

Bhakta Manoratha Siddhipradam Ganesha Stotram: Meaning, Benefits, and Recitation

Sanskrit/Hindi Translation Meaning
नमस्ते योगरूपाय सम्प्रज्ञातशरीरिणे ।
असम्प्रज्ञातमूर्ध्ने ते तयोर्योगमयाय च ॥ १॥
namaste yogaroopaaya sampragyaatashareeriNe |
asampragyaatamoordhne te tayoryogamayaaya cha ||1||
Salutations to you, who embody the form of yoga and possess a conscious body. You exist in the state of conscious awareness and also in the state beyond consciousness, representing the union of these two states.
वामाङ्गभ्रान्तिरूपा ते सिद्धिः सर्वप्रदा प्रभो ।
भ्रान्तिधारकरूपा वै बुद्धिस्ते दक्षिणाङ्गके ॥ २॥
vaamaanga bhraantiroopaa te siddhih sarvapradaa prabho |
bhraantidhaarakaroopaa vai buddhiste dakshiNaangake ||2||
O Lord, you bestow all accomplishments and possess the form of the deceptive aspect. On the left side, you represent the deluded intellect, and on the right side, you possess the discriminative intellect.
मायासिद्धिस्तथा देवो मायिको बुद्धिसंज्ञितः ।
तयोर्योगे गणेशान त्वं स्थितोऽसि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥ ३॥
maayaasiddhistathaa devo maayiko buddhisamgyitah |
tayoryoge gaNeshaana tvam sthito asi namo astu te ||3||
You are known as the deity of accomplishment through illusion and as the one who creates illusory perceptions. In the state of their union, you exist as Lord Ganesha. Salutations to you.
जगद्रूपो गकारश्च णकारो ब्रह्मवाचकः ।
तयोर्योगे हि गणपो नाम तुभ्यं नमो नमः ॥ ४॥
jagadroopo gakaarashcha Nakaaro brahmavaachakah |
tayoryoge hi ganapo naama tubhyam namo namah ||4||
You are the embodiment of the universe, symbolized by the syllables “ga” and “na.” In the state of their union, you exist as Lord Ganesha. I bow to you again and again.
चतुर्विधं जगत्सर्वं ब्रह्म तत्र तदात्मकम् ।
हस्ताश्चत्वार एवं ते चतुर्भुज नमोऽस्तु ते ॥ ५॥
chaturvidham jagatsarvam brahma tatra tadaatmakam |
hastaashchatvaara evam te chaturbhuja namo astu te ||5||
The entire world is of four types, and Brahman is their essence. You possess four hands, representing these four types. Salutations to you, O four-armed Lord.
स्वसंवेद्यं च यद्ब्रह्म तत्र खेलकरो भवान् ।
तेन स्वानन्दवासी त्वं स्वानन्दपतये नमः ॥ ६॥
svayamvedyam cha yadbrahma tatra khelakaro bhavaan |
tena svaanandavaasee tvam svaanandapataye namah ||6||
You play in the form of the Self-revealing Brahman. You dwell in your own blissful state. Salutations to you, the Son of Bliss.
द्वंद्वं चरसि भक्तानां तेषां हृदि समास्थितः ।
चौरवत्तेन तेऽभूद्वै मूषको वाहनं प्रभो ॥ ७॥
dvandvam charasi bhaktaanaam teshaam hrudi samaasthitah |
chouravattena te abhoodvai mooshako vaahanam prabho ||7||
You move between the dualities and reside in the hearts of your devotees. Like a thief, you have become their companion, O Lord, with the mouse as your vehicle.
जगति ब्रह्मणि स्थित्वा भोगान्भुंक्षि स्वयोगगः ।
जगद्भिर्ब्रह्मभिस्तेन चेष्टितं ज्ञायते न च ॥ ८॥
jagati brahmaNi sthitvaa bhogaanbhumkshi svayogagah |
jagadbhih brahmabhistena cheshTitam gyaayate na cha ||8||
You remain situated in the Brahman of the universe and enjoy the worldly experiences. You are known by the world as both Brahman and the performer of actions, yet you remain unaffected.
चौरवद्भोगकर्ता त्वं तेन ते वाहनं परम् ।
मूषको मूषकारूढो हेरम्बाय नमो नमः ॥ ९॥
chouravadbhogakartaa tvam tena te vaahanam param |
mooshako mooshakaarooDho herambaaya namo namah ||9||
You are the enjoyer of pleasures like a thief, and the mouse is your ultimate vehicle. O Lord, mounted on the mouse, I bow to you, Heramba (another name for Ganesha).
किं स्तौमि त्वां गणाधीश योगशान्तिधरं परम् ।
वेदादयो ययुः शान्तिमतो देवं नमाम्यहम् ॥ १०॥
kim staumi tvaam gaNaadheesha yogashaantidharam param |
vedaadayo yayuh shaantimato devam namaamyaham || 0||
What more can I praise about you, O Lord of the Ganas, the embodiment of yoga and tranquility? The Vedas and other scriptures have attained peace by bowing to you, the divine being.
इति स्तोत्रं समाकर्ण्य गणेशस्तमुवाच ह ।
वरं वृणु महाभाग दास्यामि दुर्लभं ह्यपि ॥ ११॥
iti stotram samaakarNya gaNeshah tamuvaacha ha |
varam vruNu mahaabhaaga daasyaami durlabham hyapi ||11||
Having heard this hymn, Lord Ganesha was pleased and spoke thus: “O fortunate one, choose a blessing. I will grant you even the most difficult one.”
त्वया कृतमिदं स्तोत्रं योगशान्तिप्रदं भवेत् ।
मयि भक्तिकरं स्कंद सर्वसिद्धिप्रदं तथा ॥ १२॥
tvayaa krutamidam stotram yogashaantipradam bhavet |
mayi bhaktikaram skanda sarvasiddhipradam tathaa ||12||
By you, this hymn has been composed, granting yoga and tranquility. Bestow devotion to me, O Skanda (another name for Lord Ganesha), and grant me all accomplishments.
यं यमिच्छसि तं तं वै दास्यामि स्तोत्रयंत्रितः ।
पठते शृण्वते नित्यं कार्तिकेय विशेषतः ॥ १३॥
yam yamicChasi tam tam vai daasyaami stotrayantritah |
paThate shruNvate nityam kaartikeya visheshatah ||13||
Whichever specific blessing you desire, I shall grant it through this hymn. By reciting and listening to it daily, especially in the month of Kartik (a sacred month dedicated to Lord Ganesha), the blessing shall be bestowed.

Benefits of Bhakta Manoratha Siddhipradam Ganesha Stotram:

Acquisition of Yoga: The stotram begins by saluting Lord Ganesha, who embodies the form of yoga and has a conscious body. By reciting this stotram, one can invoke the energy of yoga and experience its transformative benefits. It assists in attaining a unified harmony of body, mind, and spirit.

Bestowal of Siddhis: Verse 2 of the stotram describes Lord Ganesha as the bestower of Siddhis (attainments) in the form of delusion (vama). By regularly reciting this stotram, devotees can seek the blessings of Lord Ganesha to attain various accomplishments and fulfill their desires.

Fulfillment of Desires: The stotram praises Lord Ganesha as the fulfiller of the devotees’ aspirations and prayers. By reciting this stotram with faith and devotion, one can seek the blessings of Lord Ganesha to fulfill their heartfelt wishes and attain success in various endeavors.

Blessings of Lord Ganesha: This stotram acts as a medium to connect with the divine energy of Lord Ganesha. By reciting and meditating upon these verses, devotees can invoke the blessings of Lord Ganesha for protection, guidance, and overall well-being in life.

The stotram acknowledges that Lord Ganesha exists in both the state of conscious awareness (samyak prajna) and the state beyond consciousness (asamprajnata). By chanting this stotram, one can tap into the expansive consciousness represented by Lord Ganesha and elevate their own awareness.

Shri Mangal Chandika Stotram: Invoking the Auspicious Blessings of Devi Mangalachandika
Shiva Pratah Smaran Stotram: Benefits, Meaning, and Devotional Significance

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