

Neel Saraswati Stotram: Benefits, Mantra, and Goddess Saraswati’s Blessings

Sanskrit / Hindi Translation  Meaning
घोररूपे महारावे सर्वशत्रुभयङ्करि
भक्तेभ्यो वरदे देवि त्राहि मां शरणागतम् I१I
Ghorarūpe mahārāve sarvaśatrubhayankari
Bhaktebhyo varade devi trāhi māṁ śaraṇāgatam
O Devi, who assumes a fearsome form, terrifying to all enemies, Bestow your blessings upon your devotees and protect me, who has sought refuge in you.
ॐ सुरासुरार्चिते देवि सिद्धगन्धर्वसेविते I
जाड्यपापहरे देवि त्राहि मां शरणागतम् I२I
Om surāsurārcite devi siddhagandharvasevite
Jāḍyapāpahare devi trāhi māṁ śaraṇāgatam
O Devi, worshipped by both gods and demons, served by siddhas and gandharvas, O Devi, dispeller of inertia and sins, protect me, who has sought refuge in you.
जटाजूटसमायुक्ते लोलजिह्वान्तकारिणि I
द्रुतबुद्धिकरे देवि त्राहि मां शरणागतम् I३I
Jaṭājūṭasamāyukte lolajihvāntakāriṇi
Drutabuddhikare devi trāhi māṁ śaraṇāgatam
O Devi, adorned with matted hair, having a protruding tongue, Quickener of intellect, protect me, who has sought refuge in you
सौम्यक्रोधधरे रूपे चण्डरूपे नमोस्तुते I
सृष्टिरूपे नमस्तुभ्यं त्राहि मां शरणागतम् I४I
Saumyakrodhadhare rūpe chaṇḍarūpe namostute
Sṛṣṭirūpe namastubhyaṁ trāhi māṁ śaraṇāgatam
O Devi, who possesses a gentle and wrathful form, I bow to you. I bow to you, who is the embodiment of creation. Protect me, who has sought refuge in you.
जडानां जडतां हन्ति भक्तानां भक्तवत्सला I
मूढतां हर मे देवि त्राहि मां शरणागतम् I५I
Jaḍānāṁ jaḍatāṁ hanti bhaktānāṁ bhaktavatsalā
Mūḍhatāṁ hara me devi trāhi māṁ śaraṇāgatam
You destroy the ignorance of the ignorant and have affection for your devotees. O Devi, please remove my ignorance and protect me, who has sought refuge in you.
वं ह्रूं ह्रूं कामये देवि बलिहोमप्रिये नमः I
उग्रतारे नमो नित्यं त्राहि मां शरणागतम् I६I
Vaṁ hrūṁ hrūṁ kāmaye devi balihomapriye namaḥ
Ugratāre namo nityaṁ trāhi māṁ śaraṇāgatam
I invoke the syllables ‘Vaṁ hrūṁ hrūṁ’ with desire, O Devi. I bow to you, who is pleased by sacrificial offerings. I bow to you, the fierce one. Protect me, who has sought refuge in you.
बुद्धिं देहि यशो देहि कवित्वं देहि देहि मे I
मूढत्वं च हरेद्देवि त्राहि मां शरणागतम् I७I
Buddhiṁ dehi yaśo dehi kavitvaṁ dehi dehi me
Mūḍhatvaṁ cha hareddevi trāhi māṁ śaraṇāgatam
Grant me intellect, grant me fame, grant me poetic skill, grant me, O Devi. Please remove my ignorance, O Devi, and protect me, who has sought refuge in you.
इन्द्रादिविलसद्द्वन्द्ववन्दिते करुणामयि I
तारे ताराधिनाथास्ये त्राहि मां शरणागतम् I८I
Indrādivilasad-dvandvavandite karuṇāmayi
Tāre tārādhināthāsye trāhi māṁ śaraṇāgatam
O Devi, who is worshiped by Indra and others, compassionate one, You are the protector of those seeking refuge. Protect me, who has sought refuge in you.
अष्टम्यां च चतुर्दश्यां नवम्यां यः पठेन्नरः I
षण्मासैः सिद्धिमाप्नोति नात्र कार्या विचारणा I९I
Aṣṭamyāṁ cha caturdaśyāṁ navamyāṁ yaḥ paṭhennaraḥ
Ṣaṇmāsaiḥ siddhimāpnoti nātra kāryā vicāraṇā
Whoever recites this hymn on the eighth, fourteenth, or ninth day, Will attain success within six months, there is no doubt about it.
मोक्षार्थी लभते मोक्षं धनार्थी लभते धनम् I
विद्यार्थी लभते विद्यां तर्कव्याकरणादिकम् I१०I
Mokṣārthī labhate mokṣaṁ dhanārthī labhate dhanam
Vidyārthī labhate vidyāṁ tarkavyākaraṇādikam
The seeker of liberation attains liberation, the seeker of wealth attains wealth, The seeker of knowledge attains knowledge, including logic and grammar
इदं स्तोत्रं पठेद्यस्तु सततं श्रद्धयाSन्वितः I
तस्य शत्रुः क्षयं याति महाप्रज्ञा प्रजायते I११I
Idaṁ stotraṁ paṭhedyastu satataṁ śraddhayānvitaḥ
Tasya śatruḥ kṣayaṁ yāti mahāprajñā prajāyate
Whoever recites this hymn with devotion regularly, Their enemies will be destroyed, and great wisdom will arise within them
पीडायां वापि संग्रामे जाड्ये दाने तथा भये I
य इदं पठति स्तोत्रं शुभं तस्य न संशयः I१२I
Pīḍāyāṁ vāpi saṁgrāme jāḍye dāne tathā bhaye
Ya idaṁ pathati stotraṁ śubhaṁ tasya na saṁśayaḥ
In times of affliction, battles, inertia, charity, or fear, There is no doubt that one who recites this hymn will receive auspiciousness.
इति प्रणम्य स्तुत्वा च योनिमुद्रां प्रदर्शयेत् I१३I Iti praṇamya stutvā cha yonimudrāṁ pradarśayet Having thus offered salutations and praised, one should display the yoni mudra (hand gesture symbolizing the female reproductive organ).

Benefits of Neel Saraswati Stotram:

Worship of Goddess Saraswati: The Neel Saraswati Stotram is also an essential component of the regular worship of Goddess Saraswati. Including this Stotram in one’s worship ceremony deepens the spiritual connection with the divine Mother Saraswati and fosters a sense of devotion, gratitude, and reverence.

Enhanced Learning Abilities: Reciting the Neel Saraswati Stotram is particularly beneficial for children as it helps in improving their cognitive abilities. The Stotram acts as a catalyst in sharpening their memory power, increasing their grasping capacity, and making their minds more agile and quick.

Prophecy Fulfillment: When astrologers recite the Neel Saraswati Stotram daily, it is believed that their prophecies become accurate and unwavering. The Stotram invokes the blessings of Goddess Saraswati, aligning astrological insights with divine grace, leading to more precise and reliable predictions.

Academic Excellence: Through the recitation of this Stotram, children can excel in their studies. It aids in their overall academic performance, enabling them to become proficient in various subjects. The blessings of Goddess Saraswati, who is the embodiment of knowledge and wisdom, support students in their educational pursuits.

Divine Grace: By regularly reciting the Neel Saraswati Stotram, one invites the special blessings of Goddess Saraswati. These blessings encompass overall spiritual growth, intellectual clarity, and wisdom. The divine grace of Goddess Neela Saraswati can help individuals overcome obstacles and lead a fulfilling life.

Kartikeya Pragya Vivardhana Stotram: Enhancing Intelligence, Concentration, and Wisdom
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