Sanskrit/Hindi | Translation | Meaning |
वन्देऽहं देवीं पीतभूषणभूषिताम् । तेजोरुपमयीं देवीं पीततेजः स्वरुपिणीम् ।। १ ।। |
Vande’aham Devim Peetabhushanabhooshitaam | Tejorupamayim Devim Peetatejah Svarupinim || 1 || |
I worship the Goddess adorned with golden ornaments | The Goddess who possesses the form of radiant golden light || 1 || |
गदाभ्रमणभिन्नाभ्रां भ्रकुटीभीषणाननाम् । भीषयन्तीं भीमशत्रून् भजे भव्यस्य भक्तिदाम् ।। २ ।। |
Gadabrahmanabhinnaabhram Bhrakutibheeshanaananaam | Bheeshayanteeam Bheemashatrūn Bhaje Bhavyasya Bhaktidaam || 2 || |
I adore the Goddess who terrifies the formidable enemies | With her mace-like eyebrows and terrifying face || 2 || |
पूर्ण-चन्द्रसमानास्यां पीतगन्धानुलेपनाम् । पीताम्बरपरीधानां पवित्रामाश्रयाम्यहम् ।। ३ ।। |
Purnachandrasamaanaasyam Peetagandhaanulepanaam | Peetambaraparidhaanaam Pavitram Aashrayaamyaham || 3 || |
I take refuge in the Goddess who has a complexion like a full moon | Who is adorned with yellow sandalwood paste and dressed in yellow garments || 3 || |
पालयन्तीमनुपलं प्रसमीक्ष्याऽवनीतले । पीताचाररतां भक्तां स्ताम्भवानीं भजाम्यहम् ।। ४ ।। |
Paalayanteemanupalam Prasamiksyaavaneētale | Peetachaararataam Bhaktaam Staambhavaaneem Bhajaamyaham || 4 || |
I worship the Goddess Staambhavaaneem, who watches over and protects | Her devotees with care and compassion, as they approach her on the sacred ground || 4 || |
पीतपद्मपदद्वन्द्वां चम्पकारण्य रुपिणीम् । पीतावतंसां परमां वन्दे पद्मजवन्दिताम् ।। ५ ।। |
Peetapadmapadadvandvaam Champakaaraṇya Rupinim | Peetavatamsaam Paramaam Vande Padmajavanditaam || 5 || |
I bow down to the Goddess Padmajavanditaam, who has yellow lotus-like feet | Who is adorned with yellow garments and has a majestic appearance || 5 || |
लसञ्चारुसिञ्जत्सुमञ्जीरपादां चलत्स्वर्णकर्णावतंसाञ्चितास्याम् । वलत्पीतचन्द्राननां चन्द्रवन्द्यां भजे पद्मजादीड्यसत्पादपद्माम् ।। ६ ।। |
Lasanchaarusiñjatsumañjeerapaadaam Chalatsvarṇakarnaavatamsaam | Valatpeetachandraananaam Chandravandyam Bhaje Padmajādīḍyasatpādaapadmaam || 6 || |
I worship the lotus feet of Padmajādīḍya, whose feet are adorned with tinkling anklets | Whose golden ears sway with grace, and whose face resembles the shining yellow moon || 6 || |
सुपीताभयामालया पूतमन्त्रं परं ते जपन्तो जयं संलभन्ते । रणे रागरोषाप्लुतानां रिपूणां विवादे बलाद्वैरकृद्-घातमातः ।। ७ ।। |
Supītapayāmaalayā Pūtamantram Param Te Japanto Jayam Samlabhante | Rane Rāgaroṣāplutaanaam Ripūṇām Vivāde Balādvairakṛd-Ghātamātah || 7 || |
While chanting your supreme, purified mantra with utmost devotion, they attain victory | In battle, over enemies overwhelmed by anger and in disputes, overpowering adversaries with strength || 7 || |
भरत्पीतभास्वत्प्रभाहस्कराभां गदागञ्जितामित्रगर्वां गरिष्ठाम् । गरीयोगुणागारगात्रां गुणाढ्यां गणेशादिगम्यां श्रये निर्गुणाड्याम् ।। ८ ।। |
Bharatpeetabhaasvatprabhaahaskaraabhām Gadaaganjitamitragarvaam Garishṭhaam | Gariyoguṇāgaaragaatraam Guṇāḍhyām Gaṇeshādigamyām Shraye Nirguṇāḍyaam || 8 || |
I take refuge in the Goddess Nirguṇāḍyaam, whose radiance surpasses the brilliance | Of the shining sun, whose victorious bell sound echoes, and who is praised for her virtuous qualities. She is approached by Lord Gaṇesha and others ||8|| |
जना ये जपन्त्युग्रबीजं जगत्सु परं प्रत्यहं ते स्मरन्तः स्वरुपम् । भवेद् वादिनां वाङ्मुखस्तम्भ आद्ये जयो जायते जल्पतामाशु तेषाम् ।। ९ ।। |
Janāye Japantyugrabījam Jagatsu Param Pratyaham Te Smarantaḥ Svarupam | Bhaved Vaadinaam Vaangmukhastambha Adye Jayo Jaayate Jalpataamāśu Tesaam || 9 || |
People who chant your powerful seed mantra regularly, remember your divine form | In debates, their speech becomes firm and unyielding, and they emerge victorious. Those who speak ill of them face defeat || 9 || |
तव ध्याननिष्ठाप्रतिष्ठात्मप्रज्ञावतां पादपद्मार्चने प्रेमयुक्ताः । प्रसन्ना नृपाः प्राकृताः पण्डिता वा पुराणादिगा दासतुल्या भवन्ति ।। १० ।। |
Tava Dhyānanishtaapratishṭhaatmaprajñaavataam Paadapadmārcane Premayuktaah | Prasannā Nr̥paah Praakr̥taah Panḍitaa Vaa Puraanādigaa Daasatulyaa Bhavanti || 10 || |
Those devoted to meditation on your lotus feet, endowed with self-awareness and wisdom | Are loved by the kings, whether they are ordinary or learned, and are equal to the servants of Puranas and other scriptures || 10 || |
नमामस्ते मातः कनक-कमनीयाङ्घ्रीजलजम् । बलद्विद्युद्वर्णं घन-मितिर-विध्वंस-करणम् ।। भवाब्धौ मग्नात्मोत्तरणकरणं सर्वशरणम् । प्रपन्नानां मातर्जगति बगले दुःखदमनम् ।। ११ ।। |
Namāmaste Mātaḥ kanaka-kamanīyāṅghrījalajam | Balavidyudvarṇaṁ ghana-mitira-vidhvaṁsa-karaṇam || Bhavābdhau magnātmottaraṇakaraṇaṁ sarvaśaraṇam | Prapannānāṁ Mātarjagati bagale duḥkhadamanam ||11|| |
Salutations to you, Mother, whose lotus feet are adorned with golden anklets | Which destroy the darkness of ignorance like flashes of lightning || In the ocean of worldly existence, you are the boat that helps us cross over | O Mother, you are the refuge of all those who surrender, removing their sorrow ||11|| |
ज्वलज्ज्योत्स्ना रत्नाकरमणिविभुषिक्तांक भवनम् । स्मरामस्ते धाम स्मरहरहरीन्द्रेन्दुप्रमुखैः ।। अहोरात्रं प्रातः प्रणयनवनीयं सुविशदम् । परं पीताकारं परिचितमणिद्वीपवसनम् ।। १२ ।। |
Jvalajjyotsnā ratnākara-maṇi-vibhuṣiktāṅka bhavanam | Smrāmaste Dhāma smara-hara-harīndrendu-pramukhaiḥ || Ahorātraṁ prātaḥ praṇayana-vanīyaṁ suviśadam | Paraṁ pītākāraṁ paricitamaṇidvīpavasanam ||12|| |
O Mother, residing in the abode adorned with radiant jewels and gems | We remember your divine abode, which is praised by Brahma, Shiva, and Indra || Day and night, at dawn, in the sacred river, your form shines brilliantly | Wearing the divine yellow attire, you are famous in the celestial realms ||12|| |
वदामस्ते मातः श्रुतिसुखकरं नाम ललितम् । लसन्मात्रावर्णं जगति बगलेति प्रचरितम् । चलन्तस्तिष्ठन्तो वयमुपविशन्तोऽपि शयने । भजामोयच्छ्रेयो दिवि दूरवलभ्यं दिविषदाम् ।। १३ ।। |
Vadāmaste Mātaḥ śrutisukhakaraṁ nāma lalitam | Lasanmātrāvarṇaṁ jagati bagaleti pracharitam || Chalantasthiṣhanto vayamupaviśhanto’pi śayane | Bhajāmoyachchhreyo divi dūravalabhyam diviṣhadām ||13|| |
We speak of your blissful and enchanting names, which are like the essence of the scriptures | The vibrancy of your shining form is known throughout the universe || Even while moving, standing, or lying down, we worship you | O Mother, bestow your grace upon us, who seek the ultimate welfare ||13|| |
पदार्चायां प्रीतिः प्रतिदिनमपूर्वा प्रभवतु । यथा ते प्रासन्न्यं प्रतिपलमपरक्ष्यं प्रणमताम् ।। अनल्पं तन्मातर्भवति भृतभक्तया भवतु नो । दिशातः सद्-भक्तिं भुवि भगवतां भूरि भवदाम् ।। १४ ।। |
Padārchāyāṁ prītiḥ pratidinamapūrvā prabhavatu | Yathā te prāsannyam pratipalamaparkṣyaṁ praṇamatām || Analpaṁ tanmātarbhavati bhṛtabhaktayā bhavatu no | Diśhātaḥ sad-bhaktiṁ bhuvi bhagavatāṁ bhūri bhavadām || 14 || |
May love arise for your lotus feet in the hearts of your devotees every day | May their love for you increase with each passing moment || Although my devotion may be insignificant, may it be accepted by you, O Mother | May the devotion of your devotees on Earth towards the divine be abundant ||14|| |
मम सकलरिपूणां वाङ्मुखे स्तम्भयाशु । भगवति रिपुजिह्वां कीलय प्रस्थतुल्याम् ।। व्यवसितखलबुद्धिं नाशयाऽऽशु प्रगल्भाम् । मम कुरु बहुकार्यं सत्कृपेऽम्ब प्रसीद ।। १५ ।। |
Mama sakalaripūṇāṁ vāṅmukhe stambhayāśhu | Bhagavati ripujihvāṁ kīlaya prasthatulyām || Vyavasitakhalabuddhiṁ nāśhayā’śhu pragalbhām | Mama kuru bahukāryaṁ satkṛpe’mba prasīda ||15|| |
O Mother, may my speech silence all my enemies immediately | May it pierce their tongues just like a sharp spear || May it destroy their fixed and wicked intellect swiftly | O Mother, bestow your grace upon me and enable me to accomplish many tasks ||15|| |
व्रजतु मम रिपुणां सद्यनि प्रेतसंस्था । करधृतगदया तान् घातयित्वाऽऽशु रोषात् ।। सधनवसनधान्यं सद्म तेषां प्रदह्य । पुनरपि बगला स्वस्थानमायातु शीघ्रम् ।। १६ ।। |
Vrajatu mama ripuṇāṁ sadyani preta-saṁsthā | Karadhṛtagadayā tān ghātayitvā’śhu roṣhāt | Sadhanavasanadhānyaṁ sadma teṣhāṁ pradahya | Punaraṁpi Bagalā svasthanamāyātu śīghram ||16|| |
Let my enemies perish instantly as soon as they set foot in my presence | With the blow of my uplifted mace, driven by anger || May their wealth, clothes, and grains be consumed by the fire of your rage | And may Goddess Bagala swiftly return to her own abode ||16|| |
करघृतुरिपुजिह्वा पीडनव्यग्रहस्तां । पुनरपि गदया तांस्ताडयन्तीं सुतन्त्राम् ।। प्रणतसुरगणानां पालिकां पीतवस्त्रां । बहुबलबगलान्तां पीतवस्त्रां नमामः ।। १७ ।। |
Karaghṛturipujihvā pīḍanavyagrahastāṁ | Punaraṁpi gadayā tāṁstāḍayantīṁ sutantrām || Praṇatasuragaṇānāṁ pālikāṁ pītavastrāṁ | Bahubalabagalāntāṁ pītavastrāṁ namāmaḥ ||17|| |
By clenching my fists, may I inflict pain on the tongues of my adversaries | And again, with my mace, may I strike them, rendering them powerless || I bow down to the protector of the celestial beings, adorned with yellow garments | Who possesses immense strength and power ||17|| |
हृदयवचनकायः कुर्वतां भक्तिपुञ्जं । प्रकटति करुणार्द्रा प्रीणती जल्पतीति ।। धनमथ बहुधान्यं पुत्रपौत्रादिवृद्धिः । सकलमपि किमेभ्यो देयमेवं त्ववश्यम् ।। १८ ।। |
Hṛdayavacanakāyaḥ kurvatāṁ bhaktipuñjaṁ | Prakaṭati karuṇārdhrā prīṇatī jalpatīti || Dhanamatha bahudhānyaṁ putrapautrādivṛddhiḥ | Sakalamapi kimebhyo deyamevaṁ tvavaśyam ||18|| |
May the cluster of devotees who offer their hearts and words | Reveal their tender devotion, overflowing with compassion and eloquence || May wealth, abundant grains, and the growth of children and grandchildren | Be given generously by you, O Mother, to all without exception ||18|| |
तव चरणसरोजं सर्वदा सेव्यमानं । द्रुहिणहरिहराद्यैर्देववृन्दैः शरण्यम् ।। मृदुलमपि शरं ते शर्म्मदं सूरिसेव्यं । वयमिह करवामो मातरेतद् विधेयम् ।। १९ ।। |
Tava caraṇasarohaṁ sarvadā sevyamānaṁ | Druhiṇaharihara-dyairdevavṛndaiḥ śaraṇyam || Mrudulamapi śaraṁ te śarmmadaṁ sūrisevyaṁ | Vayamiha karavāmo Mātaretad vidheyam ||19|| |
Your lotus feet, always worthy of reverence, are constantly served | By the assembly of celestial beings, including Vishnu, Shiva, and others || Even the softest blade of grass found here can become a cherished object of worship | May we have the opportunity to serve you, O Mother, as you desire ||19|| |
।। फल-श्रुति ।। |
बगलाहृदयस्तोत्रमिदं भक्तिसमन्वितः । पठेद् यो बगला तस्य प्रसन्ना पाठतो भवेत् ।। २० ।। |
Bagalahridaya Stotramidam bhakti-samanvitah | Pathed yo Bagala tasya prasannā pāthato bhavet || 20 || |
This Bagala Hridaya Stotra, when recited with devotion, Brings the favor of Bagala to the one who recites it || 20 || |
पीता ध्यान परो भक्तो यः श्रृणोत्यविकल्पत । निष्कल्मषो भवेन् मर्त्यो मृतो मोक्षमवाप्नुयात् ।। २१ ।। |
Pitā dhyāna paro bhakto yah śrṇotyavikalpat | Nishkalmasho bhaven martyo mṛto mokṣamavāpnuyāt || 21 || |
The devoted person who contemplates and listens without hesitation, Becomes free from impurities and attains liberation, even in mortal life || 21 || |
आश्विनस्य सिते पक्षे महाष्टम्यां दिवानिशम् । यस्त्विदं पठते प्रेम्णा बगलाप्रीतिमेति सः ।। २२ ।। |
Aśvinyasya site pakṣe mahāṣṭamyām divāniśam | Yastvidam pathe premṇā Bagalā-prītimeti sah || 22 || |
On the eighth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Ashwin, Whoever lovingly recites this gains Bagala’s affection || 22 || |
देव्यालये पठन् मर्त्यो बगलां ध्यायतीश्वरीम् । पीतवस्त्रावृतो यस्तु तस्य नश्यन्ति शत्रवः ।। २३ ।। |
Devyālaye pathan martyo Bagalām dhyāyatīśvarīm | Pītavastrāvṛto yastu tasya naśyanti śatravaḥ || 23 || |
A mortal who recites this and meditates upon Bagala in the temple, Clad in yellow garments, their enemies are destroyed || 23 || |
पीताचाररतो नित्यं पीतभूषां विचिन्तयन् । बगलां यः पठेन् नित्यं हृदयस्तोत्रमुत्तमम् ।। २४ ।। |
Pītācārarato nityam pīta-bhūṣāṁ vicintayan | Bagalām yah pathen nityam hṛdaya-stotramuttamam || 24 || |
Always engaged in the worship of the yellow-clad goddess, Reflecting on her adorned with yellow ornaments, Whoever daily recites this excellent Hridaya Stotra || 24 || |
न किञ्चिद्दुर्लभं तस्यदृश्यते जगतीतले । शत्रवो ग्लानिर्मायान्ति तस्य दर्शनमात्रतः ।। २५ ।। |
Na kiñcid-durlabham tasya dṛśyate jagatītale | Śatravo glānir māyānti tasya darshanamātratah || 25 || |
For such a person, nothing difficult is seen in this world, Enemies wither away merely by catching a glimpse of them || 25 || |
Benefits of Baglamukhi Hridaya Stotram:
The Baglamukhi Hridaya Stotram is a powerful prayer that invokes the blessings of Goddess Baglamukhi. We believe it to have a wide range of benefits, including:
Divine protection: The stotram creates a divine shield around the devotee, safeguarding them from negative energies, evil forces, and adversaries.
Victory over enemies: Goddess Baglamukhi is known as the granter of victory and the suppressor of enemies. By chanting the stotram with devotion, one can seek the divine intervention of the goddess to overcome obstacles, defeat enemies, and emerge triumphant in life.
Power and strength: The stotram imbues the practitioner with inner strength, courage, and determination. It helps in building resilience and facing challenges with a steadfast mind. By invoking the energy of Goddess Baglamukhi, one can tap into their own latent power and unleash their full potential.
Removal of obstacles: The stotram can help in removing obstacles and hurdles that hinder progress in various aspects of life. It clears the path, removes negativity, and facilitates smoother journeys towards success, prosperity, and spiritual growth.
Overall well-being: The blessings of Goddess Baglamukhi showered through this stotram encompass all aspects of life. It promotes overall well-being by fostering mental clarity, emotional stability, and physical vitality. The stotram is believed to bring prosperity, success, and harmony in all endeavors.