

Shri Radhakrishna Stotram: Benefits, Significance, and Devotional Power

Sanskrit / Hindi Translation Meaning
नन्दे नवघनश्यामं पीतकौशेयवाससम् ।
सानन्दं सुन्दरं शुद्धं श्रीकृष्णं प्रकृतेः परम् ॥ १ ॥
Nande navaghanashyamam peetakausheyavasasam.
Snandam sundaram shuddham shrikrishnam prakriteh param.(1)
I salute Lord Krishna, Wearing yellow silk garments, Full of bliss, beauty, and purity, The Supreme Divine Being.
राधेशं राधिकाप्राणवल्लभं वल्लवीसुतम् ।
राधासेवितपादाब्जं राधावक्षस्थलस्थितम् ॥ २ ॥
Radhesham radhikapranavallabham vallavisutam.
Radhasevitapadabjam radhavakshasthalasthitam.(2)
I adore the Lord of Radha, who is the life of Radha, The beloved of Radha, the son of Vrindavan, Whose lotus feet are worshipped by Radha, And who resides in the region of Radha’s heart.
राधानुगं राधिकेष्टं राधापहृतमानसम् ।
राधाधारं भवाधारं सर्वाधारं नमामि तम् ॥ ३ ॥
Radhanugam radhikeshtam radhapahritamanasam.
Radhadharam bhavadharam sarvadharam namami tam.(3)
He who follows Radha’s footsteps, The one desired by Radha, Whose mind is captivated by Radha, I bow down to that Supreme Being, Who is the support of all beings.
राधाहृत्पद्ममध्ये च वसन्तं सन्ततं शुभम् ।
राधासहचरं शश्वत् राधाज्ञापरिपालकम् ॥ ४ ॥
Radhahritpadmamadhye cha vasantam santatam shubham.
Radhasahacharam shashvat radhajnyaparipalakam.(4)
Residing in the midst of the lotus of Radha, Eternally auspicious like the spring season, Always accompanied by Radha, The one who protects Radha’s commands.
ध्यायन्ते योगिनो योगान् सिद्धाः सिद्धेश्वराश्च यम् ।
तं ध्यायेत् सततं शुद्धं भगवन्तं सनातनम् ॥ ५ ॥
Dhyayante yogino yogan siddhah siddheshvarashcha yam.
Tam dhyayet satatam shuddham bhagavantam sanatanam.(5)
Yogis and perfected masters meditate upon, The various forms and aspects of yoga, Always contemplate upon that eternal and pure Supreme Lord, the timeless one.
निर्लिप्तं च निरीहं च परमात्मानमीश्वरम् ।
नित्यं सत्यं च परमं भगवन्तं सनातनम् ॥ ६ ॥
Nirliptam cha nireeham cha paramatmanam ishavaram.
Nityam satyam cha paramam bhagavantam sanatanam.(6)
Without any attachment or desire, The Supreme Soul, the Lord, Eternally existing and eternally true, I bow down to that Supreme Lord.
यः सृष्टेरादिभूतं च सर्वबीजं परात्परम् ।
योगिनस्तं प्रपद्यन्ते भगवन्तं सनातनम् ॥ ७ ॥
Ya srushteradibhootam cha sarvabijam paratparam.
Yoginastam prapadyante bhagavantam sanatnam.(7)
The one who is the source of all creation, From the beginning of beings and beyond, Yogis surrender to that Supreme Being, The eternal Lord.
बीजं नानावताराणां सर्वकारणकारणम् ।
वेदवेद्यं वेदबीजं वेदकारणकारणम् ॥ ८ ॥
Bijam nanavataram cha sarvakaranakaranam.
Vedavedyam vedabijam vedakaranakaranam.(8)
The seed of all incarnations, The ultimate cause of all causes, The one known through the Vedas, The seed of the Vedas, the cause of the Vedas.
योगिनस्तं प्रपद्यन्ते भगवन्तं सनातनम् ।
गन्धर्वेण कृतं स्तोत्रं यः पठेत् प्रयतः शुचिः ।
इहैव जीवन्मुक्तश्च परं याति परां गतिम् ॥ ९ ॥
Yoginastam prapadyante bhagavantam sanatanam.
Gandharvena kritam stotram yah patet prayatah shuchihi.
Ihaiva jivanmuktashcha param yati param gatim.(9)
Those yogis surrender to that eternal Lord, Who diligently recite this hymn composed by Gandharva, With purity and devotion, They attain liberation in this very life and reach the supreme abode.
हरिभक्तिं हरेर्दास्यं गोलोकं च निरामयम् ।
पार्षदप्रवरत्वं च लभते नात्र संशयः ॥ १० ॥
Haribhaktim harerdasyam golokam cha niramayam.
Parshadapraratvam cha labhate natra samshayah.(10)
Devotion to Lord Hari, becoming a servant of Lord Hari, Attainment of the divine realm of Goloka, And obtaining the position of a prominent attendant to the Lord, There is no doubt in achieving these benefits.

Benefits of Shri Radha Krishna Stotram:

Servitude to Lord Hari: The stotram emphasizes the significance of becoming a servant of Lord Hari, another name for Lord Krishna. It encourages devotees to cultivate a humble and selfless attitude towards the Lord, which is considered a path to spiritual growth and divine grace.

Prominent Attendant to the Lord: The hymn mentions the possibility of obtaining the position of a prominent attendant to Lord Krishna. This implies that through the practice of devotion and recitation of the stotram, devotees may be blessed with an esteemed role in the service of the Lord, thereby experiencing a close and intimate connection with Him.

Attainment of Divine Realm: The stotram highlights the aspiration to attain the divine realm of Goloka, which is the eternal abode of Lord Krishna. By reciting this hymn with sincerity and devotion, devotees hope to attain a place in this supreme abode and experience eternal bliss in the company of the Lord.

Protection and Guidance: Lord Krishna is revered as the protector and guide of His devotees. By reciting the stotram, devotees seek the divine protection of Lord Krishna in their lives. It is believed that the Lord’s blessings and guidance can help individuals overcome challenges and obstacles.

Divine Connection: By reciting this stotram, individuals can establish a profound connection with Lord Krishna. It helps in fostering a deep spiritual relationship and enhances the devotee’s devotion and love for the Lord.

Langulastra Shatrunjay Hanumat Stotram: Benefits, Recitation, and Power of Expression
Dadhi Vamana Stotram: Chanting the Hymn for Grace and Blessings of Lord Vamana

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