Sanskrit / Hindi | Translation | Meaning |
आपदामपहर्तारं दातारं सर्वसंपदाम्। लोकाभिरामं श्रीरामं भूयो भूयो नमाम्यहम् ॥१॥ |
Apadam apahartaram dataram sarva sampadam lokabhiramam Sri Ramam bhuyo bhuyo namamyaham |
I bow again and again to Rama, the remover of miseries, the giver of all wealth, who is pleasing to the world, the embodiment of auspiciousness. |
आर्तानामार्तिहन्तारं भीतानां भीतिनाशनम्। द्विषतां कालदण्डं तं रामचन्द्रं नमाम्यहम् ॥२॥ |
Artanam artihantaram bheetanam bheetinashanam dvishtanam kaladandam tam Ramachandram namamyaham |
I bow to Rama Chandra, the reliever of the distress of the distressed, the destroyer of fear for the fearful, the wielder of the rod of time. |
नमः कोदण्डहस्ताय सन्धीकृतशराय च। खण्डिताखिलदैत्याय रामायाऽऽपन्निवारिणे ॥३॥ |
Namah kodanda hastaya sandhikrita sharaya cha khanditakhila daityaya Ramaya’pannivarine |
I offer my salutations to Rama, who holds the bow and arrow, whose arrow at the time of twilight shattered all the demons, and who protected Sita. |
रामाय रामभद्राय रामचन्द्राय वेधसे । रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीतायाः पतये नमः॥४॥ |
Ramaya Rama-bhadraya Ramachandraya vedhase Raghunathaya nathaya Sitayah pataye namah |
I bow to Rama, the source of joy to all, the auspicious one, the consort of Sita, the leader of the Raghu dynasty. |
अग्रतः पृष्ठतश्चैव पार्श्वतश्च महाबलौ। आकर्णपूर्णधन्वानौ रक्षेतां रामलक्ष्मणौ॥५॥ |
Agratah prishthatash chaiva parshvatash cha mahabala Aakarnapurna dhanvanau rakshetaam Rama-Lakshmanau |
May Rama and Lakshmana, armed with bows, arrows, and quivers full of arrows, protect us from the front, the back, and the sides. |
सन्नद्धः कवची खड्गी चापबाणधरो युवा। गच्छन् ममाग्रतो नित्यं रामः पातु सलक्ष्मणः॥६॥ |
Sannaddhah kavachi khadgi chapabana-dharo yuva Gachchan mamaagrato nityam Ramah patu Salakshmanah |
Rama, with a quiver strapped to his waist, a sword at his side, and a bow and arrows in his hands, may always protect me. |
अच्युतानन्तगोविन्द नामोच्चारणभेषजात्। नश्यन्ति सकला रोगास्सत्यं सत्यं वदाम्यहम् ॥७॥ |
Achyutananta Govinda namochcharana bhesajat Nashyanti sakala rogah satyam satyam vadamyaham |
By chanting the names Achyuta, Ananta, and Govinda, all diseases are destroyed. I speak the truth, the ultimate truth. |
सत्यं सत्यं पुनस्सत्यमुद्धृत्य भुजमुच्यते। वेदाच्छास्त्रं परं नास्ति न दैवं केशवात् परम् ॥८॥ |
Satyam satyam punas satyam uddhrittya bhujamuchyate Vedashastram param nasti na daivam Keshavat param |
The truth, the truth again, and the truth alone—lifting the arm, this oath is taken. There is nothing higher than the Vedas and the scriptures; nothing greater than Lord Kesava. |
शरीरे जर्जरीभूते व्याधिग्रस्ते कलेवरे। औषधं जाह्नवीतोयं वैद्यो नारायणो हरिः॥९॥ |
Shareere jarjaribhute vyadhigraste kalevare Oushadham Jahnavitoyam vaidyo Narayano Hari |
In a frail and worn-out body, afflicted by disease in this age of Kali, the physician is Lord Narayana Himself, the medicine is the water of the Ganges |
आलोड्य सर्वशास्त्राणि विचार्य च पुनः पुनः। इदमेकं सुनिष्पन्नं ध्येयो नारायणो हरिः॥१०॥ |
Aalodya sarvashastrani vicharya cha punah punah Idamekam sunishpannam dhyeyo Narayano Hari |
After analyzing all the scriptures repeatedly, this one truth remains: Narayana is to be contemplated upon. |
कायेन वाचा मनसेन्द्रियैर्वा बुध्यात्मना वा प्रकृतेः स्वभावात्। करोमि यद्यत् सकलं परस्मै नारायणायेति समर्पयामि ॥११॥ |
Kayena vacha manasendriyairva budhyatmana va prakruteh svabhavat Karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai Narayanayeti samarpayami |
I offer all that I do, with my body, speech, mind, senses, intellect, and soul, to Narayana. |
यदक्षरपदभ्रष्टं मात्राहीनं च यद्भवेत्। तत्सर्वं क्षम्यतां देव नारायण नमोऽस्तु ते ॥१२॥ |
Yadaksharapadabhrashtam matraheenam cha yadbhavet Tatsarvam kshamyatam Deva Narayana namostute |
O Lord, forgive errors in pronunciation and defects in meter. May all be forgiven. Salutations to Narayana. |
विसर्गबिन्दुमात्राणि पदपादाक्षराणि च। न्यूनानि चातिरिक्तानि क्षमस्व पुरुषोत्तम॥१३॥ |
Visargabindumatrani padapadaksharani cha Nyoonani chatiriktani kshamasva purushottama |
Forgive the absence of nasal pronunciation (visarga), vowel duration marks (mātrā), and the omission of letters. O Supreme Person, please forgive. |
Benefits of Shri Rama Stotram :
- Removal of Obstacles: Repeatedly chanting this stotram is said to invoke Lord Rama’s blessings, which can help in removing obstacles and challenges from one’s life, paving the way for smoother journeys and achievements.
- Wealth and Prosperity: The stotram acknowledges Lord Rama as the giver of all wealth and prosperity. Reciting it with devotion is thought to attract abundance and material well-being.
- Fearlessness: By acknowledging Lord Rama as the one who dispels fear and distress, reciting this stotram may instill a sense of fearlessness and courage in the devotee, helping them face life’s challenges with confidence.
- Health and Healing: The stotram includes praise for Lord Rama as a healer and protector. Chanting it may promote well-being and aid in overcoming physical and mental ailments.
- Divine Protection: The verses that describe Rama and Lakshmana guarding from all sides can be seen as a plea for protection from all directions. Reciting these lines may invoke a sense of divine security.