

Veera Vimsati Kavyam Hanuman Stotram: Meaning and Benefits

Sanskrti/Hindi Translation Meaning
लांगूलमृष्टवियदम्बुधिमध्यमार्ग- मुत्प्लुत्य यान्तममरेन्द्रमुदो निदानम् ।
आस्फालितस्वकभुजस्फुटिताद्रिकाण्डं द्राङ्मैथिलीनयननन्दनमद्य वन्दे ॥ १ ॥
mutplutya yantammarendramudo nidanam.
Dhadmathanyanandanandanadanyadar Vande 1
 worship today the beloved son of Janaka, Lord Rama, who gracefully leaps across the ocean, the vast expanse that resembles a deer’s eye, and who is the means to reach the middle path of righteousness.
मध्येनिशाचरमहाभयदुर्विषह्यं घोराद्भुतव्रतमिदं यददश्चचार ।
पत्ये तदस्य बहुधापरिणामदूतं सीतापुरस्कृततनुं हनुमन्तमीडे ॥ २ ॥
ghoradbhutavratamid yaddischara.
patye tadasya bahudhāpariṇāmadūtaṁ
sitapurskrittanum hanumantmeede 2
I meditate upon Hanuman, who possesses a formidable and astonishing form, capable of terrifying even the great fearsome demons, as he accomplished incredible feats. He is the envoy of Lord Rama, and he reverently assumes various forms to serve his master. May I find refuge in Hanuman, who is honored by Sita, the consort of Lord Rama.
यः पादपङ्कजयुगं रघुनाथपत्न्या नैराश्यरूषितविरक्तमपि स्वरागैः ।
प्रागेव रागि विदधे बहु वन्दमानो वन्देऽञ्जनाजनुषमेव विशेषतुष्ट्यै ॥ ३ ॥
Yah padapankajayugam raghunathpatnya
nairasyrushitviraktampi swaragaih.
Prageva ragi viddhe bahu vandmano
vandeऽnjanajanushmev vishishtushtyai. 3
I offer my salutations to Hanuman, who, despite being detached and free from worldly desires, joyfully worships the lotus feet of Lord Rama’s consort, Sita. Hanuman, being pleased with his devotion, bestows numerous blessings upon him.
ताञ्जानकीविरहवेदनहेतुभूतान् द्रागाकलय्य सदशोकवनीयवृक्षान् ।
लङ्कालकानिव घनानुदपाटयद्य-स्तं हेमसुन्दरकपिं प्रणमामि पुष्ट्यै ॥ ४ ॥
Tanjanki virahvedanahetu bhutan
drāgākalyya sadāśokavaneeyavṛkṣān.
Lankakaniv Ghannudapatayadya-Stam
Hemasundarakapi Pranamami Pushtyai 4
I bow to the mighty Hanuman, who, just like the powerful elephant in Lanka, uproots the sorrowful forest of separation caused by Sita’s absence. His form is radiant like gold, and I seek his blessings.
घोषप्रतिध्वनितशैलगुहासहस्र-संभ्रान्तनादितवलन्मृगनाथयूथम् ।
अक्षक्षयक्षणविलक्षितराक्षसेन्द्र-मिन्द्रं कपीन्द्रपृतनावलयस्य वन्दे ॥ ५ ॥
mindram kapindrapritnavalayasya vande. 5
I pay homage to Hanuman, whose roars resound through a thousand caves in the mountains, creating fear among the ranks of demons. He is the chief of the monkey army, and I worship him, who is adorned with a cluster of golden rings.
हेलाविलङ्घितमहार्णवमप्यमन्दं घूर्णद्गदाविहतिविक्षतराक्षसेषु ।
स्वम्मोदवारिधिमपारमिवेक्षमाणं वन्देऽहमक्षयकुमारकमारकेशम् ॥ ६ ॥
vandeऽhmakshaykumarakamarakesham 6
I revere Hanuman, who leaps across the vast ocean like a mighty arrow, striking fear into the hearts of the evil demons. He moves swiftly, like a fish in the boundless ocean of his own delight, and I bow to the eternal and youthful Hanuman.
जम्भारिजित्प्रसभलम्बितपाशबन्धं ब्रह्मानुरोधमिव तत्क्षणमुद्वहन्तम् ।
रौद्रावतारमपि रावणदीर्घदृष्टि-सङ्कोचकारणमुदारहरिं भजामि ॥ ७ ॥
brahmanurodamiv tatksanamuduhantam.
raudrāvatāramapi rāvaṇadīrghadṛṣṭi-
saṅkocakāraṇamudāraharim bhajāmi 7
I adore Hanuman, who, like a thunderbolt, breaks the powerful chains of demons and obstructs Ravana’s fierce gaze. His awe-inspiring form reflects his divine nature, and I worship him, the beloved servant of Lord Rama.
दर्पोन्नमन्निशिचरेश्वरमूर्धचञ्च-त्कोटीरचुम्बि निजबिम्बमुदीक्ष्य हृष्टम् ।
पश्यन्तमात्मभुजयन्त्रणपिष्यमाण-तत्कायशोणितनिपातमपेक्षि वक्षः ॥ ८ ॥
tkotirchumbi nijabimbmudikshya hrstam.
tatkayashonitnipatampekshi chestah 8
I behold the form of Hanuman, whose face shines like a mirror on which the crown of demons is reflected. He witnesses the fall of their limbs drenched in their own blood, and his chest expands with delight.
अक्षप्रभृत्यमरविक्रमवीरनाश-क्रोधादिव द्रुतमुदञ्चितचन्द्रहासाम् ।
निद्रापिताभ्रघनगर्जनघोरघोषैः संस्थम्भयन्तमभिनौमि दशास्यमूर्तिम् ॥ ९ ॥
Krodhadiva fastamudanchitchandrahasam.
samsthambhyantambhinomi dashasyamurtim 9
I bow to the divine form of Hanuman, who, with his valorous actions, subdues the pride of demons, including Indrajit, swiftly and easily. His ferocious roars echo through the night, striking fear in the hearts of his enemies.
आशंस्यमानविजयं रघुनाथधाम शंसन्तमात्मकृतभूरिपराक्रमेण ।
दौत्ये समागमसमन्वयमादिशन्तं वन्दे हरेः क्षितिभृतः पृतनाप्रधानम् ॥ १० ॥
Asanyamanvijay Raghunathdham
Dautey samagamsamanvayamadishantam
vande hareh kshitibhrih pritnapradhanam. 10
I offer my salutations to Hanuman, the foremost among the warriors, who is praised by the victorious Lord Rama himself for his bravery. Hanuman, as the ambassador, brings harmonious communication between Rama and his beloved consort, Sita.
यस्यौचितीं समुपदिष्टवतोऽधिपुच्छं दम्भान्धितां धियमपेक्ष्य विवर्धमानः ।
नक्तञ्चराधिपतिरोषहिरण्यरेता लङ्कां दिधक्षुरपतत्तमहं वृणोमि ॥ ११ ॥
Yasyauchitin samupadishtavatoऽdhipuchchham
dambhadhitam dhiyampakshya vivardhamanah.
Lankan didhakshurpattamha Vrnom. 11
I choose Hanuman as my refuge, who, by virtue of his just words and virtuous actions, shatters the pride of night-dwelling demons like the sun dispels darkness. I seek his blessings to destroy the fear residing in Lanka.
क्रन्दन्निशाचरकुलां ज्वलनावलीढैः साक्षाद्गृहैरिव बहिः परिदेवमानाम् ।
स्तब्धस्वपुच्छतटलग्नकृपीटयोनि-दन्दह्यमाननगरीं परिगाहमानाम् ॥ १२ ॥
Krandanishacharkulam jwalnavalihai
sakshadgrihaariv bahih paridevamanam.
dandahyamānanagarīṁ parigāhamānām.12
I envision the city of Lanka engulfed in flames, with demons crying out in agony, resembling a cluster of insects burning in a fire-filled house. Hanuman surveys this scene, remaining still and quiet.
मूर्तैर्गृहासुभिरिव द्युपुरं व्रजद्भि-र्व्योम्नि क्षणं परिगतं पतगैर्ज्वलद्भिः ।
पीताम्बरं दधतुमुच्छ्रितदीप्ति पुच्छं सेनां वहद्विहगराजमिवाहमीडे ॥ १३ ॥
Murtairgrihasubhiriv dupuram vrajadbhi-
vyomni kishanam parigatam patagairjavaladbhih.
Pitambaram dadtumuchritdipti puchham
sena vahadvihagarajmivahmeede. 13
I perceive Hanuman, with his body adorned in yellow robes, leading an army of birds, like the king of birds himself. He carries the victorious Lord Rama, and I worship him.
स्थम्भीभवत्स्वगुरुवालधिलग्नवह्नि-ज्वालोल्ललद्ध्वजपटामिव देवतुष्ट्यै ।
वन्दे यथोपरि पुरो दिवि दर्शयन्त-मद्यैव रामविजयाजिकवैजयन्तीम् ॥ १४ ॥
jvalolllaldvajapatamiv devtushtyai.
Vande Yathopari Puro Divi Darsayant-
Madyaiva RamvijayajikVaijayantim. 14
I worship Hanuman, who stands tall in the sky like a victorious flagpole, illuminating the heavens, showcasing the glory of Lord Rama’s triumph. He reveals the grandeur of the victory celebrations, adorned with divine ornaments.
रक्षक्षयैकचितकक्षकपूश्चितौ यः सीताशुचो निजविलोकनतो मृतायाः ।
दाहं व्यधादिव तदन्त्यविधेयभूतं लाङ्गूलदत्तदहनेन मुदे स नोऽस्तु ॥ १५ ॥
yah sitashucho nijavilokanato mritayah.
Daham Vyadhadiva Tadantyavideyabhutam
Laggoolduttdahanen Mudse Nostu 15
May Hanuman’s wrath, ignited by the sight of the demons, burn Lanka, just like his tail burnt down the city of Lanka. May his destructive power grant us joy.
आशुद्धये रघुपतिप्रणयैकसाक्ष्ये वैदेहराजदुहितुः सरिदीश्वराय ।
न्यासं ददानमिव पावकमापतन्त-मब्धौ प्रभञ्जनतनूजनुषं भजामि ॥ १६ ॥
Ashuddhaye raghupatipranayakasakshiye
vaidehrajduhituh saridisvaraya.
Nyasam dadanamiv pavkamapatant-madhou
prabhajantanujnusham bhajami. 16
I offer my salutations to Hanuman, who, like a blazing fire, consumes the impurities and sorrows of Janaki (Sita), the daughter of King Janaka. I seek refuge in him, the epitome of strength and purity.
रक्षस्स्वतृप्तिरुडशान्तिविशेषशोण-मक्षक्षयक्षणविधानुमितात्मदाक्ष्यम् ।
भास्वत्प्रभातरविभानुभरावभासं लङ्काभयङ्करममुं भगवन्तमीडे ॥ १७ ॥
Lankabhankaramaman Bhagwatmade 17
I revere Hanuman, who possesses an awe-inspiring form that dispels the fear of Lanka, like the rising sun disp, because their length exceeds the model’s maximum response limit.
तीर्त्वोदधिं जनकजार्पितमाप्य चूडा-रत्नं रिपोरपि पुरं परमस्य दग्ध्वा ।
श्रीरामहर्षगलदश्र्वभिषिच्यमानं तं ब्रह्मचारिवरवानरमाश्रयेऽहम् ॥ १८ ॥
Tirtvoddhi janakjarapitamapya chuda-
ratnam reporpi puram paramasya dagdhwa.
Sri Ramharshagaldashvabhishichyaman tam
brahmacharivaravanaramashrayeऽham 18
After crossing the ocean and destroying the enemy’s city, obtaining the precious jewel of Sita’s trust, and being anointed by Lord Rama with the divine water, I take refuge in Hanuman, the supreme celibate monkey.
यः प्राणवायुजनितो गिरिशस्य शान्तः शिष्योऽपि गौतमगुरुर्मुनिशंकरात्मा ।
हृद्यो हरस्य हरिवद्धरितां गतोऽपि धीधैर्यशास्त्रविभवेऽतुलमाश्रये तं ॥ १९ ॥
Yah Pranavayugento Girishasya Shantah
disciplepi Gautam Gururmuni Shankaratma.
Hrudyo Harsya Harvidharitam Gatopi
DheeryashastravibhaveऽTulmashraye Tan. 19
I seek refuge in Hanuman, who, though born from the breath of Lord Shiva, remains calm and composed. He is the disciple of the sage Gautama and possesses the courage and wisdom of Lord Vishnu. He resides in the heart of Lord Hari (Vishnu).
स्कन्धेऽधिवाह्य जगदुत्तरगीतिरीत्या यः पार्वतीश्वरमतोषयदाशुतोषम् ।
तस्मादवाप च वरानपरानवाप्यान् तं वानरं परमवैष्णवमीशमीडे ॥ २० ॥
Skandheऽdhivahya jagaduttaragitiritya
yaha parvatisvaramtoshaydashutosham.
Tasmadvapa cha varanaparanavapyan tan
vanaram paramvaishnavmishmeede. 20
I meditate on Hanuman, who, with his supreme glory, delighted Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, surpassing even their expectations. He obtained unmatched boons from them, and I seek refuge in that divine Hanuman, the greatest devotee of Lord Vishnu.
उमापतेः कविपतेः स्तुतिर्बाल्यविजृम्भिता । हनूमतस्तुष्टयेऽस्तु वीरविंशतिकाभिधा ॥ २१ ॥ Umapate: Kavipete: Stutibaralayavijrambhita.
Hanumantstushteyeऽstu veervinshtikabhidha 21
This hymn, expressing the praise of Lord Hanuman, has been composed in childhood by the poet and is being offered to please him. May Hanuman be pleased and may he accept this hymn, consisting of twenty verses, in his glory.

Benefits of Veera Vimsati Kavyam Hanuman Stotram:

  • Protection and Guidance: Chanting the Veera Vimsati Kavyam Hanuman Stotram is believed to invoke the blessings and protection of Lord Hanuman. It is said to create a shield of divine energy around the devotee, guarding them against negative influences and providing guidance in times of difficulty.
  • Increased Strength and Courage: Hanuman is revered for his immense strength and unwavering courage. By reciting this stotram, devotees seek to imbibe these qualities within themselves. It is thought to encourage bravery, perseverance, and the capacity to confront life’s hurdles.
  • Enhanced Devotion and Spiritual Connection: The Veera Vimsati Kavyam Hanuman Stotram is a powerful expression of devotion towards Lord Hanuman. Regular recitation of this stotram is said to deepen one’s connection with the divine, fostering a sense of spirituality, and invoking Hanuman’s grace and blessings.
  • Improved Focus and Concentration: The rhythmic recitation and repetition of verses in the stotram aid in focusing the mind. Regular practice of chanting this stotram is believed to enhance concentration, memory, and overall mental clarity.
  • Purification of Mind and Body: The sacred vibrations generated through the chanting of the Veera Vimsati Kavyam Hanuman Stotram are thought to purify the mind and body. It is consider to remove negative energies, cleanse impurities, and promote a sense of purity and well-being. 4
Vishnupuran Nagapatni Kruta Srikrishna Stotram: Devotional Hymn for Lord Sri Krishna
Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba Stotram: Chanting for Protection and Success

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