

Maa Chinnamasta Stotram: Holistic Prosperity and Spiritual Well-being

आनन्दयित्रि परमेश्वरि वेदगर्भे मातः पुरन्दरपुरान्तरलब्धनेत्रे ।
लक्ष्मीमशेषजगतां परिभावयन्तः सन्तो भजन्ति भवतीं धनदेशलब्ध्यै ॥ १॥

Aanandayitri Parameshvari Vedagarbhe Maatah Purandarapuraantaralabdhanetre |
Lakshmimasheshajagataam paribhaavayantah Santo bhajanti Bhavateem Dhanadeshalabdhyaai ||


O Supreme Goddess Anandayitri, the womb of Vedas, the Mother with eyes attained within the city of Indra at the end of all worlds, the saints who create the glory of the whole universe, worship You for the attainment of wealth.

लज्जानुगां विमलविद्रुमकान्तिकान्तां कान्तानुरागरसिकाः परमेश्वरि त्वाम् ।
ये भावयन्ति मनसा मनुजास्त एते सीमन्तिनीभिरनिशं परिभाव्यमानाः ॥ २॥

Lajjaanugaam Vimalavidrumakaantikaantaam Kaantaanuragarasikaah Parameshvari Twaam |
Ye bhaavayanti manasaa manujaaste ete Seemantinibhiranisham paribhaavyamaanaah ||


O Supreme Goddess, whose face is as radiant as a pure gem, adored by those who delight in the essence of love, those who constantly meditate upon You, the guardian of their minds, through the eternal syllables of love.

मायामयीं निखिलपातककोटिकूटविद्राविणीं भृशमसंशयिनो भजन्ति ।
त्वां पद्मसुन्दरतनुं तरुणारुणास्यां पाशाङ्कुशाभयवराद्यकरां वरास्त्रैः ॥ ३॥

Maayaamayim Nikhilapaataka-kotikootavidraavinim Bhruvamashamshayino bhajanti |
Twaam Padmasundaratnum Tarunaarunaasyaam Paashaankushaabhayavaraadyakaraam varaastaih ||


The doubtful minds that adore You, the beautiful embodiment of compassion, like a tender red lotus bud, with the weapons of noose and goad, are rewarded with beauty, youth, and fearlessness.

ते तर्ककर्कशधियः श्रुतिशास्त्रशिल्पैश्छन्दोऽ- भिशोभितमुखाः सकलागमज्ञाः ।
सर्वज्ञलब्धविभवाः कुमुदेन्दुवर्णां ये वाग्भवे च भवतीं परिभावयन्ति ॥ ४॥

Te tarkakarkasha-dhiyah Shruti-shaastrashilpaish Chando-‘bhishto-bhitamukhaah Sakalaagamajnah |
Sarvajna-labdha-vibhavaah Kumudenduvarnaam Ye Vaagbhaveshcha Bhavateem paribhaavayanti ||


Those who comprehend You with the sharp intellect of logic, adorned with the study of scriptures, arts, and metrical compositions, possessing the wealth of omniscience, adorning the complexion of a moon, they adore You with eloquence and realization.

वज्रपणुन्नहृदया समयद्रुहस्ते वैरोचने मदनमन्दिरगास्यमातः ।
मायाद्वयानुगतविग्रहभूषिताऽसि दिव्यास्त्रवह्निवनितानुगताऽसि धन्ये ॥ ५॥

Vajrapannunnahridayaa samayadrhahaste Vairochané Madanamandiragasyamatah |
Maayaadvayaanugata-vigraha-bhooshitaasi Divyaas-tra-vahni-vanitaanugataasi Dhanye ||


In the heart of the enemy, with weapons like the thunderbolt and a gentle hand, the temple of love, You are adorned with the dual symbols of Maya, bearing the divine weapon and vahni, O fortunate One.

वृत्तत्रयाष्टदलवह्निपुरःसरस्य मार्तण्डमण्डलगतां परिभावयन्ति ।
ये वह्निकूटसदृशीं मणिपूरकान्तस्ते कालकण्टकविडम्बनचञ्चवः स्युः ॥ ६॥

Vrittatrayaashtadala-vahni-purahsarasya Maartandamandalagataam paribhaavayanti |
Ye Vahnikootasadrusheem Manipoorakaantaaste Kaalakantakavidambanachanchavah syuh ||


Those who adore You, the radiant one who dwells in the circle of eight petals, present at the solar center, they become like thorns for the bees of the cycle of time, resembling the fire of Vahni Mountain.

कालागरुभ्रमरचन्दनकुण्डगोल- खण्डैरनङ्गमदनोद्भवमादनीभिः ।
सिन्दूरकुङ्कुमपटीरहिमैर्विधाय सन्मण्डलं तदुपरीह यजेन्मृडानीम् ॥ ७॥

Kaalaagarubhramarachandana-kundagolakhnna-khandairanangamadanodbhavamaadani-bhih |
Sinduurakunkumapateera-himairvidhaaya Sanmandalam tadupariha yajenmridaanim ||


Adorned with sandal paste, pure and cool, like the moonbeam, anointed with vermilion and saffron, divine jewel-studded ornaments on Your limbs, You rest upon the seat of the serpent, with the subtle essence of vermilion and kumkum.

चञ्चत्तडिन्मिहिरकोटिकरां विचेला- मुद्यत्कबन्धरुधिरां द्विभुजां त्रिनेत्राम् ।
वामे विकीर्णकचशीर्षकरे परे तामीडे परं परमकर्त्रिकया समेताम् ॥ ८॥

Chan-chattadinmihirakotikaraam vichelaa-mudyatkabandharudhiraam dwibhujaam trinetraam |
Vaame vikeernakachasheersha-kare pare taamidhe param paramakartrikayaa sametaam ||


With radiant forehead, adorned with the brilliant light of ten million suns, three eyes, one on the forehead and two on the left, You hold the bow and arrow, and other divine weapons.

कामेश्वराङ्गनिलयां कलया सुधांशोर्विभ्राजमानहृदयामपरे स्मरन्ति ।
सुप्ताहिराजसदृशीं परमेश्वरस्थां त्वामाद्रिराजतनये च समानमानाः ॥ ९॥

Kaameshvaraanganilayaam kalayaa sudhaamshorvibhraajamaana-hridayaamapare smaranti |
Suptaahiraajasadrusheem Parameshvasthan Twaam-aadriraajatanaye cha samaanamaanaah ||


In the abode of Kameshwara, You manifest the nectar of bliss, captivating the hearts of the gods and others, who contemplate You in the waking and dream states, O mother, resembling the young moon.

लिङ्गत्रयोपरिगतामपि वह्निचक्र- पीठानुगां सरसिजासनसन्निविष्टाम् ।
सुप्तां प्रबोध्य भवतीं मनुजा गुरूक्तहूँकारवायुवशिभिर्मनसा भजन्ति ॥ १०॥

Lingatrayoparigataamapi Vahnichakra-peetaanugaam Sarasijasanasannivistam |
Suptaam prabodhya Bhavateem manujaa guruuktahoo-mkaaravaayuvashibhirmanasaa bhajanti ||


Adorning the seat of the three Lingas or the circle of fire, those who worship You, the goddess of speech, with the help of the sound “Hūṁ,” awaken You from slumber and meditate upon You.

शुभ्रासि शान्तिककथासु तथैव पीता स्तम्भे रिपोरथ च शुभ्रतरासि मातः ।
उच्चाटनेऽप्यसितकर्मसुकर्मणि त्वं संसेव्यसे स्फटिककान्तिरनन्तचारे ॥ ११॥

Shubhraasi shaantikathaa-su tathaiva peetaa Sthambhe riporatha cha shubhratarasi maatah |
Ucchaatané’pyasitakarmasukarmani twam Samsevyase sphatikakaantiranantachaare ||


Your nectar-like white face, or the face resplendent like gold, is worshipped by those who establish and offer oblations in high altars, purifying even the most sinful actions.

त्वामुत्पलैर्मधुयुतैर्मधुनोपनीतैर्गव्यैः पयोविलुलितैः शतमेव कुण्डे ।
साज्यैश्च तोषयति यः पुरुषस्त्रिसन्ध्यं षण्मासतो भवति शक्रसमो हि भूमौ ॥ १२॥

Twaam utpalairmadhuyutair-madhunopaneetai Gavyaih payovilulitaih shatameva kundé |
Sajyashcha toshayati yah purushastrisandhyam Shannmaasato bhavati Shakra-samo hi bhoome ||


Offering You with honey-filled lotus petals, milk, curd, ghee, or cow’s urine, those who satisfy You during the three Sandhyās become equal to Indra in wealth.

जाग्रत्स्वपन्नपि शिवे तव मन्त्रराजमेवं विचिन्तयति यो मनसा विधिज्ञः ।
संसारसागरसमृद्धरणे वहित्रं चित्रं न भूतजननेऽपि जगत्सु पुंसः ॥ १३॥

Jaagratsvapannapi Shive tava mantraraajamevam vichintayati yo manasaa vidhignah |
Sansaarasagara-samriddharane vahitram chitram na bhootajanane’pi jagatsu punsah ||


Those who, even in the waking and dream states, continuously contemplate upon Your divine mantra, O Śiva, in the ocean of worldly existence, are like Śakra himself.

इयं विद्या वन्द्या हरिहरविरिञ्चिप्रभृतिभिः पुरारातेरन्तः पुरमिदमगम्यं पशुजनैः ।
सुधामन्दानन्दैः पशुपतिसमानव्यसनिभिः सुधासेव्यैः सद्भिर्गुरुचरणसंसारचतुरैः ॥ १४॥

Iyam vidyaa vandyaa Hariharavirinchiprabhritibhih Puraaraatéraantah Puramidamagamyam Pashujanaih |
Sudhaamandaanandaih Pashupatisthäm Twam-aadriraajatamaaye cha samaanamaanaah ||


This knowledge, adored by Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Maheśvara, and the other deities, is served by the wise through the principles of devotion, acquiring the virtues of perfect Guru, propitiation, and Samādhi.

कुण्डे वा मण्डले वा शुचिरथ मनुना भावयत्येव मन्त्री संस्थाप्योच्चैर्जुहोति प्रसवसुफलदैः पद्मपालाशकानाम् ।
हैमं क्षीरैस्तिलैर्वां समधुककुसुमैर्मालतीबन्धुजातीश्वेतैरब्धं सकानामपि वरसमिधा सम्पदे सर्वसिद्ध्यै ॥ १५॥

Kundé vaa Mandale vaa Suchiratha manunaa Bhaavayatye-va mantrée samsstaapyochchaairjuhoti Prasavasuphaladaih Padmapalaashakaanaam
Haimam kshéerairtilaih vaam Samadhukakusumaih Maalatébandhujatééshwaitairaabdham sakaanaamapi varasamidhaa samapadé Sarvasiddhyai ||


Whether on a copper plate, a golden seat, or upon ashes, in a clean place, when a wise person meditates on You, offering fire oblations with a hundred lotus petals, using ghee, milk, or water, they achieve all accomplishments.

अन्धः साज्यं समांसं दधियुतमथवा योऽन्वहं यामिनीनां मध्ये देव्यै ददाति प्रभवति गृहगा श्रीरमुष्यावखण्डा ।
आज्यं मांसं सरक्तं तिलयुतमथवा तण्डुलं पायसं वा हुत्वा मांसं त्रिसन्ध्यं स भवति मनुजो भूतिभिर्भूतनाथः ॥ १६॥

Andhah saajyam samaamsam dadhiyutamathavaa Yoanvaham yaamineenaam madhyé Devyai dadaati prabhavati grihagaa Shreeramusyaavakhandaa |
Aajyam maamsam saraktam tilayutamathavaa Tandulam paayasam vaa hutvaa maamsam trisandhyam sa bhati manujo bhootibhirbhootanaathah ||


By offering clarified butter, flesh, blood, or grains into the fire of the Yajña, a person attains wealth in abundance, both physical and spiritual, even through the utterance of the Mantra once.

इदं देव्याः स्तोत्रं पठति मनुजो यस्त्रिसमयं शुचिर्भूत्वा विश्वे भवति धनदो वासवसमः ।
वशा भूपाः कान्ता निखिलरिपुहन्तुः सुरगणा भवन्त्युच्चैर्वाचो यदिह ननु मासैस्त्रिभिरपि ॥ १७॥

Idam Devyaah stotram pathati manujo yastri-sama-yam shuchirbhootwaa Viswé bhavati Dhanado Vaasavasamah |
Vashaa bhoopaah Kaantaa Nikhilaripuhantuh Suraganaah Bhavantyuchchairvaacho yadiha nanu maasaistrubhirapi ||


Reciting this hymn dedicated to the Goddess three times, a person becomes pure, equal to the king of wealth, Kubera, in prosperity. Wealth, dominion, charm, and love emerge through the practice of this hymn during the three months.

Benefits of Maa Chinnamasta Stotram:

Success in Endeavors: Practitioners are beliefs to receive divine assistance in achieving success in their endeavors. We strongly believe that stotram has the ability to overcome obstacles and bring about positive results.

Family Blessings: Recitation of the stotram is believed to result in blessings for one’s family. It is said to create a harmonious and nurturing environment within the family.

Longevity and Health: This hymn is thought to be beneficial in extending one’s lifespan and maintaining good physical well-being. Those who practice may witness an enhancement in their overall physical health and a heightened feeling of liveliness and energy.

Positive Aura: The stotram is thought to create a positive and protective aura around the practitioner, enhancing their energy and creating a harmonious atmosphere.

Overcoming Challenges: The stotram is associated with helping the practitioner overcome challenges and difficulties, enabling them to navigate life’s obstacles with resilience.

Rahu Stotram: Benefits, Meaning, and Recitation
Naag Stotram: Powers of Dosha Elimination, Protection, and Prosperity

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