

Snaskrit / Hindi Translation Meaning मन्नञ्जनीसूनो  महाबलपराक्रम। लोलल्लांगूलपातेन ममाऽतरीन् निपातय ।।1।। anumannañjanīsūnō mahābalaparākrama | lōlallāṅgūlapātēna mamārātīnnipātaya || 1 || O Lord Hanuman, the mighty one with shining golden complexion and immense strength! With the swing of your long tail, please come to my aid and protect me. मर्कटाधिप  मार्तण्ड मण्डल-ग्रास-कारक। लोलल्लांगूलपातेन ममाऽतरीन् निपातय ।।2।। markaṭādhipa […]


Sanskrit/Hindi Translation Meaning स्फुरद्विद्‌युदुल्लासवालाग्रघण्टा – झणत्कारनादप्रवृद्धाट्टहासम् । भजे वायुसूनुं भजे रामदूतं भजे वज्रदेहं भजे भक्तबन्धुम् ॥ १ ॥ SpurdviddyudullaswalaGraghanta – Jhantkarnaadpraddhaattahasam. Bhaje Vayusunum Bhaje Ramdootam Bhaje Vajradeham Bhaje Bhaktabandhum. 1|| I worship the son of the wind, the emissary of Lord Rama, whose glistening thunderous laughter resonates. I worship the one with a thunderbolt-like body, […]


Sanskrit/hindi Translation  Meaning शङ्खचक्रधरं देवं घटिकाचलवासिनम् । योगारूढं ह्याञ्जनेयं वायुपुत्रं नमाम्यहम् ॥ १॥ hankhachakradharan devan ghatikaachalavaasinam . yogaaroodhan hyaanjaneyan vaayuputran namaamyaham . 1. I bow down to Lord Anjaneya, the one who holds the conch and the discus, who resides on the mountain, and who is seated in the yogic posture. भक्ताभीष्टप्रदातारं चतुर्बाहुविराजितम् । दिवाकरद्युतिनिभं […]


Sanskrit/Hindi Transaltion Meaning तिरश्चामपि चारातिसमवायं समेयुषाम् । यतः सुग्रीवमुख्यानां यस्तमुग्रं नमाम्यहम्॥ १ ॥ Tirshchāmapi chārātisamavāyaṁ sameyuṣhām. Yataḥ sugrīvamukhyānāṁ yastamugraṁ namāmyaham. || 1 || अपने मुख्य शत्रु रावणके विनाशके लिये जिन्होने कपिराज सुग्रीवादि तिर्यक योनिमे उत्पन्न वानर-भालुओंकी सेना संगठित की उन अति उग्र भगवान् रामको मै नमस्कार करता हूँ । सकुदेव प्रपन्नाय विशिष्टामैरयच्छ्रियम् । बिभीषणायाब्धितटे यस्तं […]


Sanskrit/Meaning Transaltion  Meaning वीताखिल-विषयेच्छं जातानन्दाश्र पुलकमत्यच्छम् । सीतापति दूताद्यं वातात्मजमद्य भावये हृद्यम् ॥ १॥ Veethakhila vishayecham, Jathanandaasru pulakamathyacham, Seethapathi dhoothakhyam,Vathathmajamadhya bhavaye hrudhyam. || 1 || I think about the son of Vayu in my mind, Who is devoid of all desires of enjoyment, Who sheds copious tears of joy, Whose hair stands erect at His […]


Sanskrti/Hindi Translation Meaning लांगूलमृष्टवियदम्बुधिमध्यमार्ग- मुत्प्लुत्य यान्तममरेन्द्रमुदो निदानम् । आस्फालितस्वकभुजस्फुटिताद्रिकाण्डं द्राङ्मैथिलीनयननन्दनमद्य वन्दे ॥ १ ॥ Langoolmrishtavyadambhudhimdhyamarga- mutplutya yantammarendramudo nidanam. AsphalitShubhjaskulikandanan Dhadmathanyanandanandanadanyadar Vande 1  worship today the beloved son of Janaka, Lord Rama, who gracefully leaps across the ocean, the vast expanse that resembles a deer’s eye, and who is the means to reach the middle path […]

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