

Ram Avtar Stotram: Unveiling Peace, Protection, and Blessings for Your Family

Sanskrit / Hindi Translation Meaning
भये प्रगट कृपाला, दीनदयाला कौसल्या हितकारी ॥
हरषित महतारी, मुनि मनहारी, अद्भुत रूप बिचारी ॥
Bhaye prakat kripala, dindayala, kausalya hitkari II
Harshit mahatari, muni man haari, adbhut roop bichari Ii
In times of fear, Lord Rama manifests His compassionate nature. He is kind to the humble and the distressed, and He works for the welfare of Kausalya. He delights the great sages and captivates their hearts. His wondrous form is contemplated upon.
लोचन अभिरामा, तनु घनस्यामा, निज आयुध भुज चारी ॥
भूषन वनमाला, नयन बिसाला, सोभासिंधु खरारी पा
Lochan abhirama, tanu ghanshyama, nij aayudh bhuj chaari II
Bhushan vanamala, nayan bisala, sobhasindhu kharari
His eyes are enchanting, His body is dark like a raincloud. He holds His divine weapons in His four hands. He wears a garland made of forest flowers, and His eyes are large and beautiful. His feet are adorned with a crescent-like ornament.
कह दुइ कर जोरी, अस्तुति तोरी, केहित बिधि करू अनंता ॥
माया गुन ग्यानातीत अमाना, वेद पुरान भनंत्ता ॥
Kah dui kara jori, astuti tori, kehi bidhi karaun ananta II
Maya gun gyaanateet amaana, vedpuraan bhavanta I
With folded hands, I offer my praise and adoration to You. How can I adequately express my gratitude in countless ways? You transcend Maya (illusion), qualities, and worldly knowledge. You are beyond the Vedas and ancient scriptures.
करुना सुख सागर, सब गुन आगर, जेहि गावहिं श्रुति संता ॥
सो मम हित लागी, जन अनुरागी, भयौ प्रकट श्रीक॑ंता ॥।
Karuna sukh sagar, sab gun gaagar, jehi gaavahi shruti santa Il
So mam hit laagi, jan anuragi, bhayo prakat shrikanta Il
You are a sea of compassion and joy. All virtues find their culmination in You. Those who sing Your praises experience divine bliss. For my benefit and for the love of devotees, Lord Shrikantha (Rama) manifests Himself, dispelling all fears.
ब्रह्मांड निकाया, निर्मित माया, रोम रोम प्रति बेद कहे ॥
मम उद सो बासी, यह उपहासी, सुनत धीर मति थिर न रहे ॥
Bramhand nikaya, nirmit maya, rom rom prati bed kahai II
Mam ur so baasi, yeh upahaasi, sunat dheer mati thir na rahai Il
The entire universe is contained within You. Maya (illusion) is created by You. The Vedas describe You in every atom. Yet, You reside within me. This truth may sound like a jest, but the wise minds should reflect upon it without wavering.
उपजा जब ग्याना, प्रभु मुसुकाना, चरित बहुत बिधि कीन्‍्ह चहे ॥
कहि कथा सुहाई, मातु बुझाई, जेहि प्रकार सुत प्रेम लहे ॥
Upaja jab gyaana, prabhu muskaanaa, charti bahut bidhi keenha chahai Il
Kahi katha sunayi, maatu bujhayi, jehi prakaar suta prem lahai II
When knowledge awakens, Lord Rama smiles. He has manifested in countless ways through His divine actions. I narrate this beautiful story to help understand the love of a mother. In a similar way, one should receive the love of a child (Lord Rama).
माता पुनि बोली, सो मति डोली, तजहु तात यह रूपा ॥
कीजे सिसुलीला, अति प्रियसीला, यह सुख पराम अनूपा ॥
Maata puni boli so mati doli tajahu taat yeh roopa Ii
Keeje sishuleela, ati priyaseela, yeh sukh param anoopa II
Even the mother hesitates to express her thoughts. You should relinquish this form, O Lord, my Father. Perform the charming act of leaving this form, which is immensely dear to me. This ultimate and incomparable bliss awaits.
सुन बचन सुजाना, रोदन ठाना, होई बालक सुरभूपा ॥
यह चरित जे गावहि, हरिपद पावहि, तेहि न परहिं भवकूपा ॥
Suni bachana sujaana, rodan thaana, hoyi baalak sura bhoopa II
Yeh charit jegavahi, haripad paavahi, te hina parahi bhavakoopa II
Listen, O wise one, and determine with conviction. The Almighty, who once cried as a child, is now the sovereign ruler of the gods. Those who sing this narrative and attain the feet of Lord Hari (Rama) will not fall into the pit of worldly existence.

Benefits of Ram Avtar Stotram:

Brings Peace and Harmony to the Family: Reciting the “Ram Avtar Stotram” contributes to the maintenance of peace and harmony within the family. The divine vibrations generated by the stotram help create a tranquil and harmonious atmosphere at home.

Personal Protection by Lord Rama: One of the significant benefits of reciting the “Ram Avtar Stotram” is the personal protection and guidance offered by Lord Rama Himself. The stotram acts as a shield against negative energies and unfavorable situations, as Lord Rama extends His divine protection to His devotees.

Blessings of Lord Hanuman: Reciting this stotram attracts the blessings of Lord Hanuman in addition to those of Lord Rama. Lord Hanuman, known for His unwavering devotion, strength, and loyalty, bestows His divine grace upon those who recite this stotram, aiding them in overcoming obstacles and challenges.

Auspiciousness on Thursday (Veeravar): Reciting the stotram on Thursdays, known as Veeravar, is considered promising. Thursday is associated with Lord Hanuman, and by reciting this stotram on this day, devotees receive special blessings and grace from both Lord Rama and Lord Hanuman.

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