

Sri Mahalakshmi Hrudayam Stotram: Sanskrit Verses, English Translation, and Meaning

Sanskrit/Hindi Translation Meaning
श्रीमत सौभाग्यजननीं , स्तौमि लक्ष्मीं सनातनीं !
सर्वकामफलावाप्ति साधनैक सुखावहां !!1!!
Shreemata Saubhagyajananim, Stoumi Lakshmim Sanatanim!
Sarvakamaphalavapti Sadhanaika Sukhavaham!! 1!!
 I bow to the eternal and auspicious Mother of prosperity, Goddess Lakshmi, who bestows the fulfillment of all desires and brings immense happiness.
श्री वैकुंठ स्थिते लक्ष्मि ! समागच्छ मम अग्रत: !
नारायणेन सह मां , कृपा दृष्ट्या अवलोकय !! 2!!
Shri Vaikuntha Sthite Lakshmi! Samagaccha Mama Agratah!
Narayanena Saha Mam, Kripa Drishtya Avalokay!! 2!!
 O Goddess Lakshmi, who resides in the divine abode of Vaikuntha, please come before me. With the grace-filled gaze of Lord Narayana, look upon me.
सत्यलोक स्थिते लक्ष्मि ! त्वं समागच्छ सन्निधिम !
वासुदेवेन सहिता, प्रसीद वरदा भव !! 3!!
Satyaloka Sthite Lakshmi! Tvam Samagaccha Sannidhim!
Vasudevena Sahita, Prasida Varada Bhava!! 3!!
O Goddess Lakshmi, who abides in the realm of truth, come into my presence. Along with Lord Vasudeva, be gracious and grant boons.
श्वेतद्वीपस्थिते लक्ष्मि ! शीघ्रम आगच्छ सुव्रते !
विष्णुना सहिते देवि ! जगन्मात: प्रसीद मे !! 4 !!
Shvetadvipasthite Lakshmi! Shighram Agaccha Suvrate!
Vishnuna Sahite Devi! Jagannamatah Prasida Me!! 4!!
O Goddess Lakshmi, who resides on the island of Shvetadvipa, quickly come, O virtuous one. O Devi, along with Lord Vishnu, the mother of the universe, be pleased with me.
क्षीराब्धि संस्थिते लक्ष्मि ! समागच्छ समाधवे !
त्वत कृपादृष्टि सुधया , सततं मां विलोकय !! 5!!
Kshirabdhisamstithe Lakshmi! Samagaccha Samadhave!
Tvat Kripadrishti Sudhaya, Satatam Mam Vilokaya!! 5!!
O Goddess Lakshmi, who is established in the ocean of milk, come to the auspicious gathering. Constantly bless me with the nectar of your grace and always cast your loving glance upon me.
रत्नगर्भ स्थिते लक्ष्मि ! परिपूर्ण हिरण्यमयि !
समागच्छ समागच्छ , स्थित्वा सु पुरतो मम !! 6 !!
Ratnagarbha Sthite Lakshmi! Paripurna Hiranyamayi!
Samagaccha Samagaccha, Sthitva Su Purato Mama!! 6!!
O Goddess Lakshmi, who resides in the womb of precious gems, completely filled with golden abundance, come, come and stand before me. Be situated in front of me, bestowing your grace.
स्थिरा भव महालक्ष्मि ! निश्चला भव निर्मले
प्रसन्ने कमले देवि ! प्रसन्ना वरदा भव !! 7!!
Sthira Bhava Mahalakshmi! Nischala Bhava Nirmale!
Prasanne Kamale Devi! Prasanna Varada Bhava!! 7!!
O Mahalakshmi, remain steadfast, unchanging, and pure. O Devi, with a pleased and benevolent countenance, bestow your blessings upon me.
श्रीधरे श्रीमहाभूते ! त्वदंतस्य महानिधिम !
शीघ्रम उद्धृत्य पुरत: , प्रदर्शय समर्पय !! 8 !!
Shridhare Shrimahabhute! Tvadantasya Mahanidhim!
Shighram Uddhrtya Puratah, Pradarshaya Samarapya!! 8!!
O Shrihari, the supreme being, the treasure of magnificence, quickly lift me up and present yourself before me. Show your form and accept my offering.
वसुंधरे श्री वसुधे , वसु दोग्ध्रे कृपामयि !
त्वत कुक्षि गतं सर्वस्वं , शीघ्रं मे त्वं प्रदर्शय !! 9 !!
Vasundhare Shri Vasudhe, Vasu Dogdhre Kripamayi!
Tvat Kukshi Gata Sarvam, Shighram Me Tvam Pradarshaya!! 9!!
 O Vasundhara, the earth-goddess, the milker of treasures, shower your grace upon me. Manifest in all my possessions and quickly reveal yourself before me.
विष्णुप्रिये ! रत्नगर्भे ! समस्त फलदे शिवे !
त्वत गर्भ गत हेमादीन ,संप्रदर्शय दर्शय !! 10 !!
Vishnupriye! Ratnagarbhe! Samasta Phalade Shive!
Tvat Garbha Gata Hemadine, Sampdarshaya Darshaya!! 10!!
O Beloved of Vishnu, O womb of precious gems, O bestower of all fruits and blessings, show me your divine form. Reveal and display your presence, adorned with gold and other precious ornaments.
अत्रोपविश्य लक्ष्मि ! त्वं स्थिरा भव हिरण्यमयि !
सुस्थिरा भव सुप्रीत्या , प्रसन्न वरदा भव !! 11 !!
Atropavishya Lakshmi! Tvam Sthira Bhava Hiranyamayi!
Susthira Bhava Supretya, Prasanna Varada Bhava!! 11!!
 O Lakshmi, who is seated here, become stable, O golden goddess. Remain steady and pure, and bestow your grace with a pleased and benevolent countenance.
सादरे मस्तकं हस्तं , मम तव कृपया अर्पय !
सर्वराजगृहे लक्ष्मि ! त्वत कलामयि तिष्ठतु !! 12 !!
Sadare Mastakam Hasta, Mama Tava Kripaya Arpaya!
Sarvarajagrihe Lakshmi! Tvat Kalayami Tishthatu!! 12!!
With reverence, I offer my head and hands. O Lakshmi, who dwells in every royal abode, may your divine form grace and reside in my home.
यथा वैकुंठनगरे , यथैव क्षीरसागरे !
तथा मद भवने तिष्ठ, स्थिरं श्रीविष्णुना सह !! 13 !!
Yatha Vaikunthanagare, Yathaiva Kshirasagare!
Tatha Mad Bhavane Tishtha, Sthiram Shrivishnuna Saha!! 13!!
ust as in the divine abode of Vaikuntha, just as in the milky ocean, likewise, O Lakshmi, stay in my abode, firmly established with Lord Vishnu.
आद्यादि महालक्ष्मि ! विष्णुवामांक संस्थिते !
प्रत्यक्षं कुरु मे रुपं , रक्ष मां शरणागतं !! 14 !!
Aadyadi Mahalakshmi! Vishnuvamanka Samstithe!
Pratyaksham Kuru Me Rupam, Raksha Mam Sharanagatam!! 14!!
 O Mahalakshmi, the primordial and supreme, who is situated near Lord Vishnu’s chest, manifest yourself directly and protect me, as I take refuge in you.
समागच्छ महालक्ष्मि ! धन्य धान्य समन्विते !
प्रसीद पुरत: स्थित्वा , प्रणतं मां विलोकय !! 15 !!
Samagaccha Mahalakshmi! Dhanya Dhanya Samanvite!
Prasida Puratah Sthitva, Pranatam Mam Vilokay!! 15!!
O Mahalakshmi, who is adorned with prosperity and abundance, graciously come near me. Be present before me, who humbly bows down to you.
दया सुदृष्टिं कुरुतां मयि श्री: !
सुवर्णदृष्टिं कुरु मे गृहे श्री: !! 16 !!
Daya Sudrishtim Kurutam Mayi Shrih!
Suvarnadrishtim Kuru Me Grihe Shrih!! 16!!
Grant me the divine sight of compassion, O Shri, and bless my home with the golden vision of prosperity.

Benefits of Sri Mahalakshmi Hrudayam Stotram:

  • Attainment of Prosperity: Regular recitation of this stotram invokes the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, the bestower of wealth and abundance. It helps in attracting material prosperity and financial well-being.
  • Desire Fulfilment: The stotram is thought to satisfy the devotee’s desires. One might experience the accomplishment of their desires and objectives by requesting the blessing of Goddess Lakshmi.
  • Removal of Obstacles: Obstacles are removed by reciting the Sri Mahalakshmi Hrudayam Stotram, which also aids in conquering other difficulties and problems in life. It removes obstacles like debts, financial challenges, and other roadblocks to make way for a more beneficial and easy route.
  • Divine Grace Blessings: This stotram is a potent prayer that asks for Goddess Lakshmi’s grace and blessings. It forges a relationship with the divine and opens the door for the bestowal of blessings, heavenly protection, and spiritual elevation.
  • Inner Transformation: The stotram promotes inner transformation in addition to bringing exterior abundance. One can develop these characteristics within themselves by focusing on the holy attributes of Goddess Lakshmi, such as purity, steadfastness, and compassion.
Ghatikachala Hanuman Stotram: Powerful Hymn for Troublesome Times and Divine Blessings
Upamanyu Krutha Shiva Stotram: Sacred Hymn for Devotion and Blessings

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