

What is Numerology?

Numerology is a study of numbers, wherein every number has a different vibration. The sum total of the numbers in the date of birth of an individual & the sum of value derived from the name of an individual, after assigning a numeric value to each alphabet, is what provides the interrelation between the two. The kind of relationship these numbers possess with each other defines a lot many things about the person like purpose of life, character, talents, goals etc.

In other words Numerology is an index to the Encyclopaedia of Life. It indicates the sign posts-the high points or the possible opportunities, and low points or the possible dangers an individual may encounter along life’s path. Just like a person prefers to refer to an index before looking up something in the Encyclopaedia to save himself the effort & time to reach the desired page, Similarly Numerology helps in finding out the niche for every individual. It offers the advantage of weeding out thorns or obstacles on the way & rather helps in providing short-cuts. It indicates the stop and go signals, the green light pointing out the opportunities or forging-ahead periods, and the red light, the danger signals or stop, look, and listen warnings.

Numerology fast tracks a person’s life by indicating what exactly is expected of the person at every point of life. Naméra pey is to help you to recognize the sign posts, choose wisely, and act under favorable conditions.

Click On The Alphabet You Want to Know About:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Impact of Numerology in Daily Life

Say for example I give you an option to go the 7th floor of the building and lay in front of you two choices going by the lift or taking the stairs. Most of you would choose the option of going by the lift (ignoring the health-consciousness for the time-being) as both the options have the same goal (7th floor) but are different in terms of effort & time. Our goal in life should always be to achieve maximum with minimum or limited amount of means so If Numerology is aiding us in achieving the desired goal so all of us are smart enough to know what to do. I still leave the choice on YOU!

Pythagorean vs Kabbalah vs Chaldean

There are Mainly 3 types of Numerology systems used worldwide

The Pythagorean system:

  • The system assigns numbers from 1-9 to each alphabet from A to Z through this each alphabet has a numeric value eg A-1, B-2….I-9,J-1…etc.

The Kabbalah system:

  • This system is similar, though it does not include the birth date but acts only on the name of the person.

The Chaldean system:

  • This system is unique it uses the vibrations derived from both the birthday and birth name and it widely used by Numerologists. It has a unique of assigning numbers to alphabets.

How Numerology Works?

Numerology works on Tri-Angles / aspects

Date of Birth:

  • It tells the path and direction to follow, the ups and downs the native will go through & at what time. (This cannot be changed)

Full Name:

  • It tells who a person is his strength, and weakness, his traits, behavioral pattern etc(This is difficult to change but not impossible)

Nick / Intro Name:

  • It’s similar to full name BUT it is the how the person is addressed mostly in public. This is the critical and missing part. & has the ability to work wonders if rectified or synced correctly. (This is Changeable)

What are Vibrations or Energies?

Vibration is electric current passing through the air. It is energy in motion, The forms it can take are light, color, motion, heat, sound. Radio is an excellent example of electrical current operated by Wave Lengths. If rightly tuned it gives us good reception and if not then a distorted sound. By Numerology, we tune a native’s life t the right station so that he can live a life full of harmony. As rightly said in shastras “Universe is made from Sound” and that is exactly what we believe Numerology works on.

Cultural Variations:

Numerology’s interpretations and significance can vary across cultures. Different societies attach distinct meanings to numbers based on their historical, religious, and cultural contexts. For instance, Western numerology might interpret the number 7 as highly spiritual, while Chinese numerology might emphasize the lucky qualities of the number 8.

Skeptical Perspectives:

While many people find value and insight in numerology, it’s important to note that numerology is not scientifically proven. Critics argue that the interpretations of numbers are subjective and can be applied in ways that seem meaningful but lack empirical support. Skeptics view numerology as pseudoscience, cautioning against making life-altering decisions solely based on numerical interpretations.

Applications of Numerology

Numerology has found its way into various aspects of life, including:

  • Unlocking Self-Secrets: Picture numerology as the X-ray machine of your soul. It deciphers your personality, strengths, challenges, and even your life’s path.
  • Love in the Digits: If you’re wondering whether you and your crush are cosmically aligned, numerology might just have the answers encoded in the numbers.
  • Career Clues: Stuck in a job vortex? Numerology might just offer the cosmic breadcrumb trail to a career that’s in tune with your spirit.
  • Life’s North Star: Seek purpose? Numerology whispers the cosmic symphony of your life’s purpose and destiny.
  • Cosmic Calendar: Picking wedding dates or launching a business? Numerology lends its numerically nuanced guidance.
What is Lo Shu Grid in Numerology?

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