

Ahalya Kruta Sri Rama Stotram – Benefits, and Meaning


अहो कृतार्थाऽस्मि जगन्निवास ते पदाब्जसंलग्नरजःकणादहं।
स्पृशामि यत्पद्मजशङ्करादिभि-र्विमृश्यते रन्धितमानसैः सदा ॥१॥


Aho krutharthasmi jagannivasa te Paadabjha samlagna rajah kanadaham |
Sprushaami yat padmaja shankaradibhih Vimrugyate randitha manasaih sada ||1||


Oh God of the universe, I am grateful to you, For touching me with, The dust. Of your feet, For it is being longed for, By Lord Brahma and Shiva, With sadness in not getting it and with longing.


अहो विचित्रं तव राम चेष्टितम् मनुष्यभावेन विमोहितं जगत्।
चलस्यजस्रं चरणादि वर्जितः संपूर्ण आनन्दमयोऽतिमायिकः॥२॥


Aho vichitram tava Raama cheshtitam Manushabhavena vimohitam jagat |
Chalasya jasram charanaadi varjitah Sampoorna Aananda mayoti mayaikah ||2||


Your actions are strange Rama, For you attract the world in a human form, And the world is made to believe in it, You keep about moving everywhere, When you do not have any legs, And with your complete happiness, You are everywhere, which is strange!


यत्पादपंकजपरागविचित्रगात्रा भागीरथी भवविरिञ्चमुखान् पुनाति।
साक्षात् स एव मम दृग्विषयो यदास्ते किं वर्ण्यते मम पुराकृतभागधेयम् ॥३॥


Yatpaada pankaja paraaga pavitragatra Bhageerathi Bhava Virinichi mukhaan punaati|
Sakshat sa eva mama drug vishayo yadaaste Kim varnyate mama puraa kruta bhaagadeyam ||3||


How can I describe the holy deeds, Committed in my previous births, For I am able to see in human form, You ,whose dust of feet makes the river Ganga, Purify Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva.


मर्त्यावतारे मनुजाकृतिं हरिं रामाभिधेयं रमणीयदेहिनम्।
धनुर्द्धरं पद्मविलोललोचनं भजामि नित्यं न परान् भजिष्ये ॥४॥


Martyaavataare manujaa krutim harim Raamaabidheyam ramaneeya dehinam
Dhanurdharam padma vishaala lochanam Bhajami nityam na paraan bhajishye ||4||


I am going to pray him daily, Who is named Rama, Who is but the human incarnation, Of the great Lord Vishnu, Who has a pretty body, Who is armed with a bow, And who has broad lotus like eyes, And I will not pray any body else.


यत्पादपङ्कजरजःश्रुतिभिर्विमृग्यं यन्नाभिपंकजभवः कमलासनश्च।
यन्नामसाररसिको भगवान् पुरारिः तं रामचन्द्रमनिशं हृदि भावयामि ॥५॥


Yat paada pankaja rajah shruthibhivimrugyam Yannaabhi pankaja Bhavah Kamalasanascha |
Yannaama saara rasiko Bhagawaan Purari Tam Raamachandram manisham Hrudi Bhavayami ||5||


I always pray that Ramachandra, The dust of whose feet is being searched by Vedas, Whose belly gave rise to Lord Brahma sitting on a lotus, And whose name is being constantly meditated by Shiva.


यस्यावतारचरितानि विरिञ्चलोके गायन्ति नारदमुखाभवपद्मजाद्याः।
आनन्दजाश्रुपरिषिक्तकुचाग्रसीमा वागीश्वरी च तमहं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥६॥


Yasyaavataara charitani Virinchi loke Gaayanti Narada Mukha Bhava Padmajadyah |
Aanandaja shru parishikta kuchagra seema Vaageshwari cha tamaham sharanam prapadye ||6||


I seek the protection of Him, Whose story of incarnation, Is being sung in the land Of Brahma, By Brahma, Shiva, Narada and others, And also sung by goddess Saraswathi, Whose busts are made wet by her tears of joy.


सोयं परात्मा पुरुषः पुराण एषः स्वयंज्योतिरनन्त आद्यः।
मायातनुं लोकविमोहनीयां धत्ते परानुग्रह एव रामः ॥७॥


Soyam paraatmaa purushah puraana Eka svyamjyothiranantha aadyah |
Maayatanum loka vimohaneeyaam Dhatte paraanugraha esha Raamah ||7||


This Rama is the greatest God, And the God who is very ancient, He is shining with his own light, And he is the first man and without end, He has a body which by its powers, Bewitches the entire world, He is also the one who, Blesses others forever.


अयं हि विश्वोद्भवसंयमाना-मेकः स्वमायागुणबिम्बितो यः।
विरिञ्चिविष्ण्वीश्वरनामभेदान् धत्ते स्वतन्त्रः परिपूर्ण अत्मा ॥८॥


Ayam hi vishvodbhava samyamaanaam Eka svamaaya guna bimbito yah |
Virinchi Vishnveeshwara naama bhedan Dhatte swatantrah paripoorna aatma ||8||


Is he not the prime reason for, Creation , upkeep and destruction of the world? And is he not same as Brahma, Shiva, And as Vishnu but looks different by illusion? He is independent, complete and is the soul.


नमोस्तु ते राम तवाङ्घ्रिपंकजं श्रिया धृतं वक्षसि लालितं प्रियात्।
आक्रान्तमेकेन जगत्त्रयं पुरा ध्येयं मुनीन्द्रैरभिमानवर्जितैः ॥९॥


Namostute Raama tavanghri pankajam Shriya dhrutham vakshasi laalitam priyat |
Aakraantamekena jagatrayam puraa Dhyeyam muneendrairabhi maana varjitaih ||9||


My salutations to your lotus like feet Rama, For these feet are being kept on her heart by Lakshmi, And this is the feet which conquered three worlds, And is being meditated by sages, Who do not have any pride.


जगतामादिभूतस्त्वं जगत्त्वं जगदाश्रयः।
सर्वभूतेष्वसंबद्ध एको भाति भवान् परः ॥१०॥


Jagataam aadi bhootastvam jagattvam jagadaashrayah |
Sarvabhooteshva samyuktha eko bhaati bhavaan parah ||10||


You are the first in the universe, You are the basis of the universe, Alone and as the primeval God, You shine in all beings.


ऒङ्कारवाच्यस्त्वं राम वाचामविषयः पुमान्।
वाच्यवाचकभेदेन भवानेव जगन्मयः ॥११॥


Omkaara vaachastvam Raama vaachaama vishayah pumaan |
Vaachya vaachaka bhedena bhavaaneva jaganmayah||11||


Oh Rama, you are the meaning of Om, You are the true Purusha who is beyond words, You are words, you are their meaning, And you have spread all over the world.


एको विभासि राम त्वं मायया बहुरूपया ॥१२॥


Kaarya karana kartutva phala saadhana bhedatah |
Eko vibhaasi Raama tvam maayaya bahu roopaya ||12||


Oh Rama You are the act, the cause and the doer, By the differing results obtained, Though you are only one, You shine in different forms.


त्वन्मायामोहितधिय-स्त्वां न जानन्ति तत्त्वतः।
मानुषं त्वाभिमन्यन्ते मायिनं परमेश्वरम् ॥१३॥


Tvanmaaya mohita dhiyah tvaam naa jaananti tatvatah |
Maanusham tvabhimaanyanthe maayinam parameshwaram ||13||


Due to the veil thrown by your illusion, Even wise people are no able to know you, They think that you who are the great God, Who has suppressed his form using illusion, As a very ordinary human being.


आकाशवत्त्वं सर्वत्र बहिरन्तर्गतोऽमलः।
असंगोह्यचलो नित्यः शुद्धो बुद्धः सदव्ययः ॥१४॥


Aakashatvam sarvatra bahirantargatomalah |
Asangho hyachalo nityah shudhho buddhah sadavyayah ||14||


Like the sky you are outside and inside, You are clear, you are stable, you are perennial, You are clean, you are wise and without change.


योषिन्मूढाहमज्ञा ते तत्त्वं जाने कथं विभो।
तस्मात्ते शतशो राम नमस्कुर्यामनन्यधीः ॥१५॥


Yoshinmoodahamagnaate tatvam jaane katham vibho
Tasmaatte shatasho Raama namaskuryam mananyadhih ||15||


Hey Rama, I am a fool who is ignorant, And how do I know your real self, So keeping my mind permanently in you, I salute you again and again.


देव मे यत्रकुत्रापि स्थिताया अपि सर्वदा।
त्वत्पादकमले सक्ता भक्तिरेव सदास्तु ते ॥१६॥


Deva me yatra kutraapi stithaaya api sarvada |
Tvatpaada kamale saktaa bhaktireva sadastu me ||16||


Hey God, Wherever I stay, May I always, Have devotion to your lotus like feet.


नमस्ते पुरुषाद्ध्यक्ष नमस्ते भक्तवत्सल।
नमस्तेस्तु हृषीकेश नारायण नमोस्तुते ॥१७॥


Namaste purushaadhyaksha namaste bhaktavatsala |
Namastestu Hrishikesha Naarayana namostute ||17||


Salutations to the leader of men, Salutations to him who is dear to his devotees, Salutations to him who controls his senses, Salutations to Lord Narayana.


भवभयहरमेकं भानुकोटिप्रकाशं करधृतशरचापं कालमेघावभासम्।
कनकरुचिरवस्त्रं रत्नवत् कुण्डलाढ्यं कमलविशदनेत्रं सानुजं राममीडे ॥१८॥


Bhavabhayaa haraamekam Bhanukoti prakaasham Kara dhrutha sharaschapam kaalameghaava bhaasam
Kanakaruchira vastram ratnavat kundalaadhyam Kamalaavishaada netram saanujam Raamameede ||18||


I salute that Lord Rama, Who destroys sorrows of birth and death, Who is only one, Who shines like crores of Suns, Who wears arrows and bow in his hand, Who shines like the black rain bearing cloud, Who wears silk of golden colour, Who wears ear studs made of gems, Who has eyes like lotus, And who appears with his brother.


स्तुत्वैवं पुरुषं साक्षात् राघवं पुरतःस्थितम्।
परिक्रम्य प्रणम्याशु सानुज्ञाता ययौ पतिम् ॥१९॥


Stutvivam purusham saakshaat Raaghavam puratah stitham |
Parikramya pranamyaashu saanugnaata yayou patim ||19||


After praying thus That Purusha, Who is the real Lord Rama, She went round him, Saluted him, and went, To her Husband.


अहल्यया कृतं स्तोत्रं यः पठेत्भक्तिसंयुतः।
स मुच्यतेऽखिलैः पापैः प्ररब्रह्माधिगच्छति ॥२०॥


Ahalyayaa krutam stotram yah patedbhakti poorvakam |
Sa muchyete akhilai papaih para Bramhaadhi gacchati ||20||


He who reads with devotion, This prayer composed by Ahalya, Would get rid of all his sins, And reach the position of ultimate Brahmam.


पुत्राद्यर्थे पठेद्भक्त्या रामं हृदि विधाय च।
संवत्सरेण लभते वन्ध्या अपि सुपुत्रकम् ॥२१॥


Putradyarthe pathedbhaktya Raamam hrudi nidhaaya cha
Samvatsarena labhate vandhyaa api suputrakam ||21||


She who keeps Rama in her mind, And reads this with devotion, With a view to get a child, Will get a child within a year, Even if she is barren. And would get all her wishes fulfilled, by the blessings of Lord Ramachandra.


ब्रह्मघ्नो गुरुतल्पगोपि पुरुषः स्तेयी सुरापोपि वा।
मातृभ्रातृविहिंसकोऽपि सततं भोगैकबद्धादरः ॥२२॥


Brahmaghno gurutalpa gopi purushah steyi surapop va
Maatru bhratru vimhimsakopi satatam bhogaika baddhaathurah |


Even he who has killed a Brahmin, Who had sex relations with teacher’s wife, Who steals others property, Who drinks alcoholic drinks, Who has killed his mother or brother, And who is always engaged in passionate acts, Will surely get salvation,


नित्यं स्तोत्रमिदं जपन् रघुपतिं भक्त्या हृदि संस्मरन्।
ध्यायन् मुक्तिमुपैति किं पुनरसौ स्वाचारयुक्तो नरः ॥२३॥


Nityam stotramidam Raghupatim bhaktya hrudhistam smaran
Dhayan muktimupaiti kim punarasou svaachara yukto narah ||22||


If he thinks of Lord Rama in his mind, And recite and meditate on this prayer daily, So what shall we say of one who is good natured?

Benefits of Ahalya Kruta Sri Rama Stotram:

Purification and Removal of Sins: The stotram’s verses emphasize the glory and benevolence of Lord Rama. Reciting these hymns with devotion is believed to cleanse the heart and soul, helping individuals rid themselves of their past sins and wrongdoings.

Divine Blessings: Chanting the “Ahalya Kruta Sri Rama Stotram” is said to attract divine blessings and grace from Lord Rama. Devotees who recite this stotram sincerely are believed to receive protection, guidance, and support in their lives.

Mukti (Liberation): It is believed that consistent recitation of the stotram leads to liberation (mukti) and allows the devotee to attain union with the divine. By surrendering to Lord Rama through this stotram, one may ultimately find liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Fulfillment of Desires: The stotram holds the promise of fulfilling genuine and heartfelt desires. Those who recite the stotram with unwavering faith and devotion may find their wishes granted by the compassionate Lord Rama.

Blessings for Parenthood: The stotram is said to hold a special blessing for couples who wish to become parents. Regular recitation for a year, accompanied by steadfast devotion to Lord Rama, is believed to result in the blessings of parenthood and the birth of a healthy and cherished child.

Shri Ganesh Mantra Stotram: Discovering Inner Wisdom and Divine Connection
Sarpa Suktam Stotram: Salutations to Serpents

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