

Srimad Divya Parshuram Ashtakam Stotram: Meaning and Significance of the Verses

Sanskrit / Hindi Translation Meaning
नीलनीरजलोचनं हरिमाश्रितामरभूरुहम् ।
केशवं जगदीश्वरं त्रिगुणात्मकं परपूरुषं,
पर्शुराममुपास्महे मम किङ्करिष्यति योऽपि वै ॥ १॥
Brahma vishnu mahesh sannut pavanan ghrisroruham,
Nilneerjalochanam harimashritamarbhuruham.
Keshav Jagadishwaram Trigunatikam Parapurusham,
Parshurammupasmahe mam kinkarishyati yopi vai 1
I worship Parashurama, whose lotus feet are praised by Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, Whose eyes are blue like the lotus flower and who takes refuge in Lord Hari, Who is known as Keshava, the Lord of the universe, the Supreme Being with three attributes, Whoever becomes his servant, I too shall become his servant.
अक्षयं कलुषापहं निरुपद्रवं करुणानिधिं,
वेदरूपमनामयं विभुमच्युतं परमेश्वरम् ।
हर्षदं जमदग्निपुत्रकमार्यजुष्टपदाम्बुजं,
पर्शुराममुपास्महे मम किङ्करिष्यति योऽपि वै ॥ २॥
Akshayam kalushapaham nirupadravam karunanidhi,
Vedaroopanamayam Vibhumchyutam Parameshwaram.
Harshadam JamadagniputraKamaryjushtapadambujan,
Parshurammupasmahe mam kinkarishyati yopi vai 2
I worship Parashurama, who is imperishable, destroyer of impurities, and an ocean of compassion, Who is the embodiment of the Vedas, untouched by ailments, and the omnipresent Lord Achyuta, Whose lotus feet are praised by Jamadagni’s son, the delight of noble souls, Whoever becomes his servant, I too shall become his servant.
रैणुकेयमहीनसत्वकमव्ययं सुजनार्चितं,
विक्रमाढ्यमिनाब्जनेत्रकमब्जशार्ङ्गगदाधरम् ।
पर्शुराममुपास्महे मम किङ्करिष्यति योऽपि वै ॥ ३॥
ranukeyamhin sattvakamvyyam sujanarchitam,
Parshurammupasmahe mam kinkarishyati yopi vai 3
I worship Parashurama, who is adored by the virtuous, an embodiment of humility and imperishable, Who holds the divine weapons of axe, bow, arrow, and mace, Who reclines on the serpent bed, destroyer of the ignorance of the remaining snow, Whoever becomes his servant, I too shall become his servant.
सर्वभूतदयापरं शिवमब्धिशायिनमौर्वजम् ।
भक्तशत्रुजनार्दनं निरयार्दनं कुजनार्दनं,
पर्शुराममुपास्महे मम किङ्करिष्यति योऽपि वै ॥ ४॥
Sarvabhutdayparam shivambdhishayinmaurvajam.
Bhaktashatrujanardanam nirayadnam kujanardanam,
Parshurammupasmahe mam kinkarishyati yopi vai 4
I worship Parashurama, whose arms are strong and protected by armor, The supreme benefactor of all beings, the peaceful one who lies on the ocean of existence, The enemy of devotees and demons alike, destroyer of hellish states and afflictions, Whoever becomes his servant, I too shall become his servant.
जम्भयज्ञविनाशकञ्च त्रिविक्रमं दनुजान्तकं,
निर्विकारमगोचरं नरसिंहरूपमनर्दहम् ।
पर्शुराममुपास्महे मम किङ्करिष्यति योऽपि वै ॥ ५॥
Jambhayajnavinashakancha Trivikramam Danujantakam,
Nirvikaramgocharam Narasimharoopmanardham.
Parshurammupasmahe mam kinkarishyati yopi vai 5
I worship Parashurama, who is the annihilator of arrogance and the enemy of the demon Tripura, Beyond transformation, invisible, the lion-faced one who consumes the wicked, Who follows the path of Veda and bestows desired boons, Whoever becomes his servant, I too shall become his servant.
निर्जरं गरुडध्वजं धरणीश्वरं परमोददं,
सर्वदेवमहर्षिभूसुरगीतरूपमरूपकम् ।
भूमतापसवेषधारिणमद्रिशञ्च महामहं,
पर्शुराममुपास्महे मम किङ्करिष्यति योऽपि वै ॥ ६॥
Nirjaram Garudadhwajam Dharaniswaram Paramodadam,
Sarvadev Maharishibhusurgeetroopam.
Bhumtapasveshadharinamadrishancha Mahamaham,
Parshurammupasmahe mam kinkarishyati yopi vai 6
I worship Parashurama, who is ever youthful, whose flag bears the emblem of Garuda, The supreme Lord of the Earth, the ultimate bliss, praised by all gods and sages, The one who wears the guise of ascetics, the destroyer of enemies, Whoever becomes his servant, I too shall become his servant.
सर्वतोमुखमक्षिकर्षकमार्यदुःखहरङ्कलौ ।
वेङ्कटेश्वररूपकं निजभक्तपालनदीक्षितं,
पर्शुराममुपास्महे मम किङ्करिष्यति योऽपि वै ॥ ७॥
venkateshwarupakam nijabhaktapalanadikshitam,
Parshurammupasmahe mam kinkarishyati yopi vai 7
I worship Parashurama, who is divine in form, destroyer of obstacles, With faces in all directions, attracting bees with his divine beauty, As Lord Venkateshwara, he protects his devotees, Whoever becomes his servant, I too shall become his servant.
दिव्यविग्रहधारिणं निखिलाधिपं परमं महा-,
वैरिसूदनपण्डितं गिरिजातपूजितरूपकम् ।
पर्शुराममुपास्महे मम किङ्करिष्यति योऽपि वै ॥ ८॥
Divyavigrahadharinam nikhiladhipam param maha-,
Vaisudanapanditam Girijatapujitroopkam.
Parshurammupasmahe mam kinkarishyati yopi vai 8
I worship Parashurama, who holds divine forms, the supreme ruler of all, The annihilator of enemies and the learned, worshipped by Parvati’s penance, Adorned with the pride of the Bhaulas, the radiant one wearing armlets, Whoever becomes his servant, I too shall become his servant.
पर्शुरामाष्टकमिदं त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेन्नरः,
पर्शुरामकृपासारं सत्यं प्राप्नोति सत्वरम् ॥
Parshuramashtakamidam trisandhyam yaha pathenarah
Parshuram Kripasaram Satyam Prapanoti Satvaram.
Whoever recites this Parashurama Ashtakam three times a day, Will quickly attain the essence of Parashurama’s grace and eternal truth.

Benefits of Srimad Divya Parshuram Ashtakam Stotram:

Spiritual Enlightenment: The Srimad Divya Parshuram Ashtakam Stotram contains profound spiritual teachings and concepts. Regular contemplation and understanding of the meanings embedded in these verses can deepen one’s spiritual understanding and lead to inner awakening and enlightenment.

Liberation from Suffering: The stotram emphasizes Lord Parashurama’s compassionate nature and his ability to alleviate the sufferings of his devotees. Chanting these verses with devotion can bring solace, inner peace, and liberation from physical, mental, and emotional afflictions.

Protection and Guidance: The stotram highlights various aspects of Lord Parashurama, portraying him as the protector and guide of his devotees. By invoking his grace through this hymn, one can seek divine protection, support, and guidance in their journey of life.

Removal of Impurities: The hymn describes Lord Parashurama as the destroyer of impurities. Regular recitation of the stotram can help eliminate negative energies, impurities, and obstacles from one’s life, promoting spiritual purification and growth.

Divine Connection: Reciting the Srimad Divya Parshuram Ashtakam Stotram helps establish a deep connection with the divine energy of Lord Parashurama. It allows individuals to experience a sense of spiritual closeness and communion with the revered deity.

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