

Kamakala Kali Stotram: Invoking Divine Power for Protection and Empowerment

Sanskrit / Hindi Translation Meaning
अथ वक्ष्ये महेशानि देव्याः स्तोत्रमनुत्तमम् ।
यस्य स्मरणमात्रेण विघ्ना यान्ति पराङ्मुखाः ॥ १॥
Ath vaksye mahesani devyah stotramanuttamam.
Yasya smarmatrena vighna yanti parammukha: 1॥
Now I shall describe the hymn of praise to the Goddess Kali. By remembering her even once, all obstacles are removed and calamities averted.
विजेतुं प्रतस्थे यदा कालकस्या-,
सुरान् रावणो मुञ्जमालिप्रवर्हान् ।
तदा कामकालीं स तुष्टाव,
वाग्भिर्जिगीषुर्मृधे बाहुवीर्य्येण सर्वान् ॥ २॥
Vijetum pratasthe yada kalakasya-,
suran ravano munjamalipravarhan.
Tada kamkalin s tushtav,
vagbhirjishurmridhe bahuviryyen sarvan 2
When the demon Ravana wanted to conquer the gods,  By adoring Kali, he sought victory and won over all with his mighty valor.
परिक्षालिता श्रान्तकन्थश्मशाने ।
शिवाकारशावासने सन्निषण्णाम् ॥ ३॥
parikshalita srantkanthasmashane.
Shivakarshavasane Sannishannam. 3
She who rises from the great cosmic ocean, adorned with the serpent, Her throat adorned by the crescent moon, resting on the cremation ground, With her fiery hair disheveled, in the form of Lord Shiva, she is serene.
करालाभिरापादलम्बत्कचाभिः ।
भ्रमन्तीभिरापीय मद्यामिषास्रान्यजस्रं,
समं सञ्चरन्तीं हसन्तीम् ॥ ४॥
Bhramantibhirapiya madyamishasranayajasram,
sam sancharanti hasantim. 4
With yoginis and dakinis like Mahabhairavi, with fearsome faces, With terrifying hands and dangling disheveled hair, She roams intoxicated by consuming the essence of madhya and amrita, She roams everywhere laughing and joyful.
त्विट्परिस्पर्द्धिदेहद्युतिं घोरनादाम् ।
ज्वलद्विद्युदोघप्रभादुर्निरीक्ष्याम् ॥ ५॥
twitparispardhidhedyutin ghoranadam.
Jvaladvidyudoghprabhadurnirikshyaam. 5
She who consumes the end of the great cosmic cycle, Her body shining from the fierce glow, with a terrifying roar, Radiating like the blazing twelve suns and the fire of Rudra, We behold her radiance resembling the brilliance of a lightning cluster.
प्रभश्रोणिबिम्बां चलत्पीवरोरुम् ।
कटिग्रन्थितद्वीपिकृत्त्युत्तरीयाम् ॥ ६॥
Lashnilastone Nirmanvedi-,
Prabhshronibimba Chalatpivarorum.
Katigranthitdwipikruttyuttriyam. 6
She wears a sparkling blue gem-studded crown and earrings, With a moving blue gem on her forehead and charming lips, Her high, full breasts are adorned with a chain of pearls, And her waist is adorned with a belt of knotted snakes.
सृगाबद्धनक्षत्रमालैकहाराम् ।
महाट्टाट्टहासैर्जगत् त्रासयन्तीम् ॥ ७॥
mahatattahasairjagat trasayantim. 7
She is adorned with the blood-red garland of severed heads, Wearing a necklace of stars, she terrifies the wicked, Adorned with ornaments made from the bones of the dead, Her great laughter causes distress to the universe.
च्छलद्धारया स्नापितोरोजयुग्माम् ।
ल्ललल्लेलिहानोग्रजिह्वाग्रभागाम् ॥ ८॥
Chaldharaya Snapitorozjugam.
llalallelihanograjhivagrabhagam 8
Her tongue, red as a ripe pomegranate, stretches far, Dripping with blood and flickering with deceitful allure, Her tongue represents the eternal cycles of life and death, It playfully licks the corners of her terrifying mouth.
प्रकम्पालिसुस्निग्धसम्भुग्नकेशाम् ।
ननोद्गच्छदात्मस्तुतिव्यस्तकर्णाम् ॥ ९॥
nanodgachadattamastutivyastkarnam. 9॥
With moving lotus feet and earrings swinging, Her disheveled hair adorned with pearls and wet with holy ash, Her feet consecrated with the fear-stricken moon as a pendant, She nods her approval, her ears adorned with ornaments.
महाभीषणां घोरविंशार्द्धवक्त्रै-,
स्तथासप्तविंशान्वितैर्लोचनैश्च ।
पुरोदक्षवामे द्विनेत्रोज्ज्वलाभ्यां,
तथान्यानने त्रित्रिनेत्राभिरामाम् ॥ १०॥
Mahabhishanam ghorvinsharadvaktrai-,
Purodakshavame dvinetrojjavalabhyam,
thayanane tritrinetrabhiramam. 10
Her terrifying face adorned with Mahabhairava’s half-skull, And twenty-seven fierce eyes, and with seven more eyes, Her right eye burns with intense brilliance, Her left eye blazes brightly, and her third eye radiates.
क्रमेलर्क्षतार्क्षद्विपग्राहवाहैः ।
महापिङ्गलोद्यज्जटाजूटभाराम् ॥ ११॥
Mukhairi Drishkaritairbhrajmanam,
mahapingalodyajjtajutbharam. 11
She shines like the moon amidst a cluster of stars, Radiating like the bright sun and the moon, Her face glows with diverse expressions, Her fiery hair locks blaze, like flames in the sky.
भुजैः सप्तविंशाङ्कितैर्वामभागे,
युतां दक्षिणे चापि तावद्भिरेव ।
क्रमाद्रत्नमालां कपालं च शुष्कं,
ततश्चर्मपाशं सुदीर्घं दधानाम् ॥ १२॥
Bhujai: saptavinshankitairvambhage,
yutan dakshine chapi tavadbhirev.
Kramadratnamalam kapalam cha dryam,
tascharmapasham sudhaigam dadhanam. 12
Her left side adorned with twenty-seven arms, Her right side with an equal number of arms, She wears a necklace of various precious gems, And also a dry skull and a long noose.
ततः शक्तिखट्वाङ्गमुण्डं भुशुण्डीं,
धनुश्चक्रघण्टाशिशुप्रेतशैलान् ।
ततो नारकङ्कालबभ्रूरगोन्माद-,
वंशीं तथा मुद्गरं वह्निकुण्डम् ॥ १३॥
Taat Shaktikhatvaangmundam Bhushundi,
Tato Narakkallabhroorgonmad-,
Vanshi tatha Mudgaram Vahnikundam. 13
Then she holds a sword, a trident, and a skull-cup, A bow, a discus, a bell, and a mountain, Then the fearsome aspects of hell, time, and fire, She also carries a flute, a mace, and a fire-pot.
अधो डम्मरुं पारिघं भिन्दिपालं,
तथा मौशलं पट्टिशं प्राशमेवम् ।
शतघ्नीं शिवापोतकं चाथ दक्षे,
महारत्नमालां तथा कर्त्तुखड्गौ ॥ १४॥
Adho Dammarun Parigham Bhindipalam,
tatha Mausalam Pattisham Prashmevam.
Shatghni Shivapotakam Chath Dakshe,
Maharatnamala tatha Kartukhadgau. 14॥
Below, she holds a drum, a club, a broken tusk, Also a pestle, a shield, and a ploughshare, A hundred-killer, a Shivapota, and a sharp sword, She wears a great garland of precious gems, and two sharp swords.
चलत्तर्ज्जनीमङ्कुशं दण्डमुग्रं,
लसद्रत्नकुम्भं त्रिशूलं तथैव ।
शरान् पाशुपत्यांस्तथा पञ्च कुन्तं,
पुनः पारिजातं छुरीं तोमरं च ॥ १५॥
Chaltarjnimankusham dandamugran,
lasdratnakumbham trishulam tathaiva.
Sharan Pashupatyanstatha Panch Kuntam,
again Parijat churi tomaran cha. 15
Her moving foot holds a bell, a goad, and a mace, Also a shining gem-studded pot, and a trident, She carries arrows, the Paashupatastra, and five sharp spears, And again, a sword, a dagger, and a battle-axe.
प्रसूनस्रजं डिण्डिमं गृध्रराजं,
ततः कोरकं मांसखण्डं श्रुवं च ।
फलं बीजपूराह्वयं चैव सूचीं,
तथा पर्शुमेवं गदां यष्टिमुग्राम् ॥ १६॥
Prasoonsrajam dindiman gridhrajam,
tah korakam meatkhandam sruvancha.
Phalam beejapuravavayam chaiva suchi,
tatha parshumeva gada yashtimugram. 16॥
Sprinkling pollen like raindrops, wearing a garland of vultures, Then holding a piece of meat and a blood-stained arrow. Fruits, seeds, and a needle-like weapon in hand, Similarly, a battle-axe, mace, and thunderbolt.
ततो वज्रमुष्टिं कुणप्पं सुघोरं,
तथा लालनं धारयन्तीं भुजैस्तैः ।
क्वणन्नूपुरद्वन्द्वसक्ताङ्घ्रिपद्माम् ॥ १७॥
Tato vajramushtim kunappam sughoram,
tatha lalanam dharayanti bhujaistaih.
kwannupurdwandva saktanghripadmam 17
Then a thunderbolt, fist, goad, and a mighty conch shell, And also carrying a lalana-dhara (a specific weapon) with her arms. With jasmine flowers, she adorns herself, and ankle-bells resonate, Her lotus feet adorned with anklets that jingle in pairs.
स्फुरत्सर्वहस्तोज्ज्वलत्कङ्कणां च ।
वसक्ताङ्गदव्यूहसंशोभमानाम् ॥ १८॥
sphuratsarvahastojjvalatkankaNāṁ cha |
vasaktāṅgadavyūhasaṁśobhamānām ||18||
Wearing a great golden pitcher, adorned with jewels and coins, Radiant with all her hands holding luminous lamps. She shines brightly with magnificent bracelets and armlets, Resplendent like the moon amidst a cluster of stars.
स्फुरच्चारुकाटेयसूत्राभिरामाम् ।
त्विडुद्भासिवक्षःस्थलोद्यत्कपाटाम् ॥ १९॥
tvidudbhasivakshah sthalodyatkapatam. 19॥
Her arms adorned with the skin of a serpent, Her beautiful waist adorned with a glittering golden belt. Wearing a sacred thread of serpent pearls, agitated, Her radiant forehead marked with a tilaka of poison.
महामोहबीजाङ्गसंशोभिदेहाम् ।
स्फुरच्चारुताटङ्कविद्योतिकर्णाम् ॥ २०॥
mahāmohabījāṅgasamśobhidehām |
sphuraccārutāṭaṅkavidyotikarṇām ||20||
Having the aura of a serpent, brilliantly marked, With a beautiful necklace of painted snakes. Her ears adorned with shining earrings, studded, With the light of a shining anklet, dazzling.
स्फुरत्पिङ्गलोद्यज्जटाजूटभाराम् ।
ल्लसत्किङ्कणीजालसंशोभिमध्याम् ॥ २१॥
llsatkinkanijalasanshobhimadhyam. 21॥
Her radiant forehead adorned with the king of serpents, With a radiant vermilion mark and a jata (tangled hair) adorned with a crest of feathers. The lord of the great red serpent, having a shaven head, Shining with a net of golden bangles amidst.
सदा संस्मरामीदृशों कामकालीं,
जयेयं सुराणां हिरण्योद्भवानाम् ।
स्मरेयुर्हि येऽन्येऽपि ते वै जयेयु-,
र्विपक्षान्मृधे नात्र सन्देहलेशः ॥ २२॥
Sadā sansmaramīdṛśoṁ kāmakālīṁ,
Jayeyaṁ surāṇāṁ hiraṇyodbhavānām.
Smareyurhi ye’nye’pi te vai jaye-,
Rvipakṣānmṛdhe nātra sandehaleśaḥ ||22||
Always meditating on the fierce goddess Kali, Victorious over the divine enemies and demons. Indeed, those who remember her, even others must also conquer, No doubt in this battle, here in this arena.
पठिष्यन्ति ये मत्कृतं स्तोत्रराजं,
मुदा पूजयित्वा सदा कामकालीम् ।
न शोको न पापं न वा दुःखदैन्यं,
न मृत्युर्न रोगो न भीतिर्न चापत् ॥ २३॥
Paṭhiṣyanti ye matkṛtaṁ stotrarájaṁ,
Mudā pūjayitvā sadā kāmakālīm.
Na śoko na pāpaṁ na vā duḥkhadainyaṁ,
Na mṛtyur na rogo na bhītirna cāpat ||23||
Those who recite this supreme hymn, the Stotra Raja, Joyfully worshipping the goddess Kali with devotion. Neither sorrow nor sin, nor anguish ever, Nor death, nor disease, nor fear shall ever touch.
धनं दीर्घमायुः सुखं बुद्धिरोजो,
यशः शर्मभोगाः स्त्रियः सूनवश्च ।
श्रियो मङ्गलं बुद्धिरुत्साह आज्ञा,
लयः शर्म सर्व विद्या भवेन्मुक्तिरन्ते ॥ २४॥
Dhanaṁ dīrghamāyuḥ sukhaṁ buddhirojo,
Yaśaḥ śarmabhogāḥ striyaḥ sūnavaśca.
Śriyo maṅgalaṁ buddhirutsāha ājñā,
Layaḥ śarma sarva vidyā bhavenmuktirante ||24||
Wealth, longevity, happiness, intellect, youth, Fame, dignity, pleasures, and virtuous women. Prosperity, auspiciousness, wisdom, and courage, Shame, tranquility, and knowledge—ultimately, liberation.

Benefits of Kamakala Kali Stotram:

Protection and Removal of Negativity: Reciting the Kamakala Kali Stotram can invoke the protective energies of Kaam Kala Kali, helping to shield the devotee from enemies, negative influences, and harmful energies. The stotram shields against external threats and internal negativity.

Inner Cleansing: Kali’s image is often adorned with sacred ash, symbolizing her connection with transformation and purification.Inner cleaning is facilitated by reciting the stotram, which helps in letting go of trap feelings.

Blessings of Mahavidya: As one of the Mahavidyas, Kali represents a profound aspect of the universal energy. By reciting the Kamakala Kali Stotram, devotees can receive the blessings and guidance of this primary Mahavidya, leading to spiritual insight and elevation.

Empowerment of Self: The stotram encourages the recognition of one’s inner strength and power. By invoking Kaam Kala Kali’s energy through the stotram, individuals can enhance their self-confidence, assertiveness, and ability to take charge of their lives.

Maa Chinnamasta Stotram: Holistic Prosperity and Spiritual Well-being
Shri Ganesh Mantra Stotram: Discovering Inner Wisdom and Divine Connection

Comments (1)

  1. asmita

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