Sanskrit/Hindi | Translation | Meaning |
नीहारहारघनसारसुधाकराभां कल्याणदां कनकचम्पकदामभूषाम्। उत्तुङ्गपीनकुचकुंभमनोहराङ्गीं वाणीं नमामि मनसा वचसा विभूत्यै॥१॥ |
Nīhārahāraghanasārasudhākarābhāṁ kalyāṇadāṁ kanakacampakadāmabhūṣām। Uttuṅgapīnakucakumbhamanoharāṅgīṁ vāṇīṁ namāmi manasā vacasā vibhūtyai॥1॥ |
I bow down to Goddess Saraswati, whose radiant form resembles the splendorous moon, with a garland of white lotuses adorning her, who bestows auspiciousness and is adorned with gold and champak flowers. May she protect me with her mind, speech, and divine manifestations. |
या वेदान्तार्थतत्त्वैकस्वरूपा परमेश्वरी। नामरूपात्मना व्यक्ता सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥२॥ |
Yā vedāntārthatattvaikasvarūpā parameśvarī। Nāmarūpātmanā vyaktā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥2॥ |
She is the ultimate form of Vedanta’s essence, the Supreme Goddess, who manifests herself through names, forms, and the self. May Goddess Saraswati protect me. |
या साङ्गोपाङ्गवेदेषु चतुर्ष्वेकैव गीयते। अद्वैता ब्रह्मणः शक्तिः सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥३॥ |
Yā sāṅgopāṅgavedeṣu caturṣvekaiva gīyate। Advaitā brahmaṇaḥ śaktiḥ sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥3॥ |
She is the power of Brahman, which is sung as the sole reality in the Vedas. May Goddess Saraswati protect me. |
या वर्णपदवाक्यार्थस्वरूपेणैव वर्तते। अनादिनिधनानन्ता सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥४॥ |
Yā varṇapadavākyārthasvarūpeṇaiva vartate। Anādinidhanānantā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥4॥ |
She exists in the form of letters, words, and their meanings. She is beginningless, eternal, and infinite. May Goddess Saraswati protect me. |
अध्यात्ममधिदैवं च देवानां सम्यगीश्वरी प्रत्यगास्ते वदन्ती या सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥५॥ |
Adhyātmamadhidaivaṁ ca devānāṁ samyagīśvarī Pratyagāste vadantī yā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥5॥ |
She is the inner controller of the spiritual realm and the gods. She manifests as the voice that proclaims the truth. May Goddess Saraswati protect me. |
अन्तर्याम्यात्मना विश्वं त्रैलोक्यं या नियच्छति। रुद्रादित्यादिरूपस्था सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥६॥ |
Antaryāmyātmanā viśvaṁ trailokyaṁ yā niyacchati। Rudrādityādirūpasthā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥6॥ |
She pervades the entire universe as the inner self of all three worlds. She dwells in the forms of Rudra, Aditya, and others. May Goddess Saraswati protect me. |
या प्रत्यग्दृष्टिभिर्जीवैर्व्यजमानानुभूयते व्यापिनी ज्ञप्तिरूपैका सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥७॥ |
Yā pratyagdṛṣṭibhirjīvairvyajamānānubhūyate Vyāpinī jñaptirūpaikā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥7॥ |
Through the direct perception of the individual souls, she is experienced as the single and universal consciousness. She is the pervasive power of knowledge. May Goddess Saraswati protect me. |
नामजात्यादिभिर्भेदैरष्टधा या विकल्पिता। निर्विकल्पात्मना व्यक्ता सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥८॥ |
Nāmajātyādibhirbhedairṣṭadhā yā vikalpitā। Nirvikalpātmanā vyaktā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥8॥ |
She is conceived in various ways through different names, castes, and forms. But in her unmanifested form, she is devoid of distinctions. May Goddess Saraswati protect me. |
व्यक्ताव्यक्तगिरः सर्वे वेदाद्या व्याहरन्ति याम्। सर्वकामदुघा धेनुः सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥९॥ |
Vyaktāvyaktagiraḥ sarve vedādyā vyāharanti yām। Sarvakāmadughā dhenur sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥9॥ |
All the Vedas and other scriptures proclaim her through various manifested and unmanifested forms. She is the wish-fulfilling divine cow that provides everything. May Goddess Saraswati protect me. |
यां विदित्वाखिलं बन्धं निर्मथ्याखिलवर्त्मना। योगी याति परं स्थानं सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥१०॥ |
Yāṁ viditvākhilaṁ bandhaṁ nirmathyākhilavartmanā। Yogī yāti paraṁ sthānaṁ sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥10॥ |
Knowing her, all the bonds are destroyed, and all paths are illuminated. The yogi attains the supreme state. May Goddess Saraswati protect me. |
नामरूपात्मकं सर्वं यस्यामावेश्य तां पुनः। ध्यायन्ति ब्रह्मरूपैका सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥११॥ |
Nāmarūpātmakaṁ sarvaṁ yasyāmāveśya tāṁ punaḥ। Dhyāyanti brahmarūpaikā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥11॥ |
Everything in the form of names, forms, and the self merges back into her. Meditating on her as the embodiment of Brahman, may Goddess Saraswati protect me. |
चतुर्मुखमुखाम्भोजवनहंसवधूर्मम। मानसे रमतां नित्यं सर्वशुक्ला सरस्वती॥१२॥ |
Mānase ramatāṁ nityaṁ sarvaśuklā sarasvatī॥12॥ |
She is adorned with a charming face resembling a lotus, with beautiful red lips. She is always immersed in the mind. She is Saraswati, radiant and pure. May Goddess Saraswati protect me. |
नमस्ते शारदे देवि काश्मीरपुरवासिनि। त्वामहं प्रार्थये नित्यं विद्यादानं च देहि मे ॥१३॥ |
Namaste śārade devi kāśmīrapuravāsini। Tvāmaham prārthaye nityaṁ vidyādānaṁ ca dehi me ॥13॥ |
I bow down to you, Goddess Sharada, the resident of Kashmir. I pray to you always, grant me knowledge and wisdom. |
अक्षसूत्राङ्कुशधरा पाशपुस्तकधारिणी। मुक्ताहारसमायुक्ता वाचि तिष्ठतु मे सदा॥१४॥ |
Akṣasūtrāṅkūśadhara pāśapustakadhāriṇī। Muktāhārasamāyuktā vāci tiṣṭhatu me sadā॥14॥ |
She holds the Akshasutra (rosary) and the Vedas, the goad, and the book. Adorned with a garland of pearls, may she reside on my tongue. |
कम्बुकण्ठी सुताम्रोष्ठी सर्वाभरणभूषिता। महासरस्वती देवी जिह्वाग्रे सन्निवेश्यताम्॥१५॥ |
Kambukaṇṭhī sutāmroṣṭhī sarvābharṇabhūṣitā। Mahāsarasvatī devī jihvāgre sanniveśyatām॥15॥ |
She has a slender waist, ruby red lips, and is adorned with all kinds of ornaments. She is the great Goddess Saraswati. May she reside at the tip of my tongue. |
या श्रद्धा धारणा मेधा वाग्देवी विधिवल्लभा। भक्तजिह्वाग्रसदना शमादिगुणदायिनी ॥१६॥ |
Yā śraddhā dhāraṇā medhā vāgdevī vidhivallabhā। Bhaktajihvāgrasadana śamādiguṇadāyinī ॥16॥ |
She is faith, concentration, intellect, the Goddess of speech, and the beloved of Vidhi (Brahma). She resides in the forefront of the devotee’s tongue, bestowing tranquility and other virtues. |
नमामि यामिनीनाथलेखालंकृतकुन्तलां। भवानीं भवसन्तापनिर्वापणसुधानदीम्॥१७॥ |
Namāmi yāminīnāthalekhālankṛtakuntalām। Bhavānīṁ bhavasantāpanirvāpaṇasudhānadīm॥17॥ |
I bow down to the divine Goddess, Sharada, with beautiful curly hair, who dispels the miseries of worldly existence and showers the nectar of knowledge. |
यः कवित्वं निरातन्कं भुक्तिमुक्ती च वाञ्छति। सोऽभ्यर्च्यैनां दशश्लोक्या नित्यं स्तौति सरस्वतीम्॥१८॥ |
Yaḥ kavitvaṁ nirātankam bhuktimukti cha vāñchati। So’bhyarchyaināṁ daśaślokayā nityaṁ stauti sarasvatīm॥18॥ |
Those who desire poetry, fearlessness, liberation, and worldly enjoyment worship her by reciting these ten verses daily, praising Goddess Saraswati. |
तस्यैवं स्तुवतो नित्यं समभ्यर्च्य सरस्वतीं। भक्तिश्रद्धाभियुक्तस्य षण्मासात्प्रत्ययो भवेत् ॥१९॥ |
Tasyaivaṁ stuvato nityaṁ samabhyarchyas sarasvatīṁ। Bhaktiśraddhābhiyuktasya ṣaṇmāsātpratyayo bhavet॥19॥ |
By constantly praising and worshipping Goddess Saraswati in this manner, with devotion and faith, for a period of six months, one attains perfection. |
ततः प्रवर्तते वाणी स्वेच्छया ललिताक्षरा। गद्यपद्यात्मकैः शब्दैरप्रमेयैर्विवक्षितैः॥ अश्रुतो बुध्यते ग्रन्थः प्रायः सारस्वतः कविः॥२०॥ |
Tataḥ pravartate vāṇī svechhayā lalitākṣarā। Gadyapadyātmakaiḥ śabdairaprameyairvivakṣitaiḥ॥ Aśruto budhyate granthaḥ prāyaḥ sārasvataḥ kaviḥ॥20॥ |
Then the flow of speech spontaneously arises, filled with chosen and sweet words. Most of the time, it is the Saraswati poets who compose such scriptures. |