

Sita Rama Stotram: Benefits, Verses and Translation

Sanskrit / Hindi Translation Meaning
मिथिलापुरनायिकाम् ।
वैदेहानामलङ्क्रियाम् ॥ १ ॥
Ayodhya pura netharam,
Mithila pura nayikam,
Raghavanam alankaram,
Vaidehanam malankriyam. 1
Leader of the city of Ayodhya, Leader of the city of Mithila, Ornament to the clan of Raghu, And ornament to the family of Vidheha.
रघूणां कुलदीपं च
निमीनां कुलदीपिकाम् ।
सोमवंशसमुद्भवाम् ॥ २ ॥
Raghoonam kula dheepam cha,
Nimeenam kula dheepikam,
Soorya vamsa samudh bhootham,
Soma vamsa samudh bhavam. 2
The light of the clan of Raghu, The light of the family of Nimi, Born in the clan started by the Sun God, Born in the family started by the moon God.
पुत्रं दशरथस्याद्यं
पुत्रीं जनकभूपतेः ।
शतानन्दमतानुगाम् ॥ ३ ॥
Puthram Dasaradasyapi,
Puthreem Janaka Bhoopathe,
Vasishtanu mathacharam,
Sathananda mathanugam. 3
Son of Dasaratha, Daughter of Janaka, Followed wishes of Vasishta, Obeyed the wihes of Sadananda.
वेदिगर्भोदितां स्वयम् ।
स्फुरदिन्दीवरेक्षणाम् ॥ ४ ॥
Kousalya Garbha sambhootham,
Vedi Garbhoditham swayam,
Pundareeka Visalaksham,
Sphurad indhee varekshanam. 4
Born to the queen Kousalya, Rose from the Yagna floor herself, One who has lotus like eyes, One who has eyes like fully open Indivara flowers.
चन्द्रबिम्बोपमाननाम् ।
मत्तहंसवधूगताम् ॥ ५ ॥
Chandra kanthaananambhojam,
Chandra bhimbo up mananaam,
Matha mathanga Gamanam,
Matha hamsa vadhoo gathim. 5
Was like Lotus flower opened by chandra Kantha, One who can be compared to the face of Moon, One who walks like a active elephant, One who walks like an active swan.
कुंकुमार्द्रकुचस्थलीम् ।
पद्मालंकृतपाणिकाम् ॥ ६ ॥
Chandana ardhra bhuja madhyam,
Kunkumardhraka kucha sthalim,
Chapalankrutha hasthabhjam,
Padmalankrutha panikam. 6
One who applies sandal on his chest, One who decorates her breasts with saffron, One who has a rope in his hands, One whose hand is decorated by Lotus flower.
प्रणिपातप्रसादिकाम्  ।
कालमेघनिभं रामं
कार्तस्वरसमप्रभाम् ॥ ७ ॥
Saranagatha goptharam,
Pranipada prasadhikam,
Kala megha nibhakaram,
Kaartha swara sama prabham. 7
One who protects those who surrender, One who is pleased with their devotion, One who is of the colour of dark cloud, One who shines like Gold.
दिव्यस्रग्वस्त्रभूषणाम् ।
अनुक्षणं कटाक्षाभ्यां
अन्योन्येक्षणकांक्षिणौ ॥ ८ ॥
Divya simhasanaaseenam,
Divya srag vasthra bhooshanaam,
Anukshanam kadakshabhyam,
Anyonya kshana kamkshinou. 8
One who sits on the divine throne, One who wears divine garlands and cloth, One who glances every second, One who desires invitations from each other.
त्रैलोक्यगृहदंपती ।
इमौयुवां प्रणम्याहं
भजाम्यद्य कृतार्थताम् ॥ ९ ॥
Anyonya sadrusa kaarou,
Trilokya graha dampathi,
Imou yuvam pranamyaham,
Bajamyadhya krutharthadham., 9
Form resembling each other, They are the great couple of the three worlds, And I salute both of them, And with gratefulness sing their praise.
अनेन स्तौति यः स्तुत्यं
रामं सीतां च भक्तितः ।
तस्य तौ तनुतां
पुण्यास्संपदः सकलार्थदाः ॥ १० ॥
Anaya sthouthi yad sthuthya,
Ramam Seetham cha bhakthitha,
Thasya thou thanutham preethou,
Sampada sakala aapi. 11
The problems of him who prays, Rama as well as Sita with devotion, Would vanish and he would become dear to them, And he will earn all sorts of wealth.

Benefits of Sita Rama Stotram:

Divine Blessings and Protection: The stotram pays homage to Lord Rama and Goddess Sita, recognizing them as divine beings who provide protection and blessings to their devotees. Invoking their beneficent energies for direction and protection through the recitation of the stotram could create a strong spiritual connection with them.

Removal of Problems: The stotram expresses the belief that problems faced by those who earnestly pray to both Rama and Sita with devotion can be alleviated. It shows how their grace could help in overcoming blocks and struggles in life.

Fulfillment of Desires: By acknowledging the lineage and divine origins of Lord Rama and Goddess Sita, the stotram conveys the idea that devotion to them can lead to the fulfillment of desires and aspirations. Their divine roots connect them to the Sun God and the Moon God, representing a symbiotic balance of strength and grace.

Harmonious Relationships: The stotram praises Rama and Sita as a great couple of the three worlds, highlighting their exemplary relationship. Devotees who recite the stotram with genuine devotion may receive blessings for harmonious and loving relationships in their own lives.

Spiritual Progress: The stotram acknowledges Rama and Sita’s reverence for spiritual leaders like Vasishta and Sadananda. The stotram states that genuine devotion to Rama and Sita can result in spiritual development and evolution through harmony with their teachings and guidance.

Shri Tulasi Stotram: Origin Stories, Translation and Spiritual Benefits
Mangal Stotram: Blessings, Obstacle Removal, and Divine Wisdom

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