

Shri Ekdant Stotram: Blessings from Lord Ganesh

Sanskrit / Hindi Translation Meaning
महासुरं सुशांतं वै दृष्ट्वा विष्णुमुखा: सुरा: ।
भ्रग्वादयश्र्च मुनय एकदन्तं समाययु: ।।1।।
madāsuraṁ suśāntaṁ vai dr̥ṣṭvā viṣṇumukhāḥ surāḥ |
bhr̥gvādayaśca munaya ēkadantaṁ samāyayuḥ || 1 ||
The demigods, whose faces were like those of Lord Viṣṇu, saw the demon Madasura well calmed down. Bhṛgu and other sages approached Ekadantha.
प्रणम्य तं प्रपूज्यादौ पुनस्तं नेमुरादरात् ।
तुष्टुवुर्हर्षसंयुक्ता एकदन्तं गणेश्र्वरम् ।।2।।
praṇamya taṁ prapūjyādau punastaṁ nēmurādarāt |
tuṣṭuvurharṣasamyuktā ēkadantaṁ gaṇēśvaram || 2 ||
They bowed down to him and worshiped him, and again they bowed down to him with reverence. Overjoyed they praised the one-toothed Lord of the Gandharvas.
देवर्षय ऊचु:
सदात्मरूपं सकलादिभूत
-ममायिनं सोऽहमचिन्त्यबोधम् ।
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ ३ ॥
sadātmarūpaṁ sakalādibhūta
-mamāyinaṁ sō:’hamacintyabōdham |
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 3 ||
The eternal form of the whole and the beginning -My magician is that I am unthinkable. One without beginning and middle We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
अनन्तचिद्रूपमयं गणेशं
ह्यभेदभेदादिविहीनमाद्यम् ।
हृदि प्रकाशस्य धरं स्वधीस्थं
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ ४ ॥
anantacidrūpamayaṁ gaṇēśaṁ
hyabhēdabhēdādivihīnamādyam |
hr̥di prakāśasya dharaṁ svadhīsthaṁ
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 4 ||
Ganesha in the form of infinite mind It is the first without differences and differences. The holder of light in the heart is in his own mind We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
विश्वादिभूतं हृदि योगिनां वै
प्रत्यक्षरूपेण विभान्तमेकम् ।
सदा निरालम्ब-समाधिगम्यं
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ ५ ॥
viśvādibhūtaṁ hr̥di yōgināṁ vai
pratyakṣarūpēṇa vibhāntamēkam |
sadā nirālamba-samādhigamyaṁ
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 5 ||
It is the origin of the universe in the hearts of the yogis One that shines in a direct form. Always accessible to unconstrained meditation We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
स्वबिम्बभावेन विलासयुक्तं
बिन्दुस्वरूपा रचिता स्वमाया ।
तस्यां स्ववीर्यं प्रददाति यो वै
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ ६ ॥
svabimbabhāvēna vilāsayuktaṁ
bindusvarūpā racitā svamāyā |
tasyāṁ svavīryaṁ pradadāti yō vai
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 6 ||
luxurious in its sense of imagery She created her own illusion in the form of a dot. He who gives his strength to her We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
त्वदीय-वीर्येण समस्तभूता
माया तया संरचितं च विश्वम् ।
नादात्मकं ह्यात्मतया प्रतीतं
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ ७ ॥
tvadīya-vīryēṇa samastabhūtā
māyā tayā saṁracitaṁ ca viśvam |
nādātmakaṁ hyātmatayā pratītaṁ
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 7 ||
By your power all beings Maya and the universe created by her. For it is perceived as self-contained by sound We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
गणेशमेकं त्रयबोधितारम् ।
सेवन्त आपूर्यमजं त्रिसंस्था-
स्तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ ८ ॥
gaṇēśamēkaṁ trayabōdhitāram |
sēvanta āpūryamajaṁ trisaṁsthā-
stamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 8 ||
Your-being-bearer of one tooth Ganesha is one of the three enlighteners. Sevanta apuryamajam trisanstha- We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
ततस्त्वया प्रेरित एव नाद-
स्तेनेदमेवं रचितं जगद्वै ।
आनन्दरूपं समभावसंस्थं
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ ९ ॥
tatastvayā prērita ēva nāda-
stēnēdamēvaṁ racitaṁ jagadvai |
ānandarūpaṁ samabhāvasaṁsthaṁ
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 9 ||
Then you inspired the sound- This is how the universe was created by the thief. The form of bliss is established in equality We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
तदेव विश्वं कृपया तवैव
सम्भूतमाद्यं तमसा विभातम् ।
अनेकरूपं ह्यजमेकभूतं
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १० ॥
tadēva viśvaṁ kr̥payā tavaiva
sambhūtamādyaṁ tamasā vibhātam |
anēkarūpaṁ hyajamēkabhūtaṁ
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 10 ||
That is the universe by your grace The original universe was illuminated by darkness. The many forms of the sacrifice are one We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
ततस्त्वया प्रेरितमेव तेन
सृष्टं सुसूक्ष्मं जगदेकसंस्थम् ।
सत्त्वात्मकं श्वेतमनन्तमाद्यं
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ ११ ॥
tatastvayā prēritamēva tēna
sr̥ṣṭaṁ susūkṣmaṁ jagadēkasaṁstham |
sattvātmakaṁ śvētamanantamādyaṁ
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 11 ||
Then you were inspired by him The created universe is very subtle and is situated in one place. The white, infinite, original, consisting of Sattva We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
तदेव स्वप्नं तपसा गणेशं
संसिद्धिरूपं विविधं बभूव ।
सदेकरूपं कृपया तवाऽपि
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १२ ॥
tadēva svapnaṁ tapasā gaṇēśaṁ
saṁsiddhirūpaṁ vividhaṁ babhūva |
sadēkarūpaṁ kr̥payā tavā:’pi
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 12 ||
That is the dream of Ganesha by austerities The form of perfection became various. Always in the same form, please, too We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
सम्प्रेरितं तच्च त्वया हृदिस्थं
तथा सुदृष्टं जगदंशरूपम् ।
तेनैव जाग्रन्मयमप्रमेयं
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १३ ॥
samprēritaṁ tacca tvayā hr̥disthaṁ
tathā sudr̥ṣṭaṁ jagadaṁśarūpam |
tēnaiva jāgranmayamapramēyaṁ
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 13 ||
And that which you have inspired is in your heart and well-seen form of the universe. By that, the awakening is immeasurable We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
जाग्रत्स्वरूपं रजसा विभातं
विलोकितं तत्कृपया तथैव ।
तदा विभिन्नं भवदेकरूपं
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १४ ॥
jāgratsvarūpaṁ rajasā vibhātaṁ
vilōkitaṁ tatkr̥payā tathaiva |
tadā vibhinnaṁ bhavadēkarūpaṁ
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 14 ||
The awake form is illuminated by dust It was kindly observed that it was the same.Then different becomes one form We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
एवं च सृष्ट्वा प्रकृतिस्वभावा-
त्तदन्तरे त्वं च विभासि नित्यम् ।
बुद्धिप्रदाता गणनाथ एक-
स्तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १५ ॥
ēvaṁ ca sr̥ṣṭvā prakr̥tisvabhāvā-
ttadantarē tvaṁ ca vibhāsi nityam |
buddhipradātā gaṇanātha ēka-
stamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 15 ||
thus creating the nature- In the meantime, you’re always shining we take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
त्वदाज्ञया भान्ति ग्रहाश्च सर्वे
नक्षत्ररूपाणि विभान्ति खे वै ।
आधारहीनानि त्वया धृतानि
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १६ ॥
tvadājñayā bhānti grahāśca sarvē
nakṣatrarūpāṇi vibhānti khē vai |
ādhārahīnāni tvayā dhr̥tāni
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 16 ||
At your command all the planets shine The forms of the stars are shining in the sky. You have worn them without foundation We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
त्वदाज्ञया सृष्टिकरो विधाता
त्वदाज्ञया पालक एव विष्णुः ।
त्वदाज्ञया संहरको हरोऽपि
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १७ ॥
tvadājñayā sr̥ṣṭikarō vidhātā
tvadājñayā pālaka ēva viṣṇuḥ |
tvadājñayā saṁharakō harō:’pi
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 17 ||
 Creator who created by your command By your command, Lord Vishnu is the protector. Even the destroyer Haro at your command We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
यदाज्ञया भूर्जलमध्यसंस्था
यदाज्ञयाऽपः प्रवहन्ति नद्यः ।
सीमां सदा रक्षति वै समुद्र-
स्तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १८ ॥
yadājñayā bhūrjalamadhyasaṁsthā
yadājñayā:’paḥ pravahanti nadyaḥ |
sīmāṁ sadā rakṣati vai samudra-
stamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 18 ||
By whose command the earth is in the midst of water By His command the waters of the rivers flow. The sea always protects the border- We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
यदाज्ञया देवगणो दिविस्थो
ददाति वै कर्मफलानि नित्यम् ।
यदाज्ञया शैलगणोऽचलो वै
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १९ ॥
yadājñayā dēvagaṇō divisthō
dadāti vai karmaphalāni nityam |
yadājñayā śailagaṇō:’calō vai
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 19 ||
By whose command the gods are in heaven He always gives the fruits of his actions. By whose command the mountains were moved We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
यदाज्ञया शेष इलाधरो वै
यदाज्ञया मोहकरश्च कामः ।
यदाज्ञया कालधरोऽर्यमा च
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ २० ॥
yadājñayā śēṣa ilādharō vai
yadājñayā mōhakaraśca kāmaḥ |
yadājñayā kāladharō:’ryamā ca
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 20 ||
By whose command the rest of the Iladharas By His command lust is also deluding. By whose command Kaladhar and Aryama We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
यदाज्ञया वाति विभाति वायु-
र्यदाज्ञयाऽग्निर्जठरादिसंस्थः ।
यदाज्ञया वै सचराऽचरं च
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ २१ ॥
yadājñayā vāti vibhāti vāyu-
ryadājñayā:’gnirjaṭharādisaṁsthaḥ |
yadājñayā vai sacarā:’caraṁ ca
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 21 ||
 By whose command the wind blows and shines- By whose command the fire is situated in the stomach and other parts of the body. By whose command I move and do not move We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
सर्वान्तरे संस्थितमेकगूढं
यदाज्ञया सर्वमिदं विभाति ।
अनन्तरूपं हृदि बोधकं वै
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ २२ ॥
sarvāntarē saṁsthitamēkagūḍhaṁ
yadājñayā sarvamidaṁ vibhāti |
anantarūpaṁ hr̥di bōdhakaṁ vai
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 22 ||
One mystery situated in all By His command all this shines. The infinite form is the signifier in the heart We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
यं योगिनो योगबलेन साध्यं
कुर्वन्ति तं कः स्तवनेन स्तौति ।
अतः प्रमाणेन सुसिद्धिदोऽस्तु
तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ २३ ॥
yaṁ yōginō yōgabalēna sādhyaṁ
kurvanti taṁ kaḥ stavanēna stauti |
ataḥ pramāṇēna susiddhidō:’stu
tamēkadantaṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ || 23 ||
which is achievable by the yogi by the power of yoga Who can praise Him with praise when they do so? Therefore, let him be well-accomplished by proof We take refuge in Him who has one tooth.
ग्रत्सप्तद उवाच
एवं स्तुत्वा च प्रह्लादं देवा: समुनयश्र्च वै ।
तूष्णींभावं प्रपद्येव ननृतुर्हर्षसंयुता: ।।24।।
ēvaṁ stutvā ca prahlāda dēvāḥ samunayaśca vai |
tūṣṇīṁ bhāvaṁ prapadyaiva nanr̥turharṣasamyutāḥ || 24 ||
 the demigods and sages thus praised the Lord. They remained silent and danced with great joy
स तानुवाच प्रोतात्मा ह्मेकदंत: स्तवेन वै ।
जगाद तान्महाभागान्देवर्षीन्भक्तवत्सल: ।।25।।
sa tānuvāca prītātmā hyēkadantaḥ stavēna vai |
jagāda tānmahābhāgāndēvarṣīnbhaktavatsalaḥ || 25 ||
Pleased with himself, the one-toothed Lord spoke to them in praise. Lord Kṛṣṇa, who is very affectionate to His devotees, spoke to those most fortunate demigods and sages.
एकदंत उवाच
प्रसन्नोस्मि च स्तोत्रेण सुरा: सर्षिगणा: किल ।
वृणुतां वरदोऽहं वो दास्यामि मनसीप्सितम् ।।26।।
prasannō:’smi ca stōtrēṇa surāḥ sarṣigaṇāḥ kila |
śr̥ṇu tvaṁ varadō:’haṁ vō dāsyāmi manasīpsitam || 26 ||
O demigods and sages, I am pleased with your prayers. O bestower of boons, please hear me. I shall give you whatever you desire.
भवत्कृतं मदीयं वै स्तोत्रं प्रीतिप्रदं मम ।
भविष्यति न संदेह: सर्वसिद्धिप्रदायकम् ।।27।।
bhavatkr̥taṁ madīyaṁ vai stōtraṁ prītipradaṁ mama |
bhaviṣyati na sandēhaḥ sarvasiddhipradāyakam || 27 ||
The prayer you have composed for me is very pleasing to me. It will undoubtedly be the bestower of all perfections.
यं यमिच्छति तं तं वै दास्यामि स्तोत्रपाठत: ।
पुत्रपौत्रादिकं सर्वं लभते धनधान्यकम् ।।28।।
yaṁ yamicchati taṁ taṁ vai dāsyāmi stōtra pāṭhataḥ |
putrapautrādikaṁ sarvaṁ labhatē dhanadhānyakam || 28 ||
By reciting this stotra I shall give whatever one desires. He obtains sons and grandsons, wealth and grain.
गजाश्र्वादिकमत्म्यन्तं राज्यभोगं लभेद्ध्रुवम् ।
भुक्तिं मुक्तिं च योगं वै लभते शान्तिदायकम् ।।29।।
gajāśvādikamatyantaṁ rājyabhōgaṁ labhēddhruvam |
bhuktiṁ muktiṁ ca yōgaṁ vai labhatē śāntidāyakam || 29 ||
He will certainly enjoy the kingdom with elephants and horses. By practicing yoga, which brings peace, one attains bliss and liberation.
मारणोंचटनादीनि राज्यबंधादिकं च यत् ।
पठतां श्रृण्वतां न्रणां भवेच्च बंधहीनता ।।30।।
māraṇōccāṭanādīni rājyabandhādikaṁ ca yat |
paṭhatāṁ śr̥ṇvatāṁ nr̥ṇāṁ bhavēcca bandhahīnatā || 30 ||
Killing, tearing down, imprisonment of the kingdom, etc. Those who read and hear this scripture will become free from bondage.
एकविंशतिवारं च श्लोकाच्श्रैवैकविंशतिम् ।
पठते नित्यमेवं च दिनानि त्वेकविंशतिम् ।।31।।
ēkaviṁśativāraṁ ca ślōkāṁścaivaikaviṁśatim |
paṭhatē nityamēvaṁ ca dināni tvēkaviṁśatim || 31 ||
Twenty-one times and twenty-one verses. He recites this mantra daily for twenty-one days
न तस्य दुर्लभं किंचित्त्रिषु लोकेशु वै भवेत् ।
असाध्यं साधयेन्मत्र्य: सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत् ।।32।।
na tasya durlabhaṁ kiñcittriṣu lōkēṣu vai bhavēt |
asādhyaṁ sādhayēnmartyaḥ sarvatra vijayī bhavēt || 32 ||
There is nothing rare for him in the three worlds. A mortal who achieves the impossible will be victorious everywhere.
नित्यं य: पठेत स्तोत्रं ब्रह्मभूत: स वै नर: ।
तस्य दर्शनत: सर्वे देवा: पूता भवन्ति वै ।।33।।
nityaṁ yaḥ paṭhatē stōtraṁ brahmabhūtaḥ sa vai naraḥ |
tasya darśanataḥ sarvē dēvāḥ pūtā bhavanti vai || 33 ||
He who recites this stotra daily is a man who has become Brahman. By seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead all the demigods are purified.
एवं तस्य वच: श्रुत्वा प्रह्रष्टा देवतर्षय: ।
ऊचु: करपुटा: सर्वे भक्तियुक्ता गजाननम् ।।34।।
ēvaṁ tasya vacaḥ śrutvā prahr̥ṣṭā dēvatarṣayaḥ |
ūcuḥ karapuṭāḥ sarvē bhaktiyuktā gajānanam || 34 ||
The sages of the gods were delighted to hear these words of the Lord. With folded hands they all addressed Lord Gajanana with devotion.

Benefits of Shri Ekdanta Stotram:

Freedom from Fear: People who chant the Shri Ekdant Stotram find relief from different kinds of fears and anxieties. It’s like a soothing balm that helps calm the mind throughout the day.

Fulfillment of Desires: When you devoutly chant this stotram, it’s believed that your heartfelt desires can come true. Whether you’re seeking success, knowledge, wealth, or spiritual growth, it’s like a wish-granting gem.

Wealth and Prosperity: Need a boost in your financial life? Regularly reciting the Shri Ekdant Stotram is thought to bring in more wealth and prosperity, elevating your material well-being.

Acquisition of Knowledge: For those hungry for knowledge and wisdom, this stotram is like a beacon. It’s said that by chanting it, you can enhance your learning abilities and gain insights.

Auspicious Results: By faithfully reciting the Shri Ekdant Stotram, you’re said to invite positive vibes into your endeavors, paving the way for favorable outcomes.

Shri Ganesh Mantra Stotram: Discovering Inner Wisdom and Divine Connection
Sarpa Suktam Stotram: Salutations to Serpents

Comments (1)

  1. Surya

    Thank you very much for posting Ekdanta stotam with meaning.🙏🙏🙏

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