

Viprapatni Krita Krishna Stotram: Invocation of Divine Blessings and Empowerment

Sanskrit / Hindi Translation Meaning
त्वं ब्रह्म परमं धाम निरीहो निरहंकृतिः ।
निर्गुणश्च निराकारः साकारस्सगुणः स्वयम् ॥ १ ॥
Tvam Brahma Paramam Dhaam Niriiho Nirahamkriitiḥ |
Nirgunashcha Niraakaaraḥ Saakaarassagunah Svayam || 1 ||
You are the ultimate abode, the supreme reality (Brahman), devoid of desire and ego. You are formless and without attributes, yet you manifest yourself with form and attributes.
साक्षिरूपश्च निर्लिप्तः परमात्मा निराकृतिः ।
प्रकृतिः पुरुषस्त्वं च कारणं च तयोः परम् ॥ २ ॥
Saakshiruupashcha Nirliptah Paramaatmaa Niraakritiḥ |
Prakritih Purushastvam Cha Kaaranam Cha Tayoḥ Param || 2 ||
You are the witness consciousness, untouched and unaffected by anything. You are the supreme self (Paramatma), beyond all forms. You are both the material cause (Prakriti) and the individual self (Purusha), and beyond them both.
सृष्टिस्थित्यन्तविषये ये च देवास्त्रयः स्मृताः ।
ते त्वदंशास्सर्वबीजाः ब्रह्मविष्णुमहेश्वराः॥ ३ ॥
Srishtisthityantavishaye Ye Cha Devaah Trayah Smritah |
Te Tvadamshaah Sarvabeejaah Brahmavishnumaheshvaraah || 3 ||
The three deities associated with creation, preservation, and dissolution, are considered as your manifestations. You are the ultimate source and essence of all beings. You are the Brahman, Vishnu, and Maheshwara.
यस्य लोम्नां च विवरे चाखिलं विश्वमीश्वर ।
महाविराण् महाविष्णुः त्वं तस्य जनको विभो ॥ ४ ॥
Yasya Lomnaam Cha Vivare Chaakhilam Vishvameeshvara |
Mahaviraan Mahavishnuh Tvam Tasya Janako Vibho || 4 ||
All the universes, with their countless beings, exist within a single pore of your cosmic form, O Lord of the Universe. You are the great boar (Mahavirana), the great Vishnu. You are the source and controller of everything.
तेजस्त्वं चापि तेजस्वी ज्ञानं ज्ञानी च तत्परः ।
वेदेऽनिर्वचनीयस्त्वं कस्त्वां स्तोतुमिहेश्वरः ॥ ५ ॥
Tejastvam Chaapi Tejasvii Jnaanam Jnaanii Cha Tatparah |
Vedeanirvacaniyastvam Kastvaam Stotumiheshvarah || 5 ||
 You are the essence of radiance, the embodiment of brilliance. You are the supreme knowledge and the knower of that knowledge. Even in the Vedas, it is impossible to describe you accurately. Who, then, can praise you, O Lord?
महदादेस्सृष्टिसूत्रं पञ्चतन्मात्रमेव च ।
बीजं त्वं सर्वशक्तीनां सर्वशक्तिस्वरूपकः ॥ ६ ॥
Mahadaadesrishtisutram Panchatanmaatrameva Cha |
Bijam Tvam Sarvashaktiinaam Sarvashaktisvaruupakah || 6 ||
 You are the thread of creation, consisting of the five subtle elements. You are the seed of all powers, the embodiment of all energies.
सर्वशक्तीश्वरः सर्वः सर्वशक्त्याश्रयस्सदा ।
त्वमनीहः स्वयंज्योतिः सर्वानन्दस्सनातनः ॥ ७ ॥
Sarvashaktiishvarah Sarvah Sarvashaktyaashrayas Sadaa |
Tvamaniihah Svayamjyotih Sarvaanandassanaatanah || 7 ||
You are the Lord of all powers, encompassing everything. You are always the support of all energies. You are self-luminous, the eternal source of supreme bliss.
अहो आकारहीनस्त्वं सर्वविग्रहवानपि ।
सर्वेन्द्रियाणां विषयं जानासि नेन्द्रियी भवान् ॥ ८ ॥
Aho Aakaarahiinastvam Sarvavigrahavaanapi |
Sarvendriyaanaam Vishayam Jaanaasi Nendriyi Bhavaan || 8 ||
Oh, without having a physical form, you encompass all forms. You know the objects of all senses, even though you are beyond the senses.
सरस्वती जडीभूता यत्स्तोत्रे यन्निरूपणे ।
जडीभूतो महेशश्च शेषो धर्मो विधिः स्वयम् ॥ ९ ॥
Sarasvati Jadibhuutaa Yatstotre Yanniruupane |
Jadibhuuto Maheshashcha Shesho Dharmo Vidhih Svayam || 9 ||
Sarasvati, who is inert and the embodiment of knowledge, is depicted in the scriptures. Even Lord Shiva, who is inert, represents the eternal principles. You are beyond both the inert and the eternal principles, O Supreme Being.
पार्वती कमला राधा सावित्री वेदसूरपि ।
वेदश्च जडतां याति को वा शक्ता विपश्चितः ॥ १० ॥
Paarvatii Kamalaa Raadhaa Saavitrii Vedasuurapi |
Vedashcha Jadatam Yaati Ko Vaa Shaktah Vipashcitah || 10 ||
Parvati, Kamala, Radha, Savitri, and even the Vedic deities, become inert in the face of your divine power. Who, then, can comprehend your true nature, O Wise One?
वयं किं स्तवनं कुर्मः स्त्रियः प्राणेश्वरेश्वर ।
प्रसन्नो भव नो देव दीनबन्धो कृपां कुरु ॥ ११ ॥
Vayam Kim Stavanam Kurmah Stryah Praaneshvareshvara |
Prasanno Bhava No Deva Deenabandho Kripaam Kuru || 11 ||
What praise can we, women and the lords of life, offer? O Supreme Lord, be pleased with us, the children of the weak, and bestow your grace upon us.
विप्रपत्नीकृतं स्तोत्रं पूजाकाले च यः पठेत् ।
स गतिं विप्रपत्नीनां लभते नात्र संशयः ॥ १२ ॥
Viprapatṇīkṛtaṃ Stōtraṃ Pūjākālē Cha Yaḥ Paṭhēt |
Sa Gatiṇ Viprapatṇīnāṃ Labhatē Nātra Saṃśayaḥ || 12 ||
Whoever recites this hymn composed by learned sages during worship, attains the desired goal, and there is no doubt about it, especially for the virtuous women.

Benefits of Viprapatni Krita Krishna Stotram:

Blessings for Women: The Stotram is particularly revered by women. It is believed to invoke the blessings and protection of the divine feminine energy, symbolized by various goddesses like Parvati, Kamala, Radha, and Sarasvati. Women who recite this stotra with sincerity are believed to be bestowed with divine grace, empowerment, and blessings for their well-being and spiritual growth.

Removal of Sins and Negativity: The stotra is considered purifying and is believed to remove sins, negativities, and past karmic burdens. Reciting the Stotram with devotion and surrender is believed to cleanse the mind, purify the soul, and create a positive transformation within the devotee.

Spiritual Awakening: The profound verses of the stotra carry deep spiritual significance. Spiritual awakening and a better comprehension of the true nature of the divine can result from regular recitation and reflection on the Stotram. It is believed to enhance one’s spiritual journey and deepen the connection with the higher consciousness.

Blessings and Grace: The recitation of this stotra is said to invoke the blessings and grace of Lord Krishna, the Supreme Being. It is believed to create a divine connection and attract the divine energy towards the devotee.

Fulfillment of Desires: Devotees believe that reciting this Stotram with faith and devotion can help fulfill their sincere desires and aspirations. It is believed to create positive vibrations and align the devotee’s intentions with divine will, thereby aiding in the manifestation of their desires.

Dadhi Vamana Stotram: Chanting the Hymn for Grace and Blessings of Lord Vamana
Kartikeya Pragya Vivardhana Stotram: Enhancing Intelligence, Concentration, and Wisdom

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