

Tara Devi Stotram: Evoke Blessings and Transformations

Sanskrit / Hindi  Translation  Meaning 
मातर्नीलसरस्वति प्रणमतां सौभाग्यसम्पत्प्रदे
प्रत्यालीढपदस्थिते शवहृदि स्मेराननाम्भोरुहे ।
फुल्लेन्दीवरलोचनत्रययुते कर्तीकपालोत्पले
खड्गं चादधती त्वमेव शरणं त्वामीश्वरीमाश्रये॥ १॥
Matarnilasaraswati pranamataam saubhaagya sampatprade
pratyaaleedhapadasthite shavahridi smeraananaambhoruhe.
Phullendiivaralochanatrayayute kartiikapaalotpale
khadgam chaadadhatee twameva sharanam twaamishwariim aashraye.
I take refuge in the lotus feet of Mother Saraswati, whose presence bestows good fortune and wealth. She is seated on a lotus flower in the heart of Lord Shiva, with a smiling face resembling the full moon. She holds a sword in a lotus, and I seek refuge in her.
वाचामीश्वरि भक्तकल्पलतिके सर्वार्थसिद्धीश्वरि
सद्यः प्राकृतगद्यपद्यरचनासर्वार्थसिद्धिप्रदे।
नीलेन्दीवरलोचनत्रययुते कारुण्यवारांनिधे
सौभाग्यामृतवर्षणेन कृपया सिञ्च त्वमस्मादृशम्॥ २॥
Vaachaamishwari bhaktakalpalatike sarvaarthasiddhishwari
sadyah praakritagadyapadyarachanaa sarvaarthasiddhiprade.
Neelendiivaralochanatrayayute kaarunyavaaraamnidhe
saubhaagyaamritavarshane kripayaa sincha twaamasmadrishe.
Oh goddess of speech, by worshiping you, one attains the fulfillment of all desires. You are the bestower of all goals and quickly grant success in composing poetry and prose. With compassion-filled eyes like blooming blue lotuses, shower your grace like a rain of auspiciousness upon someone like me.
खर्वे गर्वसमहपूरिततनो सर्पादिभूषोज्ज्वले
ग्रन्थिश्रेणिनृमुण्डदामललिते भीमे भयं नाशय॥ ३॥
Kharmve garvasamahapooreetatanoh sarpaadibhooshajjwale
granthishreninrundamdamlalite bheeme bhayam naashaya.
You who wears a serpent as an ornament, shining with the pride of a victorious warrior, adorn the garland of skulls. Oh Mother with the two bright eyes, dispel all fears from my heart with your compassion. Destroy the fearsome enemies, symbolized by the demon Munda, and eliminate all my anxieties.
त्वमेव शरणं मन्त्रात्मिके मादृशः।
मूर्तिस्ते जननि त्रिधामघटिता स्थूलातिसूक्ष्मा परावेदनां
नहि गोचरा कथमपि प्राप्तां नु तामाश्रये॥ ४॥
twameva sharanam mantratmike maadrishe.
Moortiste janani tridhaamghatitaa sthoolaatisookshmaaparaavedanaam
nahi gocharaa kathamapi praaptaam nu taamaashraye.
You who take on the changing forms of the universe, the source of bliss, and whose divine beauty is beyond the comprehension of the gross and subtle senses, I seek refuge in you. You are the embodiment of the three realms and the unmanifest, and I seek shelter in you.
त्वत्पादाम्बुजसेवया सुकृतिनो गच्छन्ति
सायुज्यतांतस्य श्रीपरमेश्वरी त्रिनयनब्रह्मादिसौम्यात्मनः।
संसाराम्बुधिमज्जने पटुतनून् देवेन्द्रमुख्यान्
सुरान्मातस्त्वत्पदसेवने हि विमुखान् को मन्दधीः सेवते॥ ५॥
Tvatpaadambujasevayaa sukritino gacchanti saayujyatanta
sya shreeparameshwari trinayanabrahmaadisoumyaatmanaha.
Samsaarambudhimajjane patutanoodevendramukhyan
suraanmaatastvatpadasevane hi vimukhaan ko mandadheeh sevate.
By serving your lotus feet, virtuous individuals attain liberation, while those with noble intentions reach the state of union with the Divine. Oh Supreme Goddess with three eyes, your service frees even the gods from the cycle of birth and death. Who but the foolish would neglect your worship?
देवासुरसंगरे विजयिनो निःशङ्कमङ्के गताः।
देवोऽहं भुवने न मे सम इति स्पर्द्धां वहन्तः परेतत्तुल्या
नियतं तथा चिरममी नाशं व्रजन्ति स्वयम्॥ ६॥
devaasurasangare vijayino nishankamankhe gataah.
Devo’ham bhuvane na me sama iti sparddhaam vahantaha pare tattulyaa
niyatam tathaa chiramamee naasham vrajanti swayam.
I, a deity, do not consider myself equal to you, thus competing is futile. The rival gods, desiring to achieve your service, ultimately come to your refuge for the eternal destruction of their fears.
त्वन्नामस्मरणात् पलायनपरा द्रष्टुं च शक्ता
न ते भूतप्रेतपिशाचराक्षसगणा यक्षाश्च नागाधिपाः।
दैत्या दानवपुङ्गवाश्च खचरा व्याघ्रादिका जन्तवोडाकिन्यः
कुपितान्तकाश्च मनुजा मातः क्षणं भूतले॥ ७॥
TvannaamasmaraNaat palaayanaparaa drashtum cha shaktaa
na te bhootapretapishaacharaakshasaganah yakshaashcha naagaadhipaaha.
Daityaa daanavapungavaashcha khacharaa vyaaghraadikaa jantavoddhaakinnyaha
kupitaantakaashcha manujaah maatah kshanam bhootale.
Due to the remembrance of your name, malevolent beings such as spirits, ghosts, demons, and ogres, along with evil influences, lose their ability to cause harm. By merely thinking of you for an instant, wicked forces on Earth are rendered powerless.
लक्ष्मीः सिद्धगणाश्च पादुकमुखाः सिद्धास्तथा
वारिणांस्तम्भश्चापि रणाङ्गणे गजघटास्तम्भस्तथा मोहनम्।
मातस्त्वत्पदसेवया खलु नृणां सिद्ध्यन्ति ते ते गुणाः
कान्तिः कान्ततरा भवेच्च महती मूढोऽपि वाचस्पतिः॥ ८॥
Lakshmih siddhaganashcha paadukamukhaah siddhaastathaa
vaarinaamstambhashchaapi ranaangane gajaghataastambhastathaa mohanam.
Maatastvatpadasevayaa khalu nrinaam siddhyanti te te gunaah
kaantih kaantataraa bhavetcha mahatee moodho’pi vaachaspatih.
Goddess Lakshmi, the Siddhas, the faces of the Paadukas (holy sandals), the Siddhas again, Varuna (the god of the waters), and the pillars on the battlefield, as well as the elephants and the minds of people, all these derive their abilities from your service. Your radiance exceeds that of the best of orators.
ताराष्टकमिदं रम्यं भक्तिमान् यः पठेन्नरः।
प्रातर्मध्याह्नकाले च सायाह्ने नियतः शुचिः॥ ९॥
Taaraashtakamidam ramyam bhaktimaan yah pathe nnarah.
Praatar madhyaahna kaale cha saayaaahne niyatah shuchihi.
Whosoever recites this melodious stotram with devotion during morning, noon, and evening, maintaining purity, gains mastery over various arts and scriptures. They receive the grace of goddess Lakshmi and achieve their desired pleasures.
लभते कवितां दिव्यां सर्वशास्त्रार्थविद् भवेत्।
लक्ष्मीमनश्वरां प्राप्य भुक्त्वा भोगान् यथेप्सितान्॥ १०॥
Labhate kavitaaam divyaam sarvashastraarthavid bhavet.
Lakshmimanashwaraam praapya bhuktwaa bhogaan yathepsitaan.
Such an individual enjoys fame, prosperity, and becomes dear to all. Their glory spreads in all directions, and ultimately, they attain liberation.
कीर्ति कान्तिं च नैरुज्यं सर्वेषां प्रियतां व्रजेत्।
विख्यातिं चैव लोकेषु प्राप्यान्ते मोक्षमाप्नुयात्॥ ११॥
Keerti kaantim cha nairujyam sarveshaam priyatam vrajet.
Vikhyatim chaiva lokeshu praapyaante mokshamaapnuyaat.
By meditating on the goddess and uttering her name, one becomes invulnerable to dangers from supernatural entities and is able to witness her divine form. The greatest demons, ghosts, and serpents, along with yakshas and nagas, cannot harm the devotee. The goddess bestows protection within moments on Earth.

Benefits of Tara Devi Stotram :

  1. Unleash Prosperity Galore: Brace yourself for an epic cosmic connection as you delve into the mesmerizing verses of the “Tara Ashtakam.” Each utterance is like a magic spell that beckons the abundant energies of good fortune into your life, transforming your destiny into a symphony of success and prosperity!
  2. Whispered Desires Granted: Ever felt the longing to have your dreams come true? Dive into the enchanting verses of this stotram, and witness the mystical prowess of goddess Saraswati herself. With each recital, she weaves the threads of your aspirations into a masterpiece of reality, as if the universe itself aligns to your heart’s deepest desires!
  3. Fear’s Bane, Courage’s Gain: Ready to conquer the trembling doubts and anxieties that sometimes sneak into your heart? Brace yourself for an extraordinary journey of empowerment. Reciting the “Tara Ashtakam” isn’t just words—it’s a fearless declaration to the cosmos that you stand strong, guarded by the invincible shield of goddess Saraswati’s compassion!
  4. Dive into Spiritual Marvels: Picture this: a bridge to the realm of boundless wisdom and liberation. This stotram isn’t just a collection of verses—it’s a sacred portal that whisks you away from mundane worries into a world where your spirit soars free, unburdened by the shackles of mortal existence!
  5. Battle Demons, Embrace Light: Unleash your inner warrior as you wield the incantations of the “Tara Ashtakam.” It’s not just a hymn; it’s an arsenal of divine protection. Imagine thwarting the malevolent forces that dare to cross your path. With each chant, you become the hero of your own story, vanquishing darkness with the blazing sword of goddess Saraswati’s grace!
Sita Rama Stotram: Benefits, Verses and Translation
संकट मोचन हनुमानाष्टक | Sankatmochan Hanuman Ashtak

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