

Santoshi Mata Aarti | सन्तोषी माता आरती | जय संतोषी माता

Santoshi Mata Aarti In Hindi

जय सन्तोषी माता, मैया जय सन्तोषी माता ।
अपने सेवक जन की सुख सम्पति दाता ।
मैया जय सन्तोषी माता ।
सुन्दर चीर सुनहरी माँ धारण कीन्हो
मैया माँ धारण कींहो
हीरा पन्ना दमके तन शृंगार कीन्हो
मैया जय सन्तोषी माता ।
गेरू लाल छटा छबि बदन कमल सोहे
मैया बदन कमल सोहे
मंद हँसत करुणामयि त्रिभुवन मन मोहे
मैया जय सन्तोषी माता ।
स्वर्ण सिंहासन बैठी चँवर डुले प्यारे
मैया चँवर डुले प्यारे
धूप दीप मधु मेवा, भोज धरे न्यारे
मैया जय सन्तोषी माता ।
गुड़ और चना परम प्रिय ता में संतोष कियो
मैया ता में सन्तोष कियो
संतोषी कहलाई भक्तन विभव दियो
मैया जय सन्तोषी माता ।
शुक्रवार प्रिय मानत आज दिवस सो ही,
मैया आज दिवस सो ही
भक्त मंडली छाई कथा सुनत मो ही
मैया जय सन्तोषी माता ।
मंदिर जग मग ज्योति मंगल ध्वनि छाई
मैया मंगल ध्वनि छाई
बिनय करें हम सेवक चरनन सिर नाई
मैया जय सन्तोषी माता ।
भक्ति भावमय पूजा अंगीकृत कीजै
मैया अंगीकृत कीजै
जो मन बसे हमारे इच्छित फल दीजै
मैया जय सन्तोषी माता ।
दुखी दरिद्री रोगी संकट मुक्त किये
मैया संकट मुक्त किये
बहु धन धान्य भरे घर सुख सौभाग्य दिये
मैया जय सन्तोषी माता ।
ध्यान धरे जो तेरा वाँछित फल पायो
मनवाँछित फल पायो
पूजा कथा श्रवण कर घर आनन्द आयो
मैया जय सन्तोषी माता ।
चरण गहे की लज्जा रखियो जगदम्बे
मैया रखियो जगदम्बे
संकट तू ही निवारे दयामयी अम्बे
मैया जय सन्तोषी माता ।
सन्तोषी माता की आरती जो कोई जन गावे
मैया जो कोई जन गावे
ऋद्धि सिद्धि सुख सम्पति जी भर के पावे
मैया जय सन्तोषी माता ।

Santoshi Maa

Santoshi Mata Aarti in English

Jai Santoshi mata, maya Jai Santoshi mata,
Apne sevak jan ki, sukh sampati data,
Jai Santoshi mata….

Sundar chir sunahri, man dharan kinhon,
Hira Pana damke, tan shringar liyo,
Jai Santoshi mata….

Geru lal chhata chhavi, badan kamal sohe
Mand hansat karunamayi, Tribhuvan man mohe,
Jai Santoshi mata….

Svarna sinhasan baithi, chanvar dhure pyare,
dhup, dip, madhu meva, bhog dhare nyare,
Jai Santoshi mata….

Gud aur chana param priya, tamen santosh kiyo,
Santoshi kahlai, bhaktan vaibhav diyo,
Jai Santoshi mata….

Shukravar priya manat, aj divas sohi,
Bhakti mandali chhai, katha sunat mohi,
Jai Santoshi mata….

Mandir jag mag jyoti, mangal dhvani chhai,
Vinai kare tere balak, charnan sir nai,
Jai Santoshi mata….

Bhakti bhavmai puja angikrit kijai,
Jo man vasai hamare ichha phal dijai,
Jai Santoshi mata….

Dhyan dharo jan tero manvanchhit phal payo,
Puja katha shravan kar ghar anand ayo,
Jai Santoshi mata.

Sharan gahe ki, laja rakhiyo Jagdambe,
Sankat tu hi nivare, dayamayi Ambe,
Jai Santoshi mata….

Santoshi man ki aarti jo koi jan gavai,
Riddhi-Siddhi sukh sampati, ji bhar ke pavai,
Jai Santoshi mata…

Santoshi Mata Aarti Translation in English

Victory to Santhoshi Mata, my mother Santhoshi Mata,
Who blesses her devotees with joy and wealth.

You are well dressed oh mother, with golden garments,
And bedecked with shining emeralds and diamonds.

Oh merciful mother, the reddish tinge in your face
Makes it look like a lotus flower,
And your smile enchants the three worlds.

You are seated on a golden throne,
With a devotee fanning you with love,
With incense and lamps shown before you,
And honey and dry fruits are lying before you.

Jaggery and gram are your favorites,
Which satisfy and make you happy,
And you being incarnation of happiness,
Would bless your devotees with affluence.

You consider Friday as your most liked day,
And today also happens to be Friday,
And your devotees have assembled here,
With desire to hear your story.

Your temple lights are glittering and sparkling,
The sound coming from there is auspicious
And your children are bowing their heads,
And paying homage to your feet.

Please approve our worship,
Which is done with devotion,
And give us a house full of,
Grains, wealth, pleasure and luck.

He who meditated upon you,
Got all that he desired,
Please fill our homes with happiness,
By our doing worship and hearing your story,

Oh mother of the universe,
Honour him who seeks your refuge,
And cure him of all his sorrow,
Oh mother who is full of mercy.

He who sings with devotion,
This aarthi of Santhoshi mata,
Would get to his hearts content,
Prosperity, achievement, happiness and wealth.

Lord Shiva Aarti | शिव जी की आरती | om jai shiv omkara lyrics

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