

Upamanyu Krutha Shiva Stotram: Sacred Hymn for Devotion and Blessings

Sanskrit/Hindi Translation Meaning
जय शंकर पार्वतीपते मृडशम्भो शशिखण्डमण्डन!।
मदनान्तक भक्तवत्सल! प्रियकैलास दयासुधांबुधे!  ॥१॥
Jaya Shankara Parvati-pate Mrd-Shambho Shashi-khandamandana!
Madanantaka Bhaktavatsala! Priya-Kailasa Daya-sudhambudhe! ||1||
Salutations to Lord Shiva, the partner of Parvati, the one who bears the curve moon on his head. He is the destroyer of the god of love and is dear to his devotees. O Lord, who is compassionate like the ocean of nectar, I seek refuge in you.
सदुपायकथास्वपण्डितो हृदये दुःखशरेण खण्डितः।
शशिखण्डशिखण्डमण्डनं शरणं यामि शरण्यमीश्वरम् ॥२॥
Sad-upayakatha-svapandito hridaye duhkha-sharena khanditah।
Shashi-khanda-shikhandamandanam sharanam yami sharan-yamishvaram ||2||
My heart, striking by the arrows of sorrow, is shattered. I seek refuge in the Lord who adorns the curve moon on his head, the one who dispels the darkness and who can mend my broken heart.
महतः परितःप्रसर्पतः तमसो दर्शनभेदिनो भिदे।
दिननाथ इव स्वतेजसा हृदयव्योम्नि मनागुदेहि नः॥३॥
Mahatah paritah prasarpatah tamaso darshana-bhedinah bhide।
Dinanatha iva svatejasa hridaya-vyomni managudehi nah ||3||
Surrounded by the darkness of ignorance, I wander aimlessly. O Lord, please illuminate my heart with your divine radiance, just as the sun dispels darkness. Please bestow your grace upon me.
न वयं तव चर्मचक्षुषा पदवीमप्युपवीक्षितुं क्षमाः।
कृपयाऽभयदेन चक्षुषा सकलेनेश विलोकयाशु माम् ॥४॥
Na vayam tava charma-chakshusha padavimapyupavikshitum kshamah।
Kripaya’bhayadena chakshusha sakalene’shavilokayashu mam ||4||
We are unable to see even a glimpse of your divine form with our mortal eyes. O Lord, out of compassion, please bless us with your divine vision so that we may behold you in your entirety.
त्वदनुस्मृतिरेव पावनी स्तुतियुक्ता न हि वाक्तुमीश सा।
मधुरं हि पयः स्वभावतो ननु कीदृक् सितशर्करयान्वितम् ॥५॥
Tvad-anusmritireva pavani stuti-yukta na hi vaktumiśha sa।
Madhuram hi payah svabhavato nanu kidrik sita-sharkara-yanvitam ||5||
The remembrance of you alone is purifying and sacred. I am unable to describe your sweetness with words. Your divine presence is like a river of nectar, sweetened with the essence of sugarcane.
सविषोप्यमृतायते भवान् शवमुण्डाभरणोऽपि पावनः।
भव एव भवान्तकस्सतां समदृष्टिर्विषमेक्षणॊपि सन् ॥६॥
Savisopyamritayate bhavan shava-mundabharano’pi pavanaḥ।
Bhava eva bhavantakaḥ satam samadrishtir-vishamekshanopi san ||6||
You, who are adorned with the serpent and the Curved moon, are the purifier, even when surrounded by corpses and ashes. Your vision is equal towards all beings, whether virtuous or wicked.
अपि शूलधरो निरामयो दृढवैराग्यधरोऽपि रागवान्।
अपि भैक्षचरो महेश्वरश्चरितं चित्रमिदं हि ते प्रभो ॥७॥
Api shula-dharo niramayo dridha-vairagyadharo’pi ragavan।
Api bhikshacharo maheshvaraścharitam chitramidam hi te prabho ||7||
You carry the trident, are a healthy person, and have unwavering commitment. Your divine stories, O mighty Lord, is as inexplicable to the mind as a wandering pauper.
वितरत्यभिवाञ्छितं दृशा परिदृष्टः किल कल्पपादपः ।
हृदये स्मृत एव धीयते नमतेऽभिष्टफलप्रदो भवान् ॥८॥
Vitaraty-abhivangshitam drisha paridrishtah kil kalpa-padapah।
Hridaye smrita eva dhiyate namate’bhishṭa-phalado bhavan ||8||
You extend your divine vision to everyone, seeing through the appearances of countless kalpas (ages). The mere remembrance of you fills the heart with joy. O Lord, who bestows the desired fruits, I offer my salutations to you.
सहसैव भुजंगपाशवान् विनिगृह्णाति न यावदन्तकः।
अभयं कुत तावदाशु मे गतजीवस्य पुनः किमौषधैः ॥९॥
Sahasiva bhujanga-pashavan vinigrihnati na yavadantakah।
Abhayam kutah tavadashu me gata-jivasya punah kim-aushadhaih ||9||
Just as Lord Shiva, with his matted locks, effortlessly controls powerful serpents, how can I fear when I have sought refuge in you? How can the medicine of worldly existence cure the disease of birth and death?
सविषैरिव भीमपन्नगैर्विषयैरेभिरलं परिक्षतं ।
अमृतैरिव संभ्रमेण मामभिषिञ्चाशु दयावलोकनैः ॥१०॥
Savisairiva bhimapannagair vishayair-ebhiralam parikshatam।
Amritairiva sam-bhramena mamabhishinchaashu daya-valokanaih ||10||
Like venomous serpents, the worldly pleasures test me relentlessly. O Lord, please shower your compassionate glances upon me, just as the nectar showers, to protect me from these temptations.
मुनयो बहवोऽत्र धन्यतां गमिता स्वाभिमतार्थदर्शिनः।
करुणाकर येन तेन मामवसन्नं ननु पश्य चक्षुषा ॥११॥
Munayo bahavo’tra dhanyatam gamita-svabhimat-artha-darshinah।
Karuna-kara yena tena mamavasannam nanu pashya chakshusha ||11||
Many sages have attained great fortune by seeking refuge in you and by beholding your compassionate gaze. O Lord, who is the embodiment of compassion, please cast your merciful glance upon me.
प्रणमाम्यथ यामि चापरं शरणं कं कृपणाभयप्रदम्।
विरहीव विभो प्रियामयं परिपश्यामि भवन्मयं जगत् ॥१२॥
Pranamamyath yami cha-param sharanam kam kripanabhaya-pradam।
Virihi-va vibho priyamayam paripashyami bhavanmayam jagat ||12||
I bow down to you, seeking your supreme refuge, O Lord who dispels fear for the helpless. O Lord, who pervades everything, I see the entire universe as your beloved manifestation.
बहवो भवतानुकंपिताः किमितीशान न मानुकंपसे।
दधता किमु मन्दराचलं परमाणुः कमठेन दुर्धरः ॥१३॥
Bahavo bhavat-anukampitah kim-iti-shana na manukampase।
Dadhatam kimu mandarachalam paramanuhu kamathena durdharah ||13||
O compassionate Lord, why do you not show mercy to those who seek your compassion? What is difficult for you, who effortlessly lifted Mount Mandara?
अशुचिर्यदिमाऽनुमन्यसे किमिदं मूर्ध्नि कपालदाम ते।
उत शाठ्यमसाधुसंगिनं विषलक्ष्मासि न किं द्विजिह्वधृक्॥१४॥
Ashuchiryadima’numanyase kim-idam mūrdhni kapāla-dāma te।
Uta shāthyam-asādhu-sanginam vishalakshmasi na kim dwijihvadhrik ||14||
Why do you tolerate impurities? Why do you wear a garland of skulls on your head? Why do you not reject the company of the wicked? O Lord, who has large, divine eyes, why do you possess such a broad tongue?
क्व दृशं विदधामि किं करोम्यनुतिष्ठामि कथं भयाकुलः।
क्वनु तिष्ठसि रक्षरक्षमामयि शम्भो शरणागतोऽस्मि ते ॥१५॥
Kva drisham vidadhami kim karomyanutishth āmi katham bhayākulah।
Kvānutishthasi raksha-rakshamām-ayi shambho sharanāgato’smi te ||15||
Where do I find solace? How do I rid myself of afflictions? Where do I take refuge, O benevolent Lord? I am filled with fear and seek your protection. I have come to your shelter.
विलुठाम्यवनौ किमाकुलः किमुरोहन्मि शिरः छिनद्मि वा।
किमु रोदिमि रारटीमि किं कृपणं मां न यदीक्षसे प्रभो ॥१६॥
Viluthamyavano kimakulah kimurohami shirah chinadmi va।
Kimu rodimi rārati-mi kim kripanam mām na yadīkshase prabho ||16||
Should I roll on the ground in despair? Should I cut off my own head? Should I weep or lament? O Lord, if you do not cast your compassionate glance upon me, what will become of this wretched soul?
शिव सर्वग शिव शर्मद प्रणतो देव दयां कुरुष्व मे।
नम ईश्वर नाथ दिक्पते पुनरेवेश नमो नमोऽस्तु ते ॥१७॥
Shiva sarvaga shiva sharmada pranato deva dayam kurushva me।
Nama īshvara nātha dikpate punar-evesha namo namo’stu te ||17||
O Lord Shiva, who is present everywhere, please bestow your grace upon me. O Master of the directions, I bow down to you repeatedly.
शरणं तरुणेन्दुशेखर शरणं मे गिरिराजकन्यका।
शरणं पुनरेव तावुभौ शरणं नान्यदवैमि दैवतम् ॥१८॥
Sharanam tarunendushēkhara sharanam me girirāja-kan-yakā।
Sharanam punareva tāvubhau sharanam nānyadavaimi daivatam ||18||
I seek refuge in the youthful Lord of the moon who adorns his head with the king of mountains. I seek refuge in you both, and I do not take shelter in any other deity.
पमन्युकृतं स्तवोत्तमं जपतश्शंभुसमीपवर्तिः।
अभिवाञ्छितभाग्यसंपदः परमायुः प्रददाति शंकरः ॥१९॥
Pamanyukritam stavottamam japatyastu shivasya sannidhau।
Shiva-lokamavāpya so’chirāt saha tenaiva shevena modate ||19||
He who recites this greatest of hymns in the presence of Lord Shiva attains the abode of Shiva and rejoices with him. He attains the blissful world of Shiva along with Lord Shiva himself.
उपमन्युकृतं स्तवोत्तमं प्रजपेद्यस्तु शिवस्य सन्निधौ।
शिवलोकमवाप्य सोऽचिरात् सह तेनैव शेवेन मोदते ॥२०॥
Upamanyukritam stavottamam prajaped-yastu shivasya sannidhau।
Shiva-lokamavāpya so’chirāt saha tenaiva shevena modate ||20||
He who recites this greatest of hymns during worship in the presence of Lord Shiva attains the abode of Shiva and rejoices with him. He attains the blissful world of Shiva along with Lord Shiva himself.

Benefits of Upamanyu Krutha Shiva Stotram:

Devotional Connection: The stotram aids in strengthening the devotee’s bond with and devotion to Lord Shiva. Regular recitation of the stotram has been shown to strengthen spiritual ties and provide a sense of the divine’s nearness.

Obstacle Removal: Lord Shiva is often praised for his abilities to get rid of problems and provide blessings. One may seek the eradication of difficulties and problems in life, both spiritual and material, by reciting this stotram with sincerity and dedication.

Inner Transformation: The stotram invokes Lord Shiva’s kind and merciful attributes. Through consistent reality, one may observe a beneficial change in their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, resulting in inner peace, harmony, and spiritual development.

Protection and Guidance: Using this stotram to seek shelter in Lord Shiva might give one a feeling of protection and direction. It is thought that reciting this stotram can conjure Lord Shiva’s heavenly blessing, protecting the devotee from harmful forces and granting direction on their path.

Purification and Well-Being: Reciting this stotram aloud can produce vibrations and energy that are purifying and beneficial to the mind, body, and spirit. It could aid in easing both physical and emotional conditions while fostering general balance and well-being.

Sri Mahalakshmi Hrudayam Stotram: Sanskrit Verses, English Translation, and Meaning
Krishna Manasa Puja Stotram: Offering Worship, Seeking Blessings, and Spiritual Awakening

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