

Ganga Dussehra Stotram: Purification, Protection, and Divine Blessings

Sanskrit / Hindi Translation Meaning
ॐ नमः शिवायै गंगायै,
शिवदायै नमो नमः।
नमस्ते विष्णु-रुपिण्यै,
ब्रह्म-मूर्त्यै नमोऽस्तु ते।।1।।
Om Namah Shivaya Gangaayai,
Shivadaayai Namo Namah.
Namaste Vishnu-rupinyai,
Brahma-murtyai Namo’stu Te
Salutations to the embodiment of Lord Shiva’s consort, the Divine Ganga, Salutations again and again to the giver of auspiciousness. Greetings to you, who manifest in the form of Lord Vishnu, Salutations to the embodiment of Lord Brahma, be blessed
नमस्ते रुद्र-रुपिण्यै,
शांकर्यै ते नमो नमः।
नमो भेषज-मूर्त्तये।।2।।
Namaste Rudra-rupinyai,
Shaankaryai Te Namo Namah.
Namo Bheshaja-murtaye.
Greetings to you, who assume the form of Lord Rudra, Salutations to you, O Divine Mother of the Universe. You are the embodiment of all the deities, Salutations to you, the personification of healing.
सर्वस्य सर्व-व्याधीनां,
भिषक्-श्रेष्ठ्यै नमोऽस्तु ते।
हन्त्र्यै नमोऽस्तु ते।।3।।
Sarvasya Sarva-vyadhinam,
Bhishak-shreshthayai Namo’stu Te.
Sthasnu-jangama-sambhuta-visha-hantryai, Namo’stu Te.
Salutations to you, the best healer, Who cures all diseases of all beings. You are the destroyer of toxins, Greetings to you, who reside in both the stationary and mobile beings.
जीवानायै नमोऽस्तु ते।
प्राणश्यै ते नमो नमः।।4।।
Jivanayai Namo’stu Te.
Pranashyai Te Namo Namah.
Salutations to you, the destroyer of the poison of worldly existence, Greetings to you, the giver of life. You annihilate the three sufferings, Salutations to you, the dispeller of afflictions.
नमस्ते शुद्ध-मूर्त्तये। सर्व-
नमः पापारि-मूर्त्तये।।5।।
Namaste Shuddha-murtaye.
Namah Papari-murtaye.
Obeisances to you, the bestower of peace and progeny, Greetings to you, the embodiment of purity. You purify everything, Salutations to you, the destroyer of sins.
भद्रदायै नमो नमः।
भोग-वत्यै नमोऽस्तु ते।।6।।
Bhadradayai Namo Namah.
Bhoga-vatyai Namo’stu Te.
Salutations to you, the bestower of worldly pleasures and liberation, Greetings to you, the giver of auspiciousness. You provide enjoyment and liberation, Salutations to you, the enjoyer of divine pleasures.
मन्दाकिन्यै नमस्तेऽस्तु,
स्वर्गदायै नमो नमः।
त्रि-पथायै नमो नमः।।7।।
Mandakinyai Namaste’stu,
Svargadayai Namo Namah.
Namaste Trailokya-bhushayai,
Tri-pathayai Namo Namah.
Salutations to you, O Divine Mandakini (the celestial river), Greetings to you, the bestower of heavenly delights. Greetings to you, adorned in all the three realms, Salutations to you, who traverse the three paths.
क्षमा-वत्यै नमो नमः।
तेजो-वत्यै नमो नमः।।8।।
Kshama-vatyai Namo Namah.
Tejo-vatyai Namo Namah.
Salutations to you, who reside in the brilliant white radiance, Greetings to you, the embodiment of forgiveness. You dwell in the three sacred fires, Salutations to you, the embodiment of radiance.
नन्दायै लिंग-धारिण्यै,
सुधा-धारात्मने नमः।
नमस्ते विश्व-मुख्यायै,
रेवत्यै ते नमो नमः।।9।।
Nandayai Linga-dharinyai,
Sudha-dharatmane Namah.
Namaste Vishva-mukhyayai,
Revat-yai Te Namo Namah.
Salutations to you, who holds the divine linga, Greetings to you, the embodiment of the nectar of life. Greetings to you, the chief of the universe, Salutations to you, O Revati.
बृहत्यै ते नमस्तेऽस्तु,
लोक-धात्र्यै नमोऽस्तु ते।
नमस्ते विश्व-मित्रायै,
नन्दिन्यै ते नमो नमः।।10।।
Brihatyai Te Namaste’stu,
Loka-dhatriyai Namo’stu Te.
Namaste Vishva-mitrayai,
Nandinyai Te Namo Namah.
Salutations to you, O Divine Mother of immense stature, Greetings to you, the sustainer of the world. Greetings to you, the friend of the universe, Salutations to you, O Nandini.
पृथ्व्यै शिवामृतायै च,
सु-वृषायै नमो नमः।
तारायै ते नमो नमः।।11।।
Prithvyai Shivaamritaayai cha,
Su-vrishaya Namo Namah.
Taraayai Te Namo Namah.
Salutations to the Divine Mother of the Earth and the nectar of Shiva, Salutations to you, the bestower of abundant blessings. You transcend the realm of duality, Salutations to you, O savior.
अभिन्नायै नमोऽस्तु ते।
शान्तायै च वरिष्ठायै,
वरदायै नमो नमः।।12।।
Abhinnayai Namo’stu Te.
Shaantaayai cha Varishthaya,
Varadayai Namo Namah.
Salutations to you, the liberator from the entanglements of worldly attachments, Greetings to you, the indivisible one. You are the embodiment of peace and highest blessings, Salutations to you, the bestower of boons.
उग्रायै सुख-जग्ध्यै च,
सञ्जीविन्यै नमोऽस्तु ते।
दुरितघ्न्यै नमो नमः।।13।।
Ugraayai Sukha-jagdhyai cha,
Sanjivinyai Namo’stu Te.
Duritaghnyai Namo Namah.
Salutations to you, the fierce and destroyer of sorrows, Greetings to you, the bestower of happiness and revitalization. You are the supreme divinity and the giver of knowledge, Salutations to you, the dispeller of miseries.
जग्मात्रे नमोऽस्तु ते।
मंगलायै नमो नमः।।14।।
Jagmatre Namo’stu Te.
Mangalayai Namo Namah.
Salutations to you, the destroyer of sufferings for those who seek refuge, Greetings to you, the universal mother who has traversed all existence. You protect and favor all beings, Salutations to you, the bestower of auspiciousness.
सर्वस्यार्ति-हरे देवि!
नारायणि ! नमोऽस्तु ते।।15।।
Sarvasyaarti-hare Devi!
Narayani! Namo’stu Te.
O Devi Narayani, who is devoted to rescuing the distressed and afflicted, You are the ultimate refuge and deliverance for all. O Divine Mother, who removes the afflictions of all, Salutations to you.
निर्लेपायै दुर्ग-हन्त्र्यै,
सक्षायै ते नमो नमः।
परापर-परायै च,
गंगे निर्वाण-दायिनि।।16।।
Nirlepayai Durga-hantryai,
Sakshaayai Te Namo Namah.
Paraapara-paraayai cha,
Gange Nirvaana-daayini.
Salutations to you, the annihilator of difficulties and obstacles, Greetings to you, the manifest form of the ultimate reality. You are the giver of liberation beyond the realm of duality, O Ganga, bestow peace and liberation.
गंगे ममाऽग्रतो भूया,
गंगे मे तिष्ठ पृष्ठतः।
गंगे मे पार्श्वयोरेधि,
गंगे त्वय्यस्तु मे स्थितिः।।18।।
Gange mamaagroto bhuya,
Gange me tishtha prishthatah.
Gange me paarshvayor-edhi,
Gange tvayyastu me sthitih.
Ganga, be in front of me, Ganga, be behind me. Ganga, stay on my sides, May my existence be established in you, O Ganga.
आदौ त्वमन्ते मध्ये च,
सर्व त्वं गांगते शिवे!
त्वमेव मूल-प्रकृतिस्त्वं
पुमान् पर एव हि।।19।।
Aadau tvamante madhye cha,
Sarva tvam Gaangate Shive!
Tvameva moola-prakritis-tvam
Pumaan para eva hi.
You are in the beginning, end, and middle, You are everything, O Ganga, in the form of Shiva. You are the root cause and the supreme reality, You are the ultimate transcendental being.
गंगे त्वं परमात्मा च,
शिवस्तुभ्यं नमः शिवे।।20।।
 Gange tvam paramatma cha,
Shivastubhyam namah Shive.
O Ganga, you are the supreme soul, Salutations to you, O Shiva.
य इदं पठते स्तोत्रं,
श्रृणुयाच्छ्रद्धयाऽपि यः।
दशधा मुच्यते पापैः,
Ya idam pathate strotram,
Shrinvayachchhraddhayapi yah.
Dashadhaa muchyate paapaih,
Whoever recites or listens to this hymn with faith, Is liberated from various sins committed by the body, speech, and mind. They are freed from afflictions and dangers, The fearful ones are relieved from fear.
रोगस्थो रोगतो मुच्येद्,
विपद्भ्यश्च विपद्-युतः।
मुच्यते बन्धनाद् बद्धो,
भीतो भीतेः प्रमुच्यते।।22।।
Rogastho rogato muchyed,
Vipadbhyashcha vipad-yutah.
Muchyate bandhanaad baddho,
Bhito bheeteh pramuchyate.
The one afflicted with diseases is freed from illness, The one engulfed in calamities is liberated from misfortunes. The bound ones are released from their bondage, The fearful ones are freed from fear.

Benefits of Ganga Dussehra Stotram:

Connection with Ancestry: The Ganga Dussehra Stotram holds a special connection with the lineage of King Sagara, an esteemed figure from the Suryavansha dynasty. Through the recitation of this hymn, one can establish a deeper connection with their ancestral roots and receive their ancestral blessings.

Observance of Tradition: Chanting the Ganga Dussehra Stotram during the festival of Ganga Dussehra upholds the age-old tradition and reverence towards the holy river Ganges. It signifies the devotion and gratitude towards Mother Ganga, who is believed to have descended from heaven to earth on this sacred day.

Freedom from Evils: The Vedic scriptures mention that reciting the stotram while bathing in a holy river or reservoir leads to the eradication of faults and sins. It is considered a means to seek forgiveness and liberation from all kinds of evils and wrongdoings.

Divine Blessings: By invoking the blessings of Mother Ganga through the recitation of this stotram, individuals receive the grace and divine favor of the Goddess. This bestowal of blessings brings forth auspiciousness, prosperity, and overall well-being in their lives.

Removal of Sins: By reciting the Ganga Dussehra Stotram, individuals can be freed from the faults and sins they have knowingly or unknowingly committed in their lives. The recitation acts as a purifying force, cleansing the soul from impurities and negative karma.

Sri Venkateswara Stotram: Benefits, Blessings, and Powerful Prayers for Relief, Prosperity, and Spiritual Growth
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