

Indra Lakshmi Stotram: Invoking Prosperity, Triumph, and Spiritual Connection

Sanskrit / Hindi  Translation  Meaning 
ऊँ नम: कमलवासिन्यै नारायण्यै नमो नम: ।
कृष्णप्रियायै सारायै पद्मायै च नमो नम: ।।1।।
Om Namah: Kamalavasinyai Narayanyai Namo Namah |
Krishnapriyayai Sarayai Padmayai Cha Namo Namah ||1||
Om, I bow to the one adorned with a lotus, to Narayani, I bow again and again.
पद्मपत्रेक्षणायै च पद्मास्यायै नमो नम: ।
पद्मासनायै पद्मिन्यै वैष्णव्यै च नमो नम: ।।2।।
Padmapatrekshanayai Cha Padmasyayai Namo Namah |
Padmasanayai Padminyai Vaishnavyai Cha Namo Namah ||2||
Salutations to the beloved of Krishna, the essence of all beings, to Padmayai and Vaisnavyai, I bow.
सर्वसम्पत्स्वरूपायै सर्वदात्र्यै नमो नम: ।
सुखदायै मोक्षदायै सिद्धिदायै नमो नम: ।।3।।
Sarvasampatsvarupayai Sarvadatryai Namo Namah |
Sukhadayai Mokshadayai Siddhidayai Namo Namah ||3||
Salutations to the embodiment of all wealth, the giver of all gifts, the bestower of happiness, liberation, and success.
हरिभक्तिप्रदात्र्यै च हर्षदात्र्यै नमो नम: ।
कृष्णवक्ष:स्थितायै च कृष्णेशायै नमो नम: ।।4।।
Haribhaktipradatryai Cha Harshadatryai Namo Namah |
Krishnavakshasthitayai Cha Krishneshayai Namo Namah ||4||
Salutations to the giver of devotion to Hari, the bestower of joy, and to the one residing in the heart of Krishna.
कृष्णशोभास्वरूपायै रत्नपद्मे च शोभने ।
सम्पत्त्यधिष्ठातृदेव्यै महादेव्यै नमो नम: ।।5।।
Krishnashobhasvarupayai Ratnapadme Cha Shobhane |
Sampattyadhisthatrudevayai Mahadevyai Namo Namah ||5||
Salutations to the divine form shining like Krishna, residing on the jewel lotus, the goddess who grants wealth, and the great goddess.
शस्याधिष्ठातृदेव्यै च शस्यायै च नमो नम: ।
नमो बुद्धिस्वरूपायै बुद्धिदायै नमो नम: ।।6।।
Shasyadhisthatrudevayai Cha Shasyayai Cha Namo Namah |
Namo Buddhisvarupayai Buddhidayai Namo Namah ||6||
Salutations to the goddess of crops, the support of crops, and to the embodiment of intellect, the bestower of wisdom.
वैकुण्ठे या महालक्ष्मीर्लक्ष्मी: क्षीरोदसागरे ।
स्वर्गलक्ष्मीरिन्द्रगेहे राजलक्ष्मीर्नृपालये ।।7।।
Vaikunthe Ya Mahalakshmih Lakshmir Ksheerodasagare |
Swargalakshmih Indragehe Rajalakshmih Nripalaye ||7||
The one who resides in Vaikuntha, in the ocean of milk as Mahalakshmi, in the abode of Indra as Indralakshmi.
गृहलक्ष्मीश्च गृहिणां गेहे च गृहदेवता ।
सुरभी सा गवां माता दक्षिणा यज्ञकामिनी ।।8।।
Grihalakshmishcha Grihinaam Gehe Cha Grihadevata |

Surabhi Sa Gavaam Maata Dakshina Yajnakamini ||8||

The goddess of household, present in every home, the fragrant mother of cows, the one invoked in southern rituals.
अदितिर्देवमाता त्वं कमला कमलालये ।
स्वाहा त्वं च हविर्दाने कव्यदाने स्वधा स्मृता ।।9।।
Aditir Devamata Tvam Kamala Kamalalaye |
Swaha Tvam Cha Havirdaane Kavyadaane Swadha Smrita ||9||
Aditi, the mother of gods, you are Kamala, residing in the lotus, and in offerings, you are Swaha, in poetry, Swadha.
त्वं हि विष्णुस्वरूपा च सर्वाधारा वसुन्धरा ।
शुद्धसत्त्वस्वरूपा त्वं नारायणपरायणा ।।10।।
Tvam Hi Vishnusvarupacha Sarvadhara Vasundhara |
Shuddhasattvasvarupacha Tvam Narayanaparayana ||10||
You are the form of Vishnu, the support of all, the Earth. You are pure and virtuous, the devotee of Narayana.
क्रोधहिंसावर्जिता च वरदा च शुभानना ।
परमार्थप्रदा त्वं च हरिदास्यप्रदा परा ।।11।।
Krodhahimsa Varjitacha Vardha Cha Shubhanana |

Paramarthaprada Tvam Cha Haridasyapradapara ||11||

Free from anger and violence, the giver of boons, with a beautiful face, and the bestower of ultimate truth.
यया विना जगत् सर्वं भस्मीभूतमसारकम् ।
जीवन्मृतं च विश्वं च शवतुल्यं यया विना ।।12।।
Yaya Vina Jagat Sarvam Bhasmibhootamasaarakam |
Jeevanmrutam Cha Vishwam Cha Shavatulyam Yaya Vina ||12||
Without you, the world turns into ashes. You are the life and death, equal to Shiva, without you.
यया विना न सम्भाष्यो बान्धवैर्बान्धव: सदा ।।13।। Yaya Vina Na Sambhashyo Baandhavair Baandhavah Sada ||13|| Without you, friends become enemies forever.
त्वया हीनो बन्धुहीनस्त्वया युक्त: सबान्धव: ।
धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां त्वं च कारणरूपिणी ।।14।।
Tvayaa Heeno Bandhuhino Tvayaa Yukto Sabandhavah |
Dharmaartha Kaama Mokshaanaam Tvam Cha Kaaranarupini ||14||
Deprived of you, one becomes without relatives, without you, one has no allies. You are the cause of righteousness, wealth, desire, and liberation.
यथा माता स्तनन्धानां शिशूनां शैशवे सदा ।
तथा त्वं सर्वदा माता सर्वेषां सर्वरूपत: ।।15।।
Yathaa Maataa Stanandhaanaam Shishunaam Shaishave Sada |
Tathaa Tvam Sarvadaa Maata Sarveshaam Sarvarupatah ||15||
Just as a mother is essential for an infant, you are always a mother to all, with various forms.
मातृहीन: स्तनत्यक्त: स चेज्जीवति दैवत: ।
त्वया हीनो जन: कोपि न जीवत्येव निश्चितम् ।।16।।
Maatrheenah Stanatyaktah Sa Chejjeevati Daivatah |
Tvayaa Heeno Janah Kopi Na Jeevatyeva Nishchitam ||16||
One without a mother’s care, without breast milk, perishes. One deprived of you, surely does not survive.
सुप्रसन्नस्वरूपा त्वं मां प्रसन्ना भवाम्बिके ।
वैरिग्रस्तं च विषयं देहि मह्यं सनातनि ।।17।।
Suprasannasvarupaa Tvam Maam Prasannaa Bhavaambike |

Vairigrastam Cha Vishayam Dehi Mahyam Sanaatani ||17||

In your pleased form, make me content, O Ambika. In my state of adversity, grant me sustenance, O eternal one.
वयं यावत् त्वया हीना बन्धुहीनाश्च भिक्षुका: ।
सर्वसम्पद्विहीनाश्च तावदेव हरिप्रिये ।।18।।
Vyam Yaavat Tvayaa Heenaa Bandhuhinashcha Bhikshukaah |
Sarvasampadviheenaashcha Taavadeva Haripriye ||18||
As long as we are without you, we are without relatives, destitute, yet you remain dear to Hari.
राज्यं देहि श्रियं देहि बलं देहि सुरेश्वरि ।
कीर्तिं देहि धनं देहि यशो मह्यं च देहि वै ।।19।।
Raajyam Dehi Shriyam Dehi Balam Dehi Sureśvari |
Keertim Dehi Dhanam Dehi Yasho Mahyam Cha Dehi Vai ||19||
Grant me kingdom, prosperity, strength, O queen of gods. Grant me fame, wealth, and glory.
कामं देहि मतिं देहि भोगान् देहि हरिप्रिये ।
ज्ञानं देहि च धर्मं च सर्वसौभाग्यमीप्सितम् ।।20।।
Kaamam Dehi Matim Dehi Bhogaan Dehi Haripriye |
Jnaanam Dehi Cha Dharmam Cha Sarvasaubhaagyameepsitam ||20||
Give me desires, give me intellect, give me pleasures, O beloved of Hari. Give me knowledge and righteousness, and all desired fortunes.
प्रभावं च प्रतापं च सर्वाधिकारमेव च ।
जयं पराक्रमं युद्धे परमैश्वर्यमेव च ।।21।।
Prabhaavam Cha Prataapam Cha Sarvaadhikaaram Eva Cha |
Jayam Paraakramam Yuddhe Paramaishvaryameva Cha ||21||
Give me power, give me prestige, give me authority. Give me victory and courage in battle, and the ultimate sovereignty.

Benefits of Indra Lakshmi Stotram :

  1. Unveiling Opulence: This mesmerizing stotram paints the goddess as a living treasure chest of wealth, opulence, and boundless riches. Whispering its verses could summon the lavish blessings of Lakshmi herself, pulling in the currency of material and financial delight.
  2. Triumph Unleashed: With Lakshmi crowned as the almighty giver of victories and triumphant feats, this stotram becomes the warrior’s anthem to demolish hurdles and grasp dreams by the horns. Every recitation is a battle cry against adversity.
  3. Soul’s Odyssey: Like an otherworldly beacon, this stotram’s verses trace the goddess’s ethereal dance, entwining her essence with Vishnu’s mystique. Chanting it becomes a sacred voyage, a cosmic flirtation that deepens devotion and forges ties with the divine beyond.
  4. Ecstasy Amplified: The goddess reigns as the bestower of rapture and unbridled glee. Echoing these verses transports one to an elated realm, where spirits soar high on the euphoria of life itself.
  5. Illuminating Insights: With a nod to Lakshmi’s role as the dispenser of insights and sagacity, the stotram becomes a fount of cerebral treasures. Through its cadence, one can unearth knowledge’s hidden gems and carve the path of sagacious choices.
Shri Ganesh Mantra Stotram: Discovering Inner Wisdom and Divine Connection
Sarpa Suktam Stotram: Salutations to Serpents

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