

Sri krishna Keshadipadam Varnana Stotram: Lord Krishna’s Divine Form

Sanskrti/Hindi Translation Meaning
अग्रे पश्यामि तेजो निबिडतरकलायावलीलोभनीयं,
पीयूषाप्लावितोऽहं तदनु तदुदरे दिव्यकैशोरवेषम् ।
तारुण्यारम्भरम्यं परमसुखरसास्वादरोमाञ्चिताङ्गै,
रावीतं नारदाद्यैर्विलसदुपनिषद्सुन्दरीमण्डलैश्च ॥ १ ॥
Agree Pashyami Tejo Nibidtarkalayavali Lobhniyam,
Piyushaplavitoham Tadanu Tadudre Divyakaishoravesham.
tarunyarambharamyam paramsukhrasavaromanchitangai,
Ravitam Naradadayarvilasdupanishadsundarimandalaischa. 1
I see before me a radiant brilliance, captivating with its dense array of rays,
I am bathed in that divine youthfulness, adorned with the attire of celestial youth.
With limbs anointed in the exquisite essence of supreme bliss,
This beautiful sphere shines with the brilliance of the radiant sun, witnessed by sages like Narada.
नीलाभं कुञ्चिताग्रं घनममलतरं संयतं चारुभङ्ग्या,
रत्नोत्तंसाभिरामं वलयितमुदयच्चन्द्रकैः पिञ्छजालैः ।
मन्दारस्रङ्निवीतं तव पृथुकबरीभारमालोकयेऽहं,
स्निग्द्धश्वेतोर्ध्वपुण्ड्रामपि च सुललितां फालबालेन्दुवीथीम् ॥ २ ॥
Neelabham kunchitagran ghanimaltaram samyant charubhangya,
Ratnottansabhiram valayitmudayachchandrakaih pinchhajalaih.
Mandarsranevitam ta prithukbari bharmalokyeऽam,
Snigdhashvetordhvapundrampi cha sullitam falbalenduvithim 2
I behold your charming neck, resembling a slightly blooming blue lotus,
Adorned with radiant jewels and the crescent moon as an ornament.
I gaze at your delicate collarbone covered with a garland of Mandara flowers,
And your tender, white, elevated bosom, adorned with a graceful line of sandal paste.
हृद्यं पूर्णानुकंपार्णवमृदुलहरी चञ्चलभ्रूविलासैः,
आनीलस्निग्द्धपक्ष्मावलि परिलसितं नेत्रयुग्मं विभो ते ।
सान्द्रच्छायं विशालारुणकमलदलाकारमामुग्धतारं,
कारुण्यालोकलीला शिशिरितभुवनं क्षिप्यतां मय्यनाथे ॥ ३ ॥
Hridyam Pooranukamparnava Mridulhari Chanchalabhruvilasaiah,
Ānīlasnigddhapakṣmāvali parilasitaṁ netrayugmaṁ vibho te.
sandrachhayam vishalarunkamaldalakarmamamudhataram,
Karunyaloklila shishiritbhuvanam ksipyatam mayyanathe. 3
Your heart is an ocean of compassion, your eyebrows dance playfully,

Your eyes are adorned with a dark, smooth line and a slight bluish tinge, O Lord.
With a gentle shadow, resembling the beautiful shape of a blooming red lotus,
May the playful waves of your compassion shower coolness upon this world, my Lord.

उत्तुङ्गोल्लासिनासं हरिमणिमुकुरप्रोल्लसद्गण्डपाली,
व्यालोलत् कर्णपाशाञ्चितमकरमणी कुण्डलद्वन्द्वदीप्रम् ।
उन्मीलद्दन्तपङ्क्तिः स्फुरदरुणतरच्छाय बिम्बाधरान्तः,
प्रीतिप्रस्यन्दिमन्दस्मितमधुरतरं वक्त्रमुद्भासतां मे ॥ ४ ॥
Uttungollasinasam Harimanimukuprollasadgandapali,
Vyololat karnapashanchitmakaramani kundaldvanddipram
unmīlad-dantapaṅktiḥ sphuradaruṇataracchāya bimbādharāntaḥ,
prītiprasyandimandasmitamadhurataraṁ vaktramudbhāsatāṁ me. 4
The radiant brilliance of your face outshines the splendor of the shining jewel,
With earrings swinging like graceful snakes and adorned with a pair of exquisite Kundalas.
The line of your slightly opened teeth shines with a beautiful red hue,
And your enchanting smile, filled with love, bestows sweet nectar upon me.
बाहुद्वन्द्वेन रत्नाङ्गुलिवलयभृता शोणपाणिप्रवाले,
नोपात्तां वेणुनालीं प्रसृतनखमयूखाङ्गुलीसङ्गशाराम् ।
कृत्वा वक्त्रारविन्दे सुमधुरविकसद्रागमुद्भाव्यमानैः,
शब्दब्रह्मामृतैस्त्वं शिशिरितभुवनैः सिञ्च मे कर्णवीथीम् ॥ ५ ॥|
Bahudvandven Ratnangulivalayabhrita Shonapanipravale,
Nopatam venunali prasritankhamayyukhangulisangsharam.
Kritva Vaktraarvinde sumadhurvikasadragamudbhavyamanaih,
Shabdbrahmamritaistvam shishiritbhuvanaih sinch me karnaveethim 5
Your arms, adorned with jewel-studded bangles, are more beautiful than coral,
Not holding a flute, but decorated with extended nails like a musical scale.
Having made your lotus-like face resplendent with sweet, melodious expressions,
You sprinkle the nectar of divine sound upon the entire universe, drenching my ears.
उत्सर्पत्कौस्तुभश्रीततिभिररुणितं कोमलं कण्ठदेशं,
वक्षः श्रीवत्सरम्यं तरलतरसमुद्दीप्तहारप्रतानम् ।
नानावर्णप्रसूनावलिकिसलयिनीं वन्यमालां विलोल,
ल्लोलम्बां लम्बमानामुरसि तव तथा भावये रत्नमालाम् ॥ ६ ॥
Utsarpatkaustubhshree tatibhirrunitam kolam gutdesh,
Vaksh: srivatsarayam traltarasamuddiptaharapratanam.
Nanavarnaprasunavalikisalayin Vanyamalam Villol,
Llolamba Lambmanamurasi Tava and Bhavaye Ratnamalam. 6
Your charming neck, adorned with a necklace, emits a sweet fragrance,
The mark of Shrivatsa on your chest resembles a shining golden pendant.
You wear a wild garland of various flowers, swaying and dancing,
With the vine-like lock of hair, I meditate upon your gracious presence.
अंगे पंचांगरागैरतिशयविकसत्सौरभाकृष्टलोकं,
लीनानेकत्रिलोकीविततिमपि कृशां बिभ्रतं मध्यवल्लीम् ।
शक्राश्मन्यस्त तप्तोज्ज्वलकनकनिभं पीतचेलं दधानं,
ध्यायामो दीप्तरश्मि स्फुटमणिरशनाकिङ्किणी मण्डितं त्वाम् ॥ ७ ॥
Ange Panchangaragairatishayavikasatsaurbhakrstalokam,
Linanektrilokivitatimpi krisham bibhratam madhyavallim.
Shakrashmanyastha taptojjvalkannibham pitchelam dadhan,
Dhyayamo Deeptarashmi Sphutmani Rashanakini Manditam Tvam 7
Your body, adorned with the fragrance of various celestial perfumes,
Radiates a divine glow surpassing the brilliance of gold.
Immersed in various realms, you appear slender and graceful,
Like a flash of lightning, emanating from the luminous sun’s rays.
ऊरू चारू तवोरू घनमसृणरुचौ चित्तचोरौ रमायाः,
विश्वक्षोभं विशङ्क्य ध्रुवमनिशमुभौ पीतचेलावृताङ्गौ ।
आनम्राणां पुरस्तान्न्यसनधृतस्मस्तार्थपालीसमुद्ग,
च्छायं जानुद्वयं च क्रमपृथुलमनोज्ञे च जङ्घे निषेवे ॥ ८ ॥
Ooru Charu Tavoru Ghanamasrunruchau Chitchorau Ramayah,
Vishwakshobham Vishakya Dhruvamanisamubhou Pitachelavrtangau.
Anamranam Purastannayasandritsamstarthapalisamudga,
Chhaya janudvayam f kramprithulmanogye c janghe niseve 8
Your thighs, beautiful and lustrous like lightning, captivate the mind,
As they steal the consciousness of the mischievous cupid himself.
The enchanting folds of your yellow cloth spread around your hips,
I worship your shadow, both your knees, and the charming curves of your calves.
मञ्जीरं मञ्जुनादैरिव पदभजनं श्रेय इत्यालपन्तं,
पादाग्रं भ्रान्तिमज्जत् प्रणतजनमनोमन्दरोद्धारकूर्मम्।
उत्तुङ्गाताम्रराजन्नखरहिमकरज्योत्स्नया चाश्रितानाम्,
संताप ध्वान्तहन्त्रीं ततिमनुकलये मङ्गलामङ्गुलीनाम् ॥ ९ ॥
Manjiram manjunadariv padabhajanam shreya ityalpantam,
Padagram Bhrantimajjat ​​Pranatjanamnomandroddhakarakurmam
uttuṅgātāmrarājannakharahimakarajyotsnayā cāśritānām,
saṁtāpa dhvāntahantīṁ tatimanukalaye maṅgalāmaṅgulīnām. 9
The sound of your ankle bells, resembling the melodious humming of bees, resonates with the hearts of the devoted,
When your feet, mischievously causing bewilderment, uplift the Mandara tree-like desires of the surrendered souls.
As your toenails, radiant like red gems, dispel the darkness of worldly sufferings,
I bow down to those auspicious and blissful fingers of yours.
योगीन्द्राणां त्वदङ्गेष्वधिकसुमधुरं मुक्तिभाजां निवासो,
भाक्तानां कामवर्षद्युतरुकिसलयं नाथ ते पादमूलम् ।
नित्यं चित्तस्थितं मे पवनपुरपते कृष्ण कारुण्यसिन्धो,
हृत्वा निश्शेषतापान् प्रदिशतु परमानन्दसन्दोहलक्ष्मीम्  ॥ १० ॥
Yogindranam Tvadageshvadhikasumadhuram Muktibhajan Niwas,
Bhaktanam kamavarshadyutrukisalayam nath te padamoolam.
nityaṁ cittasthitaṁ me pavanapurapate kṛṣṇa kāruṇyasindho,
hṛtvā niśśeṣatāpān pradiśatu paramānandasandohalakṣmīm. 10
You are the abode of liberation, exuding a sweet fragrance surpassing that of the greatest yogis,
The divine resting place for your devoted devotees, showering the monsoon of desires.
May my mind constantly dwell at the lotus feet of the Lord of the breeze,
Oh Krishna, the ocean of compassion, please eradicate all my sufferings and bestow supreme bliss and prosperity upon me.

Benefits of Srikrishna Keshadipadam Varnana Stotram:

The stotram intensifies one’s reverence for Lord Krishna, developing a closer spiritual bond with the divine. Through contemplation of Lord Krishna’s brilliancy, the stotram elevates the soul and produces a feeling of restful bliss and spiritual elevation.It is said that reciting the stotram invokes Lord Krishna’s divine presence and protection, offering guidance, strength, and support in navigating life’s trials and tribulations. Chanting and reflecting upon its verses helps people to concentrate their thoughts, suppress interruptions, and reach a meditative state which encourages inner reflection and spiritual development.

Shiva Panchakshara Stotram
Vishnupuran Nagapatni Kruta Srikrishna Stotram: Devotional Hymn for Lord Sri Krishna

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