

Saraswati Rahasya Stotram – Verses in Worship of Goddess Saraswati

Sanskrit/Hindi Translation Meaning
कल्याणदां कनकचम्पकदामभूषाम्।
वाणीं नमामि मनसा वचसा विभूत्यै॥१॥
kalyāṇadāṁ kanakacampakadāmabhūṣām।
vāṇīṁ namāmi manasā vacasā vibhūtyai॥1॥
I bow down to Goddess Saraswati, whose radiant form resembles the splendorous moon, with a garland of white lotuses adorning her, who bestows auspiciousness and is adorned with gold and champak flowers. May she protect me with her mind, speech, and divine manifestations.
या वेदान्तार्थतत्त्वैकस्वरूपा परमेश्वरी।
नामरूपात्मना व्यक्ता सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥२॥
Yā vedāntārthatattvaikasvarūpā parameśvarī।
Nāmarūpātmanā vyaktā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥2॥
She is the ultimate form of Vedanta’s essence, the Supreme Goddess, who manifests herself through names, forms, and the self. May Goddess Saraswati protect me.
या साङ्गोपाङ्गवेदेषु चतुर्ष्वेकैव गीयते।
अद्वैता ब्रह्मणः शक्तिः सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥३॥
Yā sāṅgopāṅgavedeṣu caturṣvekaiva gīyate।
Advaitā brahmaṇaḥ śaktiḥ sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥3॥
She is the power of Brahman, which is sung as the sole reality in the Vedas. May Goddess Saraswati protect me.
या वर्णपदवाक्यार्थस्वरूपेणैव वर्तते।
अनादिनिधनानन्ता सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥४॥
Yā varṇapadavākyārthasvarūpeṇaiva vartate।
Anādinidhanānantā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥4॥
She exists in the form of letters, words, and their meanings. She is beginningless, eternal, and infinite. May Goddess Saraswati protect me.
अध्यात्ममधिदैवं च देवानां सम्यगीश्वरी
प्रत्यगास्ते वदन्ती या सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥५॥
Adhyātmamadhidaivaṁ ca devānāṁ samyagīśvarī
Pratyagāste vadantī yā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥5॥
She is the inner controller of the spiritual realm and the gods. She manifests as the voice that proclaims the truth. May Goddess Saraswati protect me.
अन्तर्याम्यात्मना विश्वं त्रैलोक्यं या नियच्छति।
रुद्रादित्यादिरूपस्था सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥६॥
Antaryāmyātmanā viśvaṁ trailokyaṁ yā niyacchati।
Rudrādityādirūpasthā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥6॥
She pervades the entire universe as the inner self of all three worlds. She dwells in the forms of Rudra, Aditya, and others. May Goddess Saraswati protect me.
या प्रत्यग्दृष्टिभिर्जीवैर्व्यजमानानुभूयते
व्यापिनी ज्ञप्तिरूपैका सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥७॥
Yā pratyagdṛṣṭibhirjīvairvyajamānānubhūyate
Vyāpinī jñaptirūpaikā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥7॥
Through the direct perception of the individual souls, she is experienced as the single and universal consciousness. She is the pervasive power of knowledge. May Goddess Saraswati protect me.
नामजात्यादिभिर्भेदैरष्टधा या विकल्पिता।
निर्विकल्पात्मना व्यक्ता सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥८॥
Nāmajātyādibhirbhedairṣṭadhā yā vikalpitā।
Nirvikalpātmanā vyaktā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥8॥
She is conceived in various ways through different names, castes, and forms. But in her unmanifested form, she is devoid of distinctions. May Goddess Saraswati protect me.
व्यक्ताव्यक्तगिरः सर्वे वेदाद्या व्याहरन्ति याम्।
सर्वकामदुघा धेनुः सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥९॥
Vyaktāvyaktagiraḥ sarve vedādyā vyāharanti yām।
Sarvakāmadughā dhenur sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥9॥
All the Vedas and other scriptures proclaim her through various manifested and unmanifested forms. She is the wish-fulfilling divine cow that provides everything. May Goddess Saraswati protect me.
यां विदित्वाखिलं बन्धं निर्मथ्याखिलवर्त्मना।
योगी याति परं स्थानं सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥१०॥
Yāṁ viditvākhilaṁ bandhaṁ nirmathyākhilavartmanā।
Yogī yāti paraṁ sthānaṁ sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥10॥
Knowing her, all the bonds are destroyed, and all paths are illuminated. The yogi attains the supreme state. May Goddess Saraswati protect me.
नामरूपात्मकं सर्वं यस्यामावेश्य तां पुनः।
ध्यायन्ति ब्रह्मरूपैका सा मां पातु सरस्वती॥११॥
Nāmarūpātmakaṁ sarvaṁ yasyāmāveśya tāṁ punaḥ।
Dhyāyanti brahmarūpaikā sā māṁ pātu sarasvatī॥11॥
Everything in the form of names, forms, and the self merges back into her. Meditating on her as the embodiment of Brahman, may Goddess Saraswati protect me.
मानसे रमतां नित्यं सर्वशुक्ला सरस्वती॥१२॥

Mānase ramatāṁ nityaṁ sarvaśuklā sarasvatī॥12॥

She is adorned with a charming face resembling a lotus, with beautiful red lips. She is always immersed in the mind. She is Saraswati, radiant and pure. May Goddess Saraswati protect me.
नमस्ते शारदे देवि काश्मीरपुरवासिनि।
त्वामहं प्रार्थये नित्यं  विद्यादानं च देहि मे ॥१३॥
Namaste śārade devi kāśmīrapuravāsini।
Tvāmaham prārthaye nityaṁ vidyādānaṁ ca dehi me ॥13॥
I bow down to you, Goddess Sharada, the resident of Kashmir. I pray to you always, grant me knowledge and wisdom.
अक्षसूत्राङ्कुशधरा पाशपुस्तकधारिणी।
मुक्ताहारसमायुक्ता वाचि तिष्ठतु मे सदा॥१४॥
Akṣasūtrāṅkūśadhara pāśapustakadhāriṇī।
Muktāhārasamāyuktā vāci tiṣṭhatu me sadā॥14॥
She holds the Akshasutra (rosary) and the Vedas, the goad, and the book. Adorned with a garland of pearls, may she reside on my tongue.
कम्बुकण्ठी सुताम्रोष्ठी सर्वाभरणभूषिता।
महासरस्वती देवी जिह्वाग्रे सन्निवेश्यताम्॥१५॥
Kambukaṇṭhī sutāmroṣṭhī sarvābharṇabhūṣitā।
Mahāsarasvatī devī jihvāgre sanniveśyatām॥15॥
She has a slender waist, ruby red lips, and is adorned with all kinds of ornaments. She is the great Goddess Saraswati. May she reside at the tip of my tongue.
या श्रद्धा धारणा मेधा वाग्देवी विधिवल्लभा।
भक्तजिह्वाग्रसदना शमादिगुणदायिनी ॥१६॥
Yā śraddhā dhāraṇā medhā vāgdevī vidhivallabhā।
Bhaktajihvāgrasadana śamādiguṇadāyinī ॥16॥
She is faith, concentration, intellect, the Goddess of speech, and the beloved of Vidhi (Brahma). She resides in the forefront of the devotee’s tongue, bestowing tranquility and other virtues.
नमामि यामिनीनाथलेखालंकृतकुन्तलां।
भवानीं भवसन्तापनिर्वापणसुधानदीम्॥१७॥
Namāmi yāminīnāthalekhālankṛtakuntalām।
Bhavānīṁ bhavasantāpanirvāpaṇasudhānadīm॥17॥
I bow down to the divine Goddess, Sharada, with beautiful curly hair, who dispels the miseries of worldly existence and showers the nectar of knowledge.
यः कवित्वं निरातन्कं भुक्तिमुक्ती च वाञ्छति।
सोऽभ्यर्च्यैनां दशश्लोक्या नित्यं स्तौति सरस्वतीम्॥१८॥
Yaḥ kavitvaṁ nirātankam bhuktimukti cha vāñchati।
So’bhyarchyaināṁ daśaślokayā nityaṁ stauti sarasvatīm॥18॥
Those who desire poetry, fearlessness, liberation, and worldly enjoyment worship her by reciting these ten verses daily, praising Goddess Saraswati.
तस्यैवं स्तुवतो नित्यं समभ्यर्च्य सरस्वतीं।
भक्तिश्रद्धाभियुक्तस्य षण्मासात्प्रत्ययो भवेत् ॥१९॥
Tasyaivaṁ stuvato nityaṁ samabhyarchyas sarasvatīṁ।
Bhaktiśraddhābhiyuktasya ṣaṇmāsātpratyayo bhavet॥19॥
By constantly praising and worshipping Goddess Saraswati in this manner, with devotion and faith, for a period of six months, one attains perfection.
ततः प्रवर्तते वाणी स्वेच्छया ललिताक्षरा।
गद्यपद्यात्मकैः शब्दैरप्रमेयैर्विवक्षितैः॥
अश्रुतो बुध्यते ग्रन्थः प्रायः सारस्वतः कविः॥२०॥
Tataḥ pravartate vāṇī svechhayā lalitākṣarā।
Gadyapadyātmakaiḥ śabdairaprameyairvivakṣitaiḥ॥
Aśruto budhyate granthaḥ prāyaḥ sārasvataḥ kaviḥ॥20॥
Then the flow of speech spontaneously arises, filled with chosen and sweet words. Most of the time, it is the Saraswati poets who compose such scriptures.
Hanuman Bhujanga Stotram: A Powerful Hymn for Protection, Courage, and Spiritual Upliftment
Shri Mangal Chandika Stotram: Invoking the Auspicious Blessings of Devi Mangalachandika

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