Sanskrit / Hindi | Translation | Meaning |
रक्ष रक्ष महादेवि दुर्गे दुर्गतिनाशिनि। मां भक्त मनुरक्तं च शत्रुग्रस्तं कृपामयि॥ |
Raksha Raksha Mahadevi Durge Durgatinashini. Ma Bhakta Manuraktam Cha Shatrugrastam Kripamayi. |
Protect, O Devi Durga, the remover of difficulties and the destroyer of miseries. Be merciful towards your devotees who are afflicted by enemies and have turned to you with devotion. |
विष्णुमाये महाभागे नारायणि सनातनि। ब्रह्मस्वरूपे परमे नित्यानन्दस्वरूपिणी॥ |
Vishnumaye Mahabhage Narayani Sanatani. Brahmaswarupe Parame Nityanandaswarupini. |
O Narayani, eternal and auspicious form of the divine, permeated with the essence of Vishnu. In the form of Brahman, you are the supreme and eternal embodiment of bliss. |
त्वं च ब्रह्मादिदेवानामम्बिके जगदम्बिके। त्वं साकारे च गुणतो निराकारे च निर्गुणात्॥ |
Tvam Cha Brahmadi Devanam Ambike Jagadambike. Tvam Sakare Cha Gunato Nirakare Cha Nirgunat. |
You are Ambika, the mother of Brahma and other divine beings, Present in both manifest forms and beyond attributes. |
मायया पुरुषस्त्वं च मायया प्रकृति: स्वयम्। तयो: परं ब्रह्म परं त्वं बिभर्षि सनातनि॥ |
Mayaya Purushastvam Cha Mayaya Prakriti: Svayam. Tayo: Param Brahma Param Tvam Bibharshi Sanatani. |
You are the Cosmic illusion, the Supreme Purusha, and the underlying Prakriti, Beyond them both, You carry the supreme essence of the eternal Brahman. |
वेदानां जननी त्वं च सावित्री च परात्परा। वैकुण्ठे च महालक्ष्मी: सर्वसम्पत्स्वरूपिणी॥ |
Vedanam Janani Tvam Cha Savitri Cha Paratpara. Vaikunthe Cha Mahalakshmi: Sarvasampatswarupini. |
You are the mother of the Vedas and the transcendent Savitri, In Vaikuntha, You are the great Lakshmi, the embodiment of all wealth. |
मर्त्यलक्ष्मीश्च क्षीरोदे कामिनी शेषशायिन:। स्वर्गेषु स्वर्गलक्ष्मीस्त्वं राजलक्ष्मीश्च भूतले॥ |
Martyalakshmi: Ksheerode Kamini Sheshashayin:. Svargesu Svargalakshmistvam Rajalakshmishcha Bhutale. |
On Earth, You are the Lakshmi of mortals, in the Ksheera Sagara, and the companion of Lord Shesha, In the heavens, You are the Lakshmi of the divine realms, and on Earth, the queenly Lakshmi. |
नागादिलक्ष्मी: पाताले गृहेषु गृहदेवता। सर्वशस्यस्वरूपा त्वं सर्वैश्वर्यविधायिनी॥ |
Nagadilakshmi: Patala Gruhesu Gruhadevata. Sarvashasyaswarupa Tvam Sarvaishvaryavidhayini. |
In the netherworlds, You are the Lakshmi of serpents, and in homes, the divine household goddess, You are the embodiment of all forms and the bestower of all prosperity. |
रागाधिष्ठातृदेवी त्वं ब्रह्मणश्च सरस्वती। प्राणानामधिदेवी त्वं कृष्णस्य परमात्मन:॥ |
Ragadhishthatridevi Tvam Brahmanashcha Saraswati. Prananaamadhidevi Tvam Krishnasya Paramatman:. |
You are the deity residing in emotions and the guiding force of Brahma, The goddess dwelling within life forces and the ultimate soul of Lord Krishna. |
गोलोके च स्वयं राधा श्रीकृष्णस्यैव वक्षसि। गोलोकाधिष्ठिता देवी वृन्दावनवने वने॥ |
Goloke Cha Svayam Radha Shrikrishnasyaiva Vakshasi. Golokadhishtha Devi Vrindavanavane Vane. |
In Goloka, You are Radha herself, residing in the heart of Lord Sri Krishna, The goddess present in Goloka and the forests of Vrindavan. |
श्रीरासमण्डले रम्या वृन्दावनविनोदिनी। शतश्रृङ्गाधिदेवी त्वं नामन चित्रावलीति च॥ |
Shrirasamandale Ramya Vrindavanavinodini. Satashringadhidevi Tvam Naman Chitravaliti Cha. |
In the pleasing abode of Lakshmi, enchanting the circle of existence, You are the goddess of the Hundred Shringa Mountain, and the colorful garland of names. |
दक्षकन्या कुत्र कल्पे कुत्र कल्पे च शैलजा। देवमातादितिस्त्वं च सर्वाधारा वसुन्धरा॥ |
Dakshakanya Kutra Kalpe Kutra Kalpe Cha Shailaja. Devmataditisvam Cha Sarvadhara Vasundhara. |
O Daughter of Daksha, in which Kalpa, which era, and which daughter of the mountains, You are Aditi, the mother of the gods, and the sustainer of all, O Earth. |
त्वमेव गङ्गा तुलसी त्वं च स्वाहा स्वधा सती। त्वदंशांशांशकलया सर्वदेवादियोषित:॥ |
Tvameva Ganga Tulasi Tvam Cha Svaha Swadha Sati. Tvadanshanshankalaya Sarvadevadiyoshita:. |
You are the Ganges, Tulsi, the offerings of Swaha and Swadha, and Sati, By Your fraction, all goddesses and divine beings are manifested. |
स्त्रीरूपं चापिपुरुषं देवि त्वं च नपुंसकम्। वृक्षाणां वृक्षरूपा त्वं सृष्टा चाङ्कुररूपिणी॥ |
Strirupam Chapipurusham Devi Tvam Cha Napumsakam. Vrikshanam Vriksharupa Tvam Srushta Chankurarupini. |
You take the form of a woman, a man, and even the androgynous, O Goddess, As a tree among trees, You are the Creator, manifesting as the sprout. |
वह्नौ च दाहिकाशक्ति र्जले शैत्यस्वरूपिणी। सूर्ये तेज:स्वरूपा च प्रभारूपा च संततम्॥ |
Vahna Cha Dahikashakti Rjale Shaityaswarupini. Surye Tejaswarupa Cha Prabharupa Cha Santatam. |
In fire, You are the power to burn, and in water, the embodiment of coldness, In the Sun, You are the radiance, and in the moon, the continuous illumination. |
गन्धरूपा च भूमौ च आकाशे शब्दरूपिणी। शोभास्वरूपा चन्द्रे च पद्मसङ्घे च निश्चितम्॥ |
Gandharupa Cha Bhumaucha Akashe Shabdarupini. Shobhaswarupa Chandre Cha Padmasanghe Cha Nishchitam. |
In fragrance, You take the form of scents, in the Earth, You manifest as the sense of smell, In beauty, You are the moon, and in the lotus congregation, You reside eternally. |
सृष्टौ सृष्टिस्वरूपा च पालने परिपालिका। महामारी च संहारे जले च जलरूपिणी॥ |
Srushtau Srushtiswarupa Cha Palane Paripalika. Mahamari Cha Samhare Jale Cha Jalarupini. |
In creation, You are the very form of creation, and in protection, You are the guardian, In the great deluge, You are the annihilator, and in water, You take the form of liquid. |
क्षुत्त्वं दया त्वं निद्रा त्वं तृष्णा त्वं बुद्धिरूपिणी। तुष्टिस्त्वं चापि पुष्टिस्त्वं श्रद्धा त्वं च क्षमा स्वयम्॥ |
Kshuttvam Daya Tvam Nidra Tvam Trishna Tvam Buddhirupini. Tushtistvam Chaapi Pushhtistvam Shraddha Tvam Cha Kshama Svayam. |
You are hunger, compassion, sleep, thirst, and the embodiment of intellect, Contentment, nourishment, faith, and forgiveness, all these are aspects of You. |
शान्तिस्त्वं च स्वयं भ्रान्ति: कान्तिस्त्वं कीर्तिरेव च। लज्जा त्वं च तथा माया भुक्ति मुक्ति स्वरूपिणी॥ |
Shantistvam Cha Svayam Bhramti: Kantistvam Keerti Revacha. Lajja Tvam Cha Tatha Maya Bhukti Mukti Swarupini. |
You are peace and self-delusion, radiance and fame, the embodiment of these traits, Modesty, illusion, sustenance, and liberation, all reside within You. |
सर्वशक्ति स्वरूपा त्वं सर्वसम्पत्प्रदायिनी। वेदेऽनिर्वचनीया त्वं त्वां न जानाति कश्चन॥ |
Sarvashakti Swarupa Tvam Sarvasampatpradayini. Vede’nirvachaniya Tvam Tvam Na Janati Kashchana. |
You are the embodiment of all powers and the bestower of all treasures, Beyond the grasp of the Vedas, You are unknowable to anyone. |
सहस्त्रवक्त्रस्त्वां स्तोतुं न च शक्त : सुरेश्वरि। वेदा न शक्त : को विद्वान् न च शक्त ा सरस्वती॥ |
Sahasravaktrastvam Stotum Na Cha Shaktah Sureshwari. Veda Na Shaktah: Ko Vidvan Na Cha Shaktas Saraswati. |
O Goddess with a thousand faces, even the gods find it hard to praise You enough, No Veda can adequately describe You, and Saraswati herself can’t fully comprehend Your nature. |
स्वयं विधाता शक्तो न न च विष्णु: सनातन:। किं स्तौमि पञ्चवक्त्रेण रणत्रस्तो महेश्वरि॥ |
Svayam Vidhata Shaktostvam Na Na Cha Vishnu: Sanatana:. Kim Stoumi PanchavaktreNa Ranastrashto Maheshwari. |
You are the Creator yourself, the supreme power, beyond even Vishnu and the eternal, Why should I praise You with mere five-faced words, O Supreme Goddess? |
कृपां कुरु महामाये मम शत्रुक्षयं कुरु। | Kripam Kuru Mahamaye Mama Shatrugshayam Kuru. | Shower Your compassion, O Great Maya, and put an end to my adversaries, |
Benefits of Shiv Krit Durga Stotra:
Removal of Obstacles: The stotram begins with a plea to Goddess Durga to protect and remove difficulties. Devotees can overcome difficulties and hurdles in their lives by reciting these stotram.
Defeating Enemies: The stotram seeks the mercy of Goddess Durga for those who are afflicted by enemies. These stotram can be chanted to neutralise the negative intentions and actions of opponents.
Devotional Support: Devotees who turn to Goddess Durga with sincere devotion are believed to receive her blessings. This stotram is a genuine expression of devotion that could improve the bond between the follower and the god or goddess.
Divine Guidance: The stotram describes Goddess Durga as the guiding force of creation, life forces, and emotions. When reciting these verses, seekers can establish a strong bond with the divine intelligence and direction present in the very essence of the goddess.
Protection and Sustenance: Goddess Durga is hailed as the protector and sustainer of all realms. Devotees are able to invoke her safeguarding power over their life and the lives of those they love by repeating these verses.