

Maa Kamala Stotram: Invoking the Divine Blessings of Goddess Kamala

Sanskrit / Hindi  Translation Meaning
ओंकाररूपिणी देवि विशुद्धसत्त्वरूपिणी ।
देवानां जननी त्वं हि प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Omkaara Roopini Devi Vishuddha Sattva Roopini.
Devaanaam Janani Tvam Hi Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is described as the embodiment of the sacred sound “Om,” representing her divine essence. She is also portrayed as the embodiment of purity and truth.
तन्मात्रंचैव भूतानि तव वक्षस्थलं स्मृतम् ।
त्वमेव वेदगम्या तु प्रसन्ना भव सुंदरि ॥
Tat Matram Chaiva Bhutaani Tava Vakshasthalam Smritam.
Tvameva Vedagamya Tu Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is the source of creation and sustains all living beings. She is the ultimate knowledge that is gained through self-realization.
देवदानवगन्धर्वयक्षराक्षसकिन्नरः ।
स्तूयसे त्वं सदा लक्ष्मि प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Devadaanava Gandharva Yaksharaakshasa Kinnarah.
Stuyase Tvam Sadaa Lakshmi Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is praised by celestial beings, including gods, demons, celestial musicians, and supernatural creatures.
लोकातीता द्वैतातीता समस्तभूतवेष्टिता ।
विद्वज्जनकीर्त्तिता च प्रसन्ना भव सुंदरि ॥
Lokaateeta Dvaitaateeta Samastabhoota Veshtitaa.
Vidwajjanakeertritaa Cha Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess transcends the limitations of time and space, and she dwells within all living beings.
परिपूर्णा सदा लक्ष्मि त्रात्री तु शरणार्थिषु ।
विश्वाद्या विश्वकत्रीं च प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Paripoornaa Sadaa Lakshmi Traatri Tu Sharanarthishu.
Vishwadyaa Vishwakatrim Cha Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is complete and eternal, bestowing blessings of wealth and protection upon her devotees.
ब्रह्मरूपा च सावित्री त्वद्दीप्त्या भासते जगत् ।
विश्वरूपा वरेण्या च प्रसन्ना भव सुंदरि ॥
Brahmaroopaa Cha Saavitri Tvaddeepthyaa Bhaasate Jagat.
Vishwaroopaa Varenyaa Cha Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is the form of Brahma and the radiant light that illuminates the world. She is the cosmic form and the one worthy of worship.
क्षित्यप्तेजोमरूद्धयोमपंचभूतस्वरूपिणी ।
बन्धादेः कारणं त्वं हि प्रसन्ना भव सुंदरि ॥
Bandhaadeh Kaaranam Tvam Hi Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is the embodiment of the five elements and the vital energy that sustains the universe.
महेशे त्वं हेमवती कमला केशवेऽपि च ।
ब्रह्मणः प्रेयसी त्वं हि प्रसन्ना भव सुंदरि ॥
Maheshe Tvam Hemavatee Kamalaa Keshave’pi Cha.
Brahmanah Preyasii Tvam Hi Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is Maheshwari, the consort of Lord Shiva, and is also associated with wealth, beauty, and divine knowledge.
चंडी दुर्गा कालिका च कौशिकी सिद्धिरूपिणी ।
योगिनी योगगम्या च प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Chandee Durgaa Kaalikaa Cha Kaushikii Siddhiroopini.
Yoginii Yogagyamaa Cha Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is praised as Chandi, Durga, and Kali, representing her fierce and protective aspects. She is also the embodiment of various Siddhis (spiritual powers).
बाल्ये च बालिका त्वं हि यौवने युवतीति च ।
स्थविरे वृद्धरूपा च प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Baalye Cha Baalikaa Tvam Hi Yauvane Yuvaateeti Cha.
Sthavire Vriddha Roopaa Cha Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess takes different forms throughout the stages of life, from childhood to youth to old age.
गुणमयी गुणातीता आद्या विद्या सनातनी ।
महत्तत्त्वादिसंयुक्ता प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Gunamayii Gunaa Teetaa Aadyaa Vidyaa Sanaatanii.
Mahattattwaadisamyuktaa Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is described as beyond qualities and knowledge, being the primordial source of wisdom and cosmic truths.
तपस्विनी तपः सिद्धि स्वर्गसिद्धिस्तदर्थिषु ।
चिन्मयी प्रकृतिस्त्वं तु प्रसन्ना भव सुंदरि ॥
Tapaswinii Tapah Siddhi Swargasiddhistadarthishu.
Chinmayii Prakritis Tvam Tu Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess grants success in spiritual endeavors and fulfills the desires of those seeking heavenly realms and material gains.
त्वमादिर्जगतां देवि त्वमेव स्थितिकारणम् ।
त्वमन्ते निधनस्थानं स्वेच्छाचारा त्वमेवहि ॥
Tvamaadir Jagataam Devi Tvameva Sthitikaaranam.
Tvamante Nidhanasthaanam Svechhaachaaraa Tva Mevahi.
The goddess is the beginning of the universe and its ultimate cause. She is the essence of everything and guides the world through her divine will.
चराचराणां भूतानां बहिरन्तस्त्वमेव हि ।
व्याप्यव्याकरूपेण त्वं भासि भक्तवत्सले ॥
Charaacharaanaam Bhootaanaam Bahirantastvameva Hi.
Vyaapyavyaakaroopena Tvam Bhaasi Bhaktavatsale.
The goddess exists both within all living beings and outside them. She pervades all creation and is compassionate toward her devotees.
त्वन्मायया हृतज्ञाना नष्टात्मानो विचेतसः ।
गतागतं प्रपद्यन्ते पापपुण्यवशात्सदा ॥
Tvannyaayaayaa Hritajnyaanaa Nashataatmano Vichetasah.
Gatagatam Prapadyante Paapapunyavashaatsadaa.
The goddess dispels ignorance and removes self-doubt, guiding souls lost in the cycle of karma.
तावन्सत्यं जगद्भाति शुक्तिकारजतं यथा ।
यावन्न ज्ञायते ज्ञानं चेतसा नान्वगामिनी ॥
Taavansatyam Jagad Bhaati Shukitkaarajatam Yathaa.
Yaavannajnyaayate Jnaanam Chetasaa Naanvagaaminee.
Just as a shell appears as silver due to ignorance, the truth of the world becomes clear through knowledge.
त्वज्ज्ञानात्तु सदा युक्तः पुत्रदारगृहादिषु ।
रमन्ते विषयान्सर्वानन्ते दुखप्रदान् ध्रुवम् ॥
Tvajjnaanaat Tu Sadaa Yuktoh Putradarga Grihaadishu.
Ramante Vishayaansarvaanante Dukhapradaan Dhruvam.
Through knowledge, one remains balanced amid family, wealth, and worldly attachments, enjoying life’s pleasures without becoming trapped by them.
त्वदाज्ञया तु देवेशि गगने सूर्यमण्डलम् ।
चन्द्रश्च भ्रमते नित्यं प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Tvaa’ajnayaa Tu Deveshi Gagane Sooryamandalam.
Chandrashcha Bhramate Nityam Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is the source and cause of everything in the universe, its foundation, sustainer, and the ultimate destination.
ब्रह्मेशविष्णुजननी ब्रह्माख्या ब्रह्मसंश्रया ।
व्यक्ताव्यक्त च देवेशि प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Brahmeshvishnu Jananii Brahmaakhyaa Brahmasamshrayaa.
Vyaktaavyakta Cha Deveshi Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is beyond Maya (illusion), unchanging, omnipresent, and the consort of Lord Shiva.
अचला सर्वगा त्वं हि मायातीता महेश्वरि ।
शिवात्मा शाश्वता नित्या प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Achalaa Sarvagaa Tvam Hi Maayaateetaa Maheshvari.
Shivaatmaa Shaashwataa Nityaa Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is beyond Maya (illusion), unchanging, omnipresent, and the consort of Lord Shiva.
सर्वकायनियन्त्री च सर्वभूतेश्वरी ।
अनन्ता निष्काला त्वं हि प्रसन्ना भवसुन्दरि ॥
Sarvakaayaniyantree Cha Sarvabhooteshvari.
Anantaa Nishkaalaa Tvam Hi Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is the controller of all bodies and the supreme ruler of all beings.
सर्वेश्वरी सर्ववद्या अचिन्त्या परमात्मिका ।
भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदा त्वं हि प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Sarveshvari Sarvavadyaa Achintyaa Paramaatmikaa.
Bhuktimuktipradaa Tvam Hi Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is the ultimate ruler, beyond comprehension, and the source of ultimate knowledge.
ब्रह्माणी ब्रह्मलोके त्वं वैकुण्ठे सर्वमंगला ।
इंद्राणी अमरावत्यामम्बिका वरूणालये ॥
Brahmaanii Brahmaloke Tvam Vaikunthe Sarvamaangalaa.
Indraanii Amaravatyaam Ambikaa Varunaalaye.
The goddess is the consort of Brahma in the realm of Brahmaloka and brings auspiciousness to Vaikuntha, the abode of Lord Vishnu.
यमालये कालरूपा कुबेरभवने शुभा ।
महानन्दाग्निकोणे च प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Yamaalaye Kaalaroopaa Kubera Bhavane Shubhaa.
Mahaanandaagnikone Cha Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is present in various places, such as in the form of Kali at Kailash, as Kubera’s abode, and in other auspicious forms.
नैऋर्त्यां रक्तदन्ता त्वं वायव्यां मृगवाहिनी ।
पाताले वैष्णवीरूपा प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Nairrityaam Rakta Dantaa Tvam Vaayavyaam Mrigavaahinii.
Paataale Vaishnavi Roopaa Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess takes the form of the red-toothed Nairriti and the mount of Vayu, the deer.
सुरसा त्वं मणिद्वीपे ऐशान्यां शूलधारिणी ।
भद्रकाली च लंकायां प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Surasaa Tvam Manidveepe Aishhaanyaam Shooladhaarinee.
Bhadra Kaalii Cha Lankayaam Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess takes the form of Surasa on the island of jewels and wields a trident.
रामेश्वरी सेतुबन्धे सिंहले देवमोहिनी ।
विमला त्वं च श्रीक्षेत्रे प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Raameshwari Setu Bandhe Simhale Deva Mohinii.
Vimalaa Tvam Cha Shreekshetre Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
Here, the verse is addressing the goddess as “Raameshwari” (associated with Rama), who resides near the bridge in Simhala (Sri Lanka). She is praised as the enchantress of gods and is also associated with the “Vimala” form in the Shreekshetra (holy place) where she is prayed to for her blessings and grace.
कालिका त्वं कालिघाटे कामाख्या नीलपर्वत ।
विरजा ओड्रदेशे त्वं प्रसन्ना भव सुंदरि ॥
Kaaliikaa Tvam Kaalighaate Kaamaakhyaa Neelaparvata.
Virajaa OdradeshE Tvam Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
This stanza addresses the goddess as “Kaaliikaa” (Kali), who resides at Kaalighaat (a sacred site associated with Kali) and Kamakhya (a powerful goddess temple located on the Neelaparvata mountain). She is also invoked in the Odradesha region, and the devotee seeks her blessings and grace.
वाराणस्यामन्नपूर्णा अयोध्यायां महेश्वरी ।
गयासुरी गयाधाम्नि प्रसन्ना भव सुंदरि ॥
Vaaraanasyaam Annapoornaa Ayodhyaayaam Maheshwari.
Gayaa Surii Gayaadhaamni Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
In this verse, the goddess is addressed as “Annapoornaa,” who is worshipped in Varanasi (also known as Kashi) and Ayodhya. She is also revered in Gayaa and the Gayaadhaam (the sacred site in Gaya). The devotee prays for her blessings and grace.
भद्रकाली कुरूक्षेत्रे त्वंच कात्यायनी व्रजे ।
माहामाया द्वारकायां प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Bhadra Kaalii Kuruukshetre Tvam Cha Kaatyayani Vraje.
Maahaamaayaa Dvaarakaayaam Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
Here, the goddess is referred to as “Bhadra Kaalii,” associated with Kuruukshetra (the epic battleground of Mahabharata). She is also invoked as “Kaatyayani” in Vraja (a region connected to Lord Krishna) and as “Maahaamaayaa” in Dvaraka (associated with Lord Krishna’s city). The devotee seeks her blessings and grace.
क्षुधा त्वं सर्वजीवानां वेला च सागरस्य हि ।
महेश्वरी मथुरायां च प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Kshudhaa Tvam Sarvajeevaanaam Vaelaa Cha Saagarasya Hi.
Maheshwari Mathuraayaam Cha Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
This verse addresses the goddess as “Kshudhaa,” indicating her role as the alleviator of hunger. She is invoked in the context of all living beings and the vast ocean (Sagar). Additionally, she is praised in Mathura, a significant city in Hindu tradition associated with Lord Krishna.
रामस्य जानकी त्वं च शिवस्य मनमोहिनी ।
दक्षस्य दुहिता चैव प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Raamasya Jaanaki Tvam Cha Shivasya Manamohinii.
Dakshasya Duhitaa Chaiva Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess is Sita, the beloved of Lord Rama, and also the enchanting aspect of Lord Shiva. She is the daughter of Daksha.
विष्णुभक्तिप्रदां त्वं च कंसासुरविनाशिनी ।
रावणनाशिनां चैव प्रसन्ना भव सुन्दरि ॥
Vishnubhaktipradaam Tvam Cha Kansaasura Vinaashinii.
Raavananaashinaam Chaiva Prasannaa Bhava Sundari.
The goddess grants devotion to Lord Vishnu and destroys demons like Kansa. She is also the vanquisher of Raavana.
लक्ष्मीस्तोत्रमिदं पुण्यं यः पठेद्भक्सिंयुतः ।
सर्वज्वरभयं नश्येत्सर्वव्याधिनिवारणम् ॥
Lakshmee Stotramidam Punyam Yah Pathed Bhaktsamyutah.
Sarvajwara Bhayam Nashyetsarvavyaadhinivaaranam.
Reciting this stotram is virtuous and purifying. It dispels all fevers and fears and provides protection from diseases.
इदं स्तोत्रं महापुण्यमापदुद्धारकारणम् ।
त्रिसंध्यमेकसन्ध्यं वा यः पठेत्सततं नरः ॥
Idam Stotram Mahaapunyam Aapaduddhaarakaaranam.
Trisandhyamekasandhyam Vaa Yah Pathet Satatam Narah.
This supremely virtuous stotram is a means of deliverance in times of crisis. It is recommended to be recited during the three junctions of the day (dawn, noon, and dusk).
मुच्यते सर्वपापेभ्यो तथा तु सर्वसंकटात् ।
मुच्यते नात्र सन्देहो भुवि स्वर्गे रसातले ॥
Muchyate Sarvapaapebhyo Tathaa Tu Sarvasankataat.
Muchyate Naatra Sandeho Bhavi Swarge RasatalE.
By reciting this stotram with devotion, one is liberated from all sins and troubles. The recitation of a single verse with devotion yields the same benefits.
समस्तं च तथा चैकं यः पठेद्भक्तित्परः ।
स सर्वदुष्करं तीर्त्वा लभते परमां गतिम् ॥
Samashtam Cha Tathaa Chaikam Yah Pathed Bhaktitaparah.
Sa Sarvadushkaram Teertvaa Labhate Paramaam Gatim.
The final verse conveys that whoever, with deep devotion, recites these verses – whether as a whole or individually – will overcome all difficulties and obstacles and attain the highest state of liberation (moksha).
सुखदं मोक्षदं स्तोत्रं यः पठेद्भक्तिसंयुक्तः ।
स तु कोटीतीर्थफलं प्राप्नोति नात्र संशयः ॥
Sukhadam Mokshadam Stotram Yah Pathed Bhaktisamyutah.
Sa Tu Kotiteerthaphalam Praapnoti Naatra Samshayah.
This stotram provides happiness and liberation to those who recite it with devotion. By reciting it a thousand times, one attains the ultimate destination.
एका देवी तु कमला यस्मिंस्तुष्टा भवेत्सदा ।
तस्याऽसाध्यं तु देवेशि नास्तिकिंचिज्जगत् त्रये ॥
Ekaa Devi Tu Kamalaa Yasmin Tushtaa Bhavet Sadaa.
Tasyaa’saadhayam Tu Devi Naastyevam Jagat Traye.
Only the goddess Kamala, when pleased, can fulfill all desires. There is no other means of achieving such blessings in the three worlds.
पठनादपि स्तोत्रस्य किं न सिद्धयति भूतले ।
तस्मात्स्तोत्रवरं प्रोक्तं सत्यं हि पार्वति ॥
Pathanaadapi Stotrasya Kim Na Siddhyati Bhootale.
Tasmaat Stotravaram Proktam Satyam Hi Paarvati.
Even the mere recitation of this stotram brings success on Earth. Therefore, O Parvati, this excellent stotram has been revealed, and it is undoubtedly true.

Benefits of Maa Kamala Stotram:

  1. Guardian of Grace: These verses beckon the goddess, the guardian of grace, to stand sentinel over every facet of existence. As the words escape your lips, you’re invoking her sacred favor in the tapestry of your life.
  2. Unraveling Wisdom: These hymns resonate with the goddess’s essence as the harbinger of wisdom. When you intone them with devotion, you’re unfurling a scroll of insight, bathing your mind in the luminous waters of understanding.
  3. Opulent Abundance: These words sing of the goddess’s opulence and generosity. When you chant them, you’re casting a spell to summon a gushing stream of prosperity and affluence to cascade into your world.
  4. Obstacles Be Gone: In these verses, the goddess’s fierce forms are hailed as vanquishers of obstructions. As the syllables escape your lips, they’re like arrows piercing the fortress of troubles, rendering them impotent.
  5. A Spiritual Odyssey: With each utterance of this stotram, you’re embarking on a spiritual odyssey. These verses paint her as the compass guiding your soul through the labyrinthine journey to illumination.
Sita Rama Stotram: Benefits, Verses and Translation
संकट मोचन हनुमानाष्टक | Sankatmochan Hanuman Ashtak

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