

Tripura Sundari Vedasara Stotram: Benefits, Mantra, and Prayers for Success

ज्योत्स्नाशुद्धावदाता शशिशिशुमकुटालंकृता ब्रह्मपत्नी।
साहित्यांभोजभृङ्गी कविकुलविनुता सात्विकीं वाग्विभूतिं
देयान्मे शुभ्रवस्त्रा करचलवलया वल्लकीं वादयन्ती ॥१॥


Kasthuri panga bhaswad gala chalad amala sthoola muktha valeekaa,
Jyothsnaa sudhaavadathaa sasi sisu makutalankrutha Brahma pathni,
Sahithyambhoja brungee kavi kula vinuthaa sathwikeem Vag vibhoothim,
Dheyanme shubra vastrhra kara chala valayaa vallakeem vadhayanthi. 1


May I be blessed with word power that is Sathvika by the consort of Brahma, Who has moving necklaces in her musk applied shining neck, Who has the luster of the body which resembles the white luster of moon, Who wears crescent on her head, who is the female bee enjoying the honey, From the lotus leaf called literature, whose fame is sung by group of poets, Who wears white cloths and who plays Veena with her bangles making sound.

एकान्ते योगिवृन्दैः प्रशमितकरणैः क्षुत्पिपासा विमुक्तैः
सानन्दं ध्यानयोगाद्बिसगुणसदृशी दृश्यते चित्तमध्ये।
या देवी हंसरूपा भवभटहरणं साधकानां विधत्ते
सा नित्यं नादरूपा त्रिभुवनजननी मोदमाविष्करोतु ॥२॥


Yekanthe yogi vrundai prasamitha karanai kshuth pipasaa vimukthai,
Swanandam dhyana yogadhbhi suguna sadhrusi drusyathe chitha madhye,
Ya devi hamsa roopa bhava bhata haranam sadhakanaam vidathe,
Sa nithyam nadha roopaa TRibhuvana janani modham avishkarothu. 2


Let her who exists in the mind of the sages, who have controlled all their senses, And have won over hunger and thirst and are the meditating with joy, And appears clearly like a thread of a lotus at the end of their Dhyana Yoga, And her who with the form of swan destroys the fear of birth among devotees, And her who is of the form of sound and the mother of the three worlds express her joy.

ईक्षित्री सृष्टिकाले त्रिभुवनमथ या तत्क्षणेऽनुप्रविश्य
स्थेमानं प्रापयन्ती निजगुणविभवैः सर्वदा व्याप्य विश्वम्।
संहर्त्री सर्वभासां विलयनसमये स्वात्मनि स्वप्रकाशा
सा देवी कर्मबन्धं मम भवकरणं नाशयित्वादिशक्तिः ॥३॥


Eekshithri srushti kale tribhuvanamadha ya thath kshanenu pravisya.
Sthemaanam prapayanthi nija guna vibhavai sarvadhaa vyapya viswam,
Samharthree sarva bhasaam vilayana samaye swathmani swaprakasa,
Sa devi karma bhandham mama bhava karanam nasayithwadhi Shakthi. 3


Let the primeval power who at the time of creation having seen all the three worlds Spreads her self -divinity in the entire universe and protects them and at the end, As well as Destroys all other powers and merges them all within herself. And who appears to the others as a self luminous body, Destroy my ties with this world, which cause birth and death.

लक्ष्या या चक्रराजे नवपुरलसिते योगिनीवृन्दगुप्ते
सौवर्णे शैलशृङ्गे सुरगणरचिते तत्त्वसोपानयुक्ते।
मन्त्रिण्या मेचकाङ्ग्या कुचभरनतया कोलमुख्या च सार्धं
सम्राज्ञी सा मदीयं मदगजगमना दीर्घमायुस्तनोतु ॥४॥


Lakshyaa ya chakra raje nava pura lasithe yoginee vrunda gupthe,
Souvarne saila srunge suraguna rachithe Thathwa sopana yukthe,
Mandrinya mechakangyaa kucha bharana thaya kola mukhya cha saardham,
Samragnee saa madheeyaamadha gaja gamanadeergamayusthanothu. 4


Found in the top of the golden mountain of Meru the ladder of principles, Constructed by the devas, which is found to be present, In the nine puras which were kept hidden by the Yoginis, Accompanied by the black manthrinis decorating their breasts with ornaments, Is the queen with a walk of exuberant elephants and let her give us long life.

ह्रींकाराम्भोजभृङ्गी हयमुखविनुता हानिवृध्यादिहीना
हंसोऽहम् मन्त्रराज्ञी हरिहयवरदा हादिमन्त्राक्षरूपा ।
हस्ते चिन्मुद्रिकाद्या हतबहुदनुजा हस्तिकृत्तिप्रिया मे
हार्दं शोकातिरेकं शमयतु ललिताधीश्वरी पाशहस्ता ॥५॥


Hreenngarambhoja brungi, haye mukha vinutha, hani vrudhyadhi heenaa,
Hamsoham manthra ragnee hari haya varadhaa haadhi manthaksha roopaa,
Hasthe chin mudhrikadyaa hatha bahu dhanujaa hasthi krutha priyamaa,
Hardham sokaathirekam samayathu lalithaadheeswari pasa hasthaa. 5


Let her Who is female bee of the sound of Hreem, Let her who is being praised by the horse faced ones, Let her who does not either increase or decrease, Let her who is the Goddess of the Hamsa chant, Let her who is the soul of mantras staring with ha, Let her who wears the divine symbol, Let her who has killed several asuras and the consort of Shiva, And let her who is Goddess Lalitha and holder of the noose, With love and softness put out completely my sorrow.

हस्ते पङ्केरुहाभे सरससरसिजं बिभ्रती लोकमाता
क्षीरोदन्वत्सुकन्या करिवरविनुता नित्यपुष्टाऽब्जगेहा।
पद्माक्षी हेमवर्णा मुररिपुदयिता शेवधिस्संपदां या
सा मे दारिद्र्यदोषं दमयतु करुणादृष्टिपातैरजस्रम् ॥६॥


Hasthe pangeruhaabhe sarasa sarasijam bhibrathim loka mathaa,
Kseero dhanwath sukanyaa kari vara vinuthaa nithya pushtabhja gehaa,
Padmakshee Hema varna mura ripu dhayithaa sevadhisampadhaam ya,
Saa may daridrya dosham dhamayathu karunaa drushti pathai rajasram. 6


Let her who holds a lotus flower in her lotus like hands, Let her who is the mother of the world, who was born in the ocean of milk, Let her who was praised by the elephant who is forever famous, Let her who has eyes like lotus and lives in a lotus, Let her who is of golden colour and consort of the enemy of Mura, And let her who blesses with wealth cure the defect due to poverty by her looks.

सच्चिद्ब्रह्मस्वरूपां सकलगुणयुतां निर्गुणां निर्विकारां
रागद्वेषादिहन्त्रीं रविशशिनयनां राज्यदानप्रवीणाम्।
चत्वारिंशत्त्रिकोणे चतुरधिकसमे चक्रराजे लसन्तीं
कामाक्षीं कामितानां वितरणचतुरां चेतसा भावयामि ॥७॥


SAchid brahma swaroopa amsa kala guna yuthaam nirgunaam nirvikaaram,
Raga dweshaadhi hanthrim, ravi sasi nayanaam, rajya dhana praveenaam,
Chatwarimsath trikone chathuradhika same chakra raje lasantheem,
Kaamakshmi kamithaanaam vitharana chathuraam chethasaa bhavayami. 7


I meditate on Kamakshi, who is the real form of the real divine Brhamam, Who though having all good qualities does not have any qualities, Who is without any emotions, Who destroys bias and hatred, Who is one with moon and Sun as her eyes, who is capable of even giving a kingdom, Who shines in the wheel with forty angles and who is capable of fulfilling all desires.

कन्दर्पे शान्तदर्पे त्रिनयनज्योतिषा देववृन्दैः
साशङ्कं साश्रुपातं सविनयकरुणं याचिता कामपत्न्या।
या देवी दृष्टिपातैः पुनरपि मदनं जीवयामास सद्यः
सा नित्यं रोगशान्त्यै प्रभवतु ललिताधीश्वरी चित्प्रकाशा ॥८॥


Kandharpe santhi darpe trinayana nayana jyothishaa deva vrundhyai,
Sa Sankam sasrupatham savinaya karunam yachithaa kama pathnyaa,
Ya devi drushti pathai punarapi madanam jeevayaamasa sadhya,
Sanithyam roga santhyai prabhavathu lalithadheeswari chith prakaso. 8


When the God of love was completely burnt down by the light of the eyes of Shiva, And when with humility and tears in her eyes Rathi devi, Begged the devas and Lord Shiva for mercy and for his life, Then that Goddess by her simple sight gave again life to the God of love, And let that Lalitha Devi with her divine luster always cure my diseases.

हव्यैः कव्यैश्च सर्वैर्श्रुतिचयविहितैः कर्मभिः कर्मशीलाः
ध्यानाद्यैरष्टभिश्च प्रशमितकलुषा योगिनः पर्णभक्षाः।
यामेवानेकरूपां प्रतिदिनमवनौ संश्रयन्ते विधिज्ञा
सा मे मोहान्धकारं बहुभवजनितं नाशयत्वादिमाता ॥९॥


Havyai kavyaischa sarvai sruthi chayta vihithai karmabhi Karmasheelaa,
Dhyaanaadyai rashtabhischa prasamitha kalushaa yogina parnna bhakshaa,
Yamevaneka roopam prathi dinamavanou samsrayanthe vidhignaa,
Saa may mohandhakaaraam bahu bhava janitham nasayathwadhi matha. 9


Let the darkness due to passion which has crept in me over several births, Be destroyed by the primeval mother who destroys the sins of all those, Who does fire sacrifices and the yogis who are adepts in the eight fold path living in huts, And who assumes many different forms for the sake of the good of people.

लक्ष्या मूलत्रिकोणे गुरुवरकरुणालेशतः कामपीठे
यस्यां विश्वं समस्तं बहुतरविततं जायते कुण्डलिन्या।
यस्या शक्तिप्ररोहादविरलममृतं विन्दते योगिवृन्दं
तां वन्दे नादरूपां प्रणवपदमयीं प्राणिनां प्राणधात्रीम् ॥१०॥


Lakshyaa moola trikone guru vara karuna lesatha kama peete,
Yasyaam viswam samastham bahu thara vithatham jayathe kundalinyaa,
Yasyaa Shakthi prorohaadha virala mamrutham vindathe yogi vrundam,
Thaam vande nada roopaam pranava pada mayim praninaam prana dhathrim. 10


I salute the Goddess who is of the form of sound, Who is pervaded with the primeval sound Om, Who gives the soul to all living beings,
Who can be seen in the kama peeta in the basic triangle because of grace of Guru, Who creates the entire world only through her own power as Kundalini And who has the power to make available the rare nectar to her devotee sages,

ह्रींकाराम्बोधिलक्ष्मीं हिमगिरितनयां ईश्वराणां
ह्रींमन्त्राराध्यदेवीं श्रुतिशतशिखरैर्मृग्यमाणां मृगाक्षीम्।
ह्रींमन्त्रान्तैस्त्रिकूटैः स्थिरतरमहिभिर्धार्यमाणां ज्वलन्तीं
ह्रीं ह्रीं ह्रीमित्यजस्रं हृदयसरसिजे भावयेऽहं भवानीम् ॥११॥


Hreengarambodhi lakshmeem, hima giri thanayaam easwaraanaam,
Hreem manthraradhya devim sruthi satha shikarair mrugyamanam mrugakshim,
Hreem manthra anthai sthrikutai sthira thara mathibhir dharya maanaam jwalanthim,
Hreem Hreem Hrem ithyaja srumhyudhaya sarasije bhavayeham bhavaneem. 11


I meditate in the lotus of my mind by chanting Hreem, Hreem, that Goddess Bhavani, Who is the Goddess Lakshmi of the ocean of milk called Hreem, Who is the daughter of the mountain, who is the goddess to Gods, Who is worshipped by the sound Hreem, Who is the deer eyed one can be seen by hunting in the peaks of Vedas, And who can be seen as light at the end of the Chant Hreem by great mediators.

सर्वेषां ध्यान मथ्रातः सविथुरु दरगं चोदयन्थि मनीषां,
सविथ्री ततः पदर्त्ठ ससि युथ मकुट पञ्च शीर्षा त्रिनेथ्रा।
हस्थाग्रै शङ्ख चक्रध्य अखिल जन पर्थ्रण दक्षयुधानां,
भिभ्रणा वृन्द मम्ब विसदयथु मथिं ममकीनां महेसि. 12


Sarvesham dhyana mathraath savithuru daragam chodayanthi maneeshaam,
Savithri thath padarththa sasi yutha makuta Pancha seershaa trinethraa,
Hasthagrai Shankha chakradhy akhila jana parithrana dakshayudhaanaam,
Bhibhranaa vrunda mamba visadayathu mathim mamakeenaam mahesi. 12


Let my intelligence be given clarity and dept by that great Goddess, Who is visible as Savithri in the solar system, just by meditation of people, Who wears the crescent, , who has three eyes, who has five heads and, Who shines with weapons like conch and wheel in her hands for protection of people.

कर्त्री लोकस्य लीलाविलसितविधिना कारयित्री क्रियाणां
भर्त्री स्वानुप्रवेशाद्वियदनिलमुखैः पञ्चभूतैः स्वसृष्टैः।
हर्त्री स्वेनैवधाम्ना पुनरपि वलये कालरूपं दधाना
हन्यादामूलमस्मत्कलुषभरमुमा भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदात्री ॥१३॥


Karthree lokasya leela vilasitha vidhinaakarayathri kriyaanaam,
Bharthree swanu prvesadwiyadha anila mukhai, Pancha bhoothai swasrushtai,
Harthree swenai vadhamna punarapi valaye kala roopam dhadhaanaa,
Hanyadhaa mulamasmath kalusha bhara muma bhukthi mukthi padathree. 13


Let all the onus of accumulated sins of mine be completely destroyed by Uma, Who playfully creates the world, who is the law giver behind all actions, Who rules over all beings created by herself using the five elements by entering them, Who destroys every thing by her own power, who takes the form of time at deluge, And who is the one who is the good and bad of all giving them wealth and salvation.

लक्ष्या या पुण्यजालैः गुरुवरचरणाम्भोजसेवाविशेषात्
दृश्या स्वान्ते सुधीभिर्दरदलितमहापद्मकोशेनतुल्ये।
लक्षं जप्त्वापि यस्या मनुवरमणिमादिसिद्धिमन्तो महान्तः
सा नित्यं मामकीने हृदयसरसिजे वासमङ्गीकरोतु ॥१४॥


Lakshyaa yaa punya jaalai guru vara charanombhoja seva viseshath,
Drusyaa swannhe sudheebhir dura dalitha maha padmena kosena thulye,
Laksham japthwapi yasyaa manu varanimaa sidhi manthro mahntha,
Sa nithyam maamakeene hrudaya sarasije vasam angi karothu. 14


Let the pond of my mind be approved as her place of stay by that Goddess, Who can be made the aim of any one by doing good deeds, Who becomes visible to good people by serving the teacher in the maha kosa, And all occult powers can be owned by any one who chants her mantra hundred thousand times.

ह्रीं श्रीं ऐं मन्त्ररूपा हरिहरविनुताऽगस्त्यपत्नीप्रतिष्ठा
हादिकाद्यर्णतत्त्वा सुरपतिवरदा कामराजप्रतिष्ठा।
दुष्टानां दानवानां मनभरहरणा दुःखहन्त्री बुधानां
सम्राज्ञी चक्रराज्ञी प्रदिशतु कुशलं मह्यमोंकाररूपा ॥१५॥


Hreem Sreem Iym manthra roopaa hari hara vinuthaa, agasthya pathni prathishtaa,
Haadhi kadhyarna Thathwa, sura pathi varadaa, kama raja prathishtaa,
Dushtaanam dhanavaanaam mana bhara haranaa, dukha hanthri budhaanaam,
SAmragnee, chakra ragnee pradhi sathu kusalm maha mongaraa roopaa. 15


Let me given great welfare by the queen of Sri Chakra who is of the form of Om, Who is of the form of Hreem, sreem and Iym, Who is worshipped by Shiva and Vishnu, Who is kept in her mind by wife of sage Agasthya, Who is the meaning of the Haadhi and Khaadhi chants, Who blesses Indra, Who is dear to Shiva, the king of love, Who destroys the pride of bad asuras, who cures sorrow of sages and is the empress.

श्रीमन्त्रार्थस्वरूपा श्रितजनदुरितध्वान्तहन्त्री शरण्या
श्रौतस्मार्तक्रियाणामविकलफलदा फालनेत्रस्य धारा।
श्रीचक्रान्तर्निषण्णा गुहवरजननी दुष्टहन्त्री वरेण्या
श्रीमत्सिंहासनेशी प्रदिशतु विपुलां कीर्तिमानन्दरूप ॥१६॥


Sri mandrartha swaroopa, sritha jana duritha dwantha hanthrri saranyaa,
Srotha smartha kriyaanaama vikala phaladhaa phala nethrasya dhaaraa,
Sri chakranthar nishannaagruha vara janani, dushta hanthree varenya,
Srimath simhasanesi pradhi sathu vipulaamn keerthi mananda roopa. 16


Let me given great good fame by the one who sits on the throne, Who is of the form of Sreem, who solves the problems of those who surrender to her, Who gives results without problems to rituals prescribed in Vedas, Who is the consort of God who has eyes on his forehead, Who lives in Sri Chakra, who is the mother of Lord Subrahmanya, And who is the killer of bad people and one who grants boons.

Benefits of Tripura sundari Vedasara Stotram:

Auspicious timings: The stotram suggests specific auspicious times and days for initiating the chanting practice. Ashtami and Navami thithis (lunar phases), Pournami thithi (full moon day), Tuesdays, and Fridays are considered favorable for invoking the blessings of Goddess Tripura Sundari.

Enhancing radiance and beauty: Chanting the Tripura Sundari Maha Mantra is considered a beauty mantra. It is believed to enhance physical attractiveness and charisma. Devotees seeking an increased aura of charm and appeal can find benefit in the regular recitation of this stotram.

Alleviating planetary ill effects: The mantra is believed to mitigate the negative influences of planetary doshas (graha dosha). It harmonizes the celestial energies and helps individuals overcome the challenges posed by unfavorable planetary positions, thereby bringing balance and well-being.

Overcoming enemies: The mantra aids in averting enemies and the problems they may cause. By chanting it, individuals can create a shield of spiritual energy that helps to neutralize the negative intentions of adversaries and maintain harmony in their lives.

Protection from misfortunes: Goddess Tripura Sundari is believed to be a guardian who safeguards her devotees from various adversities in life. By regularly reciting this stotram, one can seek her divine protection and find solace amidst challenges.

Sri Maha Ganesha Pancharatnam Stotram: Removing Obstacles, and Cultivating Spiritual Connection
Unlocking the Blessings: Discover the Powerful Benefits of Subramanya Karavalamba Stotram

Comments (1)

  1. prince

    really liked the Shri Venkatesh Aarti. It made me feel closer to Lord Venkatesh.

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