

Markandeya Maha Mrityunjaya Stotram: Hymn for Immortality and Protection

Sanskrit / Hindi  Translation  Meaning 
रत्नसानुशरासनं रजताद्रिश्रृंगनिकेतनं शिण्जिनीकृतपन्नगेश्वरमच्युतानलसायकम्।
क्षिप्रदग्धपुरत्रयं त्रिदशालयैरभिवन्दितं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यम: ।।1।।
Ratnasanusharasanam Rajatadrisringniketanam Shinjinikritpanangeshwaramchutanalsayakam.
Ksipradagdhapuratrayam tridashalayairbhivanditam chandrashekharmashraye mam ki karishyati vaiyam:
 I take refuge in Lord Chandrashekara, who is adorned with radiant gems and who resides on the snowy peaks of the Himalayas. He wears serpents as ornaments and holds a bow made of sugarcane. Even the three realms of gods worship him. What can Yama do to me when I am under the protection of such a deity?
पंचपादपपुष्पगन्धिपदाम्बुजव्दयशोभितं भाललोचनजातपावकदग्धमन्मथविग्रहम्।
भस्मदिग्धकलेवरं भवनाशिनं भवमव्ययं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यम: ।।2।।
 I take refuge in Lord Chandrashekara, whose feet are adorned with fragrant flowers, whose forehead is adorned with the moon, whose third eye burned Manmatha (the god of love), and whose body is covered with ashes. He destroys the cycle of birth and death and is the imperishable essence of existence. What can Yama do to me when I am under the protection of such a deity?
मत्तवारणमुख्यचर्मकृतोत्तरीयमनोहरं  पंकजनासनपद्मलोचनपूजिताड़् घ्रिसरोरुहम्।
देवसिद्धतरंगिणीकरसिक्तशीतजटाधरं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यम: ।।3।।
MantvaranaMainCharmKritottriyaManoharam Pankajasanpadmalochanpujitad Ghrisaroruham.
Devsiddhataranginikarsiktsitjatadharam chandrashekharmashraye mam ki karishyati vaiyama:
I take refuge in Lord Chandrashekara, whose matted hair is adorned with the moon, who sits on a lotus throne, and whose eyes are worshipped by the lotus-born Brahma. He is absorbed in the blissful waves of divine and celestial melodies. What can Yama do to me when I am under the protection of such a deity?
कुण्डलीकृतकुण्डलीश्वरककुण्डलं वृषवाहनं नारदादिमुनीश्वरस्तुतवैभवं भुवनेश्वरम्।
अन्धकान्तकमाश्रितामरपादपं शमनान्तकं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यम:।।4।।
Kundalikritkundalisvara Kundalam Vrishvahanam Naradadimunishvarastutvaibhavam Bhuvaneshwaram.
Andhakanthakamashritamarpadam Shamanantakam Chandrashekharmashraye Mam ki Karishyati Vaiyama:
I take refuge in Lord Chandrashekara, who wears earrings that shine like the sun, who rides on Nandi the bull, and whose glory is extolled by sages like Narada. He is the Lord of the universe and the destroyer of the god of love’s pride. What can Yama do to me when I am under the protection of such a deity?
यक्षराजसखं भगक्षिहरं भुजंगविभूषणं शैलराजसुतापरिष्कृतचारुवामकलेवरम्।
क्ष्वेडनीलगलं परश्वधधारिणं मृगधारिणं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यम:।।5।।
Yaksharajasakham bhagakshiharam bhujangavibhushanam
I take refuge in Lord Chandrashekara, who is a friend of Kubera (the lord of wealth), who destroyed the sacrificial horse, and who adorns himself with the serpent as an ornament. His form is as charming as a dark rain cloud. He holds a deer and an axe, and he wears a beautiful half-moon as his crown. What can Yama do to me when I am under the protection of such a deity?
भेषजं भवरोगिणामखिलापदामपहारिणं दक्षयज्ञविनाशिनं त्रिगुणात्मकं त्रिविलोचनम्।
भुक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदं निखिलाघसंघनिबर्हणं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यम:।।6।।
Bheshajam bhavaroginamkhilapadampaharinam dakshayajnavinashinam trigunatakam trivilochanam.
Bhaktavatsalammrthaman nidhimakshayam haridambaram sarvabhootpatim paratparampramayanoopam.
I take refuge in Lord Chandrashekara, who is the remedy for the ailments of worldly existence, who removes all types of suffering, and who destroyed the Yagna of Daksha. He is the three-eyed one, the essence of the three qualities, and the bestower of both worldly enjoyment and liberation. What can Yama do to me when I am under the protection of such a deity?
भक्तवत्सलमर्चतां निधिमक्षयं हरिदम्बरं सर्वभूतपतिं परात्परमप्रमेयमनूपमम्।
भूमिवारिनभोहुताशनसोमपालितस्वाकृतिं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यम:।।7।।
chandrashekharmashraye mam ki karishyati vaiyama:
I take refuge in Lord Chandrashekara, who is affectionate towards devotees, who is an eternal treasure, who has a golden complexion like the evening sun, who is the Lord of all beings, the supreme reality, immeasurable and unparalleled. He is the protector of the earth and is adorned with the moon and the serpent. What can Yama do to me when I am under the protection of such a deity?
विश्वसृष्टिविधायिनं पुनरेव पालनतत्परं संहरन्तमथ प्रपंचमशेषलोकनिवासिनम्।
क्रीडयन्तमहर्निशं गणनाथयूथसमावृतं चन्द्रशेखरमाश्रये मम किं करिष्यति वै यम:।।8।।
Vishwasrishti Vidhaynam Punarev Palanatparam Samharantamath Prapanchamseshloknivasinam.
Kridyantmaharnisam ganathayuthasamavritam chandrashekharmashraye mam ki karishyati vaiyam:.
I take refuge in Lord Chandrashekara, who creates and sustains the universe, who is constantly engaged in the play of creation, who takes care of all beings, and who ultimately withdraws the entire cosmos. He resides in all the worlds and is surrounded by a multitude of attendants, led by Lord Ganesha. What can Yama do to me when I am under the protection of such a deity?
रुद्रं पशुपतिं स्थाणुं नीलकण्ठमुमापतिम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्यु: करिष्यति ।।9।।
Rudram Pashupati Sthanum Neelkanthamumapatim.
Namami shirsa devam ki no death: karishyati.
I bow to Lord Rudra, the Lord of all beings, the steadfast one, the blue-throated one (Neelakantha), the husband of Uma. What can death do to us when we bow down to such a divine being?
कालकण्ठं कलामूर्तिं कालाग्निं कालनाशनम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्यु: करिष्यति ।।10।।
Kalakantha Kalamurtim Kalaagnim Kalanashanam.
Namami shirsa devam ki no death: karishyati.
I bow to Lord Kalakantha, the embodiment of time, the one who consumes time itself, and the destroyer of time (end of time). What can death do to us when we bow down to such a divine being?
नीलकण्ठं विरुपाक्षं निर्मलं निरुपद्रवम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्यु: करिष्यति ।।11।।
Nilakantham Virupaksham Nirmalam Nirupadravam.
Namami shirsa devam ki no death: karishyati.
I bow to Lord Neelakantha, with blue throat, who has unique and divine eyes, pure and free from defects. What can death do to us when we bow down to such a divine being?
वामदेवं महादेवं लोकनाथं जगद्गुरुम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्यु: करिष्यति ।।12।।
Vamdevam Mahadevam Lokanatham Jagadgurum.
Namami shirsa devam ki no death: karishyati.
I bow to Lord Vamadeva, the great deity, the Lord of the universe, and the teacher of the world. What can death do to us when we bow down to such a divine being?
देवदेवं जगन्नाथं देवेशमृषभध्वजम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्यु: करिष्यति ।।13।।
Devdevam Jagannatham Deveshvrishbhadhwajam.
Namami shirsa devam ki no death: karishyati.
I bow to the God of gods, the Lord of the universe, the one with the flag of Nandi, the divine bull. What can death do to us when we bow down to such a divine being?
अनन्तमव्ययं शान्तमक्षमालाधारं हरम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्यु: करिष्यति ।।14।।
Anantamvyyam Shantamakshamaladharam Haram.
Namami shirsa devam ki no death: karishyati.
I bow to the endless and imperishable one, the peaceful one, the one who wears a garland of Rudraksha beads, the remover of sins. What can death do to us when we bow down to such a divine being?
आनन्दं परमं नित्यं कैवल्यपदकारणम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्यु: करिष्यति ।।15।।
Anandam paramam nityam kaivalyapadakaranam.
Namami shirsa devam ki no death: karishyati.
I bow to the source of supreme, eternal bliss, the one who grants liberation, the ultimate cause of solitude. What can death do to us when we bow down to such a divine being?
स्वर्गापवर्गदातारं सृष्टिस्थित्यन्तकारिणम्।
नमामि शिरसा देवं किं नो मृत्यु: करिष्यति ।।16।।
Swargapvargadataram srishtistityantkarinam.
Namami shirsa devam ki no death: karishyati.
I bow to the bestower of heaven and liberation, the creator, sustainer, and destroyer of the universe. What can death do to us when we bow down to such a divine being?

Benefits Of Markandeya Maha Mrityunjaya Stotram:

  1. Protection from Death: The primary theme of the stotram revolves around seeking protection from death (Mrityu), which is embodied by Lord Shiva. Chanting the stotram is believed to invoke Lord Shiva’s blessings to shield the devotee from the fear and effects of death.
  2. Health and Healing: The stotram emphasizes Lord Shiva’s role as the healer and remover of diseases (Bheshaja). Reciting it is thought to promote physical and mental well-being, and to help alleviate health-related issues.
  3. Removal of Obstacles: Lord Shiva is considered the destroyer of obstacles (Gana Natha). Chanting the stotram with devotion is believed to help in overcoming various challenges and hurdles in life.
  4. Spiritual Growth: By chanting the stotram, devotees can connect with Lord Shiva’s spiritual essence and attain spiritual growth. It is said to help in attaining self-realization and an understanding of the deeper aspects of life.
  5. Eradication of Sins: The stotram praises Lord Shiva as the one who destroys sins (Nikila Gha Sangha Nivarhana). Reciting it with sincerity is believed to cleanse the devotee’s mind, heart, and soul from past wrongdoings.
Shri Ganesh Mantra Stotram: Discovering Inner Wisdom and Divine Connection
Sarpa Suktam Stotram: Salutations to Serpents

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