

Matangi Stotram: Unveiling the Divine Blessings of Goddess Matangi

Sanskrit / Hindi  Translation  Meaning 
मातङ्गीं मधुपानमत्तनयनां मातङ्ग सञ्चारिणीं
कुम्भीकुम्भविवृत्तपीवरकुचां कुम्भादिपात्राञ्चिताम् ।
ध्यायेऽहं मधुमारणैकसहजां ध्यातुस्सुपुत्रप्रदां
शर्वाणीं सुरसिद्धसाध्यवनिता संसेविता पादुकाम् ॥ १॥
Matangi Madhupaanamattanayanam Matanga sanchaarini
Kumbhikumbhavivrittapivarakucham Kumbhaadipatraanchitaam |
Dhyaaye’ham Madhumaaranaikasahajaam Dhyaatussuputrapradaam
Sharvaanim Surasiddhasaadhya vanitaa Sansevitaa Paadukaam || 1 ||
She is called “Matangi,” with eyes intoxicated by drinking honey. She roams freely, like an elephant. Her breasts are adorned with pots filled with ambrosial nectar. The verse expresses devotion and seeks her blessings.
मातङ्गी महिषादिराक्षसकृतध्वान्तैकदीपो मणिः
मन्वादिस्तुत मन्त्रराजविलसत्सद्भक्त चिन्तामणिः ।
श्रीमत्कौलिकदानहास्यरचना चातुर्य राकामणिः
देवित्वं हृदये वसाद्यमहिमे मद्भाग्य रक्षामणिः ॥ २॥
Matangi Mahishaadirakshasakritadhvaantaikadeepo Manih
Manvaadistuta Mantraraaja Vilasatsadbhakta Chintaamanih |
Srimatkaulikadaanahaasya racanaa Chaaturya Raakaamanih
Devitvam Hridaye Vasaadyamahime Madbhagya Rakshaamanih || 2 ||
She is the lamp dispelling darkness created by demons like Mahishasura. She is praised by wise sages and holds the wish-fulfilling gem Chintamani. She embodies the secrets of Kaula worship and grants blessings to devotees.
जयदेवि विशालाक्षि जय सर्वेश्वरि जय ।
जयाञ्जनगिरिप्रख्ये महादेव प्रियङ्करि ॥ ३॥
Jayadevi Vishaalaakshi Jaya Sarveshwari Jaya |

Jayaanjana giriprakhye Mahaadeva Priyankari || 3 ||

She is addressed as “Jayadevi,” the victorious goddess. She has vast eyes and is adored as the beloved of Mahadeva (Shiva).
महाविश्वेश दयिते जय ब्रह्मादि पूजिते ।
पुष्पाञ्जलिं प्रदास्यामि गृहाण कुलनायिके ॥ ४॥
Mahaavishwesha Dayite Jaya Brahmaadi Poojite |

Pushpaanjali Pradaasyaami Gruhaana Kulanaayike || 4 ||

Matangi is called the beloved of Maha Vishwesha (Shiva) and is worshipped by Brahma and others. The verse offers a symbolic gesture of offering flowers in homage to her.
जयमातर्महाकृष्णे जय नीलोत्पलप्रभे ।
मनोहारि नमस्तेऽस्तु नमस्तुभ्यं वशङ्करि ॥ ५॥
Jaya Maatar Mahaakrishne Jaya Neelotpalaprabhe |

Manohaari Namastu Namas Tubhyam Vashankari || 5 ||

She is revered as the dark-skinned goddess with beautiful blue lotus-like eyes. Devotees pay their respects to her, recognizing her enchanting qualities.
जय सौभाग्यदे नॄणां लोकमोहिनि ते नमः ।
सर्वैश्वर्यप्रदे पुंसां सर्वविद्याप्रदे नमः ॥ ६॥
Jaya Saubhaagyade Nrinaam Lokamo hini Te Namah |

Sarvaishwaryaprade Pumsaam Sarvavidyaaprade Namah || 6 ||

She is the bestower of auspiciousness to humanity and the enchantress of the world. Matangi grants all kinds of wealth and knowledge to everyone.
सर्वापदां नाशकरीं सर्वदारिद्रयनाशिनीम् ।
नमो मातङ्गतनये नमश्चाण्डालि कामदे ॥ ७॥
Sarvaapadaam Naashakareem Sarvadaaridrayanaashineem |

Namo Maataangatanaye Nama shchaandalikaamade || 7 ||

She destroys all kinds of troubles and eradicates poverty. Matangi is praised as the daughter of the elephant-headed deity and the fulfiller of desires.
नीलाम्बरे नमस्तुभ्यं नीलालकसमन्विते ।
नमस्तुभ्यं महावाणि महालक्ष्मि नमोस्तुते ॥ ८॥
Neelaambare Namastubhyam Neelaalakasamanvite |

Namastubhyam Mahaavaani Mahaalakshmi Namostute || 8 ||

She is dressed in blue garments and adorned with blue ornaments. Matangi is also praised as the great Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.
महामातङ्गि पादाब्जं तव नित्यं नमाम्यहम् ।
एतदुक्तं महादेव्या मातङ्गयाः स्तोत्रमुत्तमम् ॥ ९॥
Mahaamaataangi Paadaabjam Tava Nityam Namaamyaham |

Etaduk t am Mahaadevya Maata ngayaa H Stotramuttamam || 9 ||

The devotee continuously bows to Matangi’s lotus feet. This verse is claimed to be an excellent stotra by the goddess herself.
सर्वकामप्रदं नित्यं यः पठेन्मानवोत्तमः ।
विमुक्तस्सकलैः पापैः समग्रं पुण्यमश्नुते ॥ १०॥
Sarvakaamapradam Nityam Yah Pathenmaanavottamah |

Vimuktassakalaih Paapaih Samagram Punnyamashnute || 10 ||

Regular recitation of this stotram fulfills all desires and accumulates great merits. The devotee is liberated from all sins and attains complete virtue.
राजानो दासतां यान्ति नार्यो दासीत्वमाप्नुयुः ।
दासीभूतं जगत्सर्वं शीघ्रं तस्य भवेद् ध्रुवम् ॥ ११॥
Raajaano Daasataam Yaanti Naaryo Daasitvamaapnu yuh |

Daasibhootam Jagatsarvam Sheeghram Tasya Bhaved Dhruvam || 11 ||

Kings can become servants, and women can become maids in Matangi’s service. Embracing devotion to Matangi can swiftly change one’s fate.
महाकवीभवेद्वाग्भिः साक्षाद् वागीश्वरो भवेत् ।
अचलां श्रियमाप्नोति अणिमाद्यष्टकं लभेत् ॥ १२॥
Mahaakavibhavedvaagbhih Saakshaad Vaageeshwaro Bhavet |

Achalaam Shriya maapnoti A nim aadyash t akam Labhet || 12 ||

The person who recites this stotram becomes a great poet and attains speech mastery. The devotee gains incredible qualities like the ability to become smaller than the smallest (anima) and more.
लभेन्मनोरथान् सर्वान् त्रैलोक्ये नापि दुर्लभान् ।
अन्ते शिवत्वमाप्नोति नात्र कार्या विचारणा ॥ १३॥
Labhenmanorathaan Sarvaan Trailokye Naapi Durlabhaan |

Ante Shiva tvamaapnoti Naatra Kaaryaa Vichaaranaa || 13 ||

By reciting this stotram, one achieves all desires in the three worlds. Ultimately, the devotee attains oneness with Lord Shiva.
श्रीराजमातङगी पादुकार्पणमस्तु ।

Benefits of Matangi Stotram :

  1. Divine Blessings and Protection: Brace yourself for a torrent of divine blessings! This stotram is like a protective shield forged by the mighty goddess Matangi herself. Get ready to conquer challenges with her invincible power!
  2. Knowledge and Wisdom: Unlock the treasure chest of knowledge and wisdom! Reciting this stotram is like plugging into the cosmic Wi-Fi of enlightenment. Watch your decision-making skills skyrocket as you tap into Matangi’s divine intellect!
  3. Fulfillment of Desires: Dream big, because Matangi is your wish-fulfilling genie! With every recitation, you’re sending out cosmic orders for your desires to manifest. Get ready to see your dreams turn into reality!
  4. Spiritual Progress: Buckle up for a spiritual joyride! This stotram is your VIP pass to accelerated spiritual growth. With Matangi’s blessings as your compass, you’re on a fast track to higher consciousness!
  5. Positive Transformation: Brace yourself for a life makeover! Reciting this stotram is like giving your life a VIP upgrade. Say goodbye to negativity and hello to a world of endless possibilities and positive vibes!
Sita Rama Stotram: Benefits, Verses and Translation
संकट मोचन हनुमानाष्टक | Sankatmochan Hanuman Ashtak

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