5॥
Krishna, who revealed his true form to Akrura, And filled his own form in Akrura’s heart, Krishna, who made Kubja, the hunchback, beautiful, And broke the bow of Kamsa. Krishna, who knocked out the tusks of the intoxicated elephant, And with his fists, smashed the wrestlers like Chanura and Mushtika, May that Lord Krishna, always protect you.॥5॥
नीत्वा मल्लमहासुरान् यमपुरीं निर्वर्ण्य दुर्वादिनं,
कंसं मञ्चगतं निपात्य तरसा पञ्चत्वमापादयन्।
तातं मातरमुग्रसेनमचिरान्निर्मोचयन्बन्धनात्,
राज्यं तस्य दिशन्नुपासितगुरुः कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः ॥६॥
ītvā mallamahāsurān yamapurīṁ nirvarṇya durvādinam,
Kaṁsaṁ mañcagataṁ nipātya tarasā pañchatvamāpādayan.
Tātaṁ mātaramugrasenamachirānnirmocayanbandhanāt,
Rājyaṁ tasya diśan nupāsitaguruḥ kṛṣṇo’niśam pātu vaḥ॥6॥
Krishna, who took the demon Malla and others to the city of Yama, Defeating the wicked wrestler Durvādina, Krishna, who swiftly threw Kamsa down from his throne, And empowered his parents to become the rulers. Krishna, who released his father Ugrasena and mother Devaki from long-standing bondage, And directed the kingdom towards them, May that Guru Krishna, always protect you.॥6॥
हत्वा पञ्चजनं मृतं च गुरवे दत्वा सुतं मागधं,
जित्वा तौ च सृगालकालयवनौ हत्वा च निर्मोक्षयन् ।
पातालं मुचुकुन्दमाशु महिषीरष्टौ स्पृशन् पाणिना,
तं हंसं डिभकं निपात्य मुदितः कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः ॥७॥
Hatvā pañcajanaṁ mṛtaṁ cha gurave datvā sutam māgadhaṁ,
Jitvā tau cha sṛgālakālayavanau hatvā cha nirmokṣayan.
Pātālaṁ mukundamāśu mahiṣīrṣṭau spṛśan pāṇinā,
Taṁ haṁsaṁ ḍibhakaṁ nipātya muditaḥ kṛṣṇo’niśam pātu vaḥ॥7॥
Krishna, who killed the demon Pañcajana and offered his dead body to his teacher,And bestowed the kingdom of Magadha upon his friend’s son, Krishna, who conquered the twin demons Śṛgāla and Kālayavana, And liberated them from their curse. Krishna, who quickly plunged into the Pātāla (netherworld) and touched the crown of Mahishī, And knocked down the swan-like Hamsa, May that joyful Krishna always protect you.॥7॥
घण्टाकर्णगतिं वितीर्य कलधौताद्रौ गिरीशाद्वरं,
विन्दन्नङ्गजमात्मजं च जनयन्निष्प्राणयन्पौण्ड्रकम् ।
दग्द्ध्वा काशिपुरीं स्यमन्तकमणिं कीर्त्या स्वयं भूषयन्,
कुर्वाणः शतधन्वनोऽपि निधनं कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः ॥८॥
Ghaṇṭākarṇagatiṁ vitīrya kaladhaudādrau girīśādvaraṁ,
Vindannangajamātmajaṁ cha janayanniṣprāṇayanpauṇḍrakam.
Dagdhvā kāśipurīṁ syamantakamaṇiṁ kīrtyā svayaṁ bhūṣayan,
Kurvāṇaḥ śatadhanvano’pi nidhanaṁ kṛṣṇo’niśam pātu vaḥ॥8॥
Krishna, who traversed the path of the demon Ghaṇṭākarṇa, And entered the abode of Lord Shiva, Mount Kailash, Krishna, who discovered the precious gem Pauṇḍraka, And brought him to life, restoring his breath. Krishna, who burned down the city of Kāśi (Kāśipurī) with the Syamantaka jewel, And adorned himself with it, gaining great fame, Even though he wielded a hundred bows, may that Krishna protect you forever.॥8॥
भिन्दानश्च मुरासुरं च नरकं धात्रीं नयन्स्वस्तरुं,
षट्साहस्रयुतायुतं परिणयन्नुत्पादयन्नात्मजान् ।
पार्थेनैव च खण्डवाख्यविपिनं निर्द्दाहयन्मोचयन्,
भूपान्बन्धनतश्च चेदिपरिपुः कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः ॥९॥
Bhindānaścha murāsuram cha narakam dhātrīm nayansvastaruṁ,
Shaṭsāhasrayutāyutaṁ pariṇayannutpādayannātmajān.
Pārthenaiva cha khaṇḍavākhyavipinaṁ nirdāhayannocayan,
Bhūpānbandhanataścha chediparipuḥ kṛṣṇo’niśam pātu vaḥ॥9॥
Krishna, who pierced and destroyed the demon Bhindāna, And sent the demon Mura to hell, Krishna, who protected the celestial tree Narakam, And brought back the sons of the Dhātṛi (Yamunā). Krishna, who burned down the Khāṇḍava forest with Arjuna, And released the kings from their bonds, May that Krishna, the enemy of the wicked, always protect you.॥9॥
कौन्तेयेन च कारयन्क्रतुवरं सौभं च निघ्नन्नृगं,
खातादाशु विमोचयंश्च  द्विविदं निष्पीडयन्वानरम् ।
छित्वा बाणभुजान् मृधे च गिरिशं जित्वा गणैरन्वितं,
दत्वा वत्कलमन्तकाय मुदितः कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः ॥१०॥
Kaunteyena cha kārayan kratuvaraṁ saubhaṁ cha nighnannṛgaṁ,
Khātādāśhu vimochayanśhcha dvividaṁ niṣpīḍayanvānaram.
Chhitvā bāṇabhujān mṛdhe cha giriśhaṁ jitvā gaṇairanvitam,
Datvā vatkalamanṭakāya muditaḥ kṛṣṇo’niśam pātu vaḥ॥10॥
Krishna, who made Arjuna perform the royal sacrifice (Kratuvara), And killed the demon Nṛga, Krishna, who swiftly released the monkey Dvivida, And crushed the demons Khātādā and others. Krishna, who pierced the arm of Bāṇa in battle, And conquered Mount Girisha (Parvata), Krishna, who joyfully presented clothing and the Aṇṭaka jewel, May that Krishna always protect you.॥10॥
कौन्तेयैरुपसंहरन्वसुमतीभारं कुचेलोदयं,
कुर्वाणोपि च रुग्मिणं विदलयन्संतोषयन्नारदम् ।
विप्रायाशु समर्पयन्मृतसुतान्कालिङ्गकं कालयन्,
मातुः षट्तनयान्प्रदर्श्य सुखयन् कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः॥११॥
Kaunteyairupasaṁharanvasumatībhāraṁ kuchelodayaṁ,
Kurvāṇopi cha rugmiṇaṁ vidalayannantoṣayannāradam.
Viprāyāśhu samarpayanmṛtasutānkāliṅgakaṁ kālayan,
Mātuḥ ṣaṭtanayānpradarśhya sukhayan kṛṣṇo’niśam pātu vaḥ॥11॥
Krishna, who took away the burden of Vasumati’s (Kuchela’s) poverty, And made her wealth rise, Krishna, who pleased and delighted the afflicted Rukmiṇi, And satisfied the sage Nārada. Krishna, who presented the dead son to his father, And brought joy to the mother by showing her the six sons, May that Krishna always protect you.॥11॥
अद्धा बुद्धिमदुद्धवाय विमलज्ञानं मुदैवादिशन्,
नानानाकिनिकायचारणगणैरुद्बोधितात्मा स्वयम् ।
मायां मोहमयीं विधाय विततां उन्मूलयन्स्वं कुलं,
देहं चापि पयस्समुद्रवसतिः कृष्णोऽनिशं पातु वः  ॥१२॥
Addhā buddhimaduddhavāya vimalajñānaṁ mudaivādiśan,
Nānānākinikāyachāraṇagaṇairudbodhitātmā svayam.
Māyāṁ mohamayīṁ vidhāya vitatāṁ unmūlayansvaṁ kulaṁ,
Dehaṁ chāpi payassamudravasatiḥ kṛṣṇo’niśaṁ pātu vaḥ॥12॥
Krishna, who imparts pure knowledge directly to Uddhava, With a mind adorned with superior intellect, Krishna, whose self is awakened by various divine beings, And who dispels the illusion of ignorance. Krishna, who uproots the extensive network of Maya’s delusion, And expands His own divine lineage, May that Krishna always protect you, Residing like the essence within the body, as the dwelling of the ocean of milk.॥12॥
श्लोकैर्द्वादशभिः समस्तचरितं संक्षिप्य सम्पादितम् ।
स्तोत्रं कृष्णकृतावतारविषयं सम्यक्पठन्  मानुषो,
विन्दन्कीर्तिमरोगतां च कवितां विष्णोः पदं यास्यति॥१२॥
Ślokairdvādaśabhiḥ samastacaritaṁ saṁkṣipya sampāditam.
Stotraṁ kṛṣṇakṛtāvatāraviṣayaṁ samyakpaṭhan mānuṣo,
Vindankīrtimarogatāṁ cha kavitāṁ viṣṇoḥ padaṁ yāsyati॥12॥
By offering exclusive devotion to the divine lotus feet of Krishna, And praising with concise hymns of twelve verses, A person who correctly recites this praise on the subject of Krishna’s incarnations, Shall attain fame, freedom from ailments, and proficiency in composing poetry glorifying Lord Vishnu’s divine abode

Benefits of Krishna Leela Varnana Stotram :

Spiritual Upliftment: Chanting this stotram can foster a greater spiritual linking between a person and the Divine Lord Krishna,promoting heartfelt respect and devotion for His presence. It can help people try to obtain divine blessings and develop a closer bond with the Almighty.

Purification and Protection: People think that reciting the stotram helps to cleanse one’s thoughts, body, and spirit. It can help cleanse negative energies, thoughts, and emotions, promoting inner purity and spiritual growth. The hymn is also considered to offer divine protection and ward off negative influences.

Blessings and Grace: The stotram is a form of prayer and praise to Lord Krishna. It is believed that sincere recitation with devotion can attract His blessings and grace, bestowing divine virtues, guidance, and assistance on the devotee’s spiritual path.

Removal of Obstacles: The recitation of the stotram can help overcome various obstacles and challenges faced in life. It is believed to alleviate difficulties, bring about positive changes, and provide strength and resilience to face life’s trials.

Increased Divine Knowledge and Wisdom: The stotram contains descriptions of Lord Krishna’s divine leelas (pastimes) and exploits. By regularly reciting and contemplating on these verses, one may gain deeper insights into the teachings, philosophy, and spiritual significance of Krishna’s divine manifestations.

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