

Shiva Manasa Puja Stotram: Recite with Devotion for Spiritual Upliftment

Sanskrit/Hindi Translation Meaning
रत्नैः कल्पितमासनं हिमजलैः स्नानं च दिव्याम्बरं,
नानारत्नविभूषितं मृगमदामोदाङ्कितं चन्दनम्।
जातीचम्पकबिल्वपत्ररचितं पुष्पं च धूपं तथा,
दीपं देव दयानिधे पशुपते हृत्कल्पितं गृह्यताम्॥१॥
Rathnai Kalpitham asanam, Himajalai snanam cha divyambaram,
Naana rathna vibhooshitham mruga madha modhanvitham Chandanam,
Jathi champaka bilwa pathra rachitham, pushpam cha deepam Thada,
Deepam deva dayanithe pasupathe, hrud kalpyatham gruhyatham. || 1 ||
O ocean of mercy, 0 master of bound creatures, I have imagined a throne of precious stones for you, cool water for you to bathe in, divine robes adorned with many jewels, sandalwood paste mixed with musk to anoint your body, jasmine and champaka flowers and bilva leaves, rare incense, and a shining flame. Accept all these which I have imagined in my heart for you, 0 God.
सौवर्णे नवरत्नखण्डरचिते पात्रे घृतं पायसं भक्ष्यं,
पञ्चविधं पयोदधियुतं रम्भाफलं पानकम् ।
शाकानामयुतं जलं रुचिकरं कर्पूरखण्डोज्ज्वलं ताम्बूलं,
मनसा मया विरचितं भक्त्या प्रभो स्वीकुरु॥२॥
Souvarne nava rathna Ganda Rachithe, pathre Grutham Payasam,
Bakshyam pancha vidam Payo dadhiyutham, rambha phalam panakam,
Saaka namayutham jalam ruchikaram, karpoora gandojwalam,
Thamboolam manasa maya virachitham Bhakthyo prabho sweekuru || 2 ||
Sweet rice in a golden bowl inlaid with the nine jewels, the five kinds of food made from milk and curd, bananas, vegetables, sweet water scented with camphor, and betel leaf—I have prepared all these in my mind with devotion. 0 Lord, please accept them.
छत्रं चामरयोर्युगं व्यजनकं चादर्शकं निर्मलम्,
वीणाभेरिमृदङ्गकाहलकला गीतं च नृत्यं तथा।
साष्टाङ्गं प्रणतिः स्तुतिर्बहुविधा ह्येतत्समस्तं मया,
सङ्कल्पेन समर्पितं तवविभो पूजां गृहाण प्रभो॥३॥
Chathram Chamarayoryugam vyajanagam, chaa darshakam nirmalam,
Veena bheri mrudanga kahala kala geetha nruthyam thada,
Sasthangam pranthi sthuthir bahu vidha, hyethat samastham maya,
Sankalpena samapitham thava vibho , poojam gruhana prabho || 3 ||
A canopy, two yak-tail whisks, a fan and a spotless mirror, a veena, kettledrums, a mridang and a great drum, songs and dancing, full prostrations, and many kinds of hymns—all this I offer you in my imagination. 0 almighty Lord, accept this, my worship of you.
आत्मा त्वं गिरिजा मतिः सहचराः प्राणाः शरीरं गृहं,
पूजा ते विषयोपभोगरचना निद्रा समाधिस्थितिः।
सञ्चारः पदयोः प्रदक्षिणविधिः स्तोत्राणि सर्वागिरो,
यद्यत्कर्म करोमि तत्तदखिलं शम्भो तवाराधनम्॥४॥
Aathma thwam Girija Mathi sahacharaa, prana sarreram gruham,
Pooja theey vishayopa bhoga rachana, nidhra samadhi sthithi,
Sanchara padayo pradakshina vidhi, , sthothrani sarva giraa,
Yadyath karma karomi thathad akhilam, shambho thavaradhanam || 4 ||
You are my Self; Parvati is my reason. My five pranas are your attendant my body is your house, and all the pleasures of my senses are objects to u for your worship. My sleep is your state of samadhi. Wherever I walk I walking around you, everything I say is in praise of you, everything I do is to honor you, 0 benevolent Lord.
करचरण कृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा,
श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसंवापराधम्।
विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत्क्षमस्व
जय जय करुणाब्धे श्रीमहादेवशम्भो॥५॥
Kara charana krutham vaak kayajam karmajam vaa,
Sravana nayanajam vaa maanasam vaa aparadham,
Vihithamavihitham vaa sarva methath Kshamaswa,
Jaya Jaya katunabdhe sri Mahadeva Shambho. || 5 ||
Whatever offenses I have committed with my hands, feet, voice, body, actions, ears, eyes, or mind, whether prohibited or not, please forgive them all. Hail! Hail! 0 ocean of compassion! 0 great God! 0 benevolent Lord!

Benefits of Shiva Manasa Puja Stotram:

Mental Focus and Concentration: The practice of reciting Shiva Manasa Puja Stotram requires intense mental participation. By engaging in this form of worship, individuals can enhance their ability to concentrate, focus their thoughts, and develop a deeper connection with the divine.

Spiritual Upliftment: The Stotram acts as a spiritual guide, leading individuals towards a higher state of consciousness and helping them experience a profound connection with Lord Shiva. Through regular recitation, one can elevate their spiritual awareness and experience a sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

Emotional Balance: The devotional verses of Shiva Manasa Puja Stotram have the power to calm the mind and soothe the emotions. It helps individuals to find solace, inner strength, and stability during challenging times, promoting emotional well-being and balance.

Purification of Thoughts: As one immerses themselves in the recitation of this Stotram, it aids in purifying and refining their thoughts. Negative and distracting thoughts are gradually replaced with positive and divine ones, promoting clarity, purity, and righteousness in thinking.

Connection with the Divine: Shiva Manasa Puja Stotram serves as a medium to establish a deep and personal connection with Lord Shiva. By offering the puja in the mind and reciting the verses, devotees can invoke the divine presence, experience divine grace, and strengthen their bond with the Lord.

Shiva Shadakshara Stotram: Unveiling the Power and Benefits of the Sacred Mantra
Ganga Mahima Stotram: Hymn of Glory to the Sacred River Ganga

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