

Mangal Stotram: Blessings, Obstacle Removal, and Divine Wisdom

Sanskrit / Hindi  Translation  Meaning 
रक्ताम्बरो रक्तवपु: किरीटी, चतुर्मुखो मेघगदो गदाधृक ।
धरासुत: शक्तिधरश्च शूली, सदा मम स्याद वरद: प्रशान्त: ।।1।।
Raktambaro raktavapuhu kiriti, caturmukho meghagado gadadhrik.
Dharaasuto shaktidharashcha shooli, sada mama syaad varadah prashantah.
Clad in red garments, with a red body and a crown, four-faced, carrying a cloud as a weapon and a mace. Son of the Earth, bearer of the divine energy and a trident. May he always grant me blessings and be peaceful.
धरणीगर्भसंभूतं विद्युतेजसमप्रभम ।
कुमारं शक्तिहस्तं च मंगलं प्रणमाम्यहम ।।2।।
Dharanigarbhasambhootam vidyutejasamaprabham.
Kumaaram shaktihastam cha mangalam pranamamyaham.
Born from the womb of the Earth, shining like lightning. The youthful one, holding divine power, I bow to the auspicious one.
ऋणहर्त्रे नमस्तुभ्यं दु:खदारिद्रनाशिने ।
नमामि द्योतमानाय सर्वकल्याणकारिणे ।।3।।
Rinahartre namastubhyam duhkhadaridranashine.
Namaami dyotamaanaaya sarvakalyanakaarine.
Salutations to the remover of debts, the destroyer of sorrow and poverty. I bow to the radiant one who brings all kinds of auspiciousness.
देवदानवगन्धर्वयक्षराक्षसपन्नगा: ।
सुखं यान्ति यतस्तस्मै नमो धरणि सूनवे ।।4।।
Sukham yaanti yatastasmai namo dharani soonave.
Gods, demons, celestial musicians, demons, ogres, and serpents, all attain happiness through him. Salutations to the son of the Earth.
यो वक्रगतिमापन्नो नृणां विघ्नं प्रयच्छति ।
पूजित: सुखसौभाग्यं तस्मै क्ष्मासूनवे नम: ।।5।।
Yo vakragatimaapanno nrinaam vighnam prayacchati.
Poojitah sukhasaubhaagyam tasmai kshmaasoonave namah.
The one who, when approached with humility, removes obstacles for humans. Worshipped, he bestows happiness and well-being. Salutations to the one who embodies patience.
प्रसादं कुरु मे नाथ मंगलप्रद मंगल ।
मेषवाहन रुद्रात्मन पुत्रान देहि धनं यश: ।।6।।
Prasaadam kuru me naatha mangalaprade mangala.
Meshavaahana rudraatmana putraan dehi dhanam yasha.
Bestow your grace upon me, O Lord, the giver of auspiciousness. O Lord with the ram as your vehicle, embodiment of Lord Rudra, grant me children, wealth, and fame.

Benefits of Mangal Stotram :

  1. Obstacle Removal: Just as Lord Ganesha is known as the remover of obstacles, reciting this stotram could be believed to invoke his divine intervention in removing hindrances and challenges from one’s life path.
  2. Blessings of Auspiciousness: The stotram repeatedly refers to the deity as bestowing auspiciousness, happiness, and well-being. Devotees may believe that chanting it with sincerity could attract positive energies and blessings into their lives.
  3. Seeking Guidance and Wisdom: The stotram describes the deity’s association with wisdom and divine energy. By connecting with these aspects, individuals may seek guidance in making wise decisions and pursuing knowledge.
  4. Protection and Strength: The descriptions of the deity’s formidable attributes, such as carrying a mace and a trident, can symbolize protection and inner strength. Reciting the stotram might be seen as a way to invoke these qualities for personal empowerment.
  5. Financial and Material Blessings: The stotram includes a stanza that requests for children, wealth, and fame. Devotees may believe that by uttering these verses with devotion, they are seeking the deity’s blessings for prosperity and success.
Sita Rama Stotram: Benefits, Verses and Translation
संकट मोचन हनुमानाष्टक | Sankatmochan Hanuman Ashtak

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