

Gajendra Moksha Stotram: Liberating Prayers for Overcoming Challenges and Material Suffering

Sanskrit / Hindi  Translation  Meaning
एवं व्यवसितो बुद्ध्या
समाधाय मनो हृदि।
जजाप परमं जाप्यं
śrī-bādarāyaṇir uvāca
evaṁ vyavasito buddhyā
samādhāya mano hṛdi
jajāpa paramaṁ jāpyaṁ
prāg-janmany anuśikṣitam
With a well-controlled intellect, having concentrated the mind within the heart, one should constantly chant the supreme and worthy mantra, learned from a realized preceptor.
ॐ नमो भगवते तस्मै
यत एतच्चिदात्मकम।
oṁ namo bhagavate tasmai
yata etah cid-ātmakam
I offer my obeisance to that Supreme Being, who is the embodiment of pure consciousness, the source of all beings, and is known as the supreme divine.
यस्मिन्निदं यतश्चेदं
येनेदं य इदं स्वयं।
योस्मात्परस्माच्च परस्तं
प्रपद्ये स्वयम्भुवम॥
yasminn idaṁ yataś cedaṁ
yenedaṁ ya idaṁ svayam
yo ’smāt parasmāc ca paras
taṁ prapadye svayambhuvam
From whom this originated, by whom it is sustained, in whom it dissolves, and unto whom it merges back again—I surrender unto that self-existent supreme reality.
यः स्वात्मनीदं निजमाययार्पितं
क्कचिद्विभातं क्क च तत्तिरोहितम।
अविद्धदृक साक्ष्युभयं तदीक्षतेस
आत्ममूलोवतु मां परात्परः॥
yaḥ svātmanīdaṁ nija-māyayārpitaṁ
kvacid vibhātaṁ kva ca tat tirohitam
aviddha-dṛk sākṣy ubhayaṁ tad īkṣate
sa ātma-mūlo ’vatu māṁ parāt-paraḥ
May that supreme reality, who, by its own maya, manifests this world, which appears as real and then disappears like an illusion, and who is realized by those with an unwavering vision, establish me in its own essence.
कालेन पंचत्वमितेषु कृत्स्नशो
लोकेषु पालेषु च सर्व हेतुषु।
तमस्तदाऽऽऽसीद गहनं गभीरं
यस्तस्य पारेऽभिविराजते विभुः।।
kālena pañcatvam iteṣu kṛtsnaśo
lokeṣu pāleṣu ca sarva-hetuṣu
tamas tadāsīd gahanaṁ gabhīraṁ
yas tasya pāre ’bhivirājate vibhuḥ
By the power of time, this supreme reality assumes the form of all beings and is the cause behind the existence and preservation of the entire universe. That supreme being, whose profundity is unfathomable, shines forth beyond all limitations.
न यस्य देवा ऋषयः पदं विदु
र्जन्तुः पुनः कोऽर्हति गन्तुमीरितुम।
यथा नटस्याकृतिभिर्विचेष्टतो
दुरत्ययानुक्रमणः स मावतु॥
na yasya devā ṛṣayaḥ padaṁ vidur
jantuḥ punaḥ ko ’rhati gantum īritum
yathā naṭasyākṛtibhir viceṣṭato
duratyayānukramaṇaḥ sa māvatu
That supreme reality, whose divine abode and nature are not comprehended even by celestial beings and sages, cannot be reached by any means. May that supreme reality protect us, just as a well-trained actor skillfully performs various roles on stage.
दिदृक्षवो यस्य पदं सुमंगल
मविमुक्त संगा मुनयः सुसाधवः।
चरन्त्यलोकव्रतमव्रणं वने
भूतत्मभूता सुहृदः स मे गतिः॥
didṛkṣavo yasya padaṁ sumaṅgalaṁ
vimukta-saṅgā munayaḥ susādhavaḥ
caranty aloka-vratam avraṇaṁ vane
bhūtātma-bhūtāḥ suhṛdaḥ sa me gatiḥ
Those saintly individuals, who have attained liberation and have dedicated themselves to the auspicious feet of that supreme reality, wander in the world without attachment, observing the vows of self-control. They are compassionate to all living beings, and they are my refuge.
न विद्यते यस्य न जन्म कर्म वा
न नाम रूपे गुणदोष एव वा।
तथापि लोकाप्ययाम्भवाय यः
स्वमायया तान्युलाकमृच्छति॥
na vidyate yasya ca janma karma vā
na nāma-rūpe guṇa-doṣa eva vā
tathāpi lokāpyaya-sambhavāya yaḥ
sva-māyayā tāny anukālam ṛcchati
That supreme reality, who is beyond the influence of ignorance, birth, and actions, and is beyond the limitations of name, form, and qualities, manifests these through its own divine maya for the welfare of the world.
तस्मै नमः परेशाय
नम आश्चर्य कर्मणे॥
tasmai namaḥ pareśāya
brahmaṇe ’nanta-śaktaye
nama āścarya-karmaṇe
I offer my salutations to that Supreme Lord, who is the master of infinite powers, who is formless and yet manifests various forms, and whose divine actions are awe-inspiring.
नम आत्म प्रदीपाय
साक्षिणे परमात्मने।
नमो गिरां विदूराय
nama ātma-pradīpāya
sākṣiṇe paramātmane
namo girāṁ vidūrāya
manasaś cetasām api
I bow to the self-illuminating Atman, the witness, the Supreme Soul. I offer my salutations to the one who is beyond all words, and who is present in the minds and intellects of all beings.
सत्त्वेन प्रतिलभ्याय
नैष्कर्म्येण विपश्चिता।
नमः केवल्यनाथाय
sattvena pratilabhyāya
naiṣkarmyeṇa vipaścitā
namaḥ kaivalya-nāthāya
Salutations to the one who is realized by the wise through pure consciousness, not by mere actions. Salutations to the sole refuge, the knower of the bliss of liberation
नमः शान्ताय घोराय
मूढाय गुण धर्मिणे।
निर्विशेषाय साम्याय
नमो ज्ञानघनाय च॥
namaḥ śāntāya ghorāya
mūḍhāya guṇa-dharmiṇe
nirviśeṣāya sāmyāya
namo jñāna-ghanāya cha
Salutations to the one who is peaceful and fierce, who transcends the qualities (gunas) and their manifestations. Salutations to the embodiment of absolute knowledge and equality.
क्षेत्रज्ञाय नमस्तुभ्यं
सर्वाध्यक्षाय साक्षिणे।
मूलप्रकृतये नमः॥
kṣetra-jñāya namas tubhyaṁ
sarvādhyakṣāya sākṣiṇe
mūla-prakṛtaye namaḥ
I bow to the knower of the field (the individual soul), the overseer of all, the witness. Salutations to the supreme purusha (the ultimate reality) and the source of the primary nature (prakriti).
सदाभासय ते नमः॥
asatā cchāyayoktāya
sad-ābhāsāya te namaḥ
Salutations to the seer of all senses and their qualities, the cause of all experiences. Salutations to the one who, though beyond the unreal (asat), appears as if associated with it.
नमो नमस्ते खिल कारणाय
निष्कारणायद्भुत कारणाय।
नमोपवर्गाय परायणाय॥
namo namas te ’khila-kāraṇāya
namo ’pavargāya parāyaṇāya
Salutations to you, the cause of all causes, beyond causality, the wondrous cause. Salutations to the ocean of divine illusion, the ultimate destination of liberation.
गुणारणिच्छन्न चिदूष्मपा
यतत्क्षोभविस्फूर्जित मान्साय।
नैष्कर्म्यभावेन विवर्जितागम-
स्वयंप्रकाशाय नमस्करोमि॥
naiṣkarmya-bhāvena vivarjitāgama
svayaṁ-prakāśāya namas karomi
I bow to the self-effulgent one, whose form is concealed by the veil of the three gunas (qualities). He vibrates and shines forth with effortlessness. Salutations to the one who is beyond karma and the duality of coming and going.
मुक्ताय भूरिकरुणाय नमोऽलयाय।
स्वांशेन सर्वतनुभृन्मनसि प्रतीत
प्रत्यग्दृशे भगवते बृहते नमस्ते॥
mādṛk prapanna-paśu-pāśa-vimokṣaṇāya
muktāya bhūri-karuṇāya namo ’layāya
svāṁśena sarva-tanu-bhṛn-manasi
pratītapratyag-dṛśe bhagavate bṛhate namas te
Salutations to the great abode, the liberator of beings caught in the bonds of animal-like existence, the one who bestows liberation. Salutations to the one who manifests in the minds of all beings as their own self, the self-revealing supreme being.
आत्मात्मजाप्तगृहवित्तजनेषु सक्तै
र्दुष्प्रापणाय गुणसंगविवर्जिताय।
मुक्तात्मभिः स्वहृदये परिभाविताय
ज्ञानात्मने भगवते नम ईश्वराय॥
ātmātma-jāpta-gṛha-vitta-janeṣu saktair
duṣprāpaṇāya guṇa-saṅga-vivarjitāya
muktātmabhiḥ sva-hṛdaye paribhāvitāya
jñānātmane bhagavate nama īśvarāya
Salutations to the divine lord, who is desired by the self and others, who is free from attachment to house, wealth, and relationships. Salutations to the embodiment of knowledge, who dwells in the hearts of liberated souls, the supreme being.
यं धर्मकामार्थविमुक्तिकामा
भजन्त इष्टां गतिमाप्नुवन्ति।
किं त्वाशिषो रात्यपि देहमव्ययं
करोतु मेदभ्रदयो विमोक्षणम॥
yaṁ dharma-kāmārtha-vimukti-kāmā
bhajanta iṣṭāṁ gatim āpnuvanti
kiṁ cāśiṣo rāty api deham avyayaṁ
karotu me ’dabhra-dayo vimokṣaṇam
Those who worship him, desiring righteousness, desires, wealth, or liberation, attain their desired goal. What more need be said? May he bestow liberation even in the darkest hours of life.
एकान्तिनो यस्य न कंचनार्थ
वांछन्ति ये वै भगवत्प्रपन्नाः।
अत्यद्भुतं तच्चरितं सुमंगलं
गायन्त आनन्न्द समुद्रमग्नाः॥
ekāntino yasya na kañcanārthaṁ
vāñchanti ye vai bhagavat-prapannāḥ
aty-adbhutaṁ tac-caritaṁ sumaṅgalaṁ
gāyanta ānanda-samudra-magnāḥ
For those who have surrendered to the divine, who seek nothing else, the magnificence of the Lord’s divine play is extraordinary and auspicious. Immersed in the ocean of joy, they sing joyfully.
तमक्षरं ब्रह्म परं परेशम
अतीन्द्रियं सूक्षममिवातिदूरम
नन्तमाद्यं परिपूर्णमीडे॥
tam akṣaraṁ brahma paraṁ pareśam
avyaktam ādhyātmika-yoga-gamyam
atīndriyaṁ sūkṣmam ivātidūram
anantam ādyaṁ paripūrṇam īḍe
I adore that imperishable, supreme, and divine Brahman. It is beyond the manifested world and attainable through spiritual knowledge and yoga. It is subtler than the subtlest and beyond the reach of the senses, like an infinite and all-encompassing reality.
यस्य ब्रह्मादयो देवा
वेदा लोकाश्चराचराः।
फल्ग्व्या च कलया कृताः॥
yasya brahmādayo devā
vedā lokāś carācarāḥ
phalgvyā ca kalayā kṛtāḥ
By whom the gods, the Vedas, and all beings in the world, movable and immovable, are supported. They exist in various forms and names, as a result of the play of illusion and the diversity of creation.
यथार्चिषोग्नेः सवितुर्गभस्तयो
निर्यान्ति संयान्त्यसकृत स्वरोचिषः।
तथा यतोयं गुणसंप्रवाहो
बुद्धिर्मनः खानि शरीरसर्गाः॥
yathārciṣo ’gneḥ savitur gabhastayo
niryānti saṁyānty asakṛt sva-rociṣaḥ
tathā yato ’yaṁ guṇa-sampravāho
buddhir manaḥ khāni śarīra-sargāḥ
Just as all forms of fire emanate from the sun, merge into it repeatedly, and shine with their own radiance, similarly, the flow of the gunas (qualities) emerges from the supreme reality. The intellect, mind, and the creation of bodies arise from it.
स वै न देवासुरमर्त्यतिर्यंग
न स्त्री न षण्डो न पुमान न जन्तुः।
नायं गुणः कर्म न सन्न चासन
निषेधशेषो जयतादशेषः॥
sa vai na devāsura-martya-tiryaṅ
na strī na ṣaṇḍho na pumān na jantuḥ
nāyaṁ guṇaḥ karma na san na cāsan
niṣedha-śeṣo jayatād aśeṣaḥ
That supreme being is neither a god, a demon, a mortal, a bird, a woman, a fool, a man, nor any living being. It is beyond the gunas (qualities), karma (action), and the negation of everything. It surpasses everything and is victorious over all.
जिजीविषे नाहमिहामुया कि
इच्छामि कालेन न यस्य विप्लव
स्तस्यात्मलोकावरणस्य मोक्षम॥
jijīviṣe nāham ihāmuyā kim
antar bahiś cāvṛtayebha-yonyā
icchāmi kālena na yasya viplavas
tasyātma-lokāvaraṇasya mokṣam
Amidst the fear of birth and death, I do not desire to live in this world, confined within the boundaries of time and subject to the cycle of transmigration. I long for the liberation of the self, free from the veiling of ignorance.
सोऽहं विश्वसृजं
विश्वमविश्वं विश्ववेदसम।
विश्वात्मानमजं ब्रह्म
प्रणतोस्मि परं पदम॥
so ’haṁ viśva-sṛjaṁ viśvam
aviśvaṁ viśva-vedasam
viśvātmānam ajaṁ brahma
praṇato ’smi paraṁ padam
I bow to that supreme state, the self-effulgent Brahman, who is the creator of the universe, who comprehends the entire universe, and who is the soul of the universe. I offer my salutations to that supreme reality, the highest abode.
योगरन्धित कर्माणो
हृदि योगविभाविते।
योगिनो यं प्रपश्यन्ति
योगेशं तं नतोऽस्म्यहम॥
hṛdi yoga-vibhāvite
yogino yaṁ prapaśyanti
yogeśaṁ taṁ nato ’smy aham
I am devoted to the Lord of Yoga, who dwells in the hearts of those who are absorbed in the practice of yoga, whose actions are imbued with yoga. I bow to that supreme Yogi, whom the yogis behold and perceive.
नमो नमस्तुभ्यमसह्यवेग-
प्रपन्नपालाय दुरन्तशक्तये
namo namas tubhyam asahya-vega
prapanna-pālāya duranta-śaktaye
kad-indriyāṇām anavāpya-vartmane
I offer repeated salutations to You, whose power is incomparable and unfathomable, who possesses three mighty energies, and who protects and sustains all beings. You are difficult to approach for the senses and yet accessible through inner realization.
नायं वेद स्वमात्मानं
यच्छ्क्त्याहंधिया हतम।
तं दुरत्ययमाहात्म्यं
nāyaṁ veda svam ātmānaṁ
yac-chaktyāhaṁ-dhiyā hatam
taṁ duratyaya-māhātmyaṁ
bhagavantam ito ’smy aham
I cannot perceive my own self, which is beyond the reach of the limited intellect. That profound reality is difficult to attain. I acknowledge that supreme divine being as beyond comprehension.

Benefits of Gajendra Moksha Stotram:

It is said that reciting the Gajendra Moksha Stotram can enable you to go through whatever challenges you may face.Gajendra Moksha Stotra can help you quickly escape uncomfortable circumstances.

Sage Sukhadeva Goswami claims in the Srimad Bhagavatam that anyone who meditates on the form of Lord Vishnu and reads or hears the prayer uttered by Gajendra Elephant will benefit. will have the chance to be freed from material suffering.

Therefore, reciting the Gajendra Moksha Stotra would enable you to escape material suffering.

For instance, reciting the Gajendra Moksha Stotra will assist you in resolving your debt problems. You’ll gain the spiritual fortitude you need to endure your sorrows.

Gajendra Moksha Stotra chanting makes your life happier. Your attachment to the Supreme Being will grow. The bhakti song Gajendra Moksha is quite potent. It gives you the capability of completely submitting to Lord Vishnu.

Therefore, reciting the Gajendra Moksha Stotra would help you escape whatever challenging circumstances you may be facing.

Neel Saraswati Stotram: Benefits, Mantra, and Goddess Saraswati’s Blessings
Sri Venkateswara Stotram: Benefits, Blessings, and Powerful Prayers for Relief, Prosperity, and Spiritual Growth

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