

Shukra Stotram: Praises and Blessings to Lord Shukra for Wisdom, Prosperity, and Fulfillment

Sanskrit / Hindi  Translation Meaning 
नमस्ते भार्गव श्रेष्ठ देव दानव पूजित ।
वृष्टिरोधप्रकर्त्रे च वृष्टिकर्त्रे नमो नम: ।।1।।
Namaste Bhargava Shreshtha Deva Daanava Poojita |
Vrishtirodhaprakartraye Cha Vrishtikartre Namo Namah ||1||
Salutations to you, O Bhargava, the foremost and divine one, worshipped by both gods and demons. You bring rain and also prevent excess rain. I bow to you, the one who controls rainfall.
देवयानीपितस्तुभ्यं वेदवेदांगपारग: ।
परेण तपसा शुद्ध शंकरो लोकशंकर: ।।2।।
Devayaanipitastubhyam Vedavedaangapaaragaha |
PareNa Tapasaa Shuddha Shankaro Lokashankarah ||2||
You are the supreme teacher of the Vedas and their branches, O Devayanipati (Lord of the celestial plane). By your austerity, O pure one, you become Lord Shiva, the welfare of the world.
प्राप्तो विद्यां जीवनाख्यां तस्मै शुक्रात्मने नम: ।
नमस्तस्मै भगवते भृगुपुत्राय वेधसे ।।3।।
Prapto Vidyaam Jeevanaakhyam Tasmai Shukraatmane Namah |
Namastasmai Bhagavate Bhrguputraaya Vedhase ||3||
To you, who have attained knowledge and the science of life, O embodiment of Shukra (Venus), I bow. Salutations to the divine Bhargava, son of Bhrigu, the revealer of knowledge.
तारामण्डलमध्यस्थ स्वभासा भसिताम्बर: ।
यस्योदये जगत्सर्वं मंगलार्हं भवेदिह ।।4।।
Taaraamandalamadhyastha Swabhaasaa Bhasitaambara |

Yasyodaye Jagatsarvam Mangalaarham Bhavediha ||4||

Amidst the cluster of stars, adorned with self-illumination and clothed in radiance, at whose rise the entire world becomes auspicious here.
अस्तं याते ह्यरिष्टं स्यात्तस्मै मंगलरूपिणे ।
त्रिपुरावासिनो दैत्यान शिवबाणप्रपीडितान ।।5।।
Astam Yaate Hyarishtam Syaat Tasmai Mangalarupine |

Tripuraavaasino Daityaan Shivabaanaprapiditaa ||5||

When you set, even the inauspicious turns auspicious for you, O embodiment of auspiciousness. You who reside in the city of Tripura and afflict the demons with the arrows of Shiva.
विद्यया जीवयच्छुक्रो नमस्ते भृगुनन्दन ।
ययातिगुरवे तुभ्यं नमस्ते कविनन्दन ।6।।
Vidyayaa Jeevayashukro Namaste Bhrgunandana |

Yayaatigurave Tubhyam Namaste Kavinandana ||6||

Shukra, who grants knowledge and life, I bow to you, O son of Bhrigu. Salutations to you, who are the preceptor to those who cross the ocean of life, and the delight of poets.
बलिराज्यप्रदो जीवस्तस्मै जीवात्मने नम: ।
भार्गवाय नमस्तुभ्यं पूर्वं गीर्वाणवन्दितम ।।7।।
Baliraajyaprado Jeevastasmai Jeevaatmane Namah |

Bhargavaaya Namastubhyam Poorvam Geervaanvanditam ||7||

Shukra, who bestows strength and kingdom, I bow to you, O life-giver. Salutations to Bhargava, previously worshipped by the ancient sage Geervan.
जीवपुत्राय यो विद्यां प्रादात्तस्मै नमोनम: ।
नम: शुक्राय काव्याय भृगुपुत्राय धीमहि ।।8।।
Jeevaputraayo Yo Vidyaam Praadaattasmai Namonamah |

Namah Shukraaya Kaavyaaya Bhrguputraaya Dheemahi ||8||

Salutations to the one who imparts knowledge to his own sons. Salutations to Shukra, the one who inspires poetry. We meditate upon Shukra, the son of Bhrigu.
नम: कारणरूपाय नमस्ते कारणात्मने ।
स्तवराजमिदं पुण्य़ं भार्गवस्य महात्मन: ।।9।।
Namah Kaaranaroopaaya Namaste Kaaranaatmane |

Stavarajamidam Punyam Bhargavasya Mahaatmanah ||9||

Salutations to you, who are the form of causality, the very essence of causation. This hymn, called ‘Stavaraja,’ is auspicious for the great-souled Bhargava.
य: पठेच्छुणुयाद वापि लभते वांछित फलम ।
पुत्रकामो लभेत्पुत्रान श्रीकामो लभते श्रियम ।।10।।
Yah Pathecchrunuyaada Vaapi Labhate Vaanchita Phalam |

Putrakaamo Labhet Putraan Shreekaamo Labhate Shriyam ||10||

Whoever recites or hears this stotram attains the desired results. One desiring a child begets children, and one desiring wealth gains prosperity.
राज्यकामो लभेद्राज्यं स्त्रीकाम: स्त्रियमुत्तमाम ।
भृगुवारे प्रयत्नेन पठितव्यं सामहितै: ।।11।।
Raajyakaamo Labhedraajyam Streekaamah Streeyamuttamaam |

Bhrguvaare Prayatnena Pathitavyam Saamahaiteh ||11||

One desiring a kingdom attains rulership, and one desiring an excellent woman attains a superior woman. This should be recited on Thursdays with devotion.
अन्यवारे तु होरायां पूजयेद भृगुनन्दनम ।
रोगार्तो मुच्यते रोगाद भयार्तो मुच्यते भयात ।।12।।
Anyavaare Tu Horaayaam Poojayed Bhrgunandanam |

Rogaarto Muchyate Rogaad Bhayaarto Muchyate Bhayaat ||12||

On other days, especially on Sundays, worship Bhrgunandanam (Shukra). The afflicted are relieved from diseases, and the fearful are freed from fears.
यद्यत्प्रार्थयते वस्तु तत्तत्प्राप्नोति सर्वदा ।
प्रात: काले प्रकर्तव्या भृगुपूजा प्रयत्नत: ।।13।।
Yadyat Praarthayate Vastu Tattat Praapnoti Sarvadaa |

Praatah Kaale Prakartavyaa Bhrgupoojaa Prayatnatah ||13||

Whatever is sought is obtained always. Perform the worship of Bhrgu with dedication early in the morning.
सर्वपापविनिर्मुक्त: प्राप्नुयाच्छिवसन्निधि: ।।14।। Sarvapaapavinirmuktah Praapnuyaachchhivasannidhih ||14|| One is liberated from all sins and attains proximity to Lord Shiva.

Benefits of Shukra Stotram:

  1. Rainfall and Weather Control: The stotram acknowledges Lord Shukra’s power to regulate rainfall and weather patterns. Reciting the stotram with devotion may bring favorable weather conditions, including rainfall as needed, preventing excessive rain or drought.
  2. Knowledge and Wisdom: By praising Lord Shukra’s status as a supreme teacher of the Vedas and wisdom, reciting the stotram can aid in gaining knowledge, learning, and intellectual growth.
  3. Auspicious Beginnings: The stotram describes Lord Shukra’s association with the auspiciousness of dawn and his positive influence on the world. Reciting the stotram can invoke positive beginnings and set a harmonious tone for the day.
  4. Turning Inauspicious to Auspicious: The stotram highlights that even during his setting, Lord Shukra can transform unfavorable situations into favorable ones. Reciting the stotram during challenging times may help turn difficulties into opportunities.
  5. Health and Protection: The stotram mentions that Lord Shukra can protect against afflictions. Reciting the stotram with sincerity can provide protection from ailments and alleviate health-related troubles.
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