Sanskrit/Hindi | Translation | Meaning |
ब्रह्मवर्ण समुद्भूतो ब्रह्ममार्गप्रवर्द्धकः । ब्रह्मज्ञानसदासक्तो व्रह्मज्ञानपरायणः ॥ १॥ |
brahmavarna samudbhuto brahmamargapravarddhakah । brahmajnanasadasakto vrahmajnanaparayanah ॥1॥ |
Born from the supreme reality, the promoter of the path to Brahman, Always absorbed in the knowledge of Brahman, devoted to the pursuit of Brahman. |
शिवपञ्चाक्षररतोऽशिवज्ञानविनाशकः ॥ शिवाभिषेकनिरतः शिवपूजापरायणः ॥ २॥ |
sivapancaksararato’sivajnanavinasakah ॥ sivabhisekaniratah sivapujaparayanah ॥2॥ |
Delighted in the five-syllable mantra of Shiva, destroyer of ignorance, Engaged in the consecration of Shiva, devoted to the worship of Shiva. |
नारायणप्रवचनो नारायणपरायणः । नारायणप्रत्नतनुर्नारायणनयस्थितः ॥ ३ |
narayanapravacano narayanaparayanah । narayanapratnatanurnarayananayasthitah ॥3॥ |
The one who speaks about Narayana, devoted to Narayana, Having a body adorned with the jewels of Narayana, established in the path of Narayana. |
दक्षिणामूर्तिपीठस्थो दक्षिणामूर्तिदेवतः । श्रीमेधादक्षिणामूर्तिमन्त्रयन्त्रसदारतः ॥ ४॥ |
daksinamurtipithastho daksinamurtidevatah । srimedhadaksinamurtimantrayantrasadaratah ॥4॥ |
Residing on the pedestal of Dakshinamurthi, the deity of knowledge, Always engaged in reciting the sacred mantra and yantra of Dakshinamurthi. |
मण्डलेशवरप्रेष्ठो मण्डलेशवरप्रदः । मण्डलेशगुरुश्रेष्ठो मण्डलेशवरस्तुतः ॥ ५॥ |
mandalesavaraprestho mandalesavarapradah । mandalesagurusrestho mandalesavarastutah ॥5॥ |
The foremost among the lords of the universe, the bestower of blessings, The supreme teacher of the circle of disciples, praised as the lord of the universe. |
निरञ्जनप्रपीठस्थो निरञ्जनविचारकः । निरञ्जनसदाचारो निरञ्जनतनुस्थितः ॥ ६॥ |
niranjanaprapithastho niranjanavicarakah । niranjanasadacaro niranjanatanusthitah ॥6॥ |
Seated on the throne of Niranjana, the investigator of the ultimate truth, Always following the pure conduct, established in the state of Niranjana. |
वेदविद्वेदहृदयो वेदपाठप्रवर्तकः। वेदराद्धान्तसंविष्टोऽवेदपथप्रखण्डकः ॥ ७॥ |
vedavidvedahrdayo vedapathapravartakah। vedaraddhantasamvisto’vedapathaprakhandakah ॥7॥ |
The knower of the Vedas, residing in the heart of the Vedas, Initiator of the recitation of the Vedas, clarifier of the sections of the Vedas. |
शाङ्कराद्वैतव्याख्याता शाङ्कराद्वैतसंस्थितः । शाकराद्वैतविद्वेष्टृविनाशनपरायणः ॥ ८॥ |
sankaradvaitavyakhyata sankaradvaitasamsthitah । sakaradvaitavidvestrvinasanaparayanah ॥8॥ |
Explainer of Shankara’s non-dual philosophy, established in Shankara’s non-dualistic teachings, Devoted to the destruction of the adversaries of Shankara’s non-dualism. |
अत्याश्रमाचाररतो भूतिधारणतत्परः । सिद्धासनसमासीनो काञ्चनाभो मनोहरः ॥ ९॥ |
atyasramacararato bhutidharanatatparah । siddhasanasamasino kancanabho manoharah ॥9॥ |
Engaged in the conduct of the highest order, devoted to maintaining wealth, Seated in the accomplished posture, enchanting with a golden complexion. |
अक्षमालाधृतग्रीवः काषायपरिवेष्टितः । ज्ञानमुद्रादक्षहस्तो वामहस्तकमण्डलुः ॥ १०॥ |
aksamaladhrtagrivah kasayaparivestitah । jnanamudradaksahasto vamahastakamandaluh ॥10॥ |
Wearing a garland of Rudraksha beads, with a saffron robe draped, The hand bearing the seal of knowledge, holding the water pot in the left hand. |
सन्न्यासाश्रमनिर्भाता परहंसधुरन्धरः । सन्न्यासिनयसंस्कर्ता परहंसप्रमाणकः ॥ ११॥ |
sannyasasramanirbhata parahamsadhurandharah । sannyasinayasamskarta parahamsapramanakah ॥11॥ |
Radiant in the stage of renunciation, upholder of the highest truth, he one who imparts the initiation of renunciation, the measure of the great swan. |
माधुर्यपूर्णचरितो मधुराकारविग्रहः । मधुवाङ्निग्रहरतो मधुविद्याप्रदायकः ॥ १२॥ |
madhuryapurnacarito madhurakaravigrahah । madhuvannigraharato madhuvidyapradayakah ॥12॥ |
Having a sweet and complete character, embodiment of sweetness and grace, elighting in sweet discourse, bestower of the sweet knowledge. |
मधुरालापचतुरो निग्रहानुग्रहक्षमः । आर्द्धरात्रध्यानरतस्त्रिपुण्ड्राङ्कितमस्तकः ॥ १३॥ |
madhuralapacaturo nigrahanugrahaksamah । arddharatradhyanaratastripundrankitamastakah ॥13॥ |
Skilled in sweet and captivating speech, capable of restraining and bestowing grace, Engaged in meditation day and night, marked with three horizontal lines on the forehead. |
आरण्यवार्तिकपरः पुष्पमालाविभूषितः । वेदान्तवार्तानिरतः प्रस्थानत्रयभूषणः ॥ १४॥ |
aranyavartikaparah puspamalavibhusitah । vedantavartaniratah prasthanatrayabhusanah ॥14॥ |
Devoted to explaining the philosophical treatise called Aranyavartika, Adorned with a garland of flowers, engrossed in the study of Vedanta, the ornament of the three paths. |
सानन्दज्ञानभाष्यादिग्रन्थग्रन्थिप्रभेदकः । दृष्टान्तानूक्तिकुशलो दृष्टान्तार्थनिरूपकः ॥ १५॥ |
sanandajnanabhasyadigranthagranthiprabhedakah । drstantanuktikusalo drstantarthanirupakah ॥15॥ |
Expert in explaining the commentaries and texts on blissful knowledge, Skillful in providing examples and revealing the meanings of the examples. |
वीकानेरगुरुर्वाग्मी वङ्गदेशप्रपूजितः । लाहौरसरगोदादौ हिन्दूधर्मप्रचारकः ॥ १६॥ |
vikaneragururvagmi vangadesaprapujitah । lahaurasaragodadau hindudharmapracarakah ॥16॥ |
The guru revered in Vikaneera and Vagmi, worshipped in the land of Bengal, Proclaimer of Hindu religion in Lahore, Sargoda, and other places. |
गणेशजययात्रादिप्रतिष्ठापनतत्परः । गणेशशक्तिसूर्येशविष्णुभक्तिप्रचारकः ॥ १७॥ |
ganesajayayatradipratisthapanatatparah । ganesasaktisuryesavisnubhaktipracarakah ॥17॥ |
Enthusiastic in conducting the installation of Ganesh, Jayayatra, and other ceremonies, Promoter of devotion to Ganesh, Shakti, Surya, and Vishnu. |
सर्ववर्णसमाम्नातलिङ्गपूजाप्रवर्द्धकः । गीतोत्सवसपर्यादिचित्रयज्ञप्रवर्तकः ॥ १८॥ |
sarvavarnasamamnatalingapujapravarddhakah । gitotsavasaparyadicitrayajnapravartakah ॥18॥ |
Promoter of equality among all castes, enhancing the worship of the linga, Initiator of the festival of music, conductor of various sacrificial rituals. |
लोकेश्वरानन्दप्रियो दयानन्दप्रसेवितः । आत्मानन्दगिरिज्ञानसतीर्थ्यपरिवेष्टितः ॥ १९॥ |
lokesvaranandapriyo dayanandaprasevitah । atmanandagirijnanasatirthyaparivestitah ॥19॥ |
Beloved by Lord of the World, revered by those who experience compassion, Surrounded by the seekers of self-bliss, Girija’s knowledge and the holy places of pilgrimage. |
अनन्तश्रद्धापरमप्रकाशानन्दपूजितः । जूनापीठस्थरामेशवरानन्दगिरेर्गुरुः ॥ २०॥ |
anantasraddhaparamaprakasanandapujitah । junapithastharamesavaranandagirerguruh ॥20॥ |
Endowed with boundless faith, worshipped by the highest bliss of supreme illumination, The guru of Rameshwaram and Ananda Giri, the preceptor of Junapitha. |
माधवानन्दसंवेष्टा काशिकानन्ददेशिकः । वेदान्तमूर्तिराचार्यो शान्तो दान्तः प्रभुस्सुहृत् ॥ २१॥ |
madhavanandasamvesta kasikanandadesikah । vedantamurtiracaryo santo dantah prabhussuhrt ॥21॥ |
Embraced by Madhavananda, renowned as Kashikananda Desika, The embodiment of Vedanta, a peaceful and self-disciplined preceptor, a friend of the Lord. |
निर्ममो विश्वतरणिः स्मितास्यो निर्मलो महान् । तत्त्वमस्यादिवाक्योत्थदिव्यज्ञानप्रदायकः ॥ २२॥ |
nirmamo visvataranih smitasyo nirmalo mahan । tattvamasyadivakyotthadivyajnanapradayakah ॥22॥ |
Free from possessiveness, the savior of the world, the great one with a pure smile, The bestower of divine knowledge arising from the Mahavakya ‘Tattvamasi’. |
गिरीशानन्दसम्प्राप्तपरमहंसपरम्परा । जनार्दनगिरिब्रह्यसंन्यासाश्रमदीक्षितः ॥ २३॥ |
girisanandasampraptaparamahamsaparampara janardanagiribrahyasamnyasasramadiksitah ॥23॥ |
Received in the lineage of supreme swans, attained by Girishananda, Initiated into the order of sannyasa by Janardana Giri, residing in the hermitage. |
मण्डलेशकुलश्रेष्ठजयेन्द्रपुरीसंस्तुतः । रामानन्दगिरिस्थानस्थापितो मण्डलेश्वरः ॥ २४॥ |
mandalesakulasresthajayendrapurisamstutah । ramanandagiristhanasthapito mandalesvarah ॥24॥ |
Praised in the highest terms by the noble Mandalesha family and Jayendra Puri, Established as the Mandaleshvara, the Lord of the holy abode of Ramananda Giri. |
शन्दमहेशानन्दाय स्वकीयपददायकः । यतीन्द्रकृष्णानन्दैश्च पूजितपादपद्मक्ः ॥ २५॥ |
sandamahesanandaya svakiyapadadayakah । yatindrakrsnanandaisca pujitapadapadmakh ॥25॥ |
Bestower of his own feet upon Shandamahaeshananda, Worshipped by Yatindra, Krishnaananda, and others, who adore his lotus feet. |
उषोत्थानस्नानपूजाजपध्यानप्रचोदकः । तुरीयाश्रमसंविष्ठभाष्यपाठप्रवर्तकः ॥ २६॥ |
usotthanasnanapujajapadhyanapracodakah । turiyasramasamvisthabhasyapathapravartakah ॥26॥ |
Stimulator of the early morning bath, worship, recitation, meditation, Initiator of the study of Bhashya in the Turiyashrama (the fourth stage of life). |
अष्टलक्ष्यीप्रदस्तृप्तः स्पर्शदीक्षाविधायकः । अहैतुककृपासिन्धुरनघोभक्तवत्सलः ॥ २७॥ |
astalaksyipradastrptah sparsadiksavidhayakah । ahaitukakrpasindhuranaghobhaktavatsalah ॥27॥ |
Provider of the eight goals, content with offerings received through touch, Ocean of causeless grace, faultless and affectionate towards devotees. |
विकारशून्यो दुर्धर्षः शिवसक्तो वरप्रदः । काशीवासप्रियो मुक्तो भक्तमुक्तिविधायकः ॥ २८॥ |
vikarasunyo durdharsah sivasakto varapradah । kasivasapriyo mukto bhaktamuktividhayakah ॥28॥ |
Devoid of modifications, invincible, empowered by Shiva, bestower of boons, Fond of residing in Kashi, liberated, bestower of devotion and liberation to the devotees. |
श्रीभत्परमहंसादिसमस्तबिरुदाङ्कितः । नृसिंहब्रह्म वेदान्तजगत्यद्य जगद्गुरुः ॥ २९॥ |
sribhatparamahamsadisamastabirudankitah । nrsimhabrahma vedantajagatyadya jagadguruh ॥29॥ |
Adorned with all the titles and honorifics of the great swans, The guru of the world, both Nrisimha and Brahma, the teacher of Vedanta. |
विलयं यान्ति पापानि गुरुनामानुकीर्तनात् । मुच्यते नात्र सन्देहः श्रद्धाभक्तिसमन्वितः ॥ ३०॥ |
vilayam yanti papani gurunamanukirtanat । mucyate natra sandehah sraddhabhaktisamanvitah ॥30॥ |
Sins are destroyed by chanting the name of the guru, There is no doubt about it, accompanied by faith and devotion. |
Benefits of Sri Narasimha Giri Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram:
- Divine Dedication: The stotram is a sacred hymn dedicated to Lord Sri Narasimha, invoking His divine presence and seeking His blessings.
- Protection and Courage: Lord Narasimha is known as the fierce and protective form of Lord Vishnu. Regular recitation of the stotram is believed to invoke His divine protection, granting courage and strength to overcome obstacles and fears.
- Removal of Negativity: The vibrations created by chanting the stotram purify the surroundings and dispel negative energies. It helps in creating a positive and harmonious atmosphere.
- Inner Transformation: The stotram aids in spiritual growth and inner transformation. It instills virtues such as courage, righteousness, and fearlessness while diminishing negative traits.
- Blessings and Grace: Devotees seek Lord Narasimha’s blessings and grace through the recital of the stotram, which can result in general well-being, peace, and success in life.