

Ganga Mahima Stotram: Hymn of Glory to the Sacred River Ganga

महिम्नस्तेऽपारं सकलसुखसारं त्रिपथगे प्रतर्त्तुं कूपारं जगति मतिमान् पारयति कः ।
तथापि त्वत्पादाम्बुजतरणिरज्ञोऽपि भवितुं समीहे तद्विप्रुट्क्षपितभवपङ्कः सुरधुनि ॥ १ ॥

Mahimnaste’pāraṁ sakalasukhasāraṁ tripathage prarttum kūpāraṁ jagati matimān pārayati kaḥ.
Tathāpi tvatpādāmbujataraṇirajño’pi bhavitum samīhe tadvipruṭkṣapitabhavapaṅkaḥ suradhuni. || 1 ||

O Mother Ganga, who is immeasurable, the essence of all happiness, the boat to cross the ocean of worldly existence, and the intelligence that leads the mind, who can describe your glory? Even though I am ignorant and unaware, I desire to swim across the ocean of material existence by taking shelter of your lotus feet, which can effortlessly eradicate the contamination of material existence.

समुद्भूता भूम्नश्चरणवनजातान्मधुरिपो-स्ततो धातुः पात्रे गदितगुणगात्रे समुषिता ।
पुनः शम्भोश्चूडासितकुसुममालायिततनुः सुरान्त्रीन्सत्कर्त्तुं किल जगति जागर्षि जननि ॥ २ ॥

Samudbhūtā bhūmnaścaraṇavanajātānmadhuripo-stato dhātuḥ pātre gaditaguṇagātre samuṣitā.
Punaḥ śambhoścūḍāsitakusumamālāyitatanuḥ surāntrīn satkṛttuṁ kil jagati jāgarṣi jani. || 2 ||

You, who have manifested from the Lord’s divine lotus feet, and who purify the Earth with the touch of your divine waters, your body adorned with the sweetly fragrant pollen of blooming lotus flowers, you bestow auspiciousness upon the demigods, and the universe is protected by your divine currents.

तवैश्वर्यं स्वर्योषिदमलशिरोगुच्छविगल-त्प्रसूनव्यालोलन्मधुकरसमुद्गीतचरिते ।
न चेशो भूतेशः पुनरथ न शेषो न च गुरुः परिज्ञातुं वक्तुं जननि मम धृष्टा मुखरता ॥ ३ ॥

Tavaīśvaryam svaryoṣidamalaśiroguccavigala-tparsūnavyālolanmadhukarasamudgītacarite.
Na ceśo bhūteśaḥ punaratha na śeśo na ca guruḥ parijñātuṁ vaktuṁ jani mama dhṛṣṭā mukharatā. || 3 ||

The splendor of your divine power is incomparable, like a river flowing through a forest, creating waves of sweet nectar-like songs. Lord Shiva, who wears the crescent moon on his head, cannot fully comprehend your greatness, nor can Lord Brahma, Lord Shesha, or any other recognized authorities describe it. O Mother, your glories remain concealed even from the wise.

अनङ्गारेरङ्गे कृतरमणरङ्गे शुचितया समाभग्नासङ्गे विहितभवभङ्गे तु भजताम् ।
विनश्यद्व्यासङ्गे प्रणतजनतायाः स्वपयसा तरङ्गप्रोत्तुङ्गे ननु जगति गङ्गे विजयसे ॥ ४ ॥

Anaṅgāreramge kṛtaramaṇaraṅge śucitayā samābhagnāsaṅge vihitabhavabhaṅge tu bhajatām.
Vinaśyadvyāsaṅge praṇatajanatāyāḥ svapayasā taraṅgaprottuṅge nanu jagati gaṅge vijayase. || 4 ||

In the form of Anangaranga, you play joyfully in the divine pastimes, with your sacred waters splashing in all directions. You destroy the threefold miseries, wash away the sins of the fallen souls, remove their despair, and bestow them with liberation. O victorious Ganga, you rise like a great wave, conquering the world.

हरन्ती सन्तापं त्रिविधमथ पापं जलजुषां दिशन्ती सन्देशं क्षपितभवलेशं सुकृतिनाम् ।
तुदन्ती नैराश्यं कलुषमथ दास्यं प्रददती विलोलत्कल्लोले विबुधवरवीथिर्विजयसे ॥ ५ ॥

Harantī santāpaṁ trividhamatha pāpaṁ jalajuṣāṁ diśantī sandeśaṁ kṣapitabhavaleśaṁ sukṛtinām.
Tudantī nairāśyaṁ kaluṣamatha dāsyaṁ pradadatī vilolatkallole vibudhavaravīthirvijayase. || 5 ||

You remove the burning distress of the living entities, you point them towards virtuous paths, and cleanse their sinful reactions. You alleviate their hopelessness, and give them the gift of service. O Mother, you adorn the three worlds like a celestial river, and you are glorified as Bhagirathi, the fortunate daughter of King Sagara.

ददाना वात्सल्यं शमितशमशल्यं स्वपयसा दधाना तारुण्यं तरुणकरुणापूर्णहृदया ।
वसाना कौशेयं शशिनिभममेयं भगवति पुनाना त्रैलोक्यं जयसि ननु भागीरथि शुभे ॥ ६ ॥

Dadānā vātsalyaṁ śamitaśamashalyaṁ svapayasā dadhānā tāruṇyaṁ taruṇakaruṇāpūrṇahṛdayā.
Vasānā kauśeyaṁ śaśinibhamameyaṁ bhagavati punānā trailokyaṁ jayasi nanu bhāgīrathi śubhe. || 6 ||

Some see you as formless and attributeless, while others adore you with various forms and consider themselves blessed. Some perform severe austerities to please you, and we, who are constantly immersed in your formless nectarine currents, always worship your divine lotus feet.

निराकारं केचित्प्रणिदधत आवर्जितधियो नराकारं चान्ये प्रणतिरतिधन्ये स्वमनसि ।
त्रिभिस्तापैस्तप्ताः पुनरथ परं केचन वयं सदा नीराकारं सुरनदि भजामस्तव पदम् ॥ ७ ॥

Nirākāraṁ kecitpraṇidadhata āvarjitadhiyo narākāraṁ cānye praṇatiratidhanye svamanasi.
Tribhistāpaistaptāḥ punaratha paraṁ kecana vayaṁ sadā nīrākāraṁ suranadi bhajāmastava padam. || 7 ||

I do not know the Lord of speech, nor do I know the consort of Shachi (Indra’s wife), the abode of secrecy, the consort of Gauri (Parvati), or even the Lord of all gods, Lord Ganesh. O Mother, I only know your sacred waters, which are separate from and beyond the material realm.

न जाने वागीशं नहि किल शचीशं न च गुहम् न जाने गौरीशं नहि किल गणेशं नहि गुरुम् ।
न चैवान्यान्देवान् प्रियविविधसेवान् त्रिपथगे सदा रामाभिन्नं ननु जननि जाने तव जलम् ॥ ८ ॥

Na jāne vāgīśaṁ nahi kila śacīśaṁ na ca guham na jāne gaurīśaṁ nahi kila gaṇeśaṁ nahi gurum.
Na caivānyāndevān priyavidhisevān tripathage sadā rāmābhinnaṁ nanu jani tava jalam. || 8 ||

You consume the distress of the five elements, the bewildering activities of various deeds, and the illusion created by Maya. O Mother Ganga, the daughter of the Sun, your water purifies and sanctifies everything. Victory to you, O Jahnavi (another name for Ganga), who has the power to swiftly destroy obstacles and the most tangled sins.

पचत्कायक्लेशं विविधविधकर्मभ्रममलं हरन्मायालेशं रविसुतनिदेशं विफलयन् ।
द्रुतं विघ्नद्विघ्नान् कुटिलकलिनिघ्नान् विकलय-न्महामोहं गङ्गे जयति भुवि ते जाह्नवि जलम् ॥ ९ ॥

Pacatkāyakleśaṁ vividhavidhakarmabrahmamalaṁ haranmāyāleśaṁ ravisutanideśaṁ vifalyan.
Drutaṁ vighndvighnān kuṭilakalinighnān vikalayannmahāmohaṁ gaṅge jayati bhuvi te jāhnvi jalam. || 9 ||

You are capable of removing the impurity of the mind caused by desires, and bestowing immaculate fame upon those who surrender to you. Your divine waters are the essence of nectar, the destroyer of impurities, and filled with the essence of knowledge. O Ganga, it is heard that even before the creation, your sacred waters were glorified.

उदन्वन्नैराश्यं दमयितुमथाविष्कृततनो-र्मनोर्वंशं हंसार्पितविमलकीर्तिं प्रथयितुम् ।
सुधासारं सारस्वतहतविकारं श्रुतमयं तवापूर्वं पूर्वं प्रणिगदति गङ्गे जलमलम् ॥ १० ॥

Udanvannairāśyaṁ damayitumathāviṣkṛtatano-rmanorvaṁśaṁ haṁsārpitavimalakīrtiṁ prathayitum.
Sudhāsāraṁ sārasvatahatavikāraṁ śrutamayaṁ tavāpūrvaṁ pūrvaṁ praṇigadati gaṅge jalamalam. || 10 ||

May I be able to pacify my restless mind by drinking the nectar of your sacred waters, which cleanse away the contamination of material existence. May I offer my humble obeisances to you, O Mother Ganga, whose current is swift and whose fame is pure.

किमेतत्सौन्दर्यं धृतवपुरथो बालशशिनः किमाहो माधुर्यं जनकतनयाप्रेममहितम् ।
द्रुतब्रह्मीभूतं परममथ पूतं वसुमती-विराजत्पीयूषं शुचि वहति गाङ्गं जलमहो ॥ ११ ॥

Kimetat saundaryaṁ dhṛtavapura-tho bālaśaśinaḥ kimāho mādhuryaṁ janaka-tanayā-prema-mahitam.
Drutabrahmībhūtaṁ paramamatha pūtaṁ vasumatī-virājat-pīyūṣaṁ śuci vahati gāṅgaṁ jala-maho. || 11 ||

What is the beauty of the Himalayas compared to your divine form, O Shambhu? What is the sweetness of a child compared to the love between Janaka’s daughter and You? The holy river Ganga, carrying pure water from the immaculate mountain, flows joyfully in your matted hair.

मुनीन्द्रा योगीन्द्रा यमनियमनिष्ठाः श्रुतिपरा विरक्ताः संन्यस्ताः सततमनुरक्ता दृढधियः ।
वसन्तस्त्वत्तीरे मलयजसमीरे सुमनसो लभन्ते तत्तत्त्वं सुविमलपरब्रह्ममहितम् ॥ १२ ॥

Munīndrā yogīndrā yama-niyama-niṣṭhāḥ śrutiparā viraktāḥ saṁnyastāḥ satata-manuraktāḥ dṛḍhadhiyaḥ.
Vasanta-stvat-tīre malayaja-samīre sumanaso labhante tattvam suvimala-para-brahma-mahitam. || 12 ||

The sages, yogis, masters of self-control, devoted to the principles of discipline and the scriptures, renounced worldly attachments, and with unwavering intellect, they attain pure knowledge of the supreme Brahman by dwelling on the banks of the Yamuna, in the fragrant breeze of the Malaya mountains during spring.

विरक्ता वैराग्यं परममथ भाग्यं सुकृतिनः सुसन्तस्सन्तोषं विमलगुणपोषं मुनिगणा ।
नृपा राज्यं प्राज्यं गृहिण इतरे भूरिविभवं लभन्ते वै त्वत्तस्त्वमसि सुरधेनुस्तनुभृताम् ॥ १३ ॥

Viraktā vairāgyaṁ paramamatha bhāgyaṁ su-kṛtinaḥ susantassantoṣaṁ vimala-guṇapoṣaṁ munigaṇāḥ.
Nṛpā rājyaṁ prājyaṁ gṛhiṇa itare bhūri-vibhavaṁ labhante vai tvattas-tvamasi suradhenu-stanubhṛtām. || 13 ||

The fortunate ones who have renounced worldly desires, attained dispassion, and are content with the nourishment of your divine qualities, O Gangadhara, gain dominion over empires, kingdoms, and households. They realize that You are the ultimate wealth for those who are born with limited bodies.

गतैश्वर्यान् दीनान् कपिलमुनिकोपाग्निशलभान् निमग्नाञ्छोकाब्धौ सगरनृपतेर्वीक्ष्य तनयान् ।
कृपासिन्धुर्भागीरथविनतभावोग्रतपसा द्रुतायाता गङ्गा ननु सकरुणं मातृहृदयम् ॥ १४ ॥

Gataiśvaryān dīnān kapila-muni-kopāgni-śalabhān nimagnāñchokābdhau sa-gara-nṛpater-vīkṣya tanayān.
Kṛpā-sindhur-bhāgīratha-vinata-bhāvogra-tapasā drutāyātā gaṅgā nanu sakaruṇaṁ mātṛ-hṛdayam. || 14 ||

Seeing their sons falling into the flaming fire of the sage Kapila’s anger, King Sagara’s descendants, immersed in the ocean of sorrow, were unable to find a solution. Then, with his intense penance, Bhagiratha brought the compassionate Ganga swiftly to cleanse their heart.

मुरारेः पादाब्जस्स्रुतपरममारन्दममलं द्रुतं व्योम्नो वेगान्मधुमथनपादोदकमिति ।
दधौ मूर्ध्ना शर्वो विलुलितजटाजूटचषके ततो लोके ख्यातस्त्रिदशनदि गङ्गाधर इति ॥ १५ ॥

Murāreḥ pādābjassruta-parama-mārandamamalaṁ drutaṁ vyomno vegān madhu-mathana-pādodakamiti.
Dadhau mūrdhnā śarvo vilulita-jaṭājūṭa-chaṣake tato loke khyātas tridaśa-nadi gaṅgādhara iti. || 15 ||

When Lord Hari’s lotus feet, the pure abode of the Ganges, touched Shiva’s head, the holy river swiftly flowed through the sky with great force, and since then, in this world, she is known as Ganga, the bearer of heavenly fame.

पतन्ती पातित्यं क्षपयितुमहो गाञ्च गगना-द्गता गङ्गेत्येवं जननि भुवने ख्यातिमगमः ।
ततः पीत्वोन्मुक्ता परमयमिना जह्नुमुनिना अतस्त्वां वै प्राहुर्विबुधनिकरा जह्नुतनयाम् ॥ १६ ॥

Patanntī pātityaṁ kṣapayitumaho gāñca gaganād-gatā gaṅgātyevaṁ jani bhuva-ne khyātimagamaḥ.
Tataḥ pītvonmuktā paramayā minā jahnumuninā atastvāṁ vai prāhur-vibudha-nikarā jahnutanayām. || 16 ||

O Mother Ganga, by descending from the heavens, falling to the earth, and purifying the sinful, you have gained immense fame. After being consumed by Lord Shiva, you were released by the great sage Jahnu. Thus, the wise call you Jahnuta’s daughter.

सुधाधारा धाराहतभवविकारा प्रतिपृष-द्वहन्ती राजन्ती रजतसुममालेव धरणेः ।
सुवत्से श्रीवत्साम्बुजचरणसौन्दर्यसुषमा जयत्येषा गङ्गा तरलिततरङ्गा त्रिपथगा ॥ १७ ॥

Sudhādhārā dhārā-hata-bhava-vikārā pratipṛṣa-dvahantī rājantī rajata-sumamāleva dharaṇeḥ.
Suvatse śrīvatsāmbuja-caraṇa-saundarya-suṣamā jayaty eṣā gaṅgā taralita-taraṅgā tripathagā. || 17 ||

Ganga, the restless and ever-flowing river, adorned with waves resembling rows of precious gems, shines beautifully like a garland of pure lotus flowers. She triumphantly reigns on the earth, displaying her threefold form.

क्वचिद्विष्णोः पार्श्वे कृतकमनकन्यावपुरहो क्वचिद्धातुः पात्रे गुणगरिमसर्वस्वममलम् ।
क्वचित्कान्ता शान्ता पुरहरजटाजूटलसिता विधत्से सौभाग्यं त्रिषु त्रिविधरूपा त्रिपथगे ॥ १८ ॥

Kvacidviṣṇoḥ pārśve kṛtakamanakanyā-vapura-ho kvaciddhātuḥ pātre guṇa-garima-sarvasvamamalam.
Kvacitkāntā śāntā purahara-jaṭājūṭa-lasitā vidhatse saubhāgyaṁ triṣu trividha-rūpā tripthagā. || 18 ||

At times, you appear as a virgin, gracefully residing by Lord Vishnu’s side, and at other times, you manifest as a dark-haired maiden, peacefully dwelling in the vessel of Lord Shiva’s head. In various forms, O Ganga, you possess all qualities and remain untainted.

द्रवन्ती त्वं वेगादभिजलनिधिं गोमुखतला-त्सहस्रैर्धाराणां निहतशतशैलेन्द्रशिखरा ।
समुद्धर्तुं मातर्निरयपतितान् राजतनयान् स्ववत्सान् वात्सल्यात् किल गवसि गौरीसहचरी ॥ १९ ॥

Dravantī tvaṁ vegād-abhijalani-dhiṁ gomukha-talāt-sahasrairdhārāṇāṁ nihata-śataśailendra-śikharaḥ.
Samuddhartuṁ mātar-nirayapaititān rājatana-yān svavatsān vātsalyāt kila gavasi gaurī-sahacarī. || 19 ||

You, O Ganga, with a thousand streams flowing forcefully from the mountains like the peak of Mount Meru, uplift the fallen sons of the king and provide motherly affection to your own calves. Thus, you and Gauri (Parvati) together bestow great fortune.

प्रयाता शैलेन्द्राद्विमलितहरिद्वारधरणी प्रयागे सद्रागे समगतमुदा सूर्यसुतया ।
ततोऽकार्षीः काशीं सुकृतसुखराशिं स्वपयसा महीयांसं मातस्तव च महिमा कं न कुरुते ॥ २० ॥

Prayātā śailendrādvimalita-haridvāra-dharaṇī prayāge sadrāge samagata-mudā sūrya-sutayā.
Tato’kārṣīḥ kāśīṁ su-kṛta-sukharāśiṁ svapayasā mahīyāṁsaṁ mātastva cha mahimā kaṁ na kurute. || 20 ||

Departing from the Himalayas, flowing with purity and power, and meeting with the Yamuna at Prayaga, O daughter of the sun, you then graciously move on to Kashi, the abode of eternal bliss. O Mother, your magnificence knows no bounds!

महापापास्तापापहतमनसो मन्दमतयः क्षपाटा वाचाटाः पतितपतिता मोहमलिनाः ।
त्वयि स्नात्वा शुद्धा विमलवपुषो विष्णुसदनं व्रजन्त्येतेऽगम्योऽमरनदि तव स्नानमहिमा ॥ २१ ॥

Mahāpāpāstāpāpahatamanaso mandamatayaḥ kṣapāṭā vācāṭāḥ patitapatitā mohamalināḥ.
Tvayi snātvā śuddhā vimalavapuṣo viṣṇusadanaṁ vrajantyetē’gamyō’maranadi tava snānamahimā. || 21 ||

Oh Ganga! Those who have committed great sins, whose minds are impure and deluded, by bathing in you, they become pure, with immaculate bodies, and they reach the abode of Lord Vishnu that is unattainable even for the gods. O Ganga! Your bathing is glorious.

रटन्तः साम्रेडं हरहरहरेतिध्वनिमहो कटन्तः कारुण्यं क्षपितनिजभक्ताघनिकराः ।
वटन्तो वात्सल्यं तुलितरघुनाथैकयशसो जयन्त्येते गाङ्गा दिशि दिशि तरङ्गास्तरलिताः ॥ २२ ॥

Raṭantaḥ sāmrēḍaṁ haraharaharētidhvanimahō kaṭantaḥ kāruṇyaṁ kṣapitanijabhaktāghanikarāḥ.
Vaṭantō vātsalyaṁ tulitara-ghanāthaikayaśasō jayantyetē gāṅgā diśi diśi tarangāstaralitāḥ. || 22 ||

These waves, making the sound of ‘Hara Hara,’ are constantly chanting the names of Lord Shiva. They shower their benevolence on the devotees who are darkened by sins. O Ganga! The glory of your affection, equaling the fame of Lord Rama, conquers in all directions like the waves of the Ganges.

वसन्गङ्गातीरे कृततृणकुटीरे प्रतिदिनं निमज्जंस्त्वत्तीरे शिशिरितसमीरेऽमृतजलम् ।
मुदाचामन्सीतापतिपदसरोजार्चनपरो यमाद्रामानन्दः कथमुपरि भीतो भुवि भवेत् ॥ २३ ॥

Vasangāṅgātīrē kṛtatṛṇakuṭīrē pratidinaṁ nimajjantvat-tīrē śiśiritasamīrē’mṛtajalam.
Mudācāmansītāpatipadasarōjārcanaparō yamādrāmānandaḥ kathamupari bhītō bhuvi bhavēt. || 23 ||

On the banks of the Ganges, in a hut made of grass, daily immersing in your holy water, Lord Yama himself (the god of death) experiences the joy of Lord Rama’s bliss. How then can I, who am afraid of Yama, not be in awe of your glory, O Ganga?

तवाद्भिः स्यां विष्णुर्नहि नहि तदा स्यान्मम पदे अथो शम्भुश्चेन्नो शिवसमतया स्यामहमघी ।
अतो याचे भागीरथि पुनरहं देवि भवतीं वसन् त्वत्तीरेषु स्वमनसि भजेयं रघुपतिम् ॥ २४ ॥

Tvādbhissyāṁ viṣṇurnahi nahi tadā syānmama padē athō śambhuscēnno śivasamatayā syāmahaṁaghi.
Atō yācē bhāgīrathi punaraham dēvi bhavatīṁ vasan tvattīrēṣu svamanasi bhajēyaṁ raghupatim. || 24 ||

I do not want Vishnu if he is not pleased with you, and I do not want Shiva if he is not equal to you. Therefore, O Bhagirathi (another name for Ganga), I beseech you, may I reside in your thoughts and worship Lord Rama in your sacred waters.

कदा गङ्गातीरे मलयजसमीरे किल वसन् स्मरन्सीतारामौ पुलकिततनुः साश्रुनयनः ।
अये मातर्गङ्गे रघुपतिपदाम्भोरुहरतिं प्रदेहीत्यायाचे ननु निमिषमेष्यामि ससुखम् ॥ २५ ॥

Kadā gaṅgātīrē malayajasamīrē kila vasan smaransi tārāmau pulakitatanuḥ sāśrunayanaḥ.
Aye mātargaṅgē raghupatipadāmbhoruhatiṁ pradēhītyāyācē nanu nimiṣamēṣyāmi sasukham. || 25 ||.

When will I, with my body trembling, eyes filled with tears, reside near the lotus feet of Lord Rama, remembering him, living on the banks of the river Ganga, which is as cool as nectar? O mother Ganga! Grant me this happiness even for a moment.

विशेष्यं सोद्देश्यं यदनघमनन्तं चिदचिदो विशिष्टं यत्ताभ्यां श्रुतिगणगिरा गीतचरितम् ।
यदद्वैतं ब्रह्म प्रथितमथ यद्व्यापकमिदं सदेतत्तत्तत्त्वं त्वमसि किल गङ्गे भगवति ॥ २६ ॥

Viśēṣyaṁ sōddēśyaṁ yadanaghamanantaṁ cidacidō viśiṣṭaṁ yattābhyāṁ śrutigaṇagirā gītacaritam.
Yadadvaitaṁ brahma prathitamatha yadvyāpakamidaṁ sadētattattvam tvamasi kil gaṅgē bhagavati. || 26 ||

I offer my salutations to you, Ganga, the one who removes impurities, the one with immeasurable glory. I offer my salutations to you, Ganga, the one who delights in protecting the righteous. I offer my salutations to you, Ganga, the one with gentle waves, and I offer my salutations to you, Ganga, the mother of all.

त्वमग्निस्त्वं वायुस्त्वमसि रविचन्द्रौ त्वमसि भू-स्त्वमापस्त्वं व्योम त्वमसि शुचिबुद्धिस्त्वमु मनः ।
त्वमात्मा त्वं चित्तं त्वमसि मम गौस्त्वं किल पर-स्त्वमेतत्सर्वं मे भगवति सतत्त्वं जगदहो ॥ २७ ॥

Tvamagnistvaṁ vāyustvamasi ravichandrau tvamasi bhūstvamāpastvam vyōma tvamasi śucibuddhistvamu manaḥ.
Tvamātmā tvam cittaṁ tvamasi mama gautvam kila paraḥtvamētatsarvaṁ mē bhagavati satattvam jagadahō. || 27 ||

I bow to you, Ganga, the one who is praised in all the sacred scriptures, the one who is limitless and eternal. I bow to you, Ganga, the one who bestows purity and sanctity, the one who cleanses the sins of the fallen. O mother Ganga! I bow to you, the restless and holy river.

विलोलत्कल्लोलां हृतकुमतिदोलां शुचिपयः पवित्रत्पातालां क्षपितजनकालां कलजलाम् ।
द्रवब्रह्मीभूतां सगरसुतसंसारतरणीं नमामि त्वां गङ्गां तरलिततरङ्गां स्वजननीम् ॥ २८ ॥

Vilōlatkallōlāṁ hṛtakumatidōlāṁ śucipayas pavitrattapātālāṁ kṣapitajanakālāṁ kalajalām.
Dravabrahmībhūtāṁ sagarasutasamsārataraṇīṁ namāmi tvāṁ gaṅgāṁ taralitatarangāṁ svajananim. || 28 ||

Salutations to the embodiment of righteousness, incomparable in glory. Salutations to the embodiment of compassion, the king of kings. Salutations to the embodiment of knowledge, lighter than the lightest. Salutations to you, Ganga Devi, who flows from the mountain and purifies all.

नमो धर्मिष्ठायै निरुपममहिम्नेऽस्तु च नमो नमो नर्मिष्ठायै नरपतिनरिम्णेऽस्तु च नमः ।
नमो नेदिष्ठायै लघुमतिलघिम्नेऽस्तु च नमो नमस्ते गङ्गायै गिरिगतिगरिम्णेऽस्तु च नमः ॥ २९ ॥

Namaḥ dharmiṣṭhāyai nirupamamahimnē’stu cha namaḥ namaḥ narmiṣṭhāyai narapatinarimṇē’stu cha namaḥ.
Namaḥ nēdiṣṭhāyai laghumatilaghimnē’stu cha namaḥ namastē gaṅgāyai girigatigarimnē’stu cha namaḥ. || 29 ||

विबुधसरिते नित्यख्यात्यै नमोऽस्तु नमोऽस्तु ते विमलरजसे वेदस्तुत्यै नमोऽस्तु नमोऽस्तु ते ।
धवलमहसे विद्याभूत्यै नमोऽस्तु नमोऽस्तु ते अमृतपयसे गङ्गादेव्यै नमोऽस्तु नमोऽस्तु ते ॥ ३० ॥

Vibudhasaritē nityakhyātyai namō’stu namō’stu tē vimalarajasē vēdastutyaī namō’stu namō’stu tē.
Dhavalamahasē vidyābhūtyai namō’stu namō’stu tē amṛtapayasē gaṅgādēvyai namō’stu namō’stu tē. || 30 ||

Salutations to you, Ganga, who is renowned in all the scriptures eternally. Salutations to you, whose praises are sung by the pure and the virtuous. Salutations to you, Ganga, who is as white as snow. Salutations to you, Ganga Devi, who is the source of divine nectar.

क्व च कलिमललीना पापपीना मतिर्मे क्व च परमपवित्रं जाह्नवीसच्चरित्रम् ।
त्वदनु चरितभक्तिः प्रैरयन्मां हि रातुं जननि तव पदाब्जे पद्यपुष्पोपहारम् ॥ ३१ ॥

Kva cha kalimalalīnā pāpapīnā matirmē kva cha paramapavitraṁ jāhnavīsaccaritram.
Tvadanu charitabhaktiḥ prairayanmāṁ hi rātuṁ jani tava padābje padyapuṣpōpahāram. || 31 ||

Where is the desire for the sin-stained and impure mind of mine, and where is the supremely sacred character of the daughter of Jahnavi (Ganga)? O Mother, let my devotion towards your divine deeds reside in your lotus feet as an offering of poetic flowers.

हरिचरणसरोजस्यन्दभूताञ्च भूयः श्रितविधिजलपात्रां चन्द्रचूडार्यमौलिम् ।
नृपरतिरथ भूमौ दर्शमायास गङ्गा-मनुयुगमिह यत्नो भाति भागीरथोऽयम् ॥ ३२ ॥

Haricharaṇasarōjasyandabhūtāñcha bhūyaḥ śritavidhijalapātrāṁ chandrachūḍāryamaulim.
Nṛparatiratha bhūmau darśamāyāsa gaṅgā-manuyugamiha yatno bhāti bhāgīrathō’yam. || 32 ||

This Bhagirathi (Ganga), which emerged from the sacred feet of Lord Vishnu, has become the desire of kings, sages, and gods. This Bhagirathi, by its mere presence in this world, adorns the earth, the chariots of mighty warriors, and the sacred land.

वन्दे भगीरथं भूपं भग्नसंसारकूपकम् ।
यश्चानिनाय गङ्गाख्यं वसुधायां सुधारसम् ॥ ३३ ॥

Vande bhagīrathaṁ bhūpaṁ bhagnasamsārakūpakam.
Yashchānināya gaṅgākhyaṁ vasudhāyāṁ sudhārasam. || 33 ||

I salute King Bhagiratha, who shattered the abyss of worldly existence, and who made the Ganges famous on this earth, which is like the elixir of life. There is no greater bath than the bath in the Ganga, and there is no greater eulogy than the eulogy of the glory of Ganga.

गङ्गास्नानात्परं स्नानं नास्ति नास्तीह भूतले ।
नास्ति कापि स्तुतिर्गङ्गामहिम्नस्तोत्रतः परा ॥ ३४ ॥

Gaṅgāsnānātparam snānam nāsti nāstīha bhūtale.
Nāsti kāpi stutirgaṅgāmahimnastōtrataḥ parā. || 34 ||

Neither on this earth nor in any other place, is there a bath equal to the bath in the Ganges. There is no praise greater than the praise of the magnificence of Ganga.

यः पठेच्छृणुयाद्वापि गङ्गाग्रे श्रद्धयान्वितः ।
सर्वपापैर्विनिर्मुक्तो व्रजेद्विष्णोः परं पदम् ॥ ३५ ॥

Yaḥ paṭhechchṛṇuyādvāpi gaṅgāgrē śraddhayānvitaḥ.
Sarvapāpairvinirmukto vrajedviṣṇōḥ paraṁ padam. || 35 ||

Whoever recites or listens to this with faith on the banks of the Ganges, becomes liberated from all sins and attains the supreme abode of Lord Vishnu.

षडर्णान्न परो मन्त्रो महिम्नो न परा स्तुतिः ।
श्रीरामान्न परो देवो गङ्गाया न परा नदी ॥ ३६ ॥

Ṣaḍarṇānna parō mantrō mahimnō na parā stutiḥ.
Śrīrāmānna parō dēvō gaṅgāyā na parā nadī. || 36 ||

There is no greater mantra than the six syllables (Om Namah Shivaya), no greater hymn than the hymn of the glory (Ganga Stotram), and no greater deity than Lord Rama. There is no greater river than the Ganges.

श्रीरामचन्द्रगुणगायकरामभद्रा- चार्येण देवगिरि गीतमनुस्मरेद्यः ।
स्तोत्रं सुभक्तिकलितस्तनुतां प्रसन्ना गङ्गामहिम्नमिति तस्य सुखानि गङ्गा ॥ ३७ ॥

Śrīrāmachandraguṇagāyakarāmabhadra- chāryēṇa dēvagiri gītamanusmarēdyaḥ.
Stōtraṁ subhaktikalitastanutāṁ prasannā gaṅgāmahimnamiti tasya sukhāni gaṅgā. || 37 ||

Those who remember the song sung by Devagiri (Adi Shankaracharya), the composer of the virtues of Lord Rama, with sincere devotion, the Ganges bestows happiness upon them, being pleased by this hymn dedicated to her glory.

Benefits of Ganga Mahima Stotram:

Purification of the Mind: The stotram helps in purifying the mind and eliminating negative thoughts and impurities. It invokes devotion and reverence towards Ganga, which can lead to mental clarity and inner peace.

Spiritual Cleansing: By reciting the stotram, one can experience a sense of spiritual cleansing. It is believed that the sacred vibrations of the stotram resonate with the divine energy of Ganga, purifying the soul and washing away past sins.

Liberation from Sins: The stotram states that those who recite or listen to it with faith on the banks of the Ganges become liberated from all sins. It is thought that the chanting of this hymn serves as a potent method of obtaining forgiveness and spiritual absolution.

Connection with the Divine: By immersing oneself in the verses of the stotram, one can establish a deep connection with the divine energy of Ganga. This connection fosters a sense of devotion, love, and surrender, allowing the devotee to experience a profound union with the divine presence.

Enhancing Spiritual Practice: Incorporating the recitation of the Ganga Mahimna Stotram into daily spiritual practices can enhance one’s spiritual journey. It can deepen one’s connection to the sacred river Ganga and facilitate a greater understanding of its significance in Hindu mythology and spirituality.

Shiva Manasa Puja Stotram: Recite with Devotion for Spiritual Upliftment
Kaal Bhairav ​​Tandava Stotram: Benefits, Meaning, and Significance

Comments (11)

  1. Shweta Sodhi

    Every line is so divine and meaningful. Loved it!

  2. Palak Mitra

    This stotram makes me feel connected to the divine.

  3. Parth Rajan

    This blog post is an inspiration to reconnect with my spiritual side.

  4. Ritesh Chopra

    Your site is a treasure trove for devotional songs and aartis.

  5. Pavan Sangwan

    Listening to this with closed eyes transports me to a temple. Thank you!

  6. Nitin Kaul

    Your posts are like a spiritual retreat online.

  7. Nidhi Thakur

    The simplicity of your posts makes them accessible to everyone.

  8. Gayatri Rathi

    Your blog is preserving our spiritual heritage for future generations.

  9. Rajat Sinha

    Your blog has become a source of peace and joy for me.

  10. Urvashi Khurana

    This section has deepened my spiritual journey. Thank you!

  11. Gaurav Singh

    Such detailed descriptions make these Stotram even more meaningful.

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