

Naag Stotram: Powers of Dosha Elimination, Protection, and Prosperity

Sanskrit / Hindi  Translation Meaning
अगस्त्यश्च पुलस्त्यश्च वैशम्पायन एव च ।
सुमन्तुजैमिनिश्चैव पञ्चैते वज्रवारका:॥१॥
Agastyaśca pulastyaśca vaiśampāyana eva ca.
sumantu jaiminiścaiva pañcaite vajravārakāḥ.
Agastya, Pulastya, Vaisampayana, and also Sumanthu and Jaimini – these five are the bestowers of powerful speech (like the vajra, a thunderbolt).
मुने: कल्याणमित्रस्य जैमिनेश्चापि कीर्तनात् ।
विद्युदग्निभयं नास्ति लिखितं गृहमण्डल ॥२॥
Muneḥ kalyāṇamitrasya jaimineścāpi kīrtanāt.
vidyudagnibhayaṁ nāsti likhitaṁ gṛhamandalam.
By praising the virtuous sages and especially Jaimini, fear of lightning and fire doesn’t exist within one’s home (life), as their praises are like a protective inscription.
अनन्तो वासुकि: पद्मो महापद्ममश्च तक्षक: ।
कुलीर: कर्कट: शङ्खश्चाष्टौ नागा: प्रकीर्तिता: ॥३॥
Ananto vāsukiḥ padmo mahāpadmamaśca takṣakaḥ.
kulīraḥ karkaṭaḥ śaṅkhaścāṣṭau nāgāḥ prakīrtitāḥ.
Ananta, Vasuki, Padma, Mahapadma, Takshaka, Kulira, Karkata, and Shankha – these eight Nagas (serpent deities) are renowned.
यत्राहिशायी भगवान् यत्रास्ते हरिरीश्वर: ।
भङ्गो भवति वज्रस्य तत्र शूलस्य का कथा ॥४॥
Yatrāhiśāyī bhagavān yatrāste harirīśvaraḥ.
bhaṅgo bhavati vajrasya tatra śūlasya kā kathā.
Wherever the divine Bhagavan Vishnu (Hari) and Lord Shiva (Ishwara) reside, the potency of the thunderbolt (vajra) is shattered. What is the need for a weapon like the trident (shula)?

Benefits of Naag Stotram:

Removal of Doshas: This stotram is a potent mantra capable of alleviating various doshas, including Naga Dosha, Kalsarp Dosha, Sarpa Dosha, Rahu Dosha, and Ketu Dosha. People can balance and counter the adverse affects that these doshas have on their life by reciting this mantra.

Overcoming Enemies: The power of the Naag Stotram empowers practitioners to triumph over adversaries and rivals. It provides people with the confidence and inner strength to confront and conquer challenges posed by competitors.

Enhancement of Success and Prosperity: Devotionally reciting the Naag Stotram is believed to usher in success, victory, and good fortune into one’s life. It unlocks numerous opportunities and prosperity.

Wealth and Prosperity: Chanting the Naag Stotram with sincerity is said to attract wealth, ensuring financial stability and affluence. Its divine vibrations can helps in manifesting material abundance.

Maa Chinnamasta Stotram: Holistic Prosperity and Spiritual Well-being
Shri Ganesh Mantra Stotram: Discovering Inner Wisdom and Divine Connection

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