

Brahma Kruta Saraswati Stotram: Unveiling the Power and Benefits of Goddess Saraswati’s Hymn

Sanaskrit/Hindi Translation Meaning
आरूढा श्वेतहंसे भ्रमति च गगने दक्षिणे चाक्षसूत्रं,
वामे हस्ते च दिव्याम्बरकनकमयं पुस्तकं ज्ञानगम्या।
सा वीणां वादयन्ती स्वकरकरजपैः शास्त्रविज्ञानशब्दैः,
क्रीडन्ती दिव्यरूपा करकमलधरा भारती सुप्रसन्ना॥१॥
Aruda svetahanse bhramati cha gagne dakshine chakshsutra,
Vam haste cha divyambarkanakamayam bookam jnanagamya.
Sa Veena Vaadayanti Swakarkarjapaih ShastravigyanShabdhaiah,
Kridanti Divyarupa Karkamaldhara Bharati Suprasanna1॥
The goddess Bharti, resplendent like a white swan, wanders in the sky. In her right hand, she holds a divine golden book that grants knowledge. She plays the veena, producing the sound of sacred scriptures. Playing joyfully, she, with her divine form, holds a lotus and a sacred text. She is pleased and blissful.
श्वेतपद्मासना देवी श्वेतगन्धानुलेपना।
अर्चिता मुनिभिः सर्वैः ऋषिभिः स्तूयते सदा।
एवं ध्यात्वा सदा देवीं वाञ्छितं लभते नरः ॥२॥
Shvetpadmasana Devi Shwetgandhanulepana.
Archita munibhih sarvaih rishibhih stuyate always.
And dhyatva sada devi vanchitam labhte narah 2॥
I praise and bow down to the goddess Saraswati, who is seated on a white lotus, adorned with white sandalwood paste. She is worshipped by all sages and is constantly praised. By meditating on her in this way, a person attains their desired goals.
शुक्लां ब्रह्मविचारसारपरमामाद्यां जगद्व्यापिनीं,
वीणापुस्तकधारिणीमभयदां जाड्यान्धकारापहाम्।
हस्ते स्फाटिकमालिकां विदधतीं पद्मासने संस्थितां,
वन्दे तां परमेश्वरीं भगवतीं बुद्धिप्रदां शारदाम् ॥३॥
shuklam brahmvicharasarparamamadyan jagadvyapini,
Veenabookdhariniambhaydan jadyandhakarapaham.
Haste Sphatikmalikam Viddhatin Padmasane Institutes,
Vande Tam Parmeshwari Bhagwati Buddhipradam Shardam 3॥
I salute the supreme goddess, Bhagavati Sharada, who is white like the moonlight and the essence of contemplation. She holds a veena and a book, dispelling the darkness of ignorance. With a crystal garland in her hand, she is seated on a lotus. I bow to her, the bestower of intellect and knowledge.
या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता,
या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना।
या ब्रह्माच्युतशङ्करप्रभृतिभिर्देवैः सदा वन्दिता,
सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा॥४॥
Ya kundendutusharhardhavala Ya shubhravastravrata,
Ya Veenavardandamanditkara Ya Shvetpadmasana.
Ya brahmachyutashankaraprabhrutibhirdevaiah always vandita,
Ya Maa Patu Saraswati Bhagwati Nisheshajadyapaha4॥
She who is adorned with a garland of moon-white flowers, wearing pure white garments, holding a veena in her hand, and seated on a white lotus. She is constantly worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and other deities. May the goddess Saraswati protect me and remove all dullness and ignorance.
ह्रीं ह्रीं हृद्यैकबीजे शशिरुचिकमले कल्पविस्पष्टशोभे,
भव्ये भव्यानुकूले कुमतिवनदवे विश्ववन्द्याङ्घ्रिपद्मे।
पद्मे पद्मोपविष्टे प्रणतजनमनोमोदसंपादयित्रि,
प्रोत्फुल्लज्ञानकूटे हरिनिजदयिते देवि संसारसारे॥५॥
Hr Hm Hridayakbj Shashiruchikamale Kalpvi SphastShobhe,
Bhavye Bhavyanukule kumativanadve vishwavandyanghripadme.
Padme padmopaviste pranatjanamnomodsampayatri,
Protfulgyankoote Harinijdayite Devi Sansarsare॥5॥
I bow to the goddess Saraswati, who is fair like the moon, whose attire is pure and white. She holds a veena and a lotus in her hands. She is worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and other gods. May she protect me and remove all obstacles and ignorance.
ऐं ऐं ऐं इन्ष्टमन्त्रे कमलभवमुखाम्भोजभूतिस्वरूपे,
रूपारूपप्रकाशे सकलगुणमये निर्गुणे निर्विकारे।
न स्थूले नैव सूक्ष्मेऽप्यविदितविषये नापि विज्ञाततत्त्वे,
विश्वे विश्वान्तरात्मे सुरवरनमिते निष्कले नित्यशुद्धे ॥६॥
Aim aim instamantre kamalbhavamukhambhojabhutiswarupe,
Ruparuprakashe sakkalgunmaye nirgune nirvikare.
Na sthūlē naiva sūkṣmē’pyaviditaviṣayē nāpi vijñātatattvē,
Vishwe Vishwantaratme Suravaranmitee nishkale nityashudhe 6॥
I bow to the formless, all-pervading goddess, who is beyond the gross and subtle, unknown to the senses and the intellect, and the inner essence of the entire universe. She is eternal, pure, and devoid of attributes.
ह्रीं ह्रीं ह्रीं जाप्यतुष्टे हिमरुचिमुकुटे वल्लकीव्यग्रहस्ते,
मातर्मातर्नमस्ते दह दह जडतां देहि बुद्धिं प्रशस्तां।
विद्यां वेदान्तवेद्यां परिणतपठिते मोक्षदे मुक्तिमार्गे,
मार्गातीतप्रभावे भव मम वरदा शारदे शुभ्रहारे ॥७॥
Hreem Hreem Hreem, japayatusthe himaruchimukute vallakivyagrahaste,
Matarmatarnamaste dah dah jadatam dehi buddhim prashastam.
Vidyam vedantavedyam parinatapathite mokshade muktimaarge,
Margatitaprabhave bhava mama varada sharade shubhrahare.
I meditate on you, O goddess Saraswati, in the form of the supreme mantra. You are adorned with a crescent moon, shining with clarity and radiance. You are the source of all beauty, the bestower of desired boons, and the illuminator of the path to liberation. O goddess, grant me the joy of profound knowledge.
धीर्धीर्धीर्धारणाख्ये धृतिमतिनतिभिर्नामभिः कीर्तनीये,
नित्येऽनित्ये निमित्ते मुनिगणनमिते नूतने वै पुराणे।
पुण्ये पुण्यप्रवाहे हरिहरनमिते नित्यशुद्धे सुवर्णे,
मातर्मात्रार्धतत्त्वे मतिमतिमतिदे माधवप्रीतिमोदे॥८॥
Dhirdhidhardharanakhe dhritimatinatibhirnambhih kirtanye,
Nityeऽnitye nimitte munigananmite nutane vai purane.
Punye punyapravAhe hariharanamite nityashudde suvarne
Matarmatradhatattve matmatimatide madhavpreetimode8॥
I praise you, O goddess Saraswati, who is known as the holder of patience, the possessor of wisdom, the object of constant praise by sages, and the essence of the eternal and new Puranas. You are the purifier in the stream of virtuous deeds, the repository of all qualities, and always worshiped in the three worlds.
ह्रूं ह्रूं ह्रूं स्वस्वरूपे दह दह दुरितं पुस्तकव्यग्रहस्ते,
सन्तुष्टाकारचित्ते स्मितमुखि सुभगे जृम्भिणि स्तम्भविद्ये।
मोहे मुग्धप्रभावे कुरु मम कुमतिध्वान्तविध्वंसमीड्ये,
गीर्गीर्वाग्भारती त्वं कविवररसनासिद्धिदे सिद्धसाध्ये ॥९॥
hrun hrun hrun swaroope dah dah duritin bookvygrahaste,
Santushkar Chitte Smitmukhi Subhage Jrambhini Stambhavidye.
Mohe enchantedprabhave kuru mam kumatidhvantavidhvansmeidye,
girgirvagbharti tvam kavivarrasanasiddhide siddhasadhe 9
I meditate on you, O goddess Saraswati, who is adorned with a garland of pearls, whose complexion is as radiant as snow, and who holds a manuscript and a veena in your active hands. May you burn my ignorance and delusion. O Saraswati, you are the melodious voice, the bestower of poetic skills, and the fulfiller of aspirations.
स्तौमि त्वां त्वां च वन्दे मम खलु रसनां मा कदाचित्त्यजेथा,
मा मे बुद्धिर्विरुद्धा भवतु न च मनो देवि मे यातु पापम्।
मा मे दुःखं कदाचित् क्वचिदपि विषयेऽप्यस्तु मे नाकुलत्वं,
शास्त्री वादे कवित्वे प्रसरतु मम धीर्मास्तु कुण्ठा कदापि ॥१०॥
Stoumi twan twan cha vande mam khalu rasanam ma kadachittyjetha,
Ma mein buddhirvirddha bhatu na cha mano devi me yatu papam.
Ma me duhkham kadachit kvachidapi vishaye’pyastu me nakulatvam,
Shastri promises kavitve prasartu mam dharmastu frustration never 10॥
I offer my salutations to you, O goddess Saraswati. May you never forsake my tongue, may my intellect never be obstructed, and may my mind always be yours. May I never experience sorrow or any misfortune in this world. May my arguments in debates and poetry flourish.
इत्येतैः श्लोकमुख्यैः प्रतिदिनमुषसि स्तौति यो भक्तिनम्रो,
वाणी वाचस्पतेरप्यविदितविभवो वाक्पटुर्मुष्टकण्ठः।
स स्यादिष्टार्थलाभैः सुतमिव सततं पाति तं सा च देवी,
सौभाग्यं तस्य लोके प्रभवति कविता विघ्नमस्तं प्रयाति ॥११॥
Ityetaih Shlokamukhyayah Pratidayamusi stoti yo bhaktinamro,
Vani vachaspaterapyaviditvibhavo vakpaturmushtkantha.
Sa syadishtarthalabhaiah sutamiva sattam paati tan sa cha devi,
Saubhagyam Tasya Loke Prabhavati Kavita Vighnamastam Prayati 11
One who devoutly recites these main verses every day, with humility and devotion, becomes like a gentle devotee. Even Lord Brahma, the lord of speech, is unable to comprehend the vastness of his glory. Such a devotee attains his desired goals, and the goddess herself bestows upon him good fortune. Poetry flourishes in his world, and all obstacles are removed.
निर्विघ्नं तस्य विद्या प्रभवति सततं चाश्रुतग्रन्थबोधः,
कीर्तिस्त्रैलोक्यमध्ये निवसति वदने शारदा तस्य साक्षात्।
दीर्घायुर्लोकपूज्यः सकलगुणनिधिः सन्ततं राजमान्यो,
वाग्देव्याः संप्रसादात् त्रिजगति विजयी जायते सत्सभासु॥१२॥
`Nirvighnam tasya vidya prabhavati continuous chasrutgranthbodhah,
Kirtistralokyamidhe nivasati vadne sharda tasya sakshat.
DirgyuLokpujya: Sakalgunanidhi: Saantat Rajamanyo,
Vagdevya: samprasadat trijagati vijay jayate satsabhasu12॥
For him, knowledge arises constantly without obstacles, and the understanding of scriptures and texts becomes effortless. The goddess Saraswati resides directly on his tongue, and her fame spreads throughout the three worlds. Such a person enjoys a long life, is respected by all, and becomes worthy of royal honors. By the grace of the goddess of speech, he triumphs in the three worlds.
ब्रह्मचारी व्रती मौनी त्रयोदश्यां निरामिषः।
सारस्वतो जनः पाठात् सकृदिष्टार्थलाभवान् ॥१३॥
Brahmachari Vrati Mauni Trayodashyam Niramishah.
Saraswato Janah Pathat Sakridishtarthalabhavan 13
A person who observes celibacy, practices silence, and fasts on the thirteenth day of the lunar fortnight becomes the embodiment of Saraswati. By reciting her name, such a person attains his desired goals.
पक्षद्वये त्रयोदश्यामेकविंशतिसंख्यया ।
अविच्छिन्नः पठेद्धीमान् ध्यात्वा देवीं सरस्वतीम् ॥१४॥
Pakshadwey Trayodashyamekvinshatisankhya.
avicchhinah patheddhiman dhyatva devi saraswatim 14
On the thirteenth day of the lunar fortnight, reciting twenty-one rounds of Saraswati’s name without interruption and meditating upon the goddess, a person becomes wise and attains undivided attention.
सर्वपापविनिर्मुक्तः सुभगो लोकविश्रुतः।
वाञ्छितं फलमाप्नोति लोकेऽस्मिन्नात्र संशयः ॥१५॥
Sarvapāpavinirmuktaḥ subhago lokaviśrutah.
Vāñchitaṁ phalamāpnoti loke’sminnātra saṁśayaḥ
Free from all sins, blessed and renowned in the world, such a person attains his desired fruits without a doubt in this world.
ब्रह्मणेति स्वयं प्रोक्तं सरस्वत्याः स्तवं शुभम्।
प्रयत्नेन पठेन्नित्यं सोऽमृतत्वाय कल्पते ॥१६॥
Brahmaneti swayam proktam saraswatyaah sthvam shubham.
Pratyaten Pathennityam Soऽmrittvay Kalpete16॥
The auspicious hymn of Saraswati is self-proclaimed as the Supreme Brahman. By regularly reciting it with effort, one attains immortality.

Benefits of Brahma Kruta Saraswati Stotram:

“Brahma Kruta Saraswati Stotram” is a hymn dedicated to Goddess Saraswati, the Hindu deity of knowledge, wisdom, arts, and learning. Legend speaks of this tune is written by Lord Brahma, the inventor of the cosmos. He salutes the Goddess Saraswati in appreciation for her aid and comfort.

Enhances knowledge and wisdom: By invoking Goddess Saraswati through this stotram, one can seek her blessings for improved intellect, memory, and learning capabilities. It is believed to promote the acquisition of knowledge and the development of wisdom.

Boosts creativity and artistic abilities: Goddess Saraswati is revered as the patroness of arts, music, and literature. Reciting this stotram can help individuals tap into their creative potential, inspiring them to express themselves through various artistic mediums.

Facilitates clear and effective communication: Saraswati is associated with eloquence and effective communication skills. Regular recitation of this stotram is believed to improve one’s ability to express ideas, speak fluently, and articulate thoughts with clarity.

Overcomes obstacles and challenges: By seeking the blessings of Goddess Saraswati through this hymn, individuals can find strength and guidance to overcome obstacles that hinder their progress in academics, careers, or personal pursuits. It is believed to remove barriers and bring about success.

Promotes spiritual growth and enlightenment: The “Brahma Kruta Saraswati Stotram” not only focuses on worldly knowledge but also emphasizes spiritual wisdom. Regular recitation or listening to this hymn can facilitate spiritual growth, inner transformation, and a deeper connection with the divine.

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